Chereads / Plague of Discord / Chapter 3 - Hands Of The Diffusion

Chapter 3 - Hands Of The Diffusion

"Half an hour" Tim screeched. His face went completely white and so did the driver's. Tim looked at me, his eyes shaking, breathing rapidly, and sweating profusely. I look at him with the look of a sorry truth in my eyes, as if I had been accepting the work of a crime with a sense of dread knowing what was going to happen. I looked away, my hands shaking, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand, the sweat flowing down it.

"We need to get to the next train station now!" I shouted, with my eyes full of unreleased tears. The van didn't go any faster than we were already going. This meant that we couldn't or rather he wouldn't. If it is wouldn't, it means that that he has already lost the will to keep going on. He as well knew that we had lost. I also, have acknowledged that we have lost. I still have a final hope though, that hope being the speed of the virus.

"We have lost, okay. I understand that. But we still have a chance. All we have to do is quarantine the train. Once it arrives, we will kill it though." Tim looked at me, and he understood that this was our only choice. We only had seconds before the train would stop and we got there.

Either way, its most likely we loose... 50 to 1.

"I stared death in the face once, this is on a whole other scale." Tim knew what I was talking about, the two of us escaped death. The other 5 died. Naosu, I hope that you never learn of what happens here... if you were too, I know your reaction. You would scold me then try to do to help in the best but riskiest way possible. And end up getting yourself killed, so please let this plan go as we need.

"What would the chance of us winning be?" The driver asked, "Zero, close... to zero." He already knew, but figured asking anyways. "I said the chance, not what you think or know." He responded.

"Its 50 to 1, roughly. The amount of people on that train and how many people are there at the station, 50 to 1 is the best possible outcome. It just rises from there, and not in our favor."

"We'll make it in time and make it 45 to one, or my name isn't Liam Frenton." I looked at him, and tried to smile, but the situation wouldn't allow such pleasantries. We kept to ourselves for the next 10 minutes. The train luckily for us had to make a ways under a subway line, so that gave us just enough time to meet the train seconds later.

There were 5 minutes left now. The second we arrive, we would most likely have Tim with his Tavor Tar 21, a small compact bullpup rifle. I had a Walther P99 on me, a small pistol that I use in case of emergency, like now.

The 2 minute mark just came like that, this is where we decided the plan of action. As I guessed, it would be blocking the train from allowing people to leave or enter. We would then locate and kill the... thing, infected, virus, host, whatever you want to call it. I saw it was about the 3rd car, so if we check train cars 2-4. I doubt that it'd be in the third one any longer, it would have moved, I know I saw it, but did it see me...

"We can't get bit... the second you do, be ready to die. As long as we have the don't get bit rule in place, we should be good." I wasn't telling them the entire truth to be honest. here are a number of things they could do to infect us with the virus. They shouldn't need to know that though. It would just make us even more paranoid, no them even more so. I know as it is, so I am the most paranoid of the three of us. You can't just tell the CDC every aspect of the virus... Yes its bad as it is now, but still. Its way to risky to tell them absolutely everything.

I sat there till the van stopped, we all did in a awkward silence. Those 30 seconds felt like an hour, everything moved slowly, right till it ceased motion. I was questioning myself during those 30 seconds, 'What if one of us do get bitten', 'What if he stays on the train and we miss our chance ruining the lives of everyone.', 'What if he is also, a DISCORD?'. These were the thoughts rushing through my head, making me terrified every time a new one appeared.

"Lets start" Tim said, I was happy, he disrupted my thoughts, those terrifying thoughts that would keep coming and coming. I nodded before standing up and getting my P99 ready whilst Tim was readying up with his Tavor. "Okay, the second he gets off, you shoot him right in the chest, I'll make sure no one else interferes. They will more likely to be afraid of someone with a bigger gun than just a compact pistol." I got my P99 ready, and got ready to put his plan in action.

He was the first to jump out, I got out second and I was followed by the driver. "What are you doing?" He looked at me, then looked away. He came back to face me after he showed the gun he had. Like mine it was a pistol, I wasn't sure which model since I've really only used this P99. I nodded, and tapped Tim's shoulder for him to look back. He saw and reluctantly nodded.

