Chereads / The Queer Emperor's Wife Is A Little Too Daring! / Chapter 2 - Irksome Morning Encounter!

Chapter 2 - Irksome Morning Encounter!

" It is Human Nature to think wisely and Act absurdly. "

-- Anatole France


" Save her! I need you to keep her alive and safe. Lai, I know just how painful it is but one of us must sacrifice. She is our last hope. Bring her away with you and hide her well. Keep her away from them. Never let them get to her…", a woman spoke with her voice trembling both in pain and sorrow.

She gazed lovingly at the baby cradled within her arms. She looked broken as the incessant tears washed her beautiful face.

Her longing for the baby was evident but as time was numbered, she had to give in to the situation.

Gradually, she hardened her heart and then very unwillingly gave away the sleeping baby into the arms of her partner.

The man too had tears running down his face as he dejectedly took his daughter back from his beloved. He was unwilling but didn't have the reason to stop his wife from leaving him, leaving them!

If only he could be the sacrificial being instead of his wife, then perhaps his beloved wouldn't have to die. If only he was more powerful than their foes then his wife wouldn't have to leave him and they could go on about their lives together as happily as before.

His heart ached for her. He was both a useless husband and a powerless father failing to protect his wife and child. He hated himself so much at the moment!

" Yanyan… I-I can't. I can take your place and you can leave with our daughter. She will be well protected staying with you. I…", the man pleaded to his wife in grief. A lump formed in his throat as he spoke, trying his best to keep his tears at bay. But before he could say more he was cut off.

" Are you crazy? Why can't you understand? Out of us both, only you are a much better fighter, and you still have your ability to protect her. I can't do that. I am useless now. I can't fight any longer. So please, take her away from the place, this instant. Runoff now. There's not much time left before they catch us up.", The woman spoke crying harder than ever.

It pained her to leave her husband and barely five-year-old daughter but there wasn't much option available to them at the moment.

She would never let her daughter fall into their hands, ever!

She was a mother after all and no mother would possibly stay back from protecting their young ones.

Her daughter was born to rise above all the masses. She was born to protect the heavens from the clutches of all villainy. She had to survive this predicament anyhow.

Her little sacrifice won't contribute much but it could save the life of her baby girl and help resolve the crisis.

She would protect her no matter what, even if it costs her own life!

Their sad departure was soon interrupted by numerous clopping of horses moving towards their direction signalling the end of their time together.

The woman hugged the man and her baby daughter tightly, whispering sweet nothings to them as she usually did. Humming a lullaby that she sang when putting her adorable baby girl to sleep, for the last time, she kissed every inch of her face before whispering " I Love You's " to both of them.

She caressed her husband's face with both her palms as her husband caressed her hair with trembling hands adorningly. Both had tears in their eyes.

The woman smiled and kissed her husband for the last time, bidding him farewell. She then pushed them away from her as she silently mouthed the words " Run!"




Is there something called love?

I call it PDA!

It's got nothing to do with emotions.

Physical contact and surging of pubertal hormones are what I see these days!


Airi knew she was an introverted laconic soul but few things were right in front of her eyes which one just cannot ignore!

As goes the saying --

" There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable. "

That is when something is forbidden, dangerous, inaccessible, or difficult, it appears to be much more attractive and so that something immediately catches our attention. Our eyes tend to follow after the forbidden because human nature is curious and so are its five senses!


Airi was hatching a last-minute bus ride to school. It wasn't those yellow school buses you see chauffeuring kids regularly but instead a public bus. She was running late and thus had to board a crowded one at that. Even so, never did she expect to come across such a nuisance so early in the morning!

Who would like such a thing anyway?

Who would want to get their eyes to go blind with dog food first thing in the morning!?

It was a public bus for goodness sake!

You guys could have just stayed back home to finish upright?

Why bother others?

Don't they even feel hot?

It was supposed to be a peaceful chilly morning conjoined with the handsome sun making an entrance, who had just started to flaunt in its charm yet those dowdy clouds have had to intervene in, getting those happy rays to tone down a little, displeasing the handsome hunk to some extent.

The weather was cold and dry with a temperature of around 12°celsius and also with all the maple leaves piling up along on either side of the streets, it was as clear as a day that autumn was just around the corner.

And since it was a bit windy as well, Airi like others wore something warm to get along well with the cold atmosphere.

When inside the bus, Airi found that the driver had already turned on the heater to keep himself and his passengers comfortable and warm.

The temperature inside was just right but with how crowded the bus was becoming after passing by each stop, the air inside started to get all heated up.

With how the passengers kept on jerking to and fro, as the bus rolled on forward, the temperature was gradually rising and the air inside the bus became almost unbearable to endure throughout the journey.

Plus with everyone sweating, Airi felt claustrophobic!

She felt the condition inside wasn't at all appropriate and so the couple could at least take into consideration the present scenario before attempting such a foul thing!

Airi was standing right in the middle of the bus, holding onto the handlebars for her dear life so as not to crash onto anyone and also to save her dear nose from getting assaulted by the sweaty smell, every time the bus driver halted the bus at the signals. She felt annoyed that they just had to do their business there itself with one standing and the other sitting yet leaning onto Airi's shoulders, so casually!

It was irksome and awkward if you ask me!


Get a room already!!!!


'Ten minutes! Ten minutes!

Airi mouthed the pair of words like a mantra without even a pause!

There were only ten minutes to reach school and Airi found herself already at the limit!

She kept on chanting inside her head as her pair of almond eyes wandered around looking for the sign displaying the name of the school through the possible gaps of the window.

Aiyyo, Even a minuscule ant would suffer from difficulty breathing. What would the condition of the people inside this grinding machine be?

She did have a car but avoided going near it today so as not to encounter someone she didn't like.

Airi didn't want her first day of high school to start with some not-so-necessary family drama?!

Safer to say she avoided her father, the first thing in the morning!

The reason why she was riding a bus...

Airi was regretting having not taken a detour and getting her car.

And look what that got her into!!!!

Facing her father would have been much better than crossing paths with this complication at least!