Chereads / Plague of Discord / Chapter 2 - Hands Of The Freed

Chapter 2 - Hands Of The Freed

"Dr.Kincet" he called out loudly. "What is is Tim?" I responded, knowing it was him, I wasn't ready for what I had to hear from him. He's the rep from the CDC helping me track down the scientist that had the virus.

"Well, you see, if what you say is correct, we are 32 hours in at this time..." I looked at him nodding, acknowledging his response. He wasn't very worried which was good meaning he knew that the situation wasn't as dire till it hit day 3. "What are you here for then Mr.Uminoss? Have you found... it." He looked at me with a bit of disappointment in his face, he knew when he got here to help that I didn't care about the man that escaped, just that we contain this damned virus.

"Don't you mean Dr.Ghideon?" he said trying to signal me to care more about his life than the virus in general. He might know what he was doing, and he might work well with other people, similar to me, but unlike the ones that he actually influences, I'm still gonna stick that humans are humans and that thing is no longer human, farther from human than any other animal to be honest.

"Can't you just acknowledge that he-" NO" I shouted to stop him from continuing on any further. "ITS NOT HUMAN AND IT SHOULDN'T BE TREATED LIKE ONE!" He stood quietly for a moment after that waiting for me to collect myself. "Well, if you can't stand that he's not human, should you also have the favors of calling yourself human?" I stood there looking at him dumbfounded, he made a valid point, but like he said. "I don't consider myself human, Mr.Uminoss." he accepted and proceeded.

"The subject was spotted the other day near the East train station, the camera feed showed him", I glared" It eating a hot dog, it seamed as he had a few since there were plastic or paper wrapping coming out of his, its... pockets." I nodded again, before walking along with him to a large vehicle operating the cameras around the city. "How long will it take us to get there in this?" I questioned.

"I like how you think at times Dr.Kincet." I tried to hold it in, but a small grin escaped. Satisfaction filled his face as he walked up to the front to consult the driver where we would be heading. I sat back in one of the nearest chairs inside the van. I heard the engine start, for something this big and for having this much shit attached to it, I expected more than a heavy humming noise.

"Thirty Minutes Dr.Kincet" Make it 20" I responded. I heard the hum get a bit louder before a siren startled me meaning that they had accepted my offer to go above the law to get rid of something I knew would end up catastrophic. "Tim! How long ago was that video, 30 seconds, an hour?" roughly 2 minutes Dr.Kincet." he replied. "Make it 15 if possible then. He's trying to leave the area. He wants to get to a different sector of the city.

I felt a sharp turn again signifying that they understand my worries of the 2 day infection possibility. If that was the case, we have 16 hours to find this thing before it creates a pandemic. "When does the next train arrive?" 10 minutes" Tim responded with some fear in his voice. "Can we make it sooner there?" I asked with a hint of fear and anger in my voice. "No can do" replied the driver trying his best to mask his fear with a harsh calmness. I understood, the pressure was biggest on me for letting it get out of hand, I had to make sure this was stopped, our foolishness caused what may be the biggest catastrophe.

"9 minutes till we arrive, get ready to apprehend him the second we get there. We may have to get on one of the next trains going to the same place." I knew what he meant by that, we had a sliver of a chance of catching him here, meaning that if the next train didn't come quick if we miss this one, were royally fucked.

"Speed up, honk, get as many people out of the way as possible." I said with more fear showing in my tone. "We can't there is a red light ahead and oncoming traffic, we aren't gonna make it, the best bet is to just get to the next station after this light if it doesn't turn the second we get there." When we reached the light, it took a good minute to turn green. "We missed it didn't we?" I said. The driver nodded solemnly. "Think we still have a chance to reach him at the next station?" Tim asked. The driver didn't answer, this was gonna cause me to get paranoid if he continues to be so ridiculously good at keeping us afraid, it's like he wants it to spread.

As we reached the next station, the train we raced to catch was just leaving. And I saw its face in the train still with a sinister smile on it as it looked at passengers with a lust for food in its eyes. "FUCK! Its as I thought! Its a 2 day, the worst possible scenario. We can only kill him most likely now." I said not trying to hide the fact I was scarred or furious anymore. I felt the wheels skid against the ground before I was shifted in my seat as the van shot forward following the train.

"I know I said to go fast, but is it necessary to go this fast? I was about shot outta my seat here." Stop whining if you wanna catch him." The driver responded with more fear escaping with his voice. Tim was sitting there with a face of defeat and his body slightly shaking. The three of us knew how bad it was. The severity, the fatalities, the amount of people getting murdered for just being people because everyone is so afraid not to know better. There will be fear, hatred, spite, and anarchy.

"Is it as bad as you say it is?" Tim finally asked with a sense of terror in his voice as he didn't want to believe it and escape reality. I could actually smell his fear, it was terrifying to think that I'd be able to sense someones fear by smell. I was just as terrified, and so was the driver, if anything, the most stress has went from me to him. He knew know that we had to get there, or we wouldn't be on time. He wasn't ready to face the fact that this was happening either.

"Wouldn't any normal person just call in somewhere if they got bitten by a lunatic anyways?" The driver asked. "That is the worst possible option!" Tim cried,"Think of all the people that will be there in the hospital. And there are are too many hospitals in the city. Hospitals are a gateway straight to hell in this situation." The Driver was about to respond when I shook my head for him to stand down, I knew what he was talking about, I understood. The second it reaches an area like a hospital, whether or not its at stage 5 or at stage 1. They will either be sent out if they are between stage 1 and 2 and they will be kept longer if stage 3-4. Both worse case scenarios. That's exactly why we have to face this now.

If we don't face this problem head on, a lot of people will be in danger of a virus that is almost impossible to stop.

"That's it!" Tim shouted with a bit of hope. "If we can't have them going in there because of too many people will be there and the same is for outside. If we can contain everyone, then we can actually track him down with no one else to interfere or get affected. All we have to do is get somewhere that we can broadcast it to the whole city." I looked at him with the word idiocy spelled out on my face. He was startled from my reaction. "That wouldn't work" I sighed. "Why not? Its smart, we get everyone away and then we can do it right?" He was starting to doubt his own words now because of what I had said. "Its not good, its a loose loose situation. The best thing that could happen is it gets invited to someones house and those people keep him occupied long enough for us to search for it. And either way, if it follows a crowd to a hospital or something to wait it out, that just puts them in even more danger. "

"Then we have every doctor, person, nurse check the others for bites or whatever!" He stuttered frantically. "That wouldn't be possible, besides, even if anyone did listen to a request like that, think of everyone that would even bother listening to some mad people talk on a radio about zombies. They'd turn their heads and laugh. Not to mention, it would follow the people that go into quarantine anyways showing that its 1 not safe anyways and 2 there would then be more possibly if it doesn't eat them all first." He looked at me a few tears escaping his eyes. He realizes that the chance that we win now is lower. "We are only 33 hours in, we still have time."

I thought for a bit, and then realized, 33 hours. in all reality, its not 2 days, ITS 40 HOURS! That means if we are already at 33 hours, and it takes roughly 10 hours for it usually to happen, then multiply that by 6.6 and you have.