It was warm and she was in a smal place,besides her own heatbeat she could hear 3 smal heatbeats,and one that sounded big and exited . sudenly she herd something breaking and little things began squeaking."what is happening out there!"she thought" I need to know ".The big Heatbeat began to move towards her egg pushing her a bit.the egg starded moving,a little dino broke out of the egg " there you are little one I am your mother, and you are Tekoa, my little baby Utharaptor " that my name...I like it ".She squeaked happy her mother smiles and pikes her up and puts her to her siblings now eat with your siblings before they eat everything " Tekoa begins to eat and looks around.she is in a nest und a tree in a redwood forest . after they ate Tekoa cuddled with their siblings and her mom. the others were sleeping, but Tekoa was awake, she had so many question about this world.
Mom what were we eating?
"it was meat
"what is meat?
we are carnivores we kill other dinosaurs to eat their meat,
"did you kill a dino for us? "
No it was your farther he is hunting for dinosaurs right now.
wow ,farter is strong,wich dinosaurs does he hunt?
He hunt for everything that is smaller than him.We are Utharaptors normally we hunt in groups but me and your farther lost our group. it was on a rainy day and a T-rex was hunting us.We had to separate,me and your farther ran right and the others ran left .The T-rex ran left and we ran as far as we could.The T-rex couldn't find us because rain washes of all the smell.that was the scariest day in my live.but now sleep tomorrow I will tell you and your siblings how to catch salamanders
Cool I'm so excited,but when will I see dad?
maybe tomorrow maybe next week I don't know ,butt I'm sure you will see him soon
sleep well