Chereads / POKEMON: BLAST OFF! / Chapter 54 - EPISODE 54: Resentment*

Chapter 54 - EPISODE 54: Resentment*

Charlotte was still sleeping in her decent bed while I rally up my Pokemons before leaving with Morgan.

"I'll be back before you know it," I mutter to her ears then walked outside, closing the door in a subtle pace.

I thought to my mind on how should I react after seeing the faces of the parents who abandoned me. And also, why would they be eager to see me in the first place?

A Genesis G80 car picks me and Morgan at the corner of Viridian City's Pokemon Center. It turns out the ones who abandoned me are wealthy after all.

"Our father is the general of the Pokemon Government Council. I want to show you around, perhaps you could switch and work along-side with our parents?" Morgan grins like a crocodile. Her proposal alarmed me after hearing about "our" wealthy father. He is not only the leader of Team Rocket's enemy but also my enemy.

I then wonder about his agendas with the strongest Pokemon in the world. It must have something to do with the Pokemon Virus.

"I won't work for him." I glare through the window of the car with my fists clenched. The sudden feeling of vengeance succumbs to my mind and the more I think of him the more vengeance enters my body.

"Look, I know you're mad at your real family-"

"You're not my family! Even if you have proven yourself worthy to become my sister, I won't join the council. I shouldn't be coming for we are polar opposites." I interrupt. My voice frightened her as my other persona shows its glory again.

"Look, Team Rocket is an evil organization. With the serums harnessed from Mewtwo's power, Giovanni will become the richest man.

Do you think he wants to save the world? He may seem generous, but he is a selfish and cunning man. Nothing is for free, as so as Team Rocket's future serums.

This is why our parents separated from Team Rocket. Giovanni's eyes see nothing but wealth and fortune. Team Rocket is a mafia." Morgan debunks yet I seized to believe her.

"This is your chance for redemption, stop participating on Team Rocket's evil agendas, it will only turn you into something you're not," Morgan warns with a convincing look. She holds my hand as if she was concerned.

"Lies! Team Rocket is for the good of the world. I won't join the Pokemon Government Council for I do not need redemption.

Working with the man who abandoned me? Do you think I will say yes? I'd rather spill all my resentment at him.

Wait a minute, you asked me to come because you wanted to force me to join the PGC? Didn't you?" I yell and push her hand away. I didn't dare to take another look on her pitiful face again.

We face the opposite windows as silence roams the car for the rest of the trip. Morgan has a concerned look at her face, but I'm not buying it. Random thoughts then appeared on my mind. Some of them are grave and others are lethal.

Pewter City, a much smaller city compared to Viridian City. This place houses the Rock type gym leader, Brock. It is also famous for its museum containing rare Pokemon fossils. This is the place where the PGC's headquarters are located. Unlike the tower, their headquarters take the shape of an octagon laboratory.

It looks more of a facility wherein scientific research is conducted.

A kind young gentleman opens the door for me. I step down the car, staring at the facility with anger. In front of us is a fountain with a statue of the Council's logo.

"Ah, this is one of the PGC's finest artistry." Morgan boasts.

"It seems like it could use more paint," I utter sarcastically while glaring at the fountain.

"Well, perhaps if you join the Pokemon Government Council you can paint the fountain with a golden texture. A texture which will bring a spark to the council's future." Morgan exaggerates.

"Nah, I was thinking of vandalism. Anyways, we have to hurry, I have a lot of things to do back in the tower."

We enter the facility with polar emotions. Morgan, of course, is proud of the divine alma mater of Team Rocket's enemy. I loathed on the other hand.

On the top floor of the facility, Morgan knocks and utters with a pleasant voice, calling out to his father. The doors are then opened automatically by the use of a remote-controller from the inside.

I took a deep breath... blinked my eyes... and entered the room. Darkness hugged the room, and the only thing I could see is my former father's silhouette.

He is sitting on his chair, taking a sip from his morning brew. I am in a gradient of emotions, feeling angry and melancholy at the same time. With quietude I move forward, trying to see my father's true appearance.

"Father, we're finally a whole. The family is back to its natural glory." Morgan beams with exuberance. For me, her emotions seem to be fake and dramatic.

"Why did you leave me?!" I query with bitterness. I didn't dare to greet him the way children greet their fathers during the morning.

"My child, its been a while." Morduk enunciates.

"Don't call me your child. You left me, what is the reason behind this?! Tell me now!" I demand. My fist could literally destroy the surrounding griffins with one punch. I did smirk at him but in a malicious way.

