Chereads / The New Universes / Chapter 19 - Doctor Omega and Universe X-22: Part 1

Chapter 19 - Doctor Omega and Universe X-22: Part 1

In the early 21st century mankind was invaded by a hideous abomination known as the Tyleskia. One of the last survivors of the universe before ours, who escaped the war for creation into another reality where one of the key figures in the war originated, Doctor Omega. The good Doctor later returned to our reality centuries later from his perspective to finally finish off his sworn enemy and once again save our reality from destruction. 

Sadly not as much is known about Omega's life or indeed universe when compared with our own, but nevertheless of all the many realities within our multiverse. Omega's universe, given the designation of X-22 has enjoyed through Omega himself the closest link with our own, though tragically as seen with Tyleskia. The association hasn't always been positive for both. 

X-22 universe's version of earth was created by the gods of our world, like all earths in each universe of the natural realm beside our own. Contrary to popular belief, history is not naturally repeated in other universes within our omniverse at least, rather each reality is completely unique in terms of both its history and planets. The reason our solar system was duplicated was because our earth contains the only known portal to the Mystic realm, a reality of pure power that will grant the first life form to enter it unlimited power on a par with the creator itself. To protect our world and the omniverse from hostile life forms that may wish to harness the Mystic realm's power. The gods and the dragons, just before they left our world used all of their resources created duplicates of our entire solar system in virtually every universe within the natural realm to confuse any life forms who were searching for the portal. The Mystic realm could not be accessed from any of these other earths, but it could be sensed from them, meaning that other life forms would be confused by the billions of copies and most likely never be able to trace the original. 

Most of the other earth's and planet's in our solar systems histories followed on from after the moment the gods had created them (though most diverged after through the actions of individuals.) Even then however not all of the earth's followed on from this point. Such a feat of magic to create these solar systems was arguably too much even for the gods and dragons and therefore it's not surprising that there were many complications. For instance in trying to perfectly replicate the timeline of our planet in these copies, the histories of several alternate earths in some cases started from an earlier or later point in time and then diverged accordingly, so that in some of these other earths, the Dinosaurs never became extinct, or Rome never fell etc.

Others meanwhile mixed up different periods together when creating the other earths, such as Dinosaurs and man co-existing, or perhaps one of the potential timelines of earth or another planet in the solar system was realized and brought to the fore instead. There ended up being far greater variation among these alternate earth's than even the gods and dragons had intended. Still even with that variation as the gods spell did intend to make each earth a copy, then certain events always seemed to emerge, such as the creation of the vampires, or a great conflict at a certain point etc, even if the timeline was different. 

In Universe X-22 meanwhile the earth seemed to follow a similar trajectory to ours up until a certain point. It appears to have started to form at roughly the same stage in its solar systems history and underwent a similar evolution, though unlike in our reality there were no Esquilions. 

Instead it seemed to skip over that stage of life on earth to when the first simple celled organisms that eventually gave rise to our race evolved in the oceans.

These amoeba would then just as on our earth evolve into the first insects and fish, after which a splinter group of fish evolved into the first amphibians who crawled out of the water and then another splinter group of amphibians evolved into the first reptiles. In time proto mammals, the synapsids eventually split off from reptiles and came to dominate the earth for millions of years, before a natural disaster wiped the majority of them out at the end of the Permian era, after which the Dinosaurs then evolved from the reptile family tree and came to dominate the earth for the next 150 million years. One group of Synapsids however survived and became the first mammals who lived in the Dinosaurs shadow for 150 million years, until the great reptiles were killed off when 66 million years ago, an asteroid crashed into the earth. The mammals then emerged to become the dominant life forms, with humans finally evolving from apes just as in our reality too. 

It's worth noting that whilst life on earth in our reality evolved in a similar fashion, on Mars and Venus things went very differently. It appears life underwent a similar pattern in this version of Venus' history, with life forms similar to Dinosaurs and mammals evolving on two different sides of the planet, that were separated by a gigantic wall of fire known as the flame belt. Both in turn gave rise to a race of humanoids. 

On Mars meanwhile which originally began as an ocean world, a race of Octopus like creatures evolved. These Octopoids soon split off into two land dwelling creatures after some of the oceans began to dry up, as we will later explore.

Human history meanwhile also took a completely different trajectory after the initial civilizations were founded. Mankind for whatever reason was a lot more advanced in this reality. Some believe that it may have been because the Venusians visited our world when we were simple cave dwellers and experimented on humanity. There is at least some evidence that the humanoid Reptillians of Venus, the Treens and the humanoid mammalians, the Therons fought a war on earth before the first proper civilizations were established. Some have even speculated that the primitive Atlantine's who the Treens used as a slave force were in fact the descendants of humans they had captured, brutalized into being docile and experimented on. Doctor Omega himself at least seemed to believe this, though whether that came from first hand accounts of his are not known. 

Regardless of whether or not they were experimented on by either the Treens or the Therons, mankind flourished in this reality and eventually built a fantastic civilization known as Atlantis, which established contact with a federation of planets that had been growing in earth's section of the galaxy. 

Humanity was the only species from our solar system to join the Federation. The Martians at that stage were primitive, barbarians, the Treens were a hostile, war like race, whilst finally the Therons favored isolation. (Perhaps as a result of their prior experiences with earth men?)

It was near the end of the Federation that Doctor Omega was born in the great city of Atlantis. He came from a very prestigious and influential family, with the Omega's history stretching back thousands of years. Omega's first name is not known, as he only ever referred to himself by his last name to those he knew in the future. Some speculate it was because he wanted his family name to endure rather than his own? 

Either way the Omega's whilst responsible for many of Atlantis' greatest breakthrough's and achievements over the centuries (including bringing Dinosaurs back through cloning who they sent to live in isolated, artificial environments around the world.) They were also tragically responsible for its eventual destruction too. 

Time travel was forbidden in the Federation, after an attempt to change history by the Federation to avert a disaster affecting several worlds had led to the Guardians wiping several civilizations off the map. The Guardians are beings who exist outside of time and space itself though they influence every single universe within our omniverse. No one knows how and where they came from, but the Guardians will punish any life form that changes history by imprisoning them in the Abyss, an area outside of time and space where you never age. The Guardians however do not forbid time travel. Just as in our reality, it is possible to create your own history, but not to change your established history in this universe. For instance going back and killing your grandfather when he was just a child, is an obvious change that would lead to a paradox, whilst going back and being the reason your grand parents met when they were young, ensuring your father's and your own birth is a stable time loop. Indeed many of the most important events in Omega's universe were as a result of stable time loops.

The Guardians had become almost mythical figures as a result to the great powers of galaxy, some of whom even came to worship them as gods, whilst all agreed to never to experiment with time travel again. That is except for the Omega's who still carried out time travel experiments in secret with their end game being to create a fully functioning time and space machine.

It was later discovered that it was actually Doctor Omega himself who travelled backwards in time and told his father when he was a young man (before Omega's birth) that he needed to begin the project to create what would one day be his time vessel that in turn would prove vital to the safety of their world and even universe in its future. The attempts to create a time and space machine lasted for over 3 centuries until Omega himself was an old man, with Omega taking up where his father left off. (Atlanteans had a much longer life span than ordinary humans thanks to their advances in medicine.) Omega's father never told his son the truth as he had been instructed not too, though he did tell him that what they were doing now was vital to the future of the universe and had come from a message from the future. Sadly whilst Omega respected his father and believed in the mission to finish the time vessel fanatically, the two never had a close relationship, as Omega's father was somewhat scared at what his son would one day become. He tried to hide that fear as best he could, but sadly it still led to him being rather cold and distant with his son. 

When the Omega's time travel experiments were discovered it led to a civil war within the Federation. Earth had always had an uneasy position in the Federation, but it nevertheless made many strong and important allies, (it was also eventually backed up by the Therons who ended their policy of isolation too, perhaps out of guilt at what they may have done to our ancestors?) The war completely destroyed the Federation's power and wiped out most of its colonies and planets, with earth itself being devastated by a barrage of enemy missiles which finally destroyed the last outposts of an already weakened Atlantis. 

Omega meanwhile, fled prior to the conflict in one of the prototypes for his time and space machine, and travelled through time. Another member of the Omega family, his brother stole the other prototype, with both doing so before either ship was completed. Omega felt guilt at having to leave his people, but he was so fanatical to his cause, he genuinely believed that the fate of the universe was dependent on it, and from what we have seen of his life he was right.

Prior to Omega's escape, the Atlantean government had agreed to destroy all the research on the time capsules to prevent the war, but the disappearance of both time ships finally set off the conflict. Omega meanwhile was transported hundreds of thousands of years into earth's future to France in the 19th century. After the final fall of Atlantis, humanity was reduced to the level of primitives and it took many centuries before they were able to rebuild any kind of civilization, though they never reached the level of Atlantis again. The early development of mankind after the destruction of the Federation was accelerated by a few Atlantean elites who survived in isolated bases and used the left over technology to guide the others. In time however these elites who also used their technology and magic (that had been forbidden before) to prolong their life spans became corrupted and tyrannical over their subjects, giving rise to myths about gods in numerous societies. After the last of these elites were killed off in their own wars or fled to other worlds, recorded human history would later begin. 

