Chapter 7 - ~Chapter 7~

"He is such a great person. And, he's my FIRST KISS!! How much better can this night get?!" Katie thought to herself. Suddenly, Katie grabbed his hand and held it tightly as if she didn't want to ever let go. Chance let her and joined her.

"What do you want to do when we get back down?" Isaiah questioned.

"I don't know." Chance claimed.

"Oh! Why don't we do the photo booth! We can take some pictures together and I can save them forever."

"What a good idea. I like it! Let's do it then!" Ruby replied. They smiled at each other.

It took a while for the Ferris wheel to get fixed. Chance and Katherine fell asleep holding each other's hands and Katie laying on Chance's lap. Hours later, there was a loud buzzing noise that alerted everyone. Katie sat up and looked down to see what was going on. She noticed that the man working the booth was escorting the two seats that were filled with two people each, that were the lowest to the ground, got them out, apologized for the technical difficulties, and gave them a refund. They did that until everyone was out. It took a solid 30 minutes before Katie, Chance, Ruby, and Isaiah reached the exit.

Meanwhile, they sat there together, Katie talked to Chance and Isaiah looked at the view while Ruby slept on his lap. Pretty soon, Chance and Katherine fell asleep holding each other's hands and Katie laying on Chance's lap.

After everyone got out, the four friends walked to a few more booths. They ended up going to "Ring Toss" and "Bumper Boats". Chance won Katie a unicorn and he drove her around in the bumper boats. Katie was beyond happy to be with Chance.

It was about 9:45 when Chance answered his phone. "Hello?"

"Chance? Hey, how'd it go tonighhhtt?"

His mom teased.

"It was awesome!"

"That's wonderful honey! Anyways, I called because I wanted to tell you that I'm on my way to come and get you guys."

"Okay, we'll be ready. See ya then!" Chance replied.

"Ok love you, bye." His mom said before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Katie questioned.

"Oh, that was my mom. She's on her way so, we'd better start heading back to the entrance. See you guys later! Thanks for being with us tonight, I had fun!"

"Yeah, no problem. Same to you too!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Bye!" Katie shouted. Just then, Katie and Chance began to walk back to the entrance while holding hands.

"His palms are so warm, it warms my heart up." Katie thought to herself. All of a sudden, Katie heard her favorite song come on, Thank You by MKTO. She started singing it softly to herself and hummed. Chance noticed.

"May I have this dance?" Chance asked.

"What? But your mom is almost here?"

"She never said to be on time, she said to have fun." Chance smirked leading Katie to smile back.

"Well then, I'd love to." After that, Chance took his hands and put one on her back and one on her shoulder. Katie placed hers the same place Chance did. Suddenly, they started dancing. Their feet were moving like a music box, gracefully and wonderfully. Chance pushed Katie away while still holding her hand and twirled her around. Katie moved into a set-up aerial position. Then, she did a chassé that moved into an aerial. Her legs flew above her body and once they landed, she quickly jumped up to land perfectly without falling.

"WOAH! That was AWESOME!" Chance quickly gave her a few claps before Katie grabbed his hand. They began dancing together again and looked like the couple from High School Musical 3 dancing on top of the roof. They were beautiful together.

While dancing, they managed to make their way back to the entrance. Once they got to the entrance, Chance's mom was in her car playing on her phone. She quickly looked over and saw them.

"Hi guys! I'm right here!"

"Yeah mom, we're coming!" They reached the car and got in. Chance opened the door to allow Katie to go in first.


"No problem." Then Chance got in. He grabbed Katie's hand and she laid on his shoulder. He did the same(once again) and they fell asleep. Suddenly, his mom took a picture of them when she was stopped at a light.

"That's a keeper!" His mom whispered to herself.

When the car arrived at Katie's house a short while later, Chance woke up and then woke Katie up by rubbing her leg.

"Hey. Katieee..Hey. Wake up sunshine!" Chance whispered. Katie started mumbling and finally sat up. Once she sat up, she looked around and recognize where they were. Sooner or later, she figured out that they were in front of her house.

"Have a wonderful night Katie. I hope you had an amazing night!" Chance's mom said. "Chance, go walk her in please."

"I know, I'm going." And Chance got out of the car to escort Katie out.

They made their way up the driveway and when they reached the door, Katie slowly turned around.

"Thank you for a great night. I had fun." Katie said softly because her family was sleeping inside.

"No problem. I did too." They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Chance and Katie both leaned in for a kiss. Chance put his hands on her sides to hold her and Katie wrapped her arms around his back. Chance's mom took a quick photo and turned away thinking that they should have their moment.

"I want this to last forever! His lips are just so soft and amazing! It truly is a wonderful feeling when you're kissing your crush." Katie thought to herself. After about a minute, they separated from each other. Katie immediately gave Chance a big hug.

"Goodnight Katie. See you at school tomorrow." Chance said with delight.

"Goodnight Chance, sweet dreams."

"I love you."

"I love you more." Katie replied.

"I love you most." They shared a hug and Katie walked inside the door with a smile. Chance watched her walk inside before he made a quick smile. It was such a big smile he couldn't get rid of it.

Katie:"How'd it go tonight sweetie?" Katie's mom asked as she was cleaning up the kitchen.

"It was wonderful. He won me this stuffed unicorn and we went on a bunch of fun roller coasters!"

"Cool! Did you guys go on the Ferris Wheel? I heard it broke down!"

"Yeah. That's why it took a while to get home, we were stuck at the top haha." Katie explained.

"Well I'm glad you're home safe." Katie's mom said before Katie sighed, tiredly. "I bet you're tired so, go on and get ready for bed. I love you."

"Thanks Mom, I love you too," and Katie walked upstairs to bed.

Before going to bed, Katie thanked God for a beautiful night and fell fast asleep.