As the moon shone a pale yellow, I swiftly made my way towards the small, old, lopsided shack I called my home, stepping in a few puddles along the way. I panted as I finally approached the old house. My footsteps echoed through the damp and musky halls, my breath growing more and more heavy. The cold hallway lead to a large, fancy door. I shivered as I finally reached the door. I squinted and adjusted to the light and found...
A large banquet, all set up and ready for guests. There on the table lay a full roasted chicken, a bowl of warm mashed potatoes, a small cup of gravy, and a pitcher with freshly made lemonade. A tall woman sat at the end of the long dining table. Her hair was black, long, and wavy. Her green eyes sparkled, like stars in a dark sky. Her skin was a pale olive colour with a warm complexion. Her nose was small and petite, with a small piercing through one of the nostrils. Her lips were a deep crimson, like a deep pool of blood. She chortled with delight as I made my way into the room and sat right across from her. This was, undoubtedly, my mentor, Lune Greenwick. "Ah, Sanctine! There you are! I was worried sick!-" She cried, clapping her hands.
"My apologies, Madame Lune." I said, taking a few pieces from the roast chicken, a bit of the mashed potatoes and gravy, and pouring myself a cup of lemonade. "What took you so long?" She asked merrily. As I took a few seconds to find out how to word it, I spoke. "Well you see..."