The clock has turned to one in the morning and the main facility of the Johto Branch of the Pokemon International Police is in havoc. Each throwing opinions, others challenging suggestions, and discussions about the arising conflict of the two newly discovered so-called criminal organizations.
Amidst all of these arguments, the detective stands from his sit to quell the fighting. All the officers look to him with eyes wide open, waiting and wondering what the detective has to say.
"Let us start this from the beginning, shall we? A more, professional way without the use of arguments." Looker then takes a seat and continues his words, "Go on."
"Um... ok then." The spy utters with timidity. He reports, "Based on my observation, I have noticed two unusual grunts both wearing uniforms parallel to each other. One had the looks of a man wearing a red sweater while the other had the looks of a man wearing the blue outfit of a pirate.
They have been classified as number one, Team Aqua. After enough research, I had noticed that their goal is somehow to expand the seas, literally. Number two, Team Magma. According to my gathered details, their goal is somehow to expand the land, literally.
They have shown no signs of vulnerable threat to the Hoenn Region as of now."
"Team Aqua and Team Magma? There are also reports of a dwelling Team Rocket branch within the region." uttered with stress by the professor seating parallel to the direction of Detective Looker.
"Team Rocket, Team Aqua, and Team Magma. These are our main targets for now. I have sent one of my trustworthy officers to investigate this issue further. As long as the other two do not cause any threat, not even the slightest, we must first focus on Team Rocket before they spread to other regions." commands, Looker.
"What about the other organizations scattered across the globe? Are we not to focus on them too?" an officer asks.
"No. I have returned to the Sinnoh Region a month ago and so far, I have not identified any suspicious activities going on. As for the Unova, I believe I have not noticed anything peculiar as so as in the Kalos Region. Our main threats so far are these three governing organizations. As for the others, once they become serious that is when we strike.
As a busy detective, I do not have a whole day to investigate the suspicious activities lurking in the Hoenn Region thus I will be sending a squadron aside from my trustworthy officer that I've already sent." The detective replies, proposing a profound plan as a counter to the possible threats in the Hoenn Region.
The detective also adds, "I have alerted the champion of Hoenn about this too. According to Steven and his compadre, Wallace, they will help with this investigation of ours. Wallace a leader who runs a gym in the hidden city of Sootopolis. If you are to ask where I will be heading, I will remain here in the Johto region in order to further research about the Rebirth Society. Though their surrender was strange, I wish to know the reason behind this."
Hearing the words of the wise detective, all the high-ranking officers finally agreed with one plan, a plan to investigate the suspicious aroma lurking in the Hoenn Region. Just like what the detective said, a squadron will be sent to investigate things further.
"Alright then! I guess our conference meeting here is done. For the sake of both the people and Pokemon, we will rise to bring justice. Report further details about both Team Aqua and Magma once you've arrived in the Hoenn Region. If I see the situations are becoming graver, then I will head to the region immediately. For now, I shall remain here."
"Yes, detective!" All of them stand up then saluted to the detective.
Looks like it is not only Team Rocket who is moving onward but the Pokemon International Police instead. The questions still remain the same, what conflict is to rise in the region? Only time will reveal the answer as my journey as an Elite Operative of Team Rocket continues to this very day! I am Luna Evergreen, and this is me, blasting off! My goal is still the same, and that is to bring glory to my organization.