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R.O.B.'S Mistake and My Multiverse Trip

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A soldier dies and finds out his death was a mistake due to an R.O.B he then travels through the multiverse as part of a shady deal with the R.O.B. this story has some Gamer elements, and some from popular and not so popular games, anime and movies. Exploits cliche themes in fanfics. I've planned this out so if you see something just obviously dumb or out of place, just know its there for a reason. This story is just something I casually write when I get stuck on my other story, so update schedule and chapter length will be sporadic. I Will say right not that this is not a harem story at least for now. Will MC hook up with women? Yes, he will. Will he marry 10+ women because 'dey so hott'? No, He was an adult when he died so he will have fairly adult interactions. So to recap, updates and chapter length will vary. No Harem yet or if ever. This story will have adult language and adult situations so if you don't want to read those parts just ignore it or don't read this story. ON HIATUS. I do not own any of the Animes, Mangas, webcomics, films or music mentioned in this story. It all belongs to their respective owners. The only thing I own is the original characters.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

A/N this is just a story im writing while I battle writer's block on my other story on FanFiction and due to being in isolation while I get over my tonsillitis. This story may stop at anytime since its just a random thought that just wont go away.


Viktor thought he was just your normal run of the mill dude. He had gone through hardship but he knew people in other parts of the world had it worse. He lost his father at age 5 due to a car accident and he and his mother lived together happily in a small town in Kansas until age of 14 when his mother passed due to cancer. If you asked him it was the toughest period of his life but his mother's final words helped keep him afloat in the endless seas of depression.


on the hospital bed laid an emaciated caramel skinned woman looking at her son with watery eyes as she watched her son try to be strong in the face of her impending death. It was hard to believe that the once beautiful and vibrant nurse was reduce to a skeletal figure but traces of her beauty remained.

"Viktor, we both know I'm at the end of my journey but dont be sad baby. Just because I'm not here physically doesn't mean I will be gone. I'm always gonna be with you, mijo." She then raised her delicate hand and placed it on her son's heart. "I'll always be here with you, mijo, always. I'm proud of you and I know your father is as well. We are just gonna be at the finish line of the race before you, but dont forget we will meet you there when it's your time. It's not a goodbye but a see you later. This is my last piece of advice so listen close. You are meant for greatness, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Live a life that you can be proud of with no regrets. YOLO.... hahahaha"

Viktor broke his stoic facade when she cracked the joke and gave his mother a watery smile. and took her hand in his and held it while they chuckled at her silly joke. Viktor looked into her eyes and saw the light starting to leave them and silent tears started to stream down his face.

"No more tears, mijo. Be strong, be a good man and know me and your dad are proud of you. I'm so happy GOD gave you to me. You're the best thing that ever happened to us. Now give your Mama a kiss good night."

Viktor kissed his mother's forehead and hugged her for the last time.


Viktor had put his mother in her final resting place next to his father and moved in with his grandfather Antonio in the Florida Keys. He slowly moved on and made friends at school and had a fairly normal upbringing. he went to school and partied with friends helped his grandfather with his fishing tours.

Viktors's Grandfather taught him how to hunt and fish and how to drive Semi trailers since thats what he did on the off season. He was kind of a hardass with Viktor but that's what you get when the old man had been in the army for 30 years. when Viktor graduated high school in the top 3 his grandfather took him home and they made a bonfire on the beach and shared a beer.

"So you're done with school, you still havent told me what you're gonna do now." Antonio stated as he looked towards the water.

Viktor looked at the water and sighed, "For an old man you sure are nosy... but might as well tell you now, in 2 months I leave for basic training in Ft. Benning."

Antonio grunted at his smartass grandson's reply. "Army huh, saw that coming. You're Ma, woulda been proud of you and you're dad woulda been pouting like a little girl because you chose the best branch and not his pansy Marine Corp. hahaha"

Viktor cracked a smile, his grandfather and father always use to argue over whose branch was better. The old man was happy Viktor chose the army instead of the corp.

"So what job are you going for?" his grandfather asked.

"My scores were high enough that I could get medic, so I'm gonna be a medic." Viktor replied in between sips of the beer.

"Noble choice... you just didnt want to join the navy since marines dont have medics." Antonio said with a sly smile.

"Fuck no, I figured you would give me shit for being a seaman." Viktor stated before chuckling.

"Damn right!" Antonio answered then turned and looked at his grandson with a sober gaze.

Viktor felt his grandfather's mood change and turned away from the water to look into those cold eyes. Viktor was confused because he had never seen his grandfather look at anyone like that before so he was a little concerned.