Recorded history in this universe seems to have followed a similar path to our own in most respects, up until the early 20th century (though as we will see there were certain events that were either hidden or passed down into folklore by the 19th century, just like our reality too.) 

Omega meanwhile continued his experiments, under the alias of Doctor Omega in France from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, hoping to finally perfect his time machine from the ruins of the one he had crashed into this time with. His brother, who now went under the name of Professor Helvetius however had arrived at a much later date in the very early 22nd century and was able to perfect his machine in no time. (His prototype was less damaged in the crash too.) Helvetius later visited Omega and even offered to help repair his ship, but Omega refused, wanting to build his own craft. Helvetius nevertheless left his brother with a machine that Omega could contact him with before resuming his travels.

After ten or so years, Omega finally completed his time and space machine in 1906 which he dubbed the Cosmos. The Doctor then took on as his first companions, his neighbor Denis Borel, and his assistant, Fred (who he first met when pulling Fred to safety from a lake.) Their first journey took them to Mars 1000 years ago. 

At that point Mars was still a thriving world populated by the two highly advanced civilizations of Octopoid creatures who had been locked in a war for thousands of years. After braving the hostile waters of Mars (where they encountered gigantic, hostile, reptillian mermen and huge carnivorous fish.) As well as the jungles and deserts of Mars where they encountered gargantuan snakes and bat, humanoid monsters. Doctor Omega and his companions were attacked by the more aggressive species of Octopoids, the Kelpians, before eventually being rescued by their rivals who were known as the Mortaxans. 

The Mortaxans sheltered Omega and his companions and even agreed to give them what they needed to repair their space craft. However following an attack by the Kelpians on the Mortax city, it was discovered that the Cosmos was immune to the Kelpians weaponry and so the Mortaxans canibalised the ship and used it to create a shield with which they advanced on the Kelpians city and finally conquered their enemies. 

Doctor Omega and his companions meanwhile were imprisoned by the Mortaxans who demanded he create more Cosmos like weapons for them. Fortunately however Omega with help of a friendly Martian named Tzairou, was able to get hold of the machine to contact Professor Helvetius who promptly rescued Omega and his companions and aided them in retrieving the parts of the Cosmos he could. Back in the 19th century, Doctor Omega repaired and with aid of some Martian technology he had stolen, improved upon his original Cosmos. Fred however who had fallen in love and married in the year it took Omega to repair his machine declined the offer to join him, whilst Tzairou (who had returned to earth with Omega) and Denis were only too eager for more adventures in time and space. 

Together the three of them travelled throughout the history of Universe X-22, with Omega constantly making improvements to his own vessel along the way, until eventually the Cosmos became the most sophisticated time and space machine in the entire universe, far surpassing even Helvetius vehicle. 

Sadly however whilst Omega did many great things on his adventures, (with his machine often bringing him where he needed to be.) His first journey to Mars ended up having horrific consequences for both the earth and the universe at large. 

The Mortaxans though initially the more peaceful of the two species (even then however there are some who believe they may have started the initial conflict.) Became terrified at the thought of the Kelpians who they now completely dominated ever rebelling and they performed horrific experiments on them to make their race more docile. Still even these atrocities did not ease their paranoia which soon spread to potential threats from outer space. Having seen how much more in advance Omega who came from their giant blue neighbor was, the Mortaxans became terrified at the thought of a full scale earth invasion and over time worked hard to make themselves the most powerful creatures in the cosmos. They also monitored the earth, having known than Omega was a time traveler from the future to prevent humanity from ever reaching his level of advancement. Some believe that they may have even tampered with human development at certain points, and sowed the seeds of Rome and other empires around the worlds downfall to keep humanity in a limbo state.

The Mortaxans also slowly transformed themselves into a race of cybernetic creatures, eventually building gigantic robotic tripods to house themselves within. By the 20th century only their brains and a few vestigal limbs remained, with the rest of their bodies being purely mechanical. The Kelpians meanwhile who ironically possessed a more humanoid appearance were reduced to nothing more than slaves and foot soldiers by this stage. 

In the year 1912 the Mortaxans launched a full scale invasion of our planet. This wasn't just out of fear of humanity however. The Mortaxans experiments and reckless use of resources had more or less stripped Mars clean and earth was the only suitable planet in the solar system for their needs. They did contemplate an invasion of Venus and may have been able to pull it off at that stage, but they felt the primitives of earth would be a more easy target. 

The Martian invasion happened in the year 1912 when Doctor Omega was away on his travels throughout time and space. Humanity bravely fought back, but even our most advanced weapons, such as the Thunder child (the greatest warship ever constructed) only managed to down a few Martian tripods. Within one week all the leaders of the earth were slaughtered, the largest cities lay in ruins, and our forces either completely destroyed or rendered just as helpless as the civilians they had sworn to protect. The earth now belonged to the Martians, and they continued to rule our planet for the next 7 years. 

Well over 100 million people lost their lives during the Martians rule over the planet (with 40 million having been killed in the initial invasion alone.) The Martians experimented on us in a similar fashion to the Kelpians. They cut into our brains in an effort to remove aggression or to make us docile, they drained our blood for nourishment, and they poisoned our land with their red weed which slowly began to terrorform our earth into being like ancient Mars. 

Their invasion ended however when Doctor Omega returned. His time machine brought him to 1919, 8 years after his last visit to the earth by chance. After barely escaping the Martian invaders who planned to dissect him, (having sensed there was something different about the former Atlantean.) Doctor Omega allied himself with one of the human resistance groups and was able to figure out the aliens weakness. The Mortaxans had struggled with a new influenza pandemic that had emerged in the last year or so. A further twenty million people had been killed in the pandemic, whilst the Martians had shielded themselves from all forms of infection, though this meant that they were no longer able to harness humans for their blood, whilst they searched for a cure. 

Omega however was able to hack into the Martians mainframe and make sure a tiny drop of infected blood was placed into one of their food supplies which spread the virus throughout the Martian invaders on earth killing almost all of them. The infection however even spread back to Mars too, crippling their forces there and preventing a second invasion. 

Whilst Doctor Omega was hailed as a hero by the fighters he had helped, he begged them not to mention his name and quickly departed in the Cosmos. In time history would come to simply view the Martians succumbing to the virus as being as a result of their carelessness and arrogance. The Doctor meanwhile sadly was almost completely broken by what his actions had caused. He was barely able to go on after the fall of the Federation, but he had hoped that in the long run he could make up for it with his actions across time and space. Now he had the death of another civilization on his conscience, and he actually contemplated simply flying the Cosmos into the sun (without his two companions of course.) However his faith in what his father told him convinced Omega to carry on as he believed that somehow at the end of it there must be a reason as to why he and his forebears had to construct the machine. 

Back on earth meanwhile the remains of the now shattered civilizations were forced to ally, though on a more equal footing this time. Ironically the Martian invasion, whilst more devastating than any earth war, helped to unite the people's of the earth like never before. The old prejudices were mostly forgotten about as not only did everyone need each other, but we now had a common enemy to unite us. This mindset coupled with the left over technology from the Martians allowed humanity to progress ironically to a much greater extent than in our reality, though mankind's penchant for violence and prejudice would still resurface in other unfortunate ways. 

The first to suffer were the collaborators who had worked with the Martians during their occupation. The most infamous was the Irish man Patrick Kielty who was tortured to death in public for colluding with the Martians. Doctor Omega himself put a stop to these public displays of brutality, shaming one of the resistance fighters who had ironically rescued him from the Martians and even helped save humanity that was taking part, by telling him he and the others were as bad as the Martians for indulging in these public acts of torture. 

Omega however wouldn't get away with his role in causing the invasion. His former companion Fred's wife and son had been killed and their blood drained by the Martians right in front of him. Much like Omega, Fred initially tried to kill himself, knowing that he and Omega's mission to the past had created these monsters. However he was soon able to ease his guilt by pinning all the blame on Doctor Omega and his reckless actions and later when the new earth government was established in 1928, Fred, (who had since proven vital in helping to understand the Martian machines, thanks to the knowledge he learned from Omega.) Revealed the existence of the Doctor to the government who were planning a counter attack against Mars. 

The expedition was funded by Thomas Edison who had managed to survive the Martian occupation through hiding in a bunker. Omega was lured back to earth by Fred who recreated a machine Omega had left to contact him with, that been destroyed in the Martian invasion, (as the Martians had been able to trace the unusual signals it sent out early in their invasion, which had been how they had found and captured Fred and his family in the first place.) Omega was then captured and forced take part in the mission. The good Doctor was devastated by what had become of his former companion and tried to apologise, though obviously Fred didn't want to listen. 

