Chapter 4 - (4) Raid

During the night, Kraton once again had a lucid dream. In it, he controlled vast labyrinths of dungeons, terrorised the local upper world and bested Lucifer in a death duel. Every male monster looked up to him in awe and fear of being castrated, whilst all female monsters attempted to court him and win his heart.

However, being the new emperor of the dungeons, he just casually pushed these courtesans away, and if they persisted, he just threw them out for lesser monsters to feast there eyes upon.

Kraton had long gotten used to a certain phenomenon in his dream, but for others, it would send a shiver down their spine. With every scene in his dream, Kraton would always notice a figure staring at him, but looking away when Kraton looked back.

The figure always masked themselves in a cloak of shadows, but this didn't stop the light in the eyes from being covered. The shrouded figure was first noticed because of his eyes.. they were quite an unusual colour.

At the peak of his dream, the moment in which Kraton lusted for the most;


The goblin guard could be heard squealing in pain and anguish as it was decapitated.

"FFS! SHE WAS JUST ABOUT THE BEG ME TO MARRY HER!" Shouted Kraton in his brain. An overwhelming sense of anger and killing intent swept the room as he glared towards the door, waiting for the perpetrators to appear. 'These insolent fools will pay for waking me up from that dream'.

As silently as he could, he 'tiptoed' towards the side of the door, not forgetting to pick up his mace along the way. he decided to smash whoever came through the door as an act of revenge.

The door opened by a margin. Kraton got ready the smash his mace down.

"Remember the plan folks! We're trying to get the record for the fastest time to complete this dungeon, all warriors and knights get ready to charge immediately! Clerics, start buffing if you haven't started already!"

A loud chorus of shouting followed, all that Kraton could hear was a very loud and monsterous echo, he found it similar to battle cries he had heard before... just, this was much louder!


"CHAAAARGE!", "WOOO!","yay?","BANAAAANA!". Each player screamed out their own battle cry as they entered through the large doorway, it was like a stampede had occured. What was shocking was the amount of players rushing in, it almost made the doorway look too small! There were around 40 players, 8 times more than a normal party!

"Huh? Where's the boss? Did he leave the dungeon?" A similar train of thoughts ran through most of the players mind, it wasn't unheard of that a dungeon boss leaves his dungeon, some bosses have been seen to disappear one day, but be found in another dungeon later on, if the previous boss was weaker, then they would take up the role as the door guard, or would leave and find another dungeon, sometimes being forced to occupy the now empty dungeon of the other boss.

But this was impossible for Kraton, he was far too weak to compare with other bosses, and once dying, he would return to his own dungeon as he had to claim authority of a dungeon to respawn in it. This left the players confused at where Kraton had vanished to.

"ARGHHHH! MY FACE!" Roared a voice from behind the door. As the rock door had been violently pushed open by the masses swarming in, Kraton, who had been hiding by the side of the door, was slammed right in the face.

Though Kraton's words were spoken extremely loudly, for the players, it was muffled by the giant slab of rock, and therefore came out as an ear-piercing roar. Such sound caused many players to jump up in fright as it came right next to them, and were caught unprepared.

Kraton smashed the door back, instantly shoving the 10 closest players to the door back, some even fell over and got trampled on as the rest of the massive party retreated in fright.

A moment of silence swept the entire room. Players were looking right into the blood-shot eyes of Kraton, whilst Kraton was staring back. In truth, he was petrified at the sight of 40 players staring right back out him, he couldn't wipe a party of 5, let alone 40!

*BOOOM* a spiked staff slammed down into the middle of the crowd, the players on the outside were lucky, anly getting affected by the other players flying at them. The players in the center weren't as lucky. Around five of them felt the direct impact, coupled with the thorns which sometimes left a bleeding status, and the beserk status of Kraton, the impact of the home-made mace felt like five african elephants coliding against them. Such brute power!

Two of the lower defence players reached a critical condition in an instant, whilst around fifteen others were injured. This was the disadvantage with such a big group, everyone was packed in a smaller area, allowing more people to be hit at once.

Too many people were injured, straining the health service provided by the healers of the party. The rest of the party woke up from the shock and instantly disperesed evenly in order to minimize any further AoE attacks. All at once, every attacking-class player charged toward Kraton, surrounding him from the front.

Kraton growled in unfettered fury and charged forward himself.


Kraton stubbed his toe on a random small boulder and fell over, instantly squashing eight people. The unlucky two players who were in critical condition from the first attack, but had now been healed to 50%, were victim to Kraton's body squash.

The five players who had not died by the squashing pushed themselves up, but instantly bent over and vomited out there breakfast, then entered a status. As Kraton pushed himself up, his hands accidently pushed against a fallen player.

With Kraton's first two moves, five players had already been killed without being injured directly. "Was this the power of knowledge?" Kraton pondered, seemingly forgetting that the trip was entirely unintentional and his toe was swelling up like a balloon.

The party of players looked shocked, but immediately went back to attacking, they couldn't allow any more accidental casulaties, so they took their chance to attack Kraton as much as they could before he recovered from their fall. They all knew that only around 10-15 attacks was needed to kill this low-level 3 boss, therefore this attack would be the only one they needed. With 35 players remaining, it should be extremely easy to get that 15 attacks out and claim the record for the fastest dungeon clear!