Sootopolis city, the city hidden from sight. It is located to the east of the Hoenn mainland. It is a place hidden from sight for it can only be accessed through diving underwater. It is known as "The Mystical City where History Slumbers" for it contains all of the oldest temples of Hoenn. One of these old yet standing temple is no other than the Temple of Creation located at the far west of the city.
Amidst the moonlight, Steven, the champion and a gentleman with a light blue hair, familiarly known to wear his favorite tuxedo and red tie all the time, confronts the Temple of Creation alongside with his compadre, Wallace. He is known to be the water specialist of Hoenn, one of the most toughest gym leaders of the region.
Softly, their footsteps crunch unto the wet gravel. Their only source of light is the torch that each of them has. In the temple, their eyes were mesmerized by the old dialects, hard to understand but for men who have studied the language of ancient Hoenn? This will be a breeze for them.
"So, why are we here again?" Wallace asks as they continue to move onward.
"Detective Looker told me something strange was happening so I decided to check this out."
"And you needed my assistance for this?" chuckles, Wallace as he adds, "Oh Steven, you are a champion but even until this day you are still scared to be alone in the dark."
"It is not darkness which scares me but the ones that lurk inside darkness itself. And besides, you are the gym leader of this city. It has been a long time since our last meeting."
"Sigh, now that is something I can agree on. I have noticed you have been more focused on the Hoenn Conference in Ever Grande City. No wonder why you're always tired." Wallace says, showing empathy to Steven as they continue their walk through the temple.
"What can I do? A champion's obligation to the region is never-ending. Today is the start of a new year which calls for trainers throughout our region to rise with the sun and begin their very own adventure. Unlike Kanto and Johto, our system here is entirely different.
Those trainers who have passed the eight gym trials will battle one another in the Hoenn Conference or in other terms, the Pokemon League. The victor of the league will have the chance to battle the Elite Four and if he or she succeeds then they will be battling me next, the champion."
"I know. Just, do not over-work yourself. You know, a little rest from time to time will help calm your stress and worries. I and Milotic do the same so why don't you?" Wallace suggests.
"Ah! Here it is." with relief, the champion exclaims while pointing his torch unto one of the oldest tablets inside the temple.
"Let's see. The Legendary titans have relatively concrete lore compared to other Legendary Pokémon. Long ago, Regigigas is said to have pulled the continents into place, and then created the titans from an icy mountain, rocks, magma, and crystallized dragon energy in its image. Regigigas was apparently worshiped at one time, alongside the other three, by ancient people. Due to it being so powerful, Regigigas was sealed away in the basement of the Snowpoint Temple, while the ones it created were spirited to the far-off Hoenn region and locked away in three-stone structures, which were then sealed by themselves. They entered a mode known as zen which means "sleep"" Wallace reads, translating the ancient dialects.
"Sleep? That means it has a chance to be awakened"
"I'm afraid you're right Steven. It looks like the detective was correct after all. I'll read further...
If the land and water sought destruction against each other then the titans will awaken to quell the fighting. However, according to the legends of Hoenn, the titans lack the compatibility to control their powers thus instead of quelling the fight, they contribute to chaos."
"Sigh, so many problems and now I have to deal with a myth that barely anyone knows? I even heard there was an earthquake under the ocean." Steven says with an abundant amount of stress.
"The thing is, the Titans were never meant to quell the fighting. That is the job of the diety of the skies. If the titans were to escape from their tombs then they would unleash a plethora of destruction that could soon sink Hoenn to the ocean." Wallace warns.
Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, cracking apart the tablet into two. Surprised they are, for another tablet lies behind the tablet they were reading. With force, they tried to remove the stone blocking the tablet only to be met by an illustration like no other.
"What the?!" The two of them exclaim after seeing the illustration.
"Deoxys. It's been a long time since I've heard that Pokemon's name." Steven mumbles while observing the whole illustration of a Pokemon found from space, surrounded with stars and planets. Quickly, Steven grabs his Rotom-Phone and pictures the illustration.
"I need to send this to Professor Birch quickly. I thought Deoxys was just a legend but it turns out it is more than that." breathing heavily due to exhaustion, Steven further examines the portrait.
"The thing about Deoxys, why it is hard to find in our satellites is that it comes in many forms. Speed, attack, defense. I wonder, what form could it be at this exact moment?" Wallace questions deeply while staring at the roof of the temple.
"I think I've done enough investigation for now. I must head to Littleroot town and discuss this with the professor."
"No problem. That chubby professor, don't forget to tell him I said hi."
"You know me, my words are always sincere. Come on, let us head back."
And so, the night deepens and the stars continue to twinkle. Not only have they debunked the myth of the legendary titans but also discovered something written in the books of Hoenn, thought as fiction by everyone. It goes by many alternate names. A virus, an alien, a monster, it is no other than Deoxys.