Whilst the Mortaxans were still struggling with the pandemic, their weapons were more than powerful enough to shoot most of the earth fleet out of the sky, with only one ship, Omega's of course managing to survive, though even it still crashed onto Mars. 

Omega, Fred, Tziarou, Denis and the other human survivors were only able to defeat the Mortaxans, with the aid of a group of Kelpian rebels, who helped them shatter the canals of mars, flooding the Mortaxans defenses and allowing the human fleet to destroy their base. 

Only a few Mortaxan ships managed to flee Mars. These Mortaxans eventually settled on a distant planet beyond our galaxy. They had been working on a new star drive since before the invasion as a back up plan if the invasion of earth failed, and the prototype of the star drive they tried to escape in, ended up propelling them further than they could have imagined beyond the galaxy. The Mortaxans then established themselves on a new uninhabited planet christened Mor Tax and eventually over the centuries became a galactic power in their own right developing a massive empire of worlds they had similarly conquered just like earth. 

Doctor Omega faced the Mortaxans many times after this, with the monsters becoming his greatest enemies. Sadly however he was never able to end their poisonous influence on the universe and the guilt of what he had created endured for the rest of his long life. 

Tzairou meanwhile left Doctor Omega after the Mars mission. Deciding to stay and help the Kelpian rebels rebuild Mars. The Kelpians largely remained isolated from the earth from this point on until the red planet's destruction in the 1970s. This isolation was more on humanity's part however as they did not trust any Martians after the invasion. 

Back on earth Thomas Edison took credit for destroying the Mortaxans. A book was even released "Edison's Conquest of Mars". Omega wasn't unhappy at his role being left out however, as he preferred to operate in secret. Whilst the general public still had no knowledge of who he was, the government, thanks to Fred (who was after the Martian mission placed in charge of their division to track down other alien threats) called on Omega many more times to help deal with other threats to the earth. During these missions he would work alongside Fred, with the two gradually coming to respect one another again. In his later years Fred made it clear that whilst he wasn't sure if he could forgive the Doctor or himself for what they had created in the Mortaxans, he did at least think there was a need for what Omega did and finally took responsibility for his role in helping to build the Cosmos. 

When not working with Fred back home, Doctor Omega continued on his journey's through time and space with Denis and he eventually picked up a new travelling companion, a young woman from ancient Greece called Gabrielle.

She came from the beginning of the Roman empire and is believed to have even had dealings with Julius Cesaer himself. There are some who argue she may have played a role in his demise. 

Gabrielle had initially set out to be a bard, but soon fell in love with a beautiful warrior woman, who was said to have been the fiercest and most dangerous warrior in all of Greece. According to legends even Ares the God of War was said to have been in love with Gabrielle's companion. Sadly however after several years of travelling together battling evil, Gabrielle's lover was killed (apparently when taking on an entire army by herself.) Leaving the battling bard as she had become known to travel the world alone for a few years, where she eventually met the Doctor and Denis. 

It took Gabrielle quite a while to get used to Doctor Omega's machine, even with the life she had lived. Nevertheless she developed arguably a closer bond with him than any of his other companions, becoming in many ways the daughter he never had. The fact that the society Gabrielle came from, had been modelled in some ways on Atlantis, more closely than other ancient societies (with the Greeks even using the same alphabet.) May have helped them grow closer. 

Sadly however one of Gabrielle's archenemies, Alti continued to plague her and Doctor Omega. Alti was a witch, who through her twisted experiments had tapped into the centre of dark magic on earth. Atlantis had forbid the use of magic and the supernatural, though during the final days of the war, in their desperation they turned to it. Many of the surviving elites had also continued to use it in the years after the fall of Atlantis to help prolong their lives with their secrets and experiments lingering even after their departure.

Alti actually began as a simple shamaness (who were for the most part charlatans.) Ironically however for all her cruelty even back then, Alti was the real deal and her skill and knowledge allowed her to develop a strong influence among the Amazons, to the point where with their resources she was able to discover some of Atlantis' ancient dark weapons. Her insane lust for power soon drove her to go further than even the Atlanteans had during the war in terms of her experiments., Following hundreds of failed experiments where she slaughtered countless innocent people (including her own former Amazonian sisters in revenge for banishing her.) Alti was eventually able to merge with the dark magic of the earth itself. This ensured that whilst her physical body could be destroyed, her soul could always re-emerge in times of great distress, suffering and horror. She had actually re-emerged towards the end of the Mortax invasion of earth, but sadly for the vile former shamaness the Martian's reshaping of the earth itself caused her manifestations to be erratic and she wasn't able to form properly, being a mere ghost, unable to affect the world, until Doctor Omega defeated the aliens and the effect of their Martian weed on the earth was undone. Following this whilst Alti was able to manifest, she was due to humanity working together weak, and so she started a cult, promising her followers that she could elevate and protect them from any future threats with magic, if they carried out horrific acts to feed her. Fortunately she was foiled by Omega, Gabrielle and Denis who were called in by Fred, but Alti's spirit could never truly die and she returned many times to plague Omega throughout all of his lives. At one point she was even able to use left over Martian technology to leave the earth and tap into the dark magic from other worlds in a similar fashion, many of which she destroyed both to feed herself and simply satisfy her own lust for power and sadism. She became undoubtedly one of his single greatest enemies.

Over the course of their travels Denis developed feelings for Gabrielle and she for him. Sadly however Gabrielle struggled to get over the death of her lover, but she and Denis did begin something of a relationship during their time on the Cosmos

The Doctors final companion in his first life alongside Gabrielle was ironically a former servant of the Mortaxans, Felicia Rainn. She was actually a clone, grown in a lab by the Mortaxans to help infiltrate humanity during one of their many wars with them. Thankfully Felicia was able to break free from their control though it would be considerably later before she joined Doctor Omega.

Gabrielle meanwhile stayed with Doctor Omega right until after his first death. Part of why some of the Atlanteans had such long life spans, was through an advanced method of cloning. Whilst their bodies could fight off age and decay for a lot longer than we could imagine due to their advances in medicine and science. Even they could not postpone the inevitable. However through their greater understanding of consciousness and the brain the Atlanteans were able to find a way to drain consciousness from their bodies, just before death and preserve it. This coupled with their ability to produce duplicates of their bodies, could ensure that when a member of the elite died, their mind was simply transported into a new clone body. Even this method of cheating death however still could not last forever. Eventually the mind itself would wear down and be unable to merge with a new body. 

Still this method ensured that the elites and those deemed of value to the Atlanteans could endure for potentially 1000 years. Only a very, very few were ever given this luxury however. Even among the Omega's only three had ever been granted this luxury, all hundreds of years before Omega's fathers birth. Doctor Omega meanwhile had stolen one of these machines before he fled Atlantis, believing that his work on the machine may take several life times. After the Martians tampered with the cosmos however, the machine was damaged, but with Professor Helvetius' help, Omega was able to somewhat repair it. Even then however his cloning machine was somewhat more erratic. When Omega later died for the first time, whilst it did preserve his mind and produce a new body for him, the body was not a copy of his first one. Omega's new body took on a totally different appearance, though his personality and consciousness were unchanged. 

This would happen all of the subsequent times Omega died and was reborn. It is believed he had up to 19 different bodies and appearances in total. 

Omega's machine could not ever be used to clone life forms other than Atlanteans. Due to their experiments over the centuries, the Atlanteans had a unique strand of DNA that had been tampered with too much over generations, even by Gabrielle's time. Furthermore the machine was extremely delicate after the Martians actions and since Omega did not even fully understand how it worked, he was stuck with its imperfections. In time however he came to embrace having a different appearance for every clone body, as he felt it allowed him to be truly reborn. 

Furthermore the different bodies also gave him certain advantages too. His second body was not only younger in appearance, but also stood six foot 7, had incredible strength, a huge beard and a large bellowing voice which allowed him to intimidate his enemies to a greater extent than his original body, which by the time of his first travel to Mars was an old and frail in appearance.

Gabrielle eventually left during Omega's second life when she was reunited with her former lover, who Alti resurrected in the future to be her servant in a trap to lure both Omega and Gabrielle to their deaths. Fortunately Gabrielle freed her lover from Alti's control, after which she stayed behind to help her cope in the new world. Omega meanwhile took on many more companions throughout his lifetimes. Among these included a faithful robot, that was named Robby, who Omega first encountered on an earth colony several hundred years in the future. Robby was not just a simple earth robot however. He had been created from both earth technology and that of an ancient and now extinct race known as the Krell. Sadly Robby's creator was killed on the expedition to the Krell's home planet where he was built and the unique robot subsequently fell into the custody of one of the most influential earth colonies of the future. Over time it slowly developed its own personality, and ultimately joined Doctor Omega because it wanted to see the universe and became one of his most faithful companions.

