Chereads / Loki's Quest / Chapter 2 - Preparation

Chapter 2 - Preparation

The wardrobe was full of tailored suits had recreations of Loki's Asgardian robes tucked away. The god smiled while running his hands over each garment. At the end of the wardrobe was Loki's favorite. He grabbed it down from it's hanger, and separated the many pieces. He shimmied into his black leather pants, and pulled the first green silk robe over his shoulders.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway. Loki looked up to see Sariel standing at his doorway. Sariel was dressed in multiple layers of wool and leather, gold and white. Sariel no longer looked like the Irish businessmen, but an angel in battle.

Sariel didn't say anything. He leaned against the door frame, and waited patiently for Loki to finish getting dressed.

"We don't have to go," Loki said under his breath.

Sariel smiled. "Is that what you want to do?"

Loki sighed. He couldn't look up from the floor. Staying here with Sariel seemed so tempting. "I need answers," he responded.

The fallen walked down the three steps into Loki's room. They'd designed this room together. Marble floors, and tall windows. Sariel had hoped to fool Loki into staying here forever. "Answers?" Sariel ran his hands through his hair. "About Asgard?"

Loki looked up. "About who I am." He starred out the glass that overlooked the great city of Salem. The sun was just barely peaking over the horizon, shinning dull blue light over the buildings.

Sariel put his hand on Loki's shoulder. "You're my friend," he said. Sariel couldn't help but blush at the warmth of Loki's porcelain like skin just beneath the thin layer of silk. He'd always admired Loki, but never had the strength to express it. The god was stunning. His long black hair, and brilliantly green eyes captivated Sariel.

"I need to do this," Loki said as if he was trying to reassure himself. "I cannot reenter Asgard without my crown, and I will loose my magic if I do not return."

"It's just magic, Loki," Sariel reasoned.

"Just magic," Loki laughed. "You've no idea what I once was, what I could do." The god's eyes began to glow. "I was a creationist, a mage, a healer. I could be anything, I could make you into anything. I caused mischief through the realms, answering only to Odin, and Thor's pride." A small flame flickered in Loki's hand. It grew, illuminating the god's face.

"I know," Sariel said softly. The flame in Loki's hand flickered out. He looked down, ashamed.

"I miss it," Loki sobbed. Sariel frowned, and pulled Loki into his arms, holding him tight against his chest. Sariel pet the back of Loki's head, waiting patiently as his friend mourned.

"I've packed for us both," Sariel whispered. "The business and the home will be cared for while we're away." Loki nuzzled closer to Sariel. The god loved how he smelled of vanilla and honey. Between whimpers, Loki slowly regained his composure.

"Okay," he whimpered. "I'll finished getting dressed, and come to the kitchen. I'll walk you through how we're going to get to the realm of the frost giants." Loki was vulnerable around Sariel. The fallen loved Loki like no one had before. He loved him without expectation or demands. Loki was grateful.

Sariel pulled the chef closer to him by her belt. "I am hungry," he purred at her. The chef blushed at the fallen. "Yes, Sir," she giggled. Sariel cupped her face in his palm. "You're so beauitful Sara." He smiled. Sara's eyes were dark brown, and hair raven black and curly. Sariel had various attractions to the house staff, but Sara was his favorite. "Sariel, you flatter me," she cooed at him, leaning close to his face, silently begging for him to kiss her. Sariel smirked, and grabbed Sara's hips as he pressed his lips against hers. He breathed her in: her scent, the way she wiggles when he pulls her against him, how soft her dark skin was. "Do I flatter you enough to get a goodbye fuck?" Sariel said against her lips. Sara smacked Sariel on the arm. "You're a perv," she scolded, and stepped away from the fallen.

"Mhmm," Sariel purred. He plopped himself onto the kitchen counter. Sara began to gather ingredients to make breakfast.

"Is your boyfriend joining us this morning," Sara asked Sariel.

"He's not my boyfriend, but yes, he'll be joining," Sariel responded. Sara pursed her lips, and looked at Sariel with a hand on her hip. "Sariel, you look at him like he's the sun."

