Chapter 8 - ~Chapter 8~

"How'd it go tonight honey?" Chance's mom asked.
"It was great. I had a fun time."
"That's good." After a few seconds, she said,"That Katie is a joy to be around."
"Yeah, she sure is." Chance replied.
"I got to wondering, are you guys friends or together?"
"Well mom, it's a long story and it's complicated. We held hands tonight and played all of the booths together."
"Oh. Well, in my opinion, I think you guys would be a GREAT couple."
"Mooomm.."Chance complained.
"Sorry, sorry, I know, I know. I just like it when you talk to me and I give you advice and I feel like these kinds of conversations need to be treasured because you're not going to want to later in life."
"Mom, I love you. You know that. And I want you to also know that I will ALWAYS tell you something if I want to." His mom started to softly sob and fill with tears. Chance leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
"I'm sorry. Thank you sweetie." Just then, she stopped at the stop light and reached over to give him a hug. They got home and Chance went straight to bed.