Chereads / Legacy of Judah Gremory / Timeline in Judah Gremory

Legacy of Judah Gremory

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Timeline in Judah Gremory

Year -1000 to -100: The birth of animal, plants, and water;

Year -99: Born of first humans, which are considered Gods;

Year -1: First Kingdom established: Kingdom of Bulgaria;

Year 0: Second Kingdom established: Kingdom of Hungarians;

Year 3: Turkish Lands establishments;

Year 20: First wars, between Bulgarian Kingdom and Turkish Lands, where Turkish won, but they also lose when a few citizens start revolting in, and a few groups left the Turkish to create their own lands, like Kingdom of Romania did;

Year 47: Kingdom of Romania, Kingdom of Moldova, States of Serb, Grekia and other small kingdoms gets established;

Year 250: Present day (where the action of this novel it is happening );