We ran through the station before reaching the train, we had pushed through a bit of people but most of them looked forward when they noticed the guns. When we got to the car, there were distraught faces of people as they were coming out, one young woman ran out sobbing, he face ruined by the tears. Tim ran towards her, we both knew it was because of it.

"Ma'am, what happened?" H-He Bi-Ate My Baby!!" I the three of us stared at her for a moment. "How many people were bitten by this man!" She looked at me with disgust, "That man just ate my fucking baby girl and all you can think about, IS WHO HE BIT" Right after that, I saw her head slingshot, that was followed by the ringing in our ears. I looked around to see the driver with his gun raised at where the girl was.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her fall, it was almost as if she was trying to fall elegantly, the blood her hair, everything fell... perfectly. It was a beautiful disaster, I don't know how else to put it. I shook my head and we continued to the train. This moment though, would haunt us for the rest of our lives, or, me and Tim's at least. The drivers face wasn't in anger, there was no rage, sadness, joy.

It was a perfectly straight face.

The three of us continued to push through crowds of people watch what had happened. As we got to the scene, we saw what was the worst possible thing to ever imagine. There, with the baby in it's hands, feasting, tearing it apart, the baby trying to scream as it bled all over the man. The blood was pouring out faster with each bite it took. "Please, just stop," Don't kill it," What kind of sick prank is this." That is all I could here between them all around us.

I walked up and put my gun to its head, "Your here so soon, Preston."

"Glad to know that you realize who is in control then." I responded. "You have roughly 5 more minutes before we know if you become a Discord or not. That just means I have to kill you before then." So, you figured it out then, that its not based on the amount of days, but rather the hours." I nodded slowly. He could sense me doing it, I knew for a fact he did. And I knew for a fact that he was smiling, something wasn't right here. It couldn't have been a trap, could it have been.

"You may come in Liam, explain the situation to the poor doctor here." My heart sank, my face went white, and everywhere went numb. "You see, Preston... Who do you think was my first victim? Some random stranger? Some kid that you pulled off the street because he wandered more than 5 feet away from his parents? Someones wife that found a virus and ended dying to it along with 4 others leaving only you and the only other man that has the same exact virus as me, to the code of every last DNA strand?"

I stood there, trembling. "No, I went after someone I knew that would be beneficial to my cause. Someone that you knew was someone from the lab's friend. You didn't do you backup checks though, did you." I was about to pull the trigger when I heard a scream from behind me. As I looked away, I felt my arm get dragged down, and then I was on the ground, it above me.

"Here Preston, meet my loyal friend, Liam Frenton. The second one that was infected with the virus. You see, he is not only my loyal friend, but an amazing actor as well. And the woman he shot, was none other than his own wife." This would morally destroy anyone. I couldn't do anything. I sat there as Liam went to the doors closing them. Most of the onlookers weren't phased by it though a few left realizing what was going on.

The train leaves in 1 minute, I can't stop this, I know that now. But I can still escape, I can save Tim at most. If I could save him, we... we... we can't do anything. We can survive, he has a better gun than me. Wait, guns... I fired off a shot and it jumped back. "Are you insane! You almost shot me!" It screamed. "I wasn't aiming for you though." It looked behind itself to see Liam on the ground with a bullet in his shoulder. I scrambled to my feet and darted out along with most of the others on the train. Some passengers were pushed down and shoved back towards the 2 so that they could escape using those ones as sacrifices.

I wouldn't lie about this, I also pushed one or two people back, I was completely terrified, my body was secreting the hormones making me faster, everyone around me going slightly slower. I pushed and pushed till I tripped and went flying across the next 2 feet. I got up, scrapes covering my elbows and knees. They stung like hell, but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't keep running. As I ran I shot up in the air a few times as I was heading towards the van.

That was meant as a retreat signal, I just hoped he got the message. The doors had close by then, anyone left on that train are as good as dead. They either will die, or become the next infected. I started to search frantically for a set of keys anywhere in the van hoping that by chance, Lia-it forget them. As I got down on my hands and knees to search the floor, I found a bag of coffee beans. That's when I realized that it had already been through stage 2, it was most likely in stage three while we were in the van.

