Confessions of The Angel King’s Demonic Wife

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Chapter 1 - Teaser


God looked at me with a face that screamed, "I don't have time for this shit".

"Look Kaia, I'm actually giving you and lover boy over there a chance to get back to your old lives. If you refuse then I can easily move in to judgement with you."

I sighed as I felt my blood boil with anger. I looked over at the other individual sitting next to me. He yawned before looking to the side. He then smiled and nodded at me before turning to God. I smiled, if he tries to explain to God the situation then everything should work out.

"I mean I don't know why this bitch here is complaining, I'm good with all of this. I'm actually at the point of starting to believe in you big guy!"

God glared at him.

"I can't believe that you have the audacity to say that Zayden. I never call my creations mistake, but I'm sure as the fact that hell is made of fire that you are a mistake."

I scoffed as Zayden glared at me. Roast him real good God! God then looked at me with the same frown.

"What are you laughing for Kaia? You are just as much of a mistake as him, if not a bigger one. He at least tried to repent while you're over there complaining about my judgement."

I felt my face flush as Zayden cackled next to me. I then muttered under my breath.

"Shut the fuck up deviant."

Suddenly a ghost-like figure appeared to my left side. The ghost-like figure has a face like that of the babies painted on cathedrals. He held a large-ass book in his hand as he wrote with a mechanical pencil.

"That's another bad deed to add to your book of deeds."

Zayden cackled even more as my fists shook. I looked to God only for him to shrug his large shoulders.

"God is all hearing my dear, I could even hear your thoughts after all."

I sighed deeply before saying to the ghost-like figure.

"Aren't you supposed to write with a quill pen or something?"

The ghost-like figure glared before shutting my book closed.

"What a stupid statement human! If earth is advancing then so are we here in the afterlife. I'm shocked that we aren't using electric cars here yet to travel from heaven to hell. Even though I've proposed it to God, he refused it saying that there is no environment to protect here in the afterlife and it would only be a waste of electricity."

I watched in awe.

"You guys have to pay electric bills here in heaven?"

The ghost-like figure looked at me like I was some idiot.

"Don't look at me like that."

The ghost-like figure smirked before saying.

"I'm sorry for looking at you in such a way but here in heaven, us heavenly beings can't lie so our expressions usually reflect what we feel."

That made me feel even worse than his glare.

"To answer your question human, how else's do you think we are able to have this many lights in this godly room? Do you think it's free? Where do you think you humans got the ideas of taxes and bills from?"

I nodded. Frankly it made sense. As I looked around me at the room I could see it. There was a throne like chair in the middle and the rest of the room seemed to curve. It's shape was that of a circle with the floor being a large mosaic sun. The walls were lined with windows showing the lush gardens of heaven outside. It truly was what someone would call "heaven".

I sighed before looking at God.

"Okay God. I could bypass the fact that I'm to be reincarnated as a demon queen, but the fact that I have to be married to that assh-guy over there is kind of too much don't you think? And you what are you writing? I didn't finish the curse word!"

"You mentally did so that counts."

I placed my face in my hands. It was no use talking to the ghost-like figure. He would only write up more bad deeds.

"Well my dear, to be honest I did that part for my personal entertainment."

I jumped up.


God sighed before saying.

"I have made humans way too selfish after all. I have given you the chance to get back to something which you can't have. Yet you only focus on complaining about the minor details."

"Look, I understand that you're God and this might seem like a small issue to you, but this is a real big problem for me. Me and this guy have been enemies in our previous lives! How could I sully the reputation of a detective by marrying a gangster?"

God yawned before saying.

"I will give the two of you a day to talk about this. After that I want an answer from you."

God then shut his eyes as he slept. I sighed then turned to Zayden. Zayden smirked before saying.

"Well my wife, should we get the wedding rings?"


Thank you so much for reading my luvs! Stay safe and stay tuned❤️😍