Chereads / Strongest Clan Creator / Chapter 7 - Lord’s guard dog

Chapter 7 - Lord’s guard dog

Zero groggily woke up . Remembering what he did yesterday he wanted to die at that moment, he acted like a child in front of this towns lord. But it did feel nice to stay and talk with someone more then a one time chat. Getting up slowly, he looked around the room the room was colored purple and the door was leading to probably a hall. Next to that door stood another door with the sign of a bucket painted on. That's the toilet and shower. Looking up he was met with a chandelier, a small one not that grand. To his left was a window , it was made of glass showing the money that the lord owned. Right under the window was a table , a barb and paper was also there blank, next to it was a bookshelf it was filled with toys and perfumes, he looked at the bed he laid in, it had white cloth covering soft wool underneath. The bed was a queen sized bed by future standards , the blanket with which he was coved by is also white, the pillows were purple with one of them decorated with a rose. A bed side table stood near the bed with his personal sack atop it, the only problem in the room is, he was naked. He looked around thinking that maybe the lord did something but instead in the edge of the bed we're his clothes they were dry but smelled clean from soap. He immediately grabbed them and checked them, the formula was gone. He gave a sigh and dot off from the bed first putting on his underwear and next he put on his shirt , the pants and slippers came last. The floor was carpeted with this purple fabric, contrasting with the white wood underneath.

He spread his mana all around himself as far as he could reach, which was able to go through the whole mansion, he felt the mana core of yesterday in his far right but not in the room, it was quite far from him. Deciding he'd go to the lord to greet him, he opened the door and stared quietly running towards the room the lord was in.

Stoping right I front of the room in the quiet white halls, he pushed the door inwards. If not for the door creaking the lord wouldn't find out he got a visitor, the lord sat at a table right under the window his chair closest to the wall, before his desk was a black table with black wide chairs surrounding it. To the sides of the room were many bookshelves with a lot of books.

"Oh little one you woke up how are you?" Said the lord. Greetings my lord i am fine and well rested." Said The brunette shocking the blonde from how well mannered this kid is. "What may your name be good boy?" Asked the blonde, "My given name was Zero, sir." The brunette squinted his purple eyes into a happy look while bowing just a little towards the lord. Serben nodded his head at the polite noble speech. "Were you a noble before starting to live on the streets?" Asked Serben, he thought that Zero was too polite for a commoner, he didn't tremble in fear of offending him. "No sir I am not tied to any noble, that is, that I know of." "Your speech is sophisticated , not even the older commoners can speak like you can." Said the man raising a eyebrow in question. "Indeed I do speak more sophisticated then many of my kind but I can assure you, I'm not tied to any noble as I was raised on the streets, I have learned my way of speech from books that merchants sell."

"I see, you know how to read, that's a good skill to have. Might I know would you like to be adopted by me?" Asked the lord hopefully. He loved children and couldn't see them without a home. "Hmm, you'll have to wait my lord as I do not know if I am willing." Thinking about it in the end he chose no, but he had a proposal in mind. There is still about 10 years before the magic crisis. Shaking his head he began to speak. " my lord, I cannot accept your offer. Instead of that I'd like for you to give me a new noble surname and a piece of land , most preferably outside of the city atop a hill." This choice shocked the lord, this brat in front of him was so smart. Giving a hearty laugh he looked at the child with great surprise. "May I know why you'd like such an arrangement?" "Lord I can not take the place in your family, I'd feel like you pity me too much. So instead I'd like a family name and a hill for I hate human contact, as a beggar and homeless child I've sent the worst of man kind. I also don't want to be confined within walls and barriers as such that piece of land where you choose to give me will have a house built for me to stay in while I'm back from my journeys and maybe I'd like to live a life of a farmer." Said the child elegantly. "Hahahahaha! What an interesting proposal, I accept such a choice! Do tell me what name do you want to bare in your registry, and in a more pressing matter how will you earn money you never asked for such condition?" Asked the lord making Zero nods his head in approval this lord is sharp. "I would love to bear the name Surph. Zero Surph. My lord. As for money I'll be able to make it myself if you give me a little help of 30 copper" the lord bellowed another laugh of amusement nodding his head. "I accept your little proposal."

The lord then took a bell out and rung it thrice, about a minute later three people came in.

"What can we do for you my lord?" Asked the three. "Treasurer please give this boy 120 copper coins. Maid go call the main architect here. And butler, register this boy into our noble ranks." The three figures were a bit perplexed on what's going on but soon followed their lords orders , running out of the room except for the butler. Some seconds later a gruff looking man with dirty clothes walked inside the room. "Serb why did you call me?" Asked the man, the butler seemed peeved by the familiar tone this man took towards the lord. " Sen you are only an architect do not overstep the line and call our lord without respect." "Yeesh he's my brother old man Wurt." Said the man now known as Sen, waving off the reprimands of the old butler. "Stop you two, Sen I want you to find a two acre of land for this boy right here. He's the newest addition to the ranks of nobles." Said Serben raiding his killing intent toward the two men. "What this kids gonna be a noble now? How did this happen, did you adopt him?" Asked Sen with no regard of etiquette making the old butler angrier even more than before. "Yes I wanted to adopt him but he instead asked to be left alone outside of the town. Even though he only asked for a single hill, he is quite interested in farming so I'll let him have at least two acres." Grinning a little as he said this, he sniggered with amusement. "Yes, yes whatever. You're to weak to children. I'm gonna go and look at the map." Said Sen as he went outside. "Sir I'd like you to follow me, so we may begin the procedures." Said the butler kind of mad at having to bow at a child. "Yes we shall shan't we?" Asked Zero with barely any emotion in his words. The butler was startled by the way of speech but didn't comment.

Leading the child towards the offices where the secretary was waiting for them both. In one of secretaries hands was a pouch filled with copper, Zero took it without delay.

"Sit here sir , I'll get the papers ready only tell me your name and the surname of the household. And a design of the insignia for your banner." Said the butler. "The name is Zero whilst the homily name will be Surph as for the crest, it'll be a panda eating a bamboo." Nodding his head in affirmation, the butler took that as a sign to start the registration process. Nodding his head he looked up at the brunette child. "You may go now I already have your information, so it'll take a while tomorrow morning should be complete with the land you want as your property. And you'll be led to the owned lands. Nodding his head Zero walked outside leaving the butler and secretary behind.

Once reaching his room Zero went to the desk and got the quil filled with ink imbuing magic into it making it float. The floating quil moved around a blank sheet of paper raising his control over magic was good as he needed the exercise. Sighing once more he muttered "Its good that I chose to stay this way I'll claim the life of the first vampire stoping humanity from a lot of casualties" shaking his head he looked at the paper he had drawn with ink a portrait of the lord. Getting up from the seat he took jus a few minutes back he moved towards the bathroom. After going to the bathroom and dealing with his business. He took off his clothes and sat down on the wood floor crossing his legs once again. It was time for him to break his cores once more, there won't be anymore blood thankfully as he already did the opening of magic holes. Gathering his magic and going through the motions of the normal core break, he broke all except one. The broken cores had split into 103 pieces making him have 104 cores. While that happened he started to walk to the bed. This time remembering to keep at least his boxers on. He opened the blanket and went under it. Closing his eyes he concentrated in his magic feeding the unbroken core's magic to the others fastening the healing process. I'm doing so he also spread his magic around the whole body. Feeling another wave of warmth envelop him, he gave in to sleep.