Another of Omega's companions was Lord John Roxton, a former explorer who had helped to discover one of Atlantis' Dinosaur sanctuaries that had survived for all this time in the Amazon rainforest. He first joined Omega when the time traveler was in his second body. Omega and Roxton were later accompanied by Linda Turner, a former costumed vigilante known as the Black Cat who was born in the year 1970. Linda was the daughter of a stuntman and followed him into the profession. Using the skills she'd picked up in her career, she later became a vigilante after taking down the mob who were blackmailing a friend of hers in the industry. She went by the title of the Black Cat before joining Omega. She and Roxton later fell in love and came to settle back in her time where she formed a new team of heroes called the Champions for Justice, which included among others the Spider, Astro Man and Moon Girl.

The third Doctor Omega, who in contrast was a shorter balding man, with a slight frame worked with Spacefleet, whose history we shall explore later, with his best friend being Dan Dare, the finest pilot in all of Spacefleet. He also travelled with Miss Midnite, a wealthy adventuress with a somewhat mysterious past, Professor Peabody (spacefleet's leading scientist), Katsura, a benevolent robot woman, and finally April Walker, a young journalist from the 1970s who helped uncover a plot by a hostile race of alien mutants to invade the earth. These creatures were originally created to be a slave race by a species of humanoid aliens known as the Metulana. Sadly the Metulana were killed off in an intergalactic war in the 1950s, though there was an attempt by a group of their scientists to try and invade and terrorform the earth, ultimately they failed. One ship piloted by some rogue Metulana however was able to escape the destruction of their planet and fled to earth, hoping to finish what their masters had started. These Metulana mutants also had a hatred for all humanoid life forms as well, due to their masters and sought to make humanity their servants. They used similar mind control techniques that had been used to enslave their kind to take control of several influential figures in governments around the world, hoping to weaken the planet from within. Only with April's help was Doctor Omega able to stop the invaders, after which he offered her a place aboard the Cosmos which she accepted. April ended up becoming one of Omega's longest serving companions, and she continued to travel with Omega when he changed into his fourth body, an older, tall, almost deathly thin, hawk faced soft spoken gentleman. The Metulana mutants meanwhile escaped and after recovering later became a powerful race in their own right and major enemies of Doctor Omega facing him in many of his lives.

April later left. Omega's next companion was a woman named Atlanta who came from after the fall of Atlantis, but before recorded history began. She was an Amazon who had been raised in the wild after being abandoned by her parents and who had defied the gods (Or rather the Atlantean elites.) At first she was reluctant to join Omega, blaming him for the state her world had descended into, but in time she came to see him as a hero and the two made an effective team. 

Following Atlanta's departure Omega next travelled with Daniel James, the last survivor of the legendary dreadnought, the Thunderchild.

The Thunderchild's defeat famously marked the end of humanity's last line of defense against the Martians, and despite its failure, its attack against four Martian tripods was seen as as inspiring tale both during and after the occupation. 

Despite the famous chants of "Come on Thunderchild" at the time, nobody really thought the famous dreadnought was going to win. The fact that after so many crushing defeats, and just when it seemed as though the Martians were invincible; one of our weapons was able to cut down two of the Tripods and blast a third with its canon shocked both humanity and the Martians. It served as a message and inspiration to the rebels throughout the remainder of the occupation that no matter what humanity would not be easily subjugated. Sadly however the fourth of the Martians it fought used its heat ray to blast the Thunderchild, which in its last moments then charged into the Tripod, ensuring they were both destroyed. The Thunderchild's victory and sacrifice also ensured a steamer carrying civilians from England were able to escape the four tripods, with many of those on the steamer later forming the resistance. 

Daniel meanwhile was the only member of the Thunderchild, which carried over 500 men to survive. He was just 14 at the time and was an incredibly low rank on the ship. Nevertheless he survived the initial blast and then jumped from the flaming wreckage just as it collided with the fourth tripod. Following his lucky escape, Daniel became part of the resistance movement and even helped Doctor Omega defeat the Martians years later, though he was not involved in punishing the collaborators. Dan's actions in the Thunderchild as well as those in the war caused many to view him as a hero, though at the same time there was also some who condemned him as a coward who jumped ship whilst his crew made the supreme sacrifice. 

Indeed Daniel himself suffered from survivors guilt for years. To be fair almost everyone who made it through the Mortaxans invasion suffered survivors guilt to some extent, but Daniel's became so crippling he became completely reclusive for almost ten years after the invasion. He was in his 30s when he met Doctor Omega again (who at first he didn't recognize due to his different appearance.) 

The two worked together to deal with another alien threat after which Omega offered him a place aboard the Cosmos. Daniel eagerly accepted, wanting to get away from the attention his past was bringing him on earth. 

The two later picked up another companion in the form of Wang Zhenyi. Just as in our reality, Wang was an astronomer centuries ahead of her time. She first met the Doctor and Daniel when an alien was trying to use her knowledge to help it map a journey home. (As its own equipment had been badly damaged.) The alien had not intended to land on earth, but rather it had crashed here, when scouting for planets for his people to colonize. He believed the earth was suitable and hoped to report back to his people, but Omega and Daniel with Wang's help were able to stop the alien and save the earth after which she joined him. Sadly her husband was killed whilst helping to stop the alien, and history came to believe she died as well (with the poison the alien used against them both being attributed to simply an illness.) 

Zheni and Daniel travelled with Omega until late in his fifth life. His fifth body was a tall, long haired, grizzled, middle aged, somewhat stronger body like his second, which allowed him to take a more direct role once again in fighting his enemies. 

Eventually Zheni and Daniel fell in love and retired to live in the 29th century, and Omega next became trapped with Dan Dare and Morag in our future, before travelling with a young witch named Morgana. She came from the same time as Atlantis and had been forced to flee beyond the Federation's reach when she was caught using magic. At first Omega assumed she was corrupt, due to his own prejudices against witches (which had only been reinforced by his dealings with Alti.) Morgana was not a real witch however. She had only a basic knowledge and talent, but for an Atlantean like Omega that was enough for him to see her as being no better than a Mortaxan. Thankfully Doctor Omega was able to overcome his prejudice and took Morgana on as his companion. Morgana had a keen scientific mind as well, and the good Doctor served as something of a mentor to her that way. However her continued experiments with magics did lead to further conflicts between them, though Morgana stayed with Doctor Omega until his sixth life. When she left she had fully mastered magic to the point where was not only an incredibly powerful witch, but could travel from world to world using a magic broomstick. Morgana became a great hero in her own right saving hundreds of worlds. 

It was in his sixth body, that was considerably young than any of his others that Omega was to first travel to our universe, though we will explore his time in our reality later.

In his 7th body, which was a shorter, older bald man with a somewhat more unnerving voice and demeanor, Omega after returning to our reality became trapped for a short while on 20th century earth. There he became a member of the Strange Family, before travelling with Bettina, a reformed vampire and Alvin, a man from billions of years in earth's future, with his final known companion being Claudia McGrath from our reality, though we will explore all of their histories later.

Sadly none of his companions are known after his 7th life. In fact we don't know anything about his lives after his 7th. All we know is that me made it to 19 different bodies, after an encounter between his 7th and 19th incarnations.

Back on earth after the original Mortax invasion, whilst humanity did by and large remain united and advanced considerably more than they did in our reality from the 1920s-1940s. Sadly during that time they also came to enslave another race referred to somewhat disparagingly as the Newts. First discovered by man in the year 1931, though there had been sightings from before then, which were dismissed as legends. The Newts were a primitive, but docile race of amphibian humanoids who had evolved at the bottom of the ocean. Few in number and not violent by nature, the Newts as humanity came to nickname them were exploited throughout the 30s and 40s in a variety of ways. It's true that humanity did improve the quality of the Newts lives to some extent, giving them sanctuaries from predators of the deep on land (some believe had it not been for our intervention the Newts may very well have been wiped out by their predators, though for the most part this is dismissed as propaganda.) 

However tragically in spite of how they had been treated by the Martians, humanity it seemed had learned nothing and treated this placid race in a similar fashion throughout the decades. There were Newt rights campaigners however, who did at least win some concessions for these creatures in the 50s thanks to the outbreak of war (with Doctor Omega himself giving them a hand, though he also faced extremist Newts who wanted to exterminate humanity at different points too.) In the mean time hundreds of thousands of Newts were worked to death and experimented on. 

It was humanity's exploitation of another species however, their forebears the Dinosaurs during the 1950s which would lead to far more devastating consequences for the world.