"We left you at the orphanage because your mother and I had business to take care of. I told Athena that we would return for you but she disagreed and took you as her own.

She stole you from us, keeping you away during the night we've come to get you back. She gave me and your mother an excuse that you have died at a young age when in fact you were kept hidden away from us. My child, me, and your mother didn't leave you because of your disorder yet Athena cluttered the real excuse with lies.

One year later, your beautiful sister was born. She spent her years, trying to find you and after hearing about the attack in one of our laboratories, we were pleased to know that you are still alive.

Please return to us, and together we will harness Mewtwo for the true glory of the world." Morduk utters with encouragement. He couldn't fool me however, it is obvious that he was lying to my face.

"Liar! If I died when I was young, why would Morgan look for me! The PGC is nothing compared to Team Rocket. I won't join you." My body trembles, and my teeth are grinding at each other. My fists are clenched as a violent storm rages above my head.

"Hmph! I told you, father, she is a smart girl. We don't need her, let me take your place instead." Morgan's true colors have finally appears. A ding-dong yearning for position.

"Absol come out and use Night Slash!" I command. Vengeance couldn't hold itself anymore. It decides to burst forth, taking matters at its own will.

"Ursaring, protect father, and use Arm Thrust!" Morgan responds quickly and tosses out her Pokemon. Both moves countered each other.

My former father is nothing but a dingleberry who loves to watch his two daughters fight in front of him. He even smiled and cheered for Morgan just like a nincompoop boss who cares for nothing but wealth, unlike Giovanni.

"Absol, Quick Attack!" Absol dashes beneath Ursaring and pounces at Morgan. Ursaring tries to protect its trainer yet it failed to do so.

I send out Kirlia and Mawile to keep Ursaring busy while I teach these two douche bags a thing or two about family orientation.

"Absol use Night Slash!" Without hesitation, she scratches Morgan's face. The scratch was intense that it caused her face to bleed.

"Absol one more time!" I command. There will be no mercy, no compassion, and no sympathy. I want to see her blood all over Absol's claws.

"Father... help me!" Morgan pleads with a hoarse throat. Her senses slowly dispersed and her eyes flickered with tears. She tries to stand firm yet couldn't do so for her legs were pierced with Absol's hinds.

"Prove to me that you are brave. Defeat her, and the whole organization will fall under your command." Morduk utters with a coward voice. He escapes through the back door, abandoning his daughter.

"Now, you know how it feels to be abandoned by those who brought you to existence." I giggle. I was proud with my actions yet I didn't know why. She begs for mercy and compassion but I disagreed.

As for Ursaring, it began to dash at me but this time, I spare no mercy to Pokemons too. I picked up a sharp shard that broke loose from a griffin during the fight.

Before Ursaring's claws punctured my skin, I stabbed its heart and push it to the corner. Rest assured, the pokemon didn't die, although it did undergo severe medical assistance.

My business with Ursaring is finished, and now Morgan remains. Absol pierced her face with the other paw pointing at her neck. She waited for my signal. Mawile and Kirlia pitied my sister but they hesitated to stop me.

Absol is different from the rest of my Pokemons for she is the most loyal one. No matter what the circumstances are, she'll follow my commandments.

"Do it," I mutter.

Absol pierces her neck. Morgan inhaled one more time, before meeting her agony. This was my first time to murder someone without realizing it.

Absol paid attention and listened to the hymn of Morgan's heartbeat. For every beat is another scratch in the neck until she finally perishes.

For a moment, I felt satisfied with my vengeance. Although this satisfaction only lasted for a minute or so. Vengeance returned to my deepest chasms and I went back to my former self.

I blink my eyes and see nothing but turmoil, despair, and suffering caused by the actions of my hands and mouth. I kneel down with melancholy, suddenly feeling guilty.

"I killed someone." I stutter. Me and my tears mourn for the actions I've done. Although, I cannot undo the past for we all know how the wheel of time moves. I glance at my hand with teeth grinding each other. Ursaring's blood remains a stain while my sister's death remains as guilt.

"What have I done?" I thought solemnly to myself. I spank my head, blaming it for my wrong and harsh actions.

Absol walks to me and purrs. She comforted my essence, as if she was saying that what I did was right and just.

The police beams to the room with their Pokemons ready to attack. However, I was able to escape with my Pokemons by passing through the door where Morduk exited.

As I run, tears fell off like rain. Now I am aware of Charlotte's warning. I became curious about why such ideas would pop into my mind in the first place. I figured that I needed assistance right away.