"To kill this monster, you either need your special powers, those who you call mystic arts, or you need to upgrade your weapons to make it embedded in parts of this monster.
This monster isn't a natural born one, but artificially made, and its own body is considered a deadly toxin to other monsters like it if the two bodies got in touch together.
That explains why its numbers can't be increased easily, and it takes really long time to reproduce such monsters. That is one of the reasons why it has such a high status in the wolves armies."
She then explained to me how to deal with the body of it, as I already had a large corpse, or what remained out of it, inside my porin, ready to be used.
She told me to use my mystic arts over the body to cut it into small cube sized blocks, and each weapon or gear should be rubbed by one block after another like I was brushing a soap over it.