Special day morning in the dining room at 702 Liberty Lane of Seville house... "Aha! I have take my recipe pumpkin pie out of the oven in the kitchen." "Yummy! Ouch! Why you do that," Mom? My adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker son chipmunk Alvin Seville been spanked by his adopted CGI animated remake human mute stepmother Dionne Seville. "You can't eat until my family and your adopted grandparents Seville comes here for thanksgiving dinner. Go to watch TV now," Alvin. "Yep," Mom. He sighed and walked to the upstairs recently.
Scene in the chipmunks' room... "You seems grumpy," Alvin? His guardian shrinking CGI animated remake father figure and songwriter Dave Seville came out of the dollhouse is on the flooring hardwood carpet tile near the toy chest. "Aw, my adopted stepmother Dionne not let me to eat some turkey and cranberry sauce until her family and my adopted grandparents comes here for thanksgiving dinner," Dave. He sat down on his red bed. "Maybe she doesn't want you get fatter and fatter like your younger brother Theodore," Alvin. "Oh, man! Yawning! I am so tired now. Snoring!" "I have to be quiet during Alvin is napping now." His guardian shrinking CGI animated remake father figure and songwriter Dave Seville walked out of the room.
Scene dreaming on thanksgiving day... "Yawning! Oh? Mom?" "Here's your breakfast turkey ham and pumpkin pie also cranberry sauce on your own white plate," Alvin. His adopted CGI animated remake human stepmother Dionne Seville came in and bring the tray to him. "Yummy! Hold it... Where's your family and my grandparents," Mom? My adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker son chipmunk Alvin Seville is on his red bed in the chipmunks' room. "They are not coming here because the weather says there is snowstorm and cancel trip from airport international. Enjoying eat your breakfast." I left out of the room. "Sweet! I pig out whole of that." He seems excited to buffeting his breakfast thanksgiving.
Later one hour on the red bed in the chipmunks' room at 702 Liberty Lane of Seville house... "Good morning Alvin, oh!?" His guardian shrinking a CGI animated remake father figure and songwriter Dave Seville came out of the dollhouse is on the flooring hardwood carpet tile near the toy chest. "Yummy! Burping! Whoa! I am so full now," Dave. He finished to pig out his breakfast thanksgiving. "You are so fatter and fatter!?" "Giggles! I got up now. Whoops! Sorry about that," Dave. His adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker son chipmunk Alvin Seville quakes like a chubby sumo wrestler over him. "Ouch! Maybe you should lose weight immediately?" He seems dizzy now. "No way! Oh! My adopted human stepmother Dionne calls me." "Don't do it!" His high-pitch cue voiced.