"You know what that means dont ya, mijo?" his grandfather asked rhetorically.

"What? and why are you looking at me like that?" Viktor answered uncomfortably.

"Means starting tomorrow I'm gonna train ya... You ain't gonna make a fool out of me in the Service. By the time I'm done with ya your gonna think boot camp is heaven. hahahaha"

at this point Viktor realized he messed up but he wasn't gonna give the old man the satisfaction of showing how scared he actually was.

"Do your worst old man! You wont break me. I doubt you can even keep up with me now." Viktor declared.

"Son, when I'm through with you, you'll be in so many pieces there gonna need a dustpan to come collect ya for boot." Antonio got up and started walking back to the house muttering about wet behind the ear pups barking and switching to maniacal laughter.

Viktor watched his grandfather leave and had only one thought cross his mind. 'Fuck'

If anyone had seen the two men in the following eight weeks they would have been treated to the sight of an old man a young man into the ground. The sight would have made the saltiest drill instructor cry in tears of joy and admiration at they way the old man broke the young man down physically and mentally then built him back up harder and meaner than any recruit they had ever trained.

At the end of the eight weeks Viktor was seriously contemplating ways to get rid of the old man but that old bastard would probably survive and make him train twice as hard while belittling and critiquing his efforts. One of the many things that the old man had said had proven true. After Viktor had shipped off to basic training he had been shocked at how easy it was compared to his hellish eight weeks of prepping.

The drill instructors were unnerved at how Viktor would have a small smile as they yelled at him and smoked him and could not get him to break like they had broken everyone else. It just took the fun out of it for them so they would take it out on the rest of the company. It did not endear Viktor to his fellow recruits but he was always at the top of assessments be it physical or mental.

The day that Viktor's class graduated from basic training the platoon and drill instructors would hear Viktor muttering about punching that old bastard as soon as he saw him. They were all wondering who the old bastard was that got under the skin of the normally cold recruit.

After the graduation they saw an old man in talking to the brass laughing and shaking hands when Viktor beelined it to him. "You're still alive you old bastard?! Good! It means I'll have the pleasure of killing you myself." The bystanders were shocked at the loud declaration from the unhinged soldier making his way to the old man.

the old man saw Viktor and smiled, "Hahaha! I told ya he'd come for my head first thing, pay up."

That remark triggered an event that would go down on post history as the first and last brawl that took ten men to break up between and old man and an unhinged soldier.

after that debacle Viktor was quickly snatched up by the Ranger training battalion where he would graduate as a Ranger trained as a medic. He would then go on to deploy on three tours with distinction. In between his 3rd and 4th tours was when Antonio finally passed.

Viktor was the picture of stoicism as the funeral happened but he snuck back into the graveyard and had one final beer with his grandpa.

"Old bastard, you might not have been done in by my own hands... but I know mom and grandma are kicking your ass on my behalf so win goes to me."

Time moved on, Viktor went on his deployment and life went on. one day on patrol Viktor and his team were caught in an ambush and after 20 minutes of fighting the enemy was retreating when Viktor looked up from working on one of his teammates and saw another go down in the street he ran behind cover and ran to get his buddy when suddenly an old semi driven by an insurgent hit him as he happened to pull him out of the way and ran him over. he saw his team take out the driver and pull his buddy from the street before it all went black.

Viktor woke up in darkness he felt like he could only move his head and started calling for the nurse. He received no reply so he figured he'd take a nap. He woke up in the darkness once again and called out but again no reply. He was going to make another attempt when all of a sudden a bright flash blinded him and he realized he was on the floor of an all white room and the windows showed space. He got up and walked over to the window not noting that he was back in his uniform completely fine.

"What the f..." he didnt get to finish his thought because he watched a supernova and then watched the blast go out in every direction. The sight was awe inspiring. He was so distracted by the sight he didn't notice someone walk up beside him.

"Pretty amazing right?" the stranger asked. Viktor turned and saw the old bastard in a black suit, crisp white shirt, and a black tie.

"I'm dead arent I, you old bastard. Well looks like we finally get a rematch. I hope you're ready to get your ass kicked." Viktor said with a predatory smile, and got ready to take a swing at the old bastard who put him through hellish training.

"Whoa there cowboy! I'm not you're gramps. I just took this form because I thought it would help calm you down but i see I might have made an error in judgement. Take a seat and I'll explain." Antonio's doppelganger exclaimed.

