The banquet lasted until after nine o'clock at night.
The graduates had dispersed early, and Xia Yu was summoned by Dojima Yin to a private kitchen.
"Please take a seat—"
Dojima Yin gestured for Xia Yu and Liangzi Lina to sit down and placed a document on the table before going to change into his chef's uniform.
Soon, Dojima Yin returned and got busy in the kitchen.
"A recipe?"
Picking up the folder, Xia Yu flipped open a page and immediately straightened up in his seat, fixing his gaze on the title.
A special grade recipe for "Valencia Baaiya"?
"It seems kind of familiar."
Being a big foodie himself, Xia Yu prided himself on having tasted cuisines from various countries and somehow "Valencia Baaiya" gave him a sense of déjà vu.
"Valencia?" Liangzi Lina glanced over and said indifferently, "It's the seafood rice from Spain."
Xia Yu slapped his thigh, "Valencia is indeed Spain's third-largest city and the second-largest port, isn't it?"