Chereads / ash and lana / Chapter 2 - ash and lana 2

Chapter 2 - ash and lana 2

lana was exploring in the woods when a tree fell on her legs when she felt them they felt like they were  paralyzed Ash was looking for her because it was getting dark he saw her laying unconscious on the ground with the tree on her legs he lifted the tree and put her on his back and walked her out of the forest and to the pokemon hospital once there he told nurse joy what happened He called her dad and told him that she was in the hospital because a tree fell on her legs and she could not move them Ash said he would stay with her and until she got out of the hospital then if her legs were paralyzed he would help dresser her and everything else because when she comes to he has something to say to her and it will change her life and his life forever Her dad asked what would that be ash said that he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend her dad says OK because she was waiting for a young man to ask her that question ash said he would call him when she comes to he called professor kukui and told him what happened and that he and lana well not be in school for 2 weeks he said ok we will all come see you tomorrow and bring you anything you need ash said thank you then went to sleep 

the next day he was still sleeping when a Professor kukui And the rest of the students came he went and woke him up and asked how she was doing he said her legs might be Paralyzed but other than that she is doing well he said I will be helping her out with anything she needs help with when she gets out of the hospital They all asked why He said because I am gonna ask her to be my girlfriend They all said congrats and please tell us what she says when you tell her he said He well they left

An hour later she woke up asked why can't I feel my legs ash said he would go get the doc and he went to get him he came in and said miss your legs are paralyzed he said you can go home if you take it easy for a weeks your friend here already knows what workouts to do with your legs and he Signed the release papers  the doc said he will carry you home ash came up and picked her up Bridal style And carried her home her mom saw him and got the door for him he asked where is her Room the doctor said she had to rest for a week then he said I will help you every day after school in the restaurant and tell she needs me then I will help her with what she needs then come back and help you He set her down in a chair and got down on one knee and asked lana will you be my girlfriend she said yes I would love to be your girlfriend he called Professor kukui and told him the news and said i will not be in school for a week he said ok and you can tell the others the news and we are at her home he said ok

the next day Professor kukui told the others they all said good after school they went to the restaurant and said can we see lana he said yes i have to go check on her anyway  they all went to her room and saw her a hour later they left 2 month later just as school started ash got on one knee and asked her if she would marry him and she said yes he said do you want to see your dad  She said yes so after school he took her to pony island to talk with tapu fini Once there he asked tapu fini if he and lana can see her dad and he said yes you have one hour than I am bringing you back he Carried her to meet her dad they saw him he asked how is this lana said he is my boyfriend ash he said nice to meat you and way are you carrying her well her legs are paralyzed and he said we have 40 minutes until we go back to the real world and me and lana are going to get married in 4 months lana and her dad toked for 40 minutes then tapu fini brought them back he said if you ever want to see him again just come to me and i will let you see him they said thank you then when back home her mom asked them where they were ash said pony island to see tapu fini and asked him if we could see her dad and he said yes so we did she said thank you for looking out for her he said no problem and we are getting married in 4 months Lana's family said congrats to them it was late so he put lana to bead and was about to live when lana asked him to stay with her he said I will but I have to call my mom and tell her the news she said i want to see her to he said ok i well do a video call then he called his mom and asked if bonnie was stell up she said yes he said can you get her she said yes so she did ash said both of you sit down they did then he said I am going to get married do you want to know to Who they said yes he brought the phone away from him so both him and lana were in the picture lana said hi ash's mom said hi lana how are you doing she said legs are paralyzed other than that fine ash has been helping me with every thing like getting dressed ash's mom said that is nice of you to help her ash he said i was the one to find her and stayed with her when she was in the hospital for 2 weeks without leaving her side lana said she did not know you did that ash he said it was no problem he asked his mom to bring his water type pokemon and his Charizard and my Eevee with you and Professor oke can come to and brock and misty to she said ok he said come a month early i have a surprise for  bonnie she said what he said you have to Wait to find out what it is then he said i will pay for everything for you guys to get here and for the hotel rooms for you guys to she said ok then they hung up the phone then lana asked how is bonnie ash said she is my adopted daughter her brother was in a fire and he did not make it and his last words to me were to adopt her so i did and these all happened a week before i came here so she is still sad about it then they went to bead Harper and Sarah had a nightmare they know lana was hard to wake up they know ash was in her room on the floor they went to ash and asked if they could sleep with him he said yes you can they went to bed

the next day he asked them what the nightmare was about they said he was trapped in a wormhole he said that would never happen but i have to go I found out were lillie's dad is he went to rescue him he went through a ultra wormhole with Garchomp got him and brought him to the school he went in to the room and said i have a surprise for lillie she came up to him and said what then he said come in and he did ash said lillie this is your dad he was in an ultra wormhole but I  rescued him lillie said thank you ash took them home and lillie said mom I have a surprise for you her mom said what she said come in and they did she said ash went through a ultra wormhole and rescued him she said how can i repay you for this he said there is one thing can i use your backyard for lana and my wedding she said yes you can he said good and can i have you fly to my home town and pick up 5 people she said wene in 3 months she said yes he said thank you then she said no thank you for bringing my family back together he said no problem then he left he called his mom and told her that he had a private jet to pick them up in 3 months she said ok then they hung up the phone then he went back to Lana's house her sisters asked were he was he said he went to rescue lillie's dad from a ultra wormhole since I had a dream that the next ultra wormhole that opened up would be the one with him in it so I had to go if not it would be another 10 years until it came agen they said ok and lana is waiting for you he said thank you then went to her room she asked where he went he told her the same thing he told her sisters she said that was nice of you then he said I  also have a place for the wedding she asked were he said at lillie's house then she said that is a good idea

3 months later  he went with Hobbs to get his family  once there hobbs said master ash would like you to come on the jet they did he said sit down so me and ash can take off they said ok they did then they were off 30 minutes later they turned off the seat belt sigh and ash came out and said welcome aboard and i well give you something to eat in a little bit his mom gave him a bage with all of the pokeballs that he asked for he said thank you then he got the food they eat then bonnie asked if she can have her surprise ash said you have to wait until we land she said ok 2 hours later they landed he took them to the hotel and got them rooms then bonnie asked where her surprise was he got Charizard out and said we have to go to pony island to see tapu fini they did they got there he asked tapu fini to let her see her brother and tapu fini said yes for 1 hour they walked for 30 minutes than they saw him bonnie talked to him for 29 minutes then he said ash thank you for adopting her he said no problem it was getting dark so they left to go to Lana's house to relieve lillie from watching her bonnie was sleeping when they got there ash said thank you for watching her lillie said no problem lana was up and saw that ash had a little girl in his arms he said this is bonnie is it ok if she sleeps with you  she said yes she can he laid her on the bed and then said if she wakes up crying just call me and i will take care of it I will be outside she said ok they went to sleep

next day he got a call from his mother and she asked were bonnie was he said with me at Lana's house she said ok  a month later they got married