"I do not!" Sariel crossed his arms over his chest. Sara didn't look convinced. She rustled in the fridge, and pulled out everything for omelettes.

Loki stumbled down the stairs in his full Asgardian attire. His robes fluttered behind him. He'd pulled back his long hair into a ponytail. The smell of omelettes wafted from the kitchen. Sariel stood behind the chef, nibbling on her neck. Loki cleared his throat. "I don't mean to interrupt." Sara pushed Sariel off of her. "I'm sorry Sir," she apologized. Loki ignored her, and settled into one of the stools at the kitchen island. "We all know how Sariel is," Loki giggled. Subtly, the god cast sentience at the omelette on Sarah's skillet. It began to growl and stand on the skillet. "What the fuck!!" Sara screamed, stepping back from the skillet. Sariel frowned at Loki, but the mischief god was lost in laughter. The sentient omelette laid flat back in the skillet.

Sara looked angry. Sariel was holding in his laughter. Loki was exploding with laughter. "So omelettes for breakfast?" Loki cackled. Sara threw her spoon at Loki. "Where are you two going dressed like that?" Sara poked. "The renaissance fair isn't in town, is it?"

"I'd have you know this is the clothing of a prince, madam." Sariel responded.

"Sure, it is." Sara rolled her eyes, and slid the first omelette onto a plate. "For you, my liege," she said placing the plate in front of Loki.

Sariel tapped his foot. "He's your favorite now?" He plopped down beside Loki. "I'm way cuter. I defiantly feel betrayed."

With his mouth full of omelette Loki responded, "I'm absolutely cuter than you." he crewed his food, and swallowed. "Plus I'm don't flirt with everything that walks so, I'm assuming that's a plus."

Sara laughed, and put Sariel's breakfast on a plate. "It's a plus," she affirmed.

"You two still haven't answered my question. Where're you headed?" Sara looked concerned.

Loki twirled his fork in his plate. He was nervous to answer the question. He was afraid to say it out loud. "We're going to be gone for awhile, Sara. Please do not alarm the rest of the staff." Loki put down his fork. Returning to the realm of the frost giants wasn't something he took lightly. He'd spent years of battle with Odin and Thor on the war front there. It was cold and brutal. He'd slaughtered frost giants, and now he was going to have to sneak into their realm, and steal what was his. He wondered what would happen if they got caught. He wondered what he might learn about himself in that frozen wasteland. "We're going to Jötunheimr."

"Like- in Norse Mythology? What do you mean?" Sara seemed confused.

"It's not mythology; it's real Sara. You ever wonder why your boss's name is Loki?" Sariel explained.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Sara exclaimed. "You're the fucking god of Mischief?"

Loki looked down. He couldn't help but smirk to hear himself acknowledged for what he truthfully was. "This has got to be a fucking joke," Sara groaned.

Loki stood up from his half finished breakfast. "Would you like to go with us?" He asked. Sara stepped back. She hadn't realized before now how tall Loki was. She hadn't noticed the chaos in his eyes. Her boss always seemed so distant. He'd been happy to allow Sariel to manage all the staff for the home and business. When they brought her on she just thought they were two peculiar dudes. The vampire dudes in Austin where far weirder than these two. Well, they were weirder until now.

Sara thought for a moment. "No," she stated firmly. "I've got a son at home. There's no way I'm putting myself in danger with you lot. Even if you're not who you say you are, I'm sure you're up to no good."

Loki adjusted his robes. "Love, I'm never up to good." He stepped closer to Sara. He was close enough he could smell her perfume. Loki put his finger on her lips. "hljóð," Loki cast on her speech to keep their secret inside her. "You will not speak of this truth to anyone, Sara." She nodded.

"Loki, come on. Leave her alone. Our things are by the front door, and there's a car waiting on us. We've a long journey ahead of us." Sariel pleaded.

Loki fluttered away from Sara. He looked back, smug. "Tah-tah for now," he cackled.