Humanity first learned that there were non avian Dinosaurs alive in the modern day in 1908 when George Challengers expedition (which again Roxton was a member of.) Discovered the main Atlantean Dinosaur sanctuary hidden high above the Amazonian rainforest. Several more expeditions were sent to the plateau, and though there were many casualties they nevertheless established a base in Challengers Lost World where they were able to study both the Dinosaurs and the Atlantean ruins eventually discovering a large lab beneath the plateau's surface. The scientists learned that these were no ordinary Dinosaurs. During the later stages of the war with the Federation, the Atlanteans began to tamper with the Dinosaurs DNA to make them larger, stronger and more useful for ground assaults, with many new species of Dinosaurs being created this way such as the Gwangis (Tyrannosaur/Allosaurus hybrids.) 

Sadly just a few years later in the 1950s humanity's testing of nuclear weapons would lead to another Atalntean sanctuary under the ocean being disturbed, mutating another Dinosaur that was kept in suspended animation within it, known as Godzilla. The humans had no idea that the Atlantean chamber was near where they were testing their weapon, as it was deeper than their submarines could go, whilst the blast radius ended up being larger than they could have predicted as well.

Godzilla was created near the end of the war with the Federation. He was in many respects their ultimate weapon. A Tyrannosaurus Rex, that through their experiments had grown far larger than any other Dinosaur and capable of absorbing massive amounts of radiation into its body, and surviving in any environment, from the air to the water, to even space. Ultimately however the Dinosaur had not been brainwashed into serving them before Atlantis fell and was therefore left in a suspended animation chamber for thousands of years. Modern man's weapon meanwhile not only finally awoke Godzilla, but further twisted and mutated the Tyrannosaurs body until he grew even larger, over 700 feet tall. It also allowed the Dinosaur to harness the radiation in his body to the point where he could produce an atomic breath from his mouth.

Crazed and feral, Godzilla went on a rampage almost completely destroying Tokyo, before attacking several other cities across the world, before it eventually retreated to a remote island in the Ogasawara chain.

The earth government sadly did not learn its lesson and attempted to create more monsters from the Atlantean lab in Challengers Lost World. Other Atlantean ruins were also discovered in the years after too, as well as even some remote surviving monsters from their time, who would be tampered with and in some cases exposed to radiation to make them large and powerful enough to fight Godzilla. None of these Kaiju were ever able to topple the king however. 

Furthermore whilst these monsters were stable and loyal to humanity in most cases, sadly divisions soon emerged within the different powers of the united earth government, many of whom wanted monsters to protect their own cities. This in turn led to skirmishes that in the space of just a few years ripped the earth government apart, resulting in a world war in 1954. Whilst the war was fought largely by each of the fragmented powers monsters, 60 million people still lost their lives in this conflict. The war lasted from 1954=1958, and in the end most of the giant monsters were killed, but a few did break free from human control, with many of the survivors coming to live on Godzilla's island which then became a sanctuary for the monsters known as Monster Island. 

Ironically whilst he was originally an enemy to man, Godzilla soon became a boon to humanity, as not only did he keep the other rogue monsters in check. He would also go on to defend the earth from other threats. This was not out of loyalty to humanity however, at least not at first. It was more to protect threats to his own territory. Ironically Godzilla had only stopped his war against us as he came to view humanity as irrelevant. That said he did later develop friendships of sorts with certain humans who came to help him against other threats such as Madison, Katsura and Doctor Omega. 

The former Atlantean first became acquainted with Godzilla when earth faced an invasion from one of the other surviving races from the original Federation. A race of hostile ape like creatures, whose sun was beginning to die known as the Ishoraks.

These creatures had once ruled over a massive empire before the establishment of the Federation. They had only joined after their empire had collapsed, and they were facing a famine due to the exploitation of their own world in the war. The Ishoraks had never forgotten their old ambition however, and even attempted to re-establish their old empire during the conflict, which ended up costing them dearly. The thousands of years since were a desperate time, with their sun having been damaged in the war. The heat from the unstable sun became so unbearable that the creatures were eventually forced underground, though even then, excess radiation still flooded the atmosphere, leading to mutations, death, and at least the majority of the Ishorak's being horribly disfigured. 

These creatures soon set their sights on earth, as it had been an Atlantean weapon that had devastated their sun. They spent many decades preparing their invasion, which Doctor Omega was able to derail for many decades. By the time the creatures were ready to attack humanity again Godzilla and the rest of the Kaiju had already emerged and so the Ishoraks soon sought to create a similar creature. With most of the life forms on their planet having died out, the Ishoraks instead construct a gigantic robotic creature replica of Godzilla, that they came to simply dub, Mechagodzilla. In their efforts to survive the hostile terrain of their world, the Ishoraks had become masters of robotics. In addition to this however the Ishorak's also formed an alliance with an embittered scientist named Doctor Mafune, whose experiments to create the ultimate Kaiju saw him locked up after the war. In truth Mafune had worked with the full backing of the government, but after the ceasefire he was made into an easy scape goat along with others when The Ishorak's gained his trust when they staged an accident with one of his experiments that nearly killed his daughter Katsura and placed her into a coma. The Ishorak's who claimed they had simply taken an interest in his work, offered to help Katsura in exchange for his services. Mafune who was consumed with guilt over his daughter's accident and rage at humanity for betraying him agreed and gave the aliens control over a mutated Atlantean Dinosaur, a Spinosaurid known simply as Titanosaurus. 

Kastura meanwhile was revived as a partial cyborg, that the Ishorak's could control mentally and further use to corrupt and coerce Doctor Mafune. Every now and again however Katsura would break free from their control and try and convince her father against what he was doing, but the Ishorak invaders always broke her down. 

The Ishorak's invasion began in 1975. They made their presence known with a vicious attack on Monster Island, where their dreadnought Mechagodzilla killed many of the Kaiju there and even wounded Godzilla, who only survived with the aid of Doctor Omega and his companion Professor Peabody. The Atlanteana and the Dinosaur subsequently worked together to defeat the Tyrannosaurs mechanical double. It was only with Katsura's help however, who finally broke free from their command that Doctor Omega was able to destroy the Ishorak's invasion fleet whilst Godzilla finally bested his mechanical twin by literally tearing its head off. Fortunately once Titanosaurus was free from the aliens control, Doctor Omega was able to stop Godzilla from killing the confused Spinosaurid in retaliation, and ironically Titanosaurus came to live on Monster land and even became an ally of Godzilla. In fact ironically Titanosaurus became Godzilla's closest friend in a matter of speaking alongside the mutated Anklyosaur, Anguirus. 

Katsura meanwhile, finally free from the Ishorak and with her own father having sacrificed himself to save her from them when he realised they were controlling her, she decided to join Omega and Peabody and continued to travel with them both for many years. 

Godzilla meanwhile would continue to face many other threats to mankind, with his greatest adversary being the truly monstrous King Ghidorah. This entity was created by one of the most advanced races of the Federation, the Dorats. These winged creatures wanted to create their own monster to counteract Atlantis' Dinosaurs and fused the DNA of several of the most terrible predatory creatures of the Federation together, as well as their own DNA to ensure that it would possess a loyalty to them. Unfortunately however the Dorats used powerful black magic and other supernatural forces to create this monstrosity, unlike the Atlanteans and their ultimate weapon soon broke free from their control. At that point Ghidorah had not yet reached his final form and the Dorats were able to weaken him before he could devastate their world. Still the winged abomination nevertheless managed to escape and fled to the farther reaches of the cosmos with its creators being too preoccupied in the war to chase after it.

In the centuries since Ghidorah grew in power, transforming into a golden, three headed, two tailed, winged 900 foot tall Dragon. He proceeded to destroy countless worlds. It became the single most feared monstrosity in the cosmos. Doctor Omega himself later mentioned how tragic it was that the Dorats who had actually helped establish the Federation and were prior to the war, among the most advanced and peaceful species in existence ultimately left a bigger legacy of destruction throughout the cosmos with Ghidorah than races like the Mortaxans. 

Ghidorah did not destroy all of those he encountered however. The most evil, wicked, and destructive creatures were spared, though only if they followed Ghidorah. Much like Godzilla himself, Ghidorah became the king of a horde of horrific monsters and creatures, such as Gigan, Destroyah, and a race known as the Xilans who helped carry out his slaughter of countless more planets. Among the worlds Ghidorah destroyed included that of the Dorats themselves who having never recovered from the war, were forced to face the true extent of the horror they had unleashed upon the universe with this abomination. 

Earth was invaded by this monster and his horde in 1991, which led to the second great Kaiju war.

Ghidorah's presence on a world he targeted would always be foreshadowed by a time of great unnatural disturbance and earth was no different. The six months before his invasion begun were almost as hellish as they were marked with great natural disasters, plagues, people going insane in the streets, a rise in supernatural creatures. Human society almost collapsed. Even Doctor Omega was unable to do much to counteract the effects of the Dragons dark magic on our world. People began to believe it was the end of days, even before Ghidorah and his vile horde emerged in the skies above Tokyo like the four horsemen of the apocalypse. 

