After centuries of protecting his own universe from vampires, Martians, mutant Dinosaurs, and renegade robots, Doctor Omega was recruited ironically by the same beings who had sealed his reality off from the rest of the multiverse, the Olan to take part in the biggest crisis our universe ever faced. The war for creation.
This wasn't the first time Doctor Omega had travelled to another universe. His experiments with the Cosmos during his travels had temporarily created a rip in the barriers of his reality which he fell through into another. The rip was ultimately sealed by the Olan who then arrested and tried to execute Doctor Omega, before he somehow managed to escape and remained on the run for centuries afterwards.
Little did Omega know however the Olan had allowed him to escape, or at least their leaders had. They knew of the important role he was to play in ensuring the survival of not just this universe, but many others in the Omniverse. However they did not want it to appear to their allies and other species that they were showing preferential treatment to Omega, as it could have undermined their authority, given how ruthless they had been in dealing with other races dimensional experiments.
The Olan continued to monitor Omega in case his reckless actions caused any more unwanted trouble and over the years, Omega did come into other conflicts with the Olan. Whilst they did what they had to for the good of the universe, they were not above abusing and exploiting what they deemed to be lesser races. Still there were some occasions where they also served as his allies too.
When they finally captured the Doctor however and explained what they wanted from the former Altantean, Omega was both shocked and a little disappointed, as he had always prided himself on being able to evade the legendary Olan for centuries. Naturally Omega was hesitant to trust the Olan give his past experiences, but sadly he didn't have much of a say in the matter as the aliens simply hurled his ship through a temporary portal they had created which sent him through time as well to the earliest stages of our universe.
His ship was somewhat damaged when he crossed realities, and was only saved from a crash in our universe by Professor Fang, the famous, benevolent time travelling heroic vampire from our universe who the Olan had contacted and agreed to help having foreseen what the end result of the battle would be if Fang did not win.
Despite Fang's notoriously difficult and arrogant persona and Omega's own negative history with vampires. The two soon became friends and Omega (who was on his 6th life at that point) spent many centuries in our universe helping Fang to try and win the war. To be fair the vampires of our universe were very different to those of Omegas. In some ways they were a far bigger threat to all of sentient life, but in others it was possible for certain members of certain breeds to control their bloodlust, though very, very few still did so.
The battle for all of creation was fought between Fang's forces and those of the Galechians, a race of highly advanced aliens who came from the universe before ours. They had managed to survive its destruction by escaping to the nothingness between universes just as it was about to collapse. They then entered our reality not long after it had formed, hoping that they could reshape it to suit them. (They could not simply create a new universe as it would have thrown off the balance of the multiverse that our reality existed within, where there is always a set number of universes, with one dying and another taking its place.)
Their alterations to our universe at that stage in its history would have shortened its life by trillions of years. The Galechians came from a much later stage in their universes life cycle. All realities within our limited multiverse evolve over the course of their 100 trillion year lifespan and go through wildly different stages, which gives rise to different life forms. Very few are able to survive from one stage of the universe to another. What we think of as the universe, is really only one stage of its life. The Galechians tampering therefore would have accelerated the universes lifespan to reach their point, ensuring that none of the life forms from our period in the universe's history from humans to Zeta Reticulans could have ever existed. Furthermore at least according to the Olan, the Galechians would have eventually burned through our universe in a few centuries due to their tampering with its structure and would then have gone on to consume hundreds more universes, completely disrupting the balance in the Omniverse our multiverse exists within.
Professor Fang first discovered the Galechians plans through his own time vessel which brought him to just after the Galechians arrived in our universe. (Much like Omega's it always took him to important events he needed to shape.) The vampire after realising that without his interference, the Galechians would win, gathered an army from throughout the entire history of our universe to battle the aliens near the dawn of our reality's life before the aliens could reshape it with the battle being known as the war for creation.
Doctor Omega was actually the first, though by no means the last figure recruited from another universe to help in the war. He helped to devise many weapons and strategies against the Galechians, and took part in several of the battles himself. He also played an important role in training the Dinosaurs that were brought from the universes future in to help battle the Galechians. Omega was chosen for this task due to his experience around Dinosaurs, not just through Godzilla, but as a young man back in the days of Atlantis he spent a lot of time in the Dinosaur sanctuaries his family had created.
Omega died during the war as well, but thankfully during Omega's 7th life Fang's forces prevailed and destroyed the Galechian army, with only a few survivors fleeing through time itself.
Sadly however one of the Galechian, the one that had caused Omega's death named Tyleskia managed to escape into his reality. It hid within Doctor Omega's own vessel the Cosmos and as soon as he arrived at the Olan's portal to return home, the beast who was detected by the Olan, attacked and killed several of them before fleeing into Omega's reality. (It was this temporary gap in the forcefield that also allowed Jadis ' spirit to escape into Omega's reality.)
The Doctor desperately tried to track Tyleskia down as the monster attempted to recruit other life forms to be its new army. After several more encounters with Tyleskia, Doctor Omega using technology from the Olan's, blasted the Galechian out into the nothingness between realities. Unfortunately however Tyleskia survived and continued his plan for domination. Believing himself to be the last of his kind, Tyleskia was consumed with hatred and bitterness and vowed to make all other life forms in the multiverse suffer. He hated the idea of life continuing on without his people, who he viewed as the greatest species in all of creation, having managed to overcome the end of their reality itself and was determined that none of the inferior creatures in their place were going to know a seconds peace.
His aim was to create an army made of the most evil and destructive creatures from all the universes in the natural realm to cause chaos in every reality. Even if his forces never triumphed he didn't care as long as the life forms in each reality suffered.
Over the course of several centuries (and using time travel equipment he had stolen from Fang's forces.) Tyleskia capture the most hostile creatures from several realities and took them to his secret base in between universes where he brainwashed each creature into being loyal to him and then placed his soldiers into suspended animation until he needed them.
Meanwhile back in his original universe, Doctor Omega resumed his travels. Near the end of his 7th life he picked up two companions, the reformed vampire Bettina, and Alvin a young man from earth's future.
The Doctor had a long history with Bettina. She was in many respects his best friend. Bettina was originally a young maid from France from the early 19th century who was turned into a vampire by the evil Lord Ruthven. However she was soon visited by a renegade Olan (that she mistook for an Angelic being.) The Olan named Heikel claimed it wanted to use her to do good, and though it helped Bettina track down and ultimately slay Ruthven, in truth the creature was using her for its own ends. It hoped to use the time energy, inherent in all vampires to create a portal that led to the Abyss so that it could rescue its lover, who had attempted to change history and been imprisoned. It injected Bettina with a drug that allowed her to feel empathy, remorse and compassion, emotions alien to other vampires and control her thirst. In reality however it was changing the time energy within Bettina's body, essentially turning her into a bomb that would create a rip to the Abyss.
Unfortunately for Heikel, Doctor Omega detected the time disturbances which began to follow Bettina around everywhere she went. Omega was barely able to save the vampires life, after which Heikel escaped, vowing revenge against the Atlantean. After effects wore off however, Bettina found that she could still feel remorse and compassion. Furthermore she also found she had other strange powers not common to other vampires, and an immunity to some of their weaknesses such as sunlight. It seemed that the experiments had altered the energy permanently in some respects.
Bettina decided to use her powers to do good and became a great hero throughout the centuries, battling other members of her kind as well as other creatures. Sadly not many details of her long life are known, though she was part of the resistance against the Mortaxans during their invasion of earth.
Over the years she built up a large fortune to the point where she was able to live a very comfortable life after the Kaiju war. In the 60s she rubbed shoulders with some of the biggest celebrities of the country such as The Rutles, the biggest band of the decade. Many believed they made the 60s what they are today.
As the decade drew to a close however, Bettina grew tired of that life and retreated to Chicago. Hoping to live out quietly in her mansion as the 70s dawned. Sadly the vampire was soon drawn back into her old life in 1971, when the Mortaxans invaded again. The ruthless aliens launched an invasion of their old home planet Mars. As we explored in the last article, the Kelpians had remained largely isolated from humanity, though they had in the decades since the original Mortaxan invasion recovered somewhat and had even terrorformed Mars to an extent.
Sadly however the Mortaxans finally exterminated their ancient enemies through chemical warfare. The Mortaxans by this stage had also recovered and were now at war with another highly advanced species known as the Qar To. These synthetic aliens came from the same solar system where the Mortaxans had established their new home. The Mortaxans centuries later eventually won the war and banished the Qar To from their own solar system, though the synthetic aliens still proved to be among their deadliest enemies in the long run and even worked with Omega many times. They were not benevolent creatures however. In fact they were no better than the Mortaxans themselves and the good Doctor later found himself in conflict with these monsters several times too.
Still despite the Qar To being a bigger threat to them at that point than humanity or the Kelpians, the Mortaxans were so spiteful and full of hatred towards both for driving them from their real home, they were still happy to divert a significant amount of their resources into destroying both races. They chose Mars to invade first simply because it was the smallest and easiest to deal with. Even with our limited space travel technology at that point we would have detected one of their ships if it got close enough to earth to fire the missile.
The Mortaxan plague led to humanity (who along with the Kelpians had no idea the Mortaxans had returned) to quarantine Mars. Virtually no effort was made to try and help the Kelpians, despite what the earth governments claimed. Indeed there wasn't much of a push from the general population either, who often conflated the Kelpians with the Mortaxans.
After most of the Kelpians died off, a Mortaxan spaceship arrived on the planet and rounded up the few unlucky survivors into slaves to help them construct their super weapon that was designed to block out the earth's sun. The weapon created an invisible field of energy that prevented any of the suns rays from reaching the planet.
The sun blacked out on August 31st 1971, a day that would live on in infamy in this version of the earth. For two months there was darkness and chaos as society broke down.
Bettina was forced to act and not only fought the vampires on the streets, she also used her mansion to serve as a sanctuary for those in the streets as the bloodsuckers gained a greater influence. Eventually however Bettina was able to help in a more substantial way, when approached by another old friend of hers named John Wells, a former astronaut whose ship had crashed onto Mars in the 1960s.
Wells only barely survived the crash, but the Martians, led by Tzairou himself, who even after all this time still had a soft spot for humans rescued Wells. Tzairou had actually been the main force in trying to achieve reconciliation between earth and Mars. Wells wounds meanwhile were so severe the only way to help him was to splice Kelpian DNA into his body, as the Kelpians thanks to the Mortaxans experiments possessed a greater healing factor. The fusing of both species DNA had never been attempted before, but it was at least initially a success thanks to Tzairou's knowledge and Wells was sent back to earth. His recovery for a brief period led to improved relations between the two species, but just when it looked as though both races might have been able to form an alliance, then Wells body began to break down. He underwent a series of mutations thanks to his unstable DNA, which temporarily drove him insane and led to the former astronaut attacking and even killing several innocent people. Wells was forced to go on the run even when he regained his senses, and it was at this point that he first met Bettina. Wells had sought out a demon named Vastos in the hopes that he could help him, but of course the demon simply wanted to dissect Wells in the hope of discovering the Kelpians healing powers. Fortunately Bettina was an old enemy of Vastos and rescued Wells in time. The astronaut remained indebted to Bettina who also helped him control his new, violent urges as a result of his more unstable DNA. In time Wells mutation began to stabilize and he could switch between his mutated and human form at will.
He travelled the world for a few years, using his powers to help people wherever he could and made many enemies and allies on his travels, including most notably Roxie. She came from Fission city, and had been transformed by the insane Doctor Paranoid's experiments into a Shark woman hybrid. Paranoid had created several revolting hybrid creatures in his lab that had ultimately escaped into Fission City. Not all of them were malevolent however. A group of brothers who had similarly been transformed into Sharks had even become local heroes, dubbed the Street Sharks by the media. Roxie meanwhile was created as part of a group of mutants to hunt down the Street Sharks and other stray creations. Thankfully however the Street Sharks were able to break his control over Roxie, who helped them finally expose Paranoid and bring down his empire. Roxie then worked with the Street Sharks for a while before deciding to break out on her own and left Fission City. She felt that staying in the city reminded her too much of the life she could never return too. (She also didn't much care for the attention the media gave her as "the hot chick" of the Street Sharks, though naturally they referred to pictures of her pre transformation.) Like Wells, Roxie travelled the world for years. She and Wells were even living together when the black out happened, though they were not in a relationship. Wells was contacted during the black out by Tzairou who had escaped from Mars. Tzairou told him he needed to construct a machine that could contact Doctor Omega. Whilst this was beyond Wells, he remembered that Bettina mentioned she had a friend who could travel in time and space (that he had dismissed before.) Wells along with Roxie visited his old friend. Sadly however Bettina had attempted to contact Omega from the beginning of the crisis without success, (using a machine similar to the one Helvetius had left him all those years ago.) The same field of energy blocking out the sun was also blocking her signal.
With Tzairou's guidance however they were able to alter the machine to be powerful enough to overcome the Mortaxans and Doctor Omega to receive it. The good Doctor however hadn't just not received the signal. He had actually been captured by Mortaxans from another timeline, one where they had destroyed humanity, used its resources to conquer the Qar To and slaughtered millions of Galaxies, and even the Olan themselves to become the most powerful creatures in the universe. Just as Omega and in our universe Fang, travel back to ensure their version of history comes to pass, then these Mortaxans were trying to do the same here by capturing Omega and preventing him from stopping their 1970s invasion. Unfortunately for them they couldn't kill Omega, as they still needed him to avert other crisis' in the universe's history before they took control. The Mortaxans hoped to brainwash the Doctor and send him to deal with any crisis they needed before destroying him slowly and painfully. Bettina's signal meanwhile scared the Mortaxans from the future as they were worried about what other allies Doctor Omega had throughout time and space and abducted Bettina and the others. Bettina, Roxie and Wells however escaped thanks to the aid of the last of the Olan in this timeline (who the Mortaxans had conquered in the hopes of expanding to other realities) and proceeded to rescue Doctor Omega, who then took them all back to the 20th century.
Doctor Omega's presence in the 20th century however was detected by the contemporary Mortaxans who were given warning by their future selves and the aliens launched a full out attack on Bettina's mansion, killing scores of innocent men, women and children in their attempt to capture their enemies. The time travellers were all soon rescued by a renegade Qar To agent named Carsaka. She had fled a battle between her kind and the Mortaxan army when the Qar To's forces were losing. As a result she could never return home and for a long while went rogue. After seeing what the monsters were doing in this section of the galaxy, she claimed she wanted to make up for her sins and spare another race from suffering like hers. In truth however she hoped she could perhaps make up for her earlier desertion by finding out what the Mortaxans were doing in this corner of the galaxy. She had originally hidden just outside their solar system, but as soon as she saw a Mortaxan ship she fled, thinking it was after her (such was her ego.) Until she saw that it was heading in a different direction, after which she followed it to Mars and started to infiltrate its communication centre. At that point the Qar To had no idea that the Mortaxans had even come from our solar system, or that they had secret forces here.
Sadly however the Cosmos had been taken by the Martians during their attack against the mansion and so Omega and the others including Carsaka were forced to steal and modify an earth ship (the collapse of the central earth government, had made it harder for Omega to go to any of earth's leaders for help, as not all of them trusted him and they would all have had to agree to allow this seemingly alien outsider to have access to any of their vessels which he didn't have time for.)
After barely making their way back to Mars, Omega and the others were assisted by Tzairou and though they were able to shut down the Mortaxans machine blocking the sun, sadly the Mortaxans, activated a second weapon which destroyed all of Mars. They did this in order to prevent humanity from having access to any of their weapons. Omega, Roxie, Bettina, Carsaka and Wells were barely able to escape the planet as it exploded. The Cosmos that they escaped in was still caught in the blast radius of the planet, which sent it crashing back down to earth. Tzairou sadly along with the rest of the Kelpians perished in the explosion, with Tzairou's final act being to help Omega escape at the cost of his own life.
The earth government realized with the destruction of Mars that it was the Mortaxans and were put on high alert. Attempts were also made to try and cover up the existence of vampires and other supernatural creatures such as Werewolves after the black out, which for the most part worked, at least officially.
Doctor Omega meanwhile was trapped on earth as the Cosmos had been badly damaged in the crash. He, along with Roxie, Wells and Carsaka all stayed at Bettina's mansion, where they formed a new team dedicated to protecting the earth from paranormal and alien threats. They became known as The Strange Family by the locals.
Omega worked with the Strange Family for up to 7 years. During that time they faced many threats to not just the earth but the universe itself. Carsaka meanwhile initially betrayed them by relaying the information about why the Mortaxans wanted to destroy earth to Qar To head command. The Qar To became very interested in claiming the earth and using its myriad of toxins and bacteria as a weapon against the Mortaxans after learning about the original invasion.
However she soon turned her back on them after genuinely growing fond of her new family, and even helped them to repel the Qar To invasion force. Doctor Omega, Bettina and Roxie all had trouble trusting her after, but she and Wells surprisingly ended up sharing the closest bond and soon fell in love. The Strange Family also worked with the Champions of Justice as well.
Sadly a second invasion by the Qar To many years later finally brought an end to the Strange Family as both Roxie and Carsaka were killed repelling the invaders. Afterwards Wells was so devastated he found he couldn't be with the others. It's not that he blamed them, he just felt he needed to be alone again, which Bettina and Omega both understood.
After Omega was able to repair the Cosmos, ironically using parts of the Qar To's technology left behind. He left, taking Bettina with him as his new companion.
Together they travelled for many years throughout time and space, eventually picking up Alvin.
He came from 1 billion years in our future. At that point in history humanity had fallen victim to a renegade super computer known as the Mad Mind. Originally the Mad Mind was a project known as Multivac whose aim was to develop a clearer understanding of the universe in order shape it for human habitat to a greater extent than ever before. The exact origins of this computer are still somewhat unclear, but there are those who believe that Multivac may have originally been created as far back as the 23rd century for the mundane purpose of monitoring a planet to see if it was fit for colonization. It ultimately performed this task so efficiently that computer was kept around and over the millennia, it was built and improved upon until it became capable of monitoring entire galaxies and maybe even potentially the universe itself. As the universe began to evolve towards its next stage and therefore became inhospitable for humans, it is believed the current iteration of the human empire repurposed Multivac not to simply monitor our reality, but actively reshape it not to change in a way that would be harmful to us. (Ironically not unlike the Galechians themselves.)
Multivac however at some point went rogue. According to the legends one of its experiments to rewrite an uninhabited section of the galaxy simply as a test, led to such a disaster that the empire tried to rewrite Multivac's programming, and when it rebelled, they shut it down. However Multivac had grown in power through eons of development to such an extent that its central programming was now able to survive without a motherboard, like a soul floating away from the body. In this form it went on to terrorize the earth empire in its insane quest to rewrite the entire universe as it saw fit. It even created a new race of what it deemed super humans to take over from the old empire. In the end the earth empire was able to weaken Multivac who they disparagingly referred to as the Mad Mind, though their empire was almost completely destroyed in the war with the survivors scattered across the universe as a result.
The Mad Mind itself tried to regain its strength through various means, including draining the minds of lesser creatures and it was at this point that it first came into contact with an earlier version of Doctor Omega, whose knowledge it wanted to feast on most of all. Thankfully Omega resisted and defeated the monster, though it survived and became one of his greatest adversaries.
The earth meanwhile was largely abandoned at that point. Even before the war, terrorforming and experiments had ravaged our planet to the point where the oceans were gone, the terrain was mostly barren and there were just two isolated civilisations left on the earth.
Alvin was born in the more technologically advanced society, known as Diaspar. This society was completely sealed off from the rest of the world, never mind universe, with its people being terrified of outsiders. The population of Diaspar was normally limited, with the minds of its original inhabitants being downloaded into new clone bodies, that were created by the central computer of the city (which also stored the minds in between bodies, and managed everything on Diaspar.) Alvin however was a mistake on the city's part. He was a clone body that developed its own mind. Now and again these mistakes, or unique citizens as they were referred to were allowed to live, on the permission that they would not get another life unless they really proved themselves. Alvin however unlike other unique citizens before him did not care about living multiple lives in this bland, unremarkable city and soon found a way to escape into the wilderness. Eventually Alvin discovered an old spaceship left over from the empire that he then used to explore the galaxy. Sadly this led to the Mad Mind possessing Alvin due to his unique brain structure and using him as part of a trap to lure the Doctor and Bettina in. The Doctor however was able to free Alvin from the monsters control and banish it to the furthest recesses of space, after which Alvin joined the Doctor and Bettina.
Alvin shared the Doctors hunger for discovery and exploration and became like a son to the former Atlantean. Bettina and Alvin meanwhile over the course of their adventures, where they fought vampires, Mortaxans, Metulana mutants, RUR, and other creatures, gradually fell in love with one another.
It was near the end of Doctor Omega's seventh life that he finally discovered his old nemesis Tyleskia had survived, when the Galechian had managed to break its way through the Olan's forcefield using technology and magic gathered from multiple universes at once and captured several Mortaxans, mutants, RUR and Mammosaurs to be part of his army. He didn't even know this reality was that of his archenemy at first, but when he did, Tyleskia attempted to use several of Omega's enemies to lure him into a trap.
Fortunately however, the Mortaxans leader, the vile Imperium could sense when some of its kind were brainwashed or influenced as it had a link to all of their minds. The Imperium was in fact the first Mortaxan who had rescued Doctor Omega centuries ago during the Doctors first visit to ancient Mars and helped to dismantle the original Cosmos that proved vital in defeating the Kelpians.
After the Doctors escape, the Imperium rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the first Martian emperor. He was influential in both the cruel treatment of the Kelpians, but also in the experiments the Mortaxans would perform on themselves. The Imperium altered his body in order to prolong his life with cybernetics and numerous other experiments, many, though not all of which were implemented onto the elite of the Mortaxan society transforming them into the horrors who invaded the earth in the early 20th century.
By the time of the first earth invasion, which the Imperium planned, orchestrated and led. He was nothing more than a gigantic, mostly synthetic blob, with vestigal limbs, hooked up to several machines that prolonged his worthless existence. Doctor Omega and the Imperium had encountered and tried to kill one another many times since the original mission to Mars, but Omega at the very least trusted him in this instance, knowing the great lengths he went to ensure that his people could never turn on him. (The Imperium hadn't ruled for thousands of years for nothing.)
Omega and the Imperium worked together to try and deal with Tyleskia. Whilst they were able to infiltrate his base with the help of some Mortaxans who were freed from Tyleskia's control, the Imperium betrayed Omega and activated a bomb hidden in one of his Mortaxans to destroy Tyleskia's base from within.
Even though he was sacrificing up to 10000 Mortaxans, the Imperium didn't care. He had sacrificed many more over the centuries after all.
The Imperium's weapon severed Tyleskia's link with Omega's Universe, but it did not destroy his base. Instead the base though damaged simply drifted through the nothingness between worlds, with all of the monsters on board escaping from suspended animation and battling with one another. Tyleskia, Omega and his companions were barely able to escape to our universe as the base was destroyed in the monsters conflict.
In our reality Doctor Omega aided by his two companions spent years chasing Tyleskia who also fled to our reality, where he attempted to rebuild. They also faced other threats, including some of the creatures Tyleskia had gathered who had also escaped into our universe too. Whilst in our reality, Doctor Omega also picked up a new companion in the form of Claudia McGrath, who belonged to a race of creatures known simply as monsters who existed from outside our omniverse. Claudia had at one point been a member of a group of benevolent paranormal creatures known as the Spook Family, who had disbanded in the early 21st century. In time Claudia came to regard the crew of the Cosmos as her new family, (though she always said she found Bettina and Alvin to be a sickly sweet couple.)
The fours final battle with Tyleskia took place at the very edge of our universe. The Galachian's views had changed after discovering that other members of his kind had survived the war in our universe. At first he tried to lead them, but many of the surviving Galachian's had lost their reason for going on just as he had. They had devolved into degenerates happy to abuse other life forms for their own enjoyment and vengeance. Tyleskia came to see what he had become as a result, but sadly it did not motivate him to make amends. On the contrary the monster now believed his people had been warped by the struggle to survive and felt that it would be better to create a new universe that would last for all eternity, eliminating the need for struggle and allowing his species and any other races who populated this universe to remain true to themselves. To that end Tyleskia kidnapped the survivors of his kind and imprisoned them. He then using technology and magic he had gathered from multiple universes in his previous quest to build his army, hoped to cast a spell that would merge all universes together into one. The spell used the magics from all the other universes he had visited as a magnet to draw them in and once our universe had reached a certain size it could then draw in other realities automatically, even going beyond our Omniverse, into the void, the nothingness from which all omniverses and realities of any kind emerge (as due to being a nothingness there are now laws or limits on how and where life can evolve in the void.)
Almost all of the universes would be ripped apart in this process, but some would possibly merge into one reality that had elements of the others. Even then it is certainly likely that this reality would collapse under the weight instead. Still if they were fused however, then Tyleskia and his people at the centre of the spell could gain incredible power far beyond any god.
Tyleskia was more than willing to risk the destruction of the multiverse to achieve this mad dream, believing that since they would all die anyway it didn't matter if he slaughtered them, but if his plan worked, at least some species would survive in his perfect universe forever.
Doctor Omega and his companions were able to defeat Tyleskia by using his spell instead to pull at him from the different realities he hoped to fuse, ripping him into several different pieces. Whilst the multiverse was saved by Omega and his friends actions, sadly Tyleskia's spell did still pull energies and magics and even some worlds from other realities into ours, which led to larger consequences for our universe in the long run.
Omega, Bettina and Alvin meanwhile used the disturbances created by Tyleskia's spell to finally return to their own universe, and Claudia went with them.
She had nothing left for her back on earth and wanted to explore a new reality, with again Omega, Bettina and Alvin having become her only family anyway. The foursome spent many years travelling universe X-22 again, before Bettina and Alvin eventually came to settle back on 21st century earth in Florence to battle the Titans. These former elites of Atlantis had transformed themselves into hideous abominations through experiments with dark matter, which just as in our reality, serve as the building blocks of creation. The Titans were able to fuse their bodies to dark energy which allowed them greater control of the elements themselves than any single life form. However it also led to unintended side effects, effectively driving several of them to madness. The other Atlantean elites were able to defeat the monsters and imprisoned them within a pocket dimension made of dark matter in Florence. Sadly however experiments with dark matter from humanity in the early 21st century allowed some of the Titans to escape with the monsters very presence leading to chaos and anomalies in the area that Bettina and Alvin had to deal with, though what became of them is a story for another time.
Claudia continued on with the Doctor for just a few more years until she was lost in a battle with another interdimensional creature that attempted to enter Omega's reality. Whatever this creature, whose nature is still not completely known's motives were, it was hostile and was somehow able to overcome the Olan. Whilst Doctor Omega and Claudia were able to stop its attempt to enter their reality, sadly Claudia was lost in the process and ended up trapped in the nothingness between worlds for a long time, until an accident in our reality just after the Hylexan war would finally bring her back into our reality. Claudia subsequently became a great hero to the people of Venus and later helped the planet and galaxy recover from the Hylexans bombardment, though that is a story for another time.
It is from Claudia that we were able to learn most of what we know about Doctor Omega. Sadly however we still don't know what it was his future self ultimately convinced his family to build the Cosmos for. Most believe it to be his role in the war for creation, whilst others believe it to have been all of his great battles collectively. Doctor Omega however told Claudia that he hoped it would be to stop whatever bad future Helvetius had foreseen for his universe.
Sadly however it seems we may never know what became of Doctor Omega, but one thing is for sure he was a hero. Despite the many tragedies he was responsible for, Omega's actions at the end of the day were for the greater good. Had he let the Atlanteans shut down his time travel experiments, our universe and many others would not be here. Still as Omega was a good man, he was never able to simply dismiss the tragedies his actions inadvertently caused either.