A knock terrified me from the van side door. It was banging and screaming to be let in. I sat up to see who it was. It was Tim. I opened the door quickly and let him get buckled in. "Where the hell is Liam?" I shook my head, his head drooped slightly. "It was the own bastards choice... He was going through stage three on our way to the train. This was all, an elaborate set up."

His face had went from terrified to a enraged, I could smell the sweat from his body-heat. His heart was racing faster, I could tell just how pissed he was. "I didn't kill either of them." That's when he couldn't stop, he shoved me against the driver-side window. "How could you not kill either of them!" His anger was mixed with dread, and anybody could tell by the tears racing down his face.

"What else did you do, or not do!" He screamed, "I sacrificed a few people to get out alive... I couldn't help it... my nature wouldn't let me stay behind to do it, to finish him off." Tim raised his gun and aimed it directly at my head. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you too? Explain why Liam had to kill that innocent woman, why I stopped the train conductor so we could save time, why we didn't save anyone!" I froze, my body could be a block of ice for all I cared. I was frozen solid and I knew exactly why.

I pushed him off of me, and took my P99 back out, "Your pointing that gun at you, but you didn't go by your own plan either, I had it so we could have the least amount of casualties, and now, because of YOU, we have to get out of here NOW! This place is now swarming with them... I didn't kill any of them remember... They must already be spreading the virus."

"Why would they want to spread it though? It doesn't make sense... Its, in-humane, even for these things we've created. Unless that man was mentally insane, in that case, Liam was an actor, so maybe he took lessons from Liam, and got into my lab, and began his march towards the creation of what he called, a super-human." We stared at each other momentarily, and then looked in front of us. Knowing we were both in the wrong, both on the same terms, and both of us knowing the situation, we started looking for a way to start the van.

After 3 minutes of searching, Tim found a spare key to the van under one of the computers inside the back. He threw me the keys, I started the engine, and we just drove, as far away from the station as possible. We drove for a good half an hour before stopping at a small diner, "Should we have one last good meal from here?" Tim nodded, we walked in and waited to be seated. The stains from our face were still visible, so when the waiter came to greet us, she was a bit uneasy. She didn't ask about anything until after we had sat down, it was a good 3 minutes in after we ordered. We were both sobbing, and we couldn't stop, we let them out, and now... the city will be in chaos, what will it spread to next?

"What's the matter you two?" he waitress asked. "You wouldn't understand, or even want to know..." Tim replied. I nodded to agree. "You can tell me, okay, it can't be that bad." She continued. "You don't get it!" I snapped, before putting my head down. "We are letting the whole city go into chaos because we couldn't stop them" I murmured. She raised an eyebrow, "what was that?" I shook my head, "Nothing, just, please stop." Yeah, its better if we don't tell you, after this though, once your work day is over, ask if you can work at a different store not in this city in particular." Tim added.

"Okay, okay, what kinda prank you two playing on me?" She said half jokingly. "Its better if we don't tell you, just leave once your shift is done... and tell the owner of this diner to shut it down, and get out of the city. Its the least we can do to protect at least one of the places we like here." She looked at me, annoyed. "You came all the way to this diner to try and drive us out after being all pretend sad and stuff, what the hell?" Fine, must I really tell you why then? Its the most unbelievable thing that no-one for the sake of man-kind would believe. It's so redicu-" Just tell me." She said sternly cutting me off.

"So, you know the concept of a zombie, well imagine that but instead its just a humans body is adapted to spread a virus by mouth. The disease doesn't take ten seconds to five minutes like a normal zombie virus though. It takes roughly 40-60 hours. And in their bodies, more AP than the average person uses is created so in short, they have what seems to be unlimited stamina. It does take time though, 5 stages..." She looked at us, her reaction was either take us as a joke, or take us fucking seriously. Moments later on an overhead television, it showed that she should take us seriously as the two things were standing ravaging through skin and muscle as the helicopter the scene was recorded in from above watched, as these two were biting some people while completely killing others. Most of the ones left alive, were the ones with potential to the eyes of a pro athlete, scientist, and so on.

"See what we were talking about..." I said gloomily... "It's all out fault, we couldn't stop them in time. We failed the city. And I thought we could get this diner to think about saving themselves." I looked up, Tim nodded, and she looked down at us. "You really think you got away from us?" She snickered.