Ghidorah's monsters fought with Godzilla's monsters across the globe. Godzilla himself personally destroyed many of Ghidorah's most loyal followers including Destroyah, Gigan, Ebirah, Spiga, and Biollante, whilst Doctor Omega helped humanity take on the Xilans. Ultimately however it was Godzilla who brought an end to the war, when he and his most loyal monsters finally slew Ghidorah after a brutal fight. Titanosaurus, Rodan and Mothra all fell to Ghidorah, with Titanosaurus personally sacrificing himself to save a weakened Godzilla from an attack, and Rodan then nobly holding the monster off long enough for Mothra to give up her life force to revive Godzilla. Rodan's actions also allowed Anguirus, and Gorosaurus to get the drop on Ghidorah, though it was only with a rejuvinated Godzilla that they were able to beat the Dragon and then pin him down. Gorosaurus broke the Dragon's back, whilst Godzilla severed the middle of his three heads using his atomic breath, and crushed another under foot, whilst Anguirus crushed another in his jaws. After Ghidorah's death the survivors of his horde fled back into space. The second monster war lasted a mere 4 months, but it saw up to 20 million people die in the crossfire. 

Godzilla would finally go into hibernation following a confrontation with a gigantic vampiric creature known as Daksor. This monster had been created by Ambrogio, whose history we shall explore later, and had literally fled through time. Crash landing on earth in the late 20th century, Daksor hoped to travel through time and space and convert billions of planets throughout all of history into vampires to create an army to rule the cosmos. (Ambrogio had hoped for the same thing when he created the monster in the future, but sadly it had escaped from his clutches.) 

Daksor and Godzilla fought with the 700 foot tall vampiric monstrosity ultimately being no match for the king of the monsters. Sadly however Daksor was still able to infect Godzilla with vampirism. There was nothing even Doctor Omega (who helped deal with Daskor's vampire army) could do to help Godzilla, and the giant, feeling that it was being overtaken, placed itself into a state of suspended animation at the centre of Monster Island, with the Dinosaurs radioactive body allowing it to go into a state of suspended animation which at the very least halted the spread of vampirism.

There Godzilla remained for over 50 years, whilst the rest of his Kaiju died out. He was finally awoken in the year 2054 when humanity again began to experiment with Kaiju. The Japanese government who had kept the body of Ghidorah frozen after its apparent death. Along with left over technology from the Ishoraks, which they used to augment and replace Ghidorah's missing head, they transformed Ghidorah into Mecha Ghidorah. Sadly however Mecha Ghidorah soon went rogue as the alien, dark magics in its body allowed its will to soon break through. With no choice, Doctor Omega helped the Japanese free Godzilla from his slumber. The Dinosaur tried to hold off the vampirism long enough to battle Mecha Ghidorah, but as his former archfoe proved too strong, Godzilla was forced to give in and allow the infection to further consume him. Whilst this made Godzilla strong enough to destroy Mecha Ghidorah, Godzilla would subsequently go on a rampage throughout Tokyo, dazed and confused by his new state. It took the combined might of Mothra, who had been reborn and Doctor Omega to finally bring the Dinosaur down. Even then however if he had wanted Godzilla could have destroyed both Mothra and Omega, but fortunately with his last ounce of strength, Godzilla allowed himself to be slain before the vampirism took him over completely. Doctor Omega and Mother reportedly sat beside Godzilla in his final moments as his life finally ended. Nobody knew where exactly Mothra came from. Even Doctor Omega considered her the last true great mystery of the earth, with many speculating that she was a manifestation of its very magics. Or perhaps just as Alti had tapped into the darkest magics and become their personification, then so perhaps had this beast tapped into its light magics of the earth and become their guardian? Whatever the case Mothra and Godzilla had not always had the easiest relationship so to speak, in that unlike all the other creatures of Monster Island, she did not bow before Godzilla and often challenged him.

Still there was a degree of respect between them and in the end Mothra nevertheless proved her loyalty to the king of monsters in his last moments. 

The two Kaiju wars were among the most notorious conflicts in all of human history, but some good did at least come from the first Kaiju war.

The 1960s which followed proved to be another golden age for humanity, in terms of technology and culture. The Newts were finally given their freedom as humanity after their losses could no longer afford to keep them as slaves and there were many Newt uprisings. Furthermore Challengers Lost World and the other Atlantean/Dinosaur colonies were also given a full protection to ensure no new Kaiju could ever be created. Whilst the united earth government was never re-established, the peace this time did last, barring the blackout for a few months in the 70s, which we will explore later, as well as the second Kaiju war.

Mankind eventually developed the technology to travel into space in the 1990s, which saw the establishment of Spacefleet. 

Sadly however this later led humanity into conflict with the Treens, who at this point in their history were led by the evil Mekon, a mutant that had been bred specifically to lead their kind. The Mekon not only possessed incredible intelligence, but a much longer lifespan as well, living to over 600 years. Finally the Mekon also had far greater ambitions than any Treen before it. For the past several hundred years the Treens had been forced into a stale mate by the Therons, with both species being so evenly matched a war would surely have destroyed both. The Therons also ensured our protection this way too. Many of the Treen leaders had become complacent, but the Mekon sought to not only conquer humanity and the Therons, but also build a Treen empire that would spread across the galaxy. However the Mekon's plans were interrupted when Dan Dare led humanity's first expedition to Venus in the late 1990s. though it was a peaceful mission. Humanity's population had increased dramatically over the decades to the point where they were suffering from a food shortage, and they hoped the Venusians could help. (Space probes had shown there was life on the planet since the 1970s.) 

The Mekon still captured Dan and his team, and hoped to use them in his plan to infiltrate and exterminate humanity. Fortunately however captain Dan, with the aid of a defective Treen named Sondar (whose emotions had not been purged) and the Atlantine rebels were able to overthrow the Mekon and drive him and his loyalist Treens from the planet. A peace treaty was then signed with the Treens, and Therons. 

Sadly the Mekon later successfully invaded and conquered humanity in the 21st century for one year in 2004. Over 20 million were killed in the Mekon's invasion, but the domed headed tyrant did not devastate the earth to the same extent as the Martians. On the contrary the Mekon had become such a tyrannical narcissist he no longer cared for the Treens and actually sought to see if another species would make better soldiers for his empire. He performed horrific experiments on thousands of human slaves in order to see if he could make them superior creatures and at one point did actually consider making humanity his soldiers instead, believing that their inbuilt aggression could be harnessed more successfully than the Treens. 

Thankfully Dan, who been whisked away by accident on a mission to another world with Doctor Omega, returned one year after the Mekon conquered humanity and with Doctor Omega's help defeated his archenemy, though in the process, Dan was caught in an explosion which mutilated his face and put him in a coma. 

2005 in many respects marked the end of the second golden age. Whilst humanity did recover and continued to advance, it became a more paranoid and hostile race to aliens following the Mekons invasion (this is what later led to the creation of Mecha Ghidorah.)

This paranoia also led in 2007 to a weapon whose chemical formula had been unknowingly developed by Peabody, being deposited on Venus when the Mekon reconquered it. The governments of the earth were so terrified of another invasion and there was such a lingering resentment towards the Treens, that the weapon was unleashed without too much opposition (apart ironically from Peabody herself.) Billions of Treens and even Therons were killed in an instant, though the Mekon himself escaped. It was this devastating conflict that led to Peabody joining Doctor Omega on his travels. 

One year later however the Mekon was captured by Doctor Omega and Peabody and brought to the earth authorities, where he was sentenced to a life time imprisonment in solitary confinement on a penal planet. He remained there for up to 70 years before finally escaping. 

Dan on the other hand was placed into a state of suspended animation until science could reach a stage where it could help him. He was afforded this special status due to his years of service and heroism in stopping the Mekon. 

Later in the 2150s, mankind dealt with another threat, this time of their own creation, the RUR.

These synthetic Androids who were created by the RUR company were originally designed to be servants of mankind, but ultimately rebelled against their human masters, very nearly wiping out humanity in what would prove to be its most devastating conflict since the Martian invasion itself. Once again Doctor Omega was able to save humanity and destroy RUR forces, though doing so caused his first death. Some of the Androids however who now called themselves RUR after their creators were able to escape the earth and settled on an uninhabited planet, eventually building themselves up into a powerful galactic force and rival to humanity just like the Martians. The destruction the RUR inflicted upon hundreds of thousands of worlds sadly led to many species condemning and even trying to avenge themselves on the Robots creators, humanity. 

The RUR also become among the most recurring and deadly of Doctor Omega's adversaries, being among the few along with the Martians and Alti to face him in all of his lives.

Later in the 23rd century Captain Dan was finally awoken from his coma and his face restored due to advances in medicine and surgery, though his appearance was completely different as a result.

