While tonight in Dave's master bedroom at 702 Liberty Lane of Seville house... "My pregnancy test says negative. I am pregnant now. I will tell my shrinking husband Dave tomorrow morning. Yawn! I have to get sleep now." His CGI animation normal-size beloved mute wife noticed this.
My dreaming in the waiting room of the hospital... "My beloved normal-size wife Dionne is in C-section and having a baby." My CGI ANIMATION beloved shrinking husband Dave Seville concerns and walking forward and backward on the flooring blue tile carpet. "Mr. Seville, it's a boy!" The CGI ANIMATION nurse comes in. "Is my beloved wife Dionne okay, " the nurse? His high-pitch cues were voiced. "Of course! But, she is tired in the recovery room." She replied.
Meanwhile in the recovery room... "Dionne, how are you feeling now?" My CGI animation beloved shrinking husband Dave Seville enters here. "I am exhausting now. The doctor says our newborn baby son is shrinking because it's your fault to his DNA genetic is a match to your size, " Dave!? His CGI animation normal-size beloved mute wife seems angry exuberance at him. "Calm down. I understand you are upsetting about our newborn baby son is shrinking like me." He is on the nightstand next to her when I was in the bed. "Oh, boy! Huh?" "Here's your newborn baby son, " Mrs. Seville. A CGI animation nurse brings that. "He is a miniaturization child and looks like you, " Dave? His CGI ANIMATION normal-size beloved mute wife said. "Sure, Dionne. Hello Danny, I am your father Dave Seville." He picks him out of the cribbed. "Ga-Goo, " Dad. "Maybe you will be discharged tomorrow, " Dionne? My CGI ANIMATION beloved shrinking husband Dave Seville holds his newborn shrinking son baby Danny Seville in Dave's arms now. "Of course! Maybe I call my mom and tell her about our newborn shrinking baby son Danny, " Dave. His beloved normal-size mute wife Dionne is still in bed.
The next day release from the hospital... "Is your son shrinking like your husband dave's size, " Dionne? My CGI animation elder mom was puzzled and noticed this. "Yep. The doctor said his DNA genetic match is positive and miniaturization size, " Mom. Dave's beloved CGI animation normal-size mute wife repeatedly to her recently. "Hello Danny, I am your adopted granny Paulette." She greeted my CGI animation newborn shrinking son baby Danny Seville is my right hand. "Ga-Goo, Grandma Paulette. He seems happy now. "I smell his diaper stinky, " Dionne. My CGI animation elder mom seems suspicious now. "Sighs. I will get his miniature fresh diaper out of the pouch bag and change that, " Mom. Dave's beloved CGI animation normal-size mute wife sighed while she picked it from Danny's pouch bag.