the next day Tekoa smells a weird smell. the smell is wet and she opens her eyes.where is the sunn? the sky is coudy and the air is cold
it will rain says Tekoa's Mother
oh your awake, so that is rain you told me about it the day I hatched.
yeah it hides all the smell today we will practice like yesterday
all day long?
yes until you and your siblings can catch salamanders,butt the learning will never end you will always learn more in live.
really? always learning sounds interesting I want to learn everything you know
and I will tech you and protect you with my live
with your live you are so brave
Tenary wakes up and yawns
don't be so loud. Timper! Timper! the sky look
what says Timper confused
Troper wakes up too and their Mother tells them about rain and what it does.
Tekoa jumps out of the nest and asks mom what are we going to eat when there is no sunn,the salamanders only come out when sunn is there.
good you remembered that I think we won't eat anything until the sunn comes out
butt I think it won't be long until the sunn comes out
butt I'm hungry says Troper
it is gona be fine you need to be strong says Tenary
butt butt butt
when me and your farther lived in our pack we didn't eat three weeks untill we found something to eat
wow the weeks! says Timper
now now kids today you need too learn how to pounce, you saw how Tekoa did it and that's what you need to do butt I will show you how to do it. Tekoa you pounce to but try to pounce forward
Tekoa sits in the nest she is very tired we practiced since morning butt the sunn didn't come out the sky is still cloudy it is really late and everyone is already sleping she closes her eyes and soon she falls asleep.