Chereads / The Hero Summoned By God / Chapter 50 - Chapter 8: The Reunion

Chapter 50 - Chapter 8: The Reunion

Akira, Fay, and Emily had spent the last few hours talking to the locals about seeing anyone out of the ordinary. Though the only thing they had scene was members of the Assassins Guild which wasn't what they were looking to hear. They decided to rest for a bit when Fay started to complain "Well this is getting us no where." Emily shrugged "It could be worst we could have ran into someone working for that Arthur guy." Fay glared at her "Please don't remind me of that ass, and what do you got up your sleeves hero? How are we supposed to figure this out?" Akira just replied without looking at her "I don't know, but let's ask her if she found out anything." Fay was confused before a women came out of the shadows and she jumped from shock "Ah how long did you know I was there Soki?" "I knew you were following us as soon as you arrive a hour ago Serena." Serena giggled and latch on to his arm "I knew you'd notice Soki. So who are these girls?" Fay was still in shock two fold 1. Because some how this girl had snuck up on her someone with a high level of thief training, and 2. The girl in general she was a dark elf possibly no older then 75 as she looked about 18. Her very lite purple hair was tied back in a ponytail though it wasn't that long. Her eyes were hazel color similar to her skin sort of a copper/hazel color and she showed a lot of it off, as her outfit was basically a top that only really covered her chest and a mini skirt that Fay was shocked was so small. She had stocking on with straps clasped to the top of them that went under her skirt, her boots stopped about half way to her knees, and on her belt was two knives that were her main kit. Emily was the first to speak up "Hi I'm Emily it's a pleasure." She smiled holding out her hand with Serena just looking at her and it dawned on her and shock it "High pleasure to meet." Fay just stood there still in shock with Akira introducing her "Thats Fay you can ignore her if you like." As soon as he said that she snapped back to reality and stated to berate him "Hang on a second hero who gives you the right to…." As she had gotten close to him, Serena had tried to put her knife to her throat, but Akira had grabbed her wrist "Stop that Serena only I can kill her." Fay couldn't express her opinion of that comment any other way then by just a confused stare. Serena puffed her checks and whined "But she was threatening my Soki so of course I'm going to do something about it." Akira flick her forehead "Fay's apart of my party so just hold off on killing her." Fay just glared at him "I notice that you didn't just out right say that she can't kill me." Before could say anything Serena spoke up "What she's apart of your party yet I can't come on Soki let me join!" She was shaking him back and forth which Fay look on at how absurd the whole situation was.

After all that Akira began a proper introduction. "This is Serena she's Helmuth's daughter and one of the three Master Thieves." Fay's eyes widened "Wait are you telling me this barely dressed Dark Elf is one of the legendary Master Thieves?" Emily just looked perplexed "What are the Master Thieves?" "They're some of the most accomplished thieves to have ever lived each one has taken to the art of being a Thief so well that it's almost like they were born solely for that line of work. Each one is given a name representing how they achieved this title with them being The Pickpocket, the Stalker, and the Silence, and each member of the Thieves Guild works towards becoming one of the greats. For example I specialize in hiding within shadows." Emily nodded "So what does Serena specialize in?" "Oh she's the Silence." At that moment Fay's mind broke maybe permanently "What a minute this person right here is the Silence the one thief in the world no one can hear? Why isn't she the Stalker or the Pickpocket?" Serena started giggling "Oh stop trying to compare me to my parents they are more accomplished then I am." "Wait your parents are the other Thief Masters?" She nodded and all Fay could do was cackle. Akira continued "You actually meet the Pickpocket when we were talking to Helmuth and her mother was the Stalker." Fay stopped for a moment "Was as in past tense." Fay looked over to Serena who was more melancholy then before "I'm sorry." Serena perked up "It's alright now enough about this let's discuss the situation at hand." Emily nodded "Right so what we know so far is nothing. We know nothing about this event and all we could gleam around town was that they had seen Assassins." Akira thought for a moment about the whole thing before realizing something "Gang we have this all wrong." "What do you mean Kira?" "Think about it, isn't it a little suspicious for assassins to be seen all over the place? Wouldn't they be better at hiding in plain sight." Fay's eyes widened "Behind the Thieves Guild the Assassin's Guild is know for its stealth and completing almost every assignment without being noticed." He nodded and continued "Each member is trained to be like the shadow's just so they can deal with their targets efficiently. Why would highly trained killer allow normal people." Emily understood right away what his conclusion was "They are purposely getting spotted." Serena nodded "Me and my father thought the same thing. However we don't know who would be setting us up." She sighed and continued "My brother was close to something, but was killed before he could relay his findings to us." "What if it isn't a third party." Serena narrowed her eyes "What are you getting at Soki?" "What if the members hurting your guild are your own members?" Serena's was confused"If what your saying is true. Why haven't they done anything yet?" Akira just looked at her "When was the last time you left the guild's hideout?" Serena's eyes widened "It was before the incident! If they couldn't make a move because both me and my father were their? Then that means now that I'm here… Oh no!" Serena started to climb up the building and bolted across the roof tops. Akira and the others watch before heading in the direction of the guild hall.

When they arrived nothing looked out of the ordinary. That was until they went inside there were Assassins strewn throughout the entrance area of the inside with Serena just standing there. As soon as Akira tried to console her she ran down into the basement with the others on her tail. When they made it to the main area they saw Helmuth stuck to a pole by a sword going through his chest, and they're Assassins around him readying their weapons. Serena was filled with rage, but Akira stopped her before she could go towards the group. Vera and Henrich stepped forward "Ah so the brat came home though I think your to late to do anything." Vera's slid remark was like a dagger to Serena who's angry and rage only grew more so, Henrich smirked before he spoke "It was such a long time coming and now that this is done we can finally get paid." "What are you talking about traitor?" He laughed "Traitor your a comedian Serena we aren't the traitors your father was." Serena was confused, but Henrich continued "The Asir Kingdom is paying us heavily for you and your fathers death." "Why would the Asirs want us dead?" Henrich clicked his tongue "Because your father was planning on working for the Jotan Empire. He had planned to move all our operations to there, but me and many other's felt that betraying our homeland was worst then betraying our master, and your brother agreed with us." Serena eyes widened and her arms trembled and Henrich continued his berating "To think the guild masters own son would be against? If the old man was even a little smarter maybe I would have been strung up like that, but alas he wasn't." His grin grew larger as she Serena finally snapped "I'll kill you!" Henrich just started cackling as Serena launched at him, but before she could get him she felt a sharp pain coming from her stomach. It was Vera's blade it had been thrown without any of them seeing her do it Akira ran over to Serena pulled the dagger out and healed her wound he then spoke to her "Leave them to me Serena you, Fay, and Emily deal with the others." "But Soki they killed…." Serena started to cry. He grabbed her by the shoulders "Serena you need to live through this so you can get your revenge later." She nodded through her tears he got up and stood in-front of the two traitors "Ok Vera and Henrich you made her cry so for that I'm going to tear you both a new one." Akira stared at them before Vera removed her hood. As soon as her face was visible Akira's eyes narrowed figure you had to be one of them considering how powerful you are!" Vera's eyes without the illusion spell were now black with red pupils, the mark of a Demon King.