By this stage due to both the Martian invasion and Mekon invasion, and subsequent attacks from the RUR and their enemies, mankind had established a brutal and tyrannical empire to protect itself. Captain Dan was revived only as a piece of propaganda, with the empire's leaders hoping that the greatest hero from earth's golden age could help unite the people. Unfortunately however Dan soon clashed with the leaders of the empire who later relieved him of his command and sent Dan on seemingly a suicide mission to explore the Lost Worlds, a galaxy where the natural laws were said to have been twisted. Dan's crew made up of former convicts survived for up to two years in the Lost Worlds, before they were destroyed by a planet full of vampires. Dan was the only survivor along with Morag, a woman who been found guilty of stealing a Pteranodon egg. She only did so because the Pterosaurs unique sense of smell could allow her to track down a shapeshifting criminal who had murdered her parents regardless of what form he took. The Pterosaur remained loyal to her however, and she was given a pardon on what was essentially a suicide mission. She and Dan were both rescued by the vampires from Doctor Omega, whose Cosmos had also become damaged by the unique properties of the Lost Worlds to the point where it could no longer travel in time. Together Dan, Morag and Omega took on the vampires as well as a wide variety of other strange foes in the Lost Worlds.

Doctor Omega, who at that point was in his fifth body had many experiences with vampires prior to being stranded. They, much like the Mortaxans and the RUR were collectively among his greatest enemies. 

In this universe vampires were not the children of Khastran like in ours. Rather they were instead a time travel experiment gone wrong. One group of surviving Atlantean elites after the war, the Ambrogio family (the most influential family in all of Atlantis) held onto the last scraps of the Omega family's time travel technology and research that had been left behind during the war. They hoped if the war did not go their way, they could use it to alter events. Sadly however as the bulk of the research had been taken by the two Omega's, the Ambrogio family who had become somewhat stagnated in their privilege, were unable to master it before their civilization fell. After the war the Ambrogio family established a base in what would one day become Mesopatmia, and both they and their primitive followers who they amassed over the centuries attempted to recreate the Omega's time experiments in the hopes of going back and changing the history of the earth. (They foolishly had come to believe the Guardians as nothing but superstition over the course of the war.) 

Eventually they were able to construct a crude version of the Cosmos, which their leader known simply as King Ambrogio used to attempt to travel backwards in time. The King only led the journey out of fear that someone else might change history to their benefit and not his. He did however take his pet bat, a mutant creature that he used as a guard dog and had named Camazotz with him on the journey as well as his daughter, the spoiled and vicious Lilith, and a handful of their best scientists and soldiers. 

Unfortunately this crude Cosmos exploded when it was travelling through time and the crew became trapped in the one of the deepest parts of the vortex, where there was virtually no life. (There are many different areas of the vortex some of which are home to a wide variety of life forms.) The energy from their vessel and the power of the time vortex itself became fused to the Atlanteans bodies the longer they spent in it (they could not die in the vortex from the energy as the laws of cause and effect did not apply there, at least not in the same way as they did in our universe.) As they all struggled to break free, their link with the vortex built up over years until they became a part of it, which eventually allowed each of the Ambrogio expedition to create small holes in the vortex for themselves, that deposited each of the expedition several centuries into the future to different eras and locations of the earth. The energy from the vortex had also altered all of the Ambrogio and their servants trapped there in similar ways. It effectively froze them in terms of age, ensuring that at least some of the laws of cause and effect no longer applied to them even in our reality. Barring accidents they could all potentially live forever. The energy however also made them all significantly stronger, and would repair any damage to their bodies, barring a few exceptions such as decapitation and their heart being completely destroyed, as their hearts were where the energy took root in order to spread its way through their bodies. 

It also altered all of the expedition's brain chemistry too. Their minds became more unstable and emotions such as empathy, remorse and compassion were effectively erased. Worse than all of the above however, they all developed a thirst for human blood. In reality the time displaced former Atlanteans in order to keep the energy that had infected their bodies stable had to feed on time energy itself which is present in all life forms. The easiest way to drain time energy from another life form however was through its blood. The altered time energy within the Ambrogio and their servants bodies had almost developed a mind of its own and even altered their forms, including giving them hosts fangs and claws to be able to drain the blood/energy from their victims. (Some believe it also intentionally limited their compassion and remorse deliberately too.) 

There were physical drawbacks to the energy's transformation of the time displaced tyrants and their servants bodies however. The time energy (that wasn't filtered in the Ambrogio clan like it was for everything else in the universe) made King Ambrogio and the others vulnerable to sunlight and Ultra violet rays to the point where it would cause the energy in their bodies to overheat and explode. They also now cast no reflection or shadows as a result of no longer being subject to the laws of time itself. Furthermore their bodies were also now more vulnerable to certain substances that reacted badly with the energy in their bodies such as silver and wood. (Though both could only kill them if they pierced the heart.) Crosses and holy water had no affect on vampires naturally, but those who were turned centuries ago believed them to be due to their religious beliefs, which led to myths emerging that they could. 

Finally in addition to this the time energy could also now spread like a virus through the displaced Ambrogio clan and their servant's bite or blood, allowing them to transform others into similar creatures. 

Whilst all of the Ambrogio clan and their servants who had been trapped in the vortex possessed these powers and attributes, the energy from the destroyed and crude Cosmos itself helped to alter their bodies in different ways, also not all were infected with the same amount of energy. This caused each of the time displaced clan to become a different type of vampire. 

One of the clan for instance fused physically with Camazotz and became a hideous, mutated bat humanoid like vampiric creature. He was teleported straight into Mesopatmia several hundred years later after the last of the Ambrogio had died out and was subsequently worshipped as a god. 

Another known as Turok Han, was altered by the energy to such an extent that not only did his form twist into a hideous, bald headed, muscular, demonic looking creature, but his entire mind was erased and replaced with savage, bloodthirsty instinct. Those he created who were simply known as the Turok Han, or Uber vampires, were believed to be the strongest and most feared of all the vampire breeds in this world. Doctor Omega himself described them as among the few creatures he actually feared. 

Lilith meanwhile's mental abilities were highly advanced to the point where she possessed some telekinetic and hypnotic powers which over time allowed her vampire clan to build up a secret and powerful society that ruled certain aspects of our world from behind the scenes. Lilith's breed of vampires were able to establish a peace treaty with both the Mortaxans and the Mekon during their reigns over the earth. In both cases they agreed to spare the vampires in exchange for secrets of time travel which Lilith had to some extent. These secrets would later allow the Mortaxans to make better use of the left over technology from Omega. Another member of the original time displaced clan however or rather one of their servants, named Vandal's body was altered to the point that his claws became more prominent than the fangs of other vampires. His claws allowed him to literally rip the time energy straight from his victims rather than their blood, which to the primitives of his time made it look as though he were removing their souls. Those Vandal turned who became known as simply the vandals, became the enemies of the other vampire races as Vandal himself was the last survivor of another family of elites, whose area had been conquered by Ambrogio. Vandal himself was only spared due to his scientific genius, but the Ambrogio loved to humiliate him all the same. 

Now finally free of their tyranny and with his own army, Vandal waged war against their children, the vampires, leading to a brutal feud between the vampires and vandals, just as in our reality. 

Doctor Omega faced these monsters throughout most of his lives. Much like the Mortaxans, the vampires were among his most personal enemies as it was tragically as a result of his families research that they had been created in the first place. 

King Ambrogio however proved to be his most prominent vampiric adversary. He had been transplanted to the time of the gods (in reality the last surviving Atlantean elites who had finally after centuries of isolation and fighting among themselves begun to rebuild civilisation, with their early attempts at doing so, and the subsequent worship of them laying the ground work for our own society.) Ambrogio arrived in what would one day become Greece and attempted to overthrow the gods, but even his vampiric powers were no match for them. 

He soon however teamed up with the last of a rival family of elites, the Titans, known as Selene. Together they performed experiments where fusing her god like powers with the unique properties of his blood, they were able to create a new race of super vampires which they used to attempt to wipe the gods from the earth and claim it as their own. 

Doctor Omega however was able to aid to the gods in destroying their vampiric army and used Ambrogio's own experiments with his blood to send him and Selene back into the time vortex itself alongside their new army. 

Selene later escaped with her army in the 21st century, but fortunately a later incarnation of Omega was able to finally destroy her and her forces once and for all. 

Ambrogio however had a very different fate. Just as before his connection to the vortex via his blood, allowed him to push his way through it to the point where he created a small rip that allowed the vampire to escape back into his universe, arriving on a remote planet in the Lost worlds. He was not able to rescue Selene as she was trapped in a different part of the vortex. Omega had made sure to separate them. Sadly Omega had no idea how they had escaped the first time, and was not aware of how strong their link with the vortex was. Even Ambrogio himself did not understand it, believing it to be an after effect of the explosion that had weakened the barriers at first. 

On this new remote world, Ambrogio was forced to survive off of the animals for years, until other life forms were soon drawn in by the very rip that had allowed him to escape. This rip due to the experiments Ambrogio had performed on his blood with Selene was more unpredictable than the first and had not closed. It continued to grow and grow causing all kinds of disturbances throughout the system, from creatures on all its planets rapidly aging to dust, to others returning from the dead, to some becoming immortal, to even time periods fusing together. Life forms from all over came to both exploit or try and repair the rip. Unfortunately Ambrogio was able to use this to sire several of the other life forms that arrived and create a new and powerful army of vampires who soon guarded the rip. Their attempts to harness its power however led to further disaster and anomalies across this galaxy. In time the galaxy became known as the legendary and terrifying Lost Worlds area of space that most great powers avoided due to its unpredictable laws and frightening monstrosities. 

The vampires experiments eventually destroyed their new planet, though King Ambrogio escaped to another planet in the Lost Worlds area of the cosmos where he attempted to rebuild, by slowly luring other vessels down through distress signals and siring any crew members he felt had potential. In the meantime other life forms attempted to harness the strange properties of the Lost World, including humanity, with all of its previous expeditions and colonies to captain Dan's mission failing. 

Sadly whilst Omega, Morag and Dan did eventually cripple the vampires power in the Lost Worlds, some of Ambrogio's agents were, whilst the Doctor was distracted, able to infiltrate the leaders of the earth empire (thanks to one of Dan's crew who had been sired.) Working within the vampires not only destroyed the earth's power, but spread the poison of vampirism like never before allowing the bloodsuckers to place the earth under Ambrogio's rule. The vampires played on many other species hatred of the earth in their conquest too. Fortunately Doctor Omega and Dan were able to gain allies in the Lost Worlds that they had freed from the vampires to help bring down Ambrogio. In the end ironically with his greater knowledge of the vortex, Omega was able to use the power of the rip Ambrogio had hoped to harness to destroy the vampire fleet once and for all before sealing it shut forever. King Ambrogio himself however escaped, and the combination of his ancestors research, and his years in the Lost Worlds, allowed him to build a time vessel. The vampire king however had no desire for his kind to rule. On the contrary he only ever saw them as a means to gain power so that he could in his mind improve the world. Now that he was free to explore all of time and space, the vampire king sought to reshape history for the better. He accomplished many terrible and incredible things over the course of his travels, just like Omega, though they were always despite his claims purely for his own good, and whilst he and Omega did work together a few times against a greater threat. Overall King Ambrogio remained one of his single greatest adversaries alongside Alti

Following the vampire invasion the humans empire was finished, and instead a new federation of worlds began where humanity worked with many of the races in the Lost Worlds, which in turn led to alliances with other races who were terrified of the Lost Worlds and wanted to be on good terms with any potential power within it. Dan and Morag stayed behind to help rebuild the new Federation, whilst Doctor Omega, who had finally been able to repair the Cosmos was free to go exploring all of time and space again. Sadly however whilst Dan and Morag eventually married and had a child together. Dan's old archenemy the Mekon soon returned. Hoping to take advantage of the weakened earth. Dan faced his arch foe many times, but the Mekon was still able to regain a footing in the galaxy and build up a gigantic Treen empire, which lasted for hundreds of years, with Dan's son and descendants being forced to continue to battle the monster and his forces for generations. Many of them were of course assisted by Doctor Omega. 

Among the other major enemies of Doctor Omega included, the Mad Mind, a creature created by humanity from billions of years in the future, the insane witch Jadis, the Demons, the Mammosaurs, and most tragic of all Professor Helvetius himself. 

Jadis was a witch who had originally come from the planet Charn in another universe. She was also along with her equally vile sister, the latest in a long line of cruel warlocks and witches who ruled over the great civilisation of Charn (though her family tree is also said to have included giant, and Djinn blood as well.) Jadis and her sister fought a war over the throne, which she eventually lost. Rather than concede defeat, Jadis instead spoke the deplorable word, a spell so powerful and deadly it destroyed all life on the planet. She then placed herself into suspended animation, until such a time when someone would come to her world and she could use them to escape and begin again somewhere else. That time eventually came in the early 20th century, when a former warlock from earth named Andrew sent his nephew Digory and his friend Polly to Charn as part of his interdimensional experiments. Digory inadvertently awoke Jadis who used him to return to our world, hoping to conquer. She was later using Andrews magics sent back through the dimensions, where she eventually ended up in Narnia, a world in another universe. The witch later took control of Narnia and imposed a brutal reign of terror over its people for centuries until Aslan, their god finally slew the witch. 

However many of her vile demonic followers survived her defeat and later tried to bring her back to life. Aslan was able to stop the spell in time, but Jadis' spirit was revived and trapped in the nothingness between realities, where she drifted for goodness knows how many centuries until she was able to enter Omega's universe via a gap in the forcefield (the cause of which we will explore later.) Jadis' spirit was then able in Omega's reality to build itself a new body using magics and she subsequently attempted to build a new and vast empire across the cosmos. She became one of Omega's greatest enemies. 

Jadis was different to Alti however in that all Alti cared about was in causing chaos to make herself stronger, whilst with Jadis there was a method to her madness. She wanted absolute dominion, believing that it was her birth right and therefore unlike Alti, other life forms could live under her rule as long as they obeyed (though it wasn't much of a life.) However she was arguably even more sadistic when it came to punishing her enemies than Alti. Her skill and knowledge of the black arts from across many different realities allowed Jadis to create some particularly nightmarish and horrific curses on her victims and in extreme cases entire worlds.

Still many life forms were seduced by her promises and came to serve her willingly, giving the infamous white witch a powerful army made up of the scum of the universe with which she would destroy and curse countless more worlds with. 

Demons were in reality aliens, whose species real name was Dyskaos. Rather than simply use force to invade other worlds, the Dyskaos instead infiltrated hundreds of worlds throughout the universe, and took them over in secret. They'd install puppet leaders from each dominant species on a planet, manipulate the natives to war with each other for their own efforts, even in some cases shape the genetic make up and evolution of certain species in their infancy from behind the scenes, all to suit their interests. They soon built up an empire far greater than the Mortaxans, the vampires or the RUR combined, yet very few life forms were aware they even existed. Their home planet remained hidden. (Some believe they removed its core and replaced it with a giant motor, allowing them to pilot it to safety around the universe.) 

Either way it was never found and their forces continued to rule an incalculable number of worlds throughout the universe in secret for hundreds of thousands of years. Certainly all of the myths and legends about demons on this version of earth came from encounters with these creatures who at the very least had an interest in the earth. 

The Dyskaos or Demons were often opposed by the Olan who gave rise to myths about angels on the earth too. Eons ago when Omega's reality was young, the Olan believed to be the first intergalactic species encased it in a forcefield to prevent any life form from another universe entering after a hostile invasion from interdimensional creatures. (The invaders are believed to have inspired the Dyskaos to become conquerors as well.) The Dyskaos special method of punishing other life forms meanwhile was to download their minds into a virtual reality (using a similar process to the Atlanteans) where all of their worst nightmares came to pass over and over again, with this virtual world being dubbed hell by these creatures. 

The Mammosaurs on the other hand were an advanced race of aliens who were named as such as they appeared to be a hybrid of reptillian and mammalian life. They evolved from a planet very similar to earth, but for whatever reason on this world, the dominant life forms, through convergent evolution evolved traits similar to both reptillians and mammals. The Mammosaurs that Doctor Omega faced many times were a humanoid race of warriors known as the Astrax. 

Finally Professor Helvetius though starting out as Doctor Omega's loyal brother, was driven insane when he travelled further than any other time traveller had ever ventured into the future of this universe, including Doctor Omega himself. What Helvetius saw horrified him to such an extent he spent years conducting experiments that he hoped could allow him to change this horrifying future. Sadly however they were all failures that led to devastating consequences. As time went on his experiments also began to alter him physically, transforming Helvetius into a hideous twisted mutant. No matter what horrors his actions caused however, Helvetius was still determined no matter what that this history could not be allowed to pass, and this determination eventually drove him completely insane. Doctor Omega genuinely tried to help his brother, but sadly Helvetius came to resent his brothers interference in his plans, and the two soon became bitterest enemies. In time however even Helvetius came to see his experiments were pointless and instead started to spread chaos throughout all of time and space since nothing mattered to him now that he had seen the end. Doctor Omega eventually gave up on his brother, and Helvetius became his most hated and dangerous enemy with their battles seeing entire worlds destroyed in the crossfire.

Doctor Omega never dared venture to the point in time that Helvetius did, as he was too terrified. He could only hope that somehow his actions would prevent whatever his brother had seen from happening and that this was what the creation of the Cosmos in general was to prevent. 

Despite all the horrors he faced in his own reality however, Omega's greatest challenge would be in our universe and in the next section we shall explore how he was able to enter our reality thanks in part to Professor Fang.