The hotel room was simple. One bed in front of a large window, a small bathroom with a shower, a mirror, a tv, a desk, and a small to hang any clothes that you had. Loki sat on the bed. He was exhausted.
"Is that going to be okay?" Sariel asked Loki.
The god brushed down the bed. He wasn't sure how he was suppose to be feeling. The knot in his stomach was almost unbearable. There was a vomit of words in his chest, but he couldn't get them past his lips. Loki didn't even know what to say, or where to start. "Why wouldn't it be?" Loki feigned ignorance.
Sariel looked at Loki's reflection from the mirror. "Don't play dumb; it doesn't suite you."
"You're right," Loki responded. The god couldn't stop staring at Sariel. The fallen was standing in front of the mirror, getting undressed for a shower. Loki had seen the man naked many times before, but this was different. His red hair brushed the small of his muscular back. There were scares freckled across his shoulders from battles Sariel had never spoke of. A brand on Sariel's shoulder prominently marked him as fallen. The curved sign was foreign to Loki. He resisted the urge to reach out to Sariel. The wall between them felt palpable. Loki knew it was his own fault, but he couldn't find the strength to move from the bed.
Robes pooled at Sariel's feet, leaving him completely undressed. He walked into the shower, and started the water. He sighed. Showers always brought him so much relaxation. Sariel walked out of the bathroom, and looked intensely at Loki. "Stop overthinking it," he directed at the frozen man on the bed. Sariel walked to Loki. He towered over the god. Sariel had always been monstrous next to Loki. Sariel offered his hand to Loki. "Do you want to take a shower with me?"
Loki caught eyes with Sariel. He felt a fire in his stomach. He felt the knots. He was a mess, a tornado of conflict, but Sariel was in front of him naked and tempting. The mischief god swallowed his uneasy. "Yes," he answered. A bright smile grew on Sariel's face. He looked at Loki's clothes. "May I help you, my liege?"He asked Loki.
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"Please do," Loki nervously giggled, pulling the tie to his outer winter robes. It melted to his feet, and before he could look up Sariel's hands were pushing his garments off his shoulders. The fallen's large hands made quick work of the satchels and pockets tied all over the god. He carefully reached for the hidden blades in Loki's sleeves, and pulled them slowly away from the god's skin. Loki hissed in delight. The cold steel's scratch created ripples of goosebumps. Without thinking Loki pushed himself against Sariel, and kissed him- hard, deep, with all the intensity and need he could muster. It felt like all the years of loneliness were melting from Loki's flