Chereads / Twin disaster: You gave birth to my child! / Chapter 202 - Devishly handsome

Chapter 202 - Devishly handsome

"Where could she have gone?" Xuan thought to herself as she looked around, pointing out parts of others' costumes that she loved.

As Xuan was getting a bit worried and trying to politely excuse herself and go in search of Zuan, she heard a familiar voice call out to her and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Shaoyan!!" Xuan thought as her classmates parted to reveal Shaoyan, and thankfully Zuan with him.

Ying Xuan smiled upon seeing two of her best friends. They had on matching consumes, and looked absolutely adorable. Though Shaoyan had already shown her his costume and she had helped Zuan get ready, she couldn't get over the fact how well the two costumes blended together.

Zuan's dress was easily a combination of beautiful and classy, more classy, just like Lu Zuan's vibe.

Shaoyan's costume, on the other hand, gave off exactly his vibe. A little edgy, beautiful in an unorthodox way, and standing out in a crowd. Though completely different vibes, the two costumes looked astonishingly well together.

"Kind of like Shaoyan and Zuan." Ying Xuan muttered to herself and smiled.

It was then that her eyes fell to a boy standing with the two, but a little apart, kind of brooding by himself.

Xuan's breath hitched as she looked at Wei Jingyu in that outfit, with the frilled shirt, long overcoat and those boots that he had hated so much. Xuan had been a little doubtful in the beginning, but Jingyu pulled off the costume splendidly.

After taking over the costume designed by her draped over Jingyu's body perfectly, Ying Xuan allowed her eyes to start to his face. And as she did, she really did think she was about to faint.

Wei Jingyu had refused to put on any makeup, which wasn't that big of a issue, he was breathtakingly handsome anyway.

Jingyu's light brown eyes, shining as they looked at her, his perfect furrowed eyebrows and forehead, that made Xuan want to smooth it out with her finger, and his deliciously thin lips, all of those combined with how Wei Jingyu had slicked back his long hair and made a ponytail at the nape of his neck. Looking at those right now, Ying Xuan really felt like she had been transported to the eighteenth century, and was looking at a prince across a ballroom.

Xuan licked her lips as she once again looked at Wei Jingyu from top to bottom. He actually looked quite ravishing, now that she thought about it. And, well, who didn't have some dark Prince fantasies.

Ying Xuan shook her head to pull herself out of those fantasies and walked towards them, trying to think clearly.

She stopped right in front of Wei Jingyu and signed, 'How do I look?'

But Jingyu seemed to be in no condition to form proper sentences as he opened and closed his mouth continuously.

Su Shaoyan, on the other hand, had a lot to say. He bounced over and almost knocked Xuan off her feet in a attempt to hug her. "YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS!! PH MY GOD!!! I CANNOT!!!!" he screamed, and Ying Xuan felt her cheeks redden due to embarrassment. She motioned for Shaoyan to calm down as he started to do circles around her, all the while exclaiming at each detail he found.