Viktor took a calming breathe but didnt lower his alertness but took a seat at the table and chairs that had appeared mysteriously. "Alright, so if you're not my grandfather, who are you? and what is this place... are you an alien? Look if there is any sort of probing you and I are gonna fight to the death."

"Why does everyone always ask about probing... Nevermind, I'm just gonna get down to it since you seem to be one of those no bullshit kind of people. As you might have guessed, you're dead. the thing is you weren't supposed to be. Your battle buddy, is that the correct term? Anyways, he was supposed to die but because it was his time but you being the hero kind of fucked that up. In the original plan you never looked up so you never rescued him. Now here's the kicker, he was supposed to reincarnate in another world and stop a clusterfuck from happening. You see my problem here?"

Viktor took in the information from this being posing as his grandfather then asked a few questions. "I have a few questions, first are you God?"

The being nodded then replied, "No, I'm not. There is a Creator, though. I'm more like those beings in the manga and anime you use to secretly watch and read. I'm an R.O.B. I work for the Creator but not God more like a god."

Viktor was shaken by the thought of the Creator but shook it off and proceeded with his next questions. "If you're an R.O.B. then what are we doing here? Shouldnt I go to judgement then be sent to either heaven or hell? Lastly, how does me saving one of my guys effect me? You or the Creator should be powerful enough to reverse time or something, right?"

Rob(just gonna call him Rob from now on) just sighed and massaged his temples. "Look man, yeah the Creator could do that but she doesntknowthatimessedupcuziwasfoolingaroundwithasuccubus."

"I'm sorry, I didnt catch that last part!" Viktor exclaimed annoyed.

"Alright! I was supposed to be supervising your reality but a sucubus hit me up and you would be crazy turn one of them down man. I mean seriously the things she could do..." Rob replied before going off into a dazed trance with a creepy perverted grin.

"So, you're telling me that im dead because of a booty call?!" Viktor yelled out.

"Whoa man, keep it down will ya, dont want the boss to hear ya. Be a bro, and help me out here. It's an easy fix, instead of your buddy going and saving that universe you go in his place it actually works out better cuz your buddy stricken by your death went into medicine and cures cancer. Not to mention you're an orphan, if we send you back then his family will be heartbroken." Rob then took a tea cup and took a sip to hide his small smirk.

"You're an asshole, you know that? All that bullshit was a lowblow. IF I do this and thats a big if, I want few things. Dont try to bullshit me because I know your boss will come down on you like a ton of bricks for your screwup." Viktor replied with a glare.

"Fine, you bastard! what is it that you want so we can get this show on the road I've got an appointment after this." Rob yelled out annoyed that he had been seen through.

Viktor thought about what he wanted for a moment and then gave his list of demands. "Okay, first I want verification that Jones does cure cancer. Second, I want ALL information pertaining to my mission, I'm not going to some other world to save it only to find out last minute. Third, I want a system like the Gamer where it includes an infinite inventory and has an A.I like J.A.R.V.I.S that can interact with with the world when I tell it to and can not be corrupted or hacked by anyone and is loyal to me or those i deem fit. Fourth, I want a body that is highly adaptable and no one is able to analyze or use any part of my body unless i give my permission. Fifth, I want my mind to be like Gamer mind where no one can mind control me, i can adjust my emotions and come with Library of Heaven's Path from that one wuxia novel Lastly, an ability to hide from any surveillance be it technologically, physically, magic or Soul viewing unless i allow it." Viktor finished his demands hoping he didnt miss any loopholed and waited to see if he got his demands.

"You know most of the stuff you listed is redundant right? You are taking this too far." Rob replied in a deadpan tone.

"We could always ask your boss?" Viktor said with a sly grin

"Fine! you little bastard! you will get your demands. Only because i have an appointment soon! Its not cuz your slick!" Rob deflated and then waved his hand and then the window turned into a screen which showed Jones though the timeline going to med school and finding a cure for cancer, then winning the Nobel prize and dedicating it to Viktor and his mom.

Viktor was happy that his buddy cured that horrible disease then doubled over in pain as body felt like it would explode. He heard Rob as he was writhing on the ground.

"There you go you little bastard, oh... does it hurt? i suppose i could have made it painless but that wasn't in your demands. hehehe. one last thing, the universe you will ultimately end up in hasnt formed yet... I know, timey wimey stuff so in the mean time I'm gonna send you to others so you can get some training in... Hahahaha good luck~ I should be able to see that little minx now that I put autopilot on that universe. hehehe"

Before Viktor blacked out he was able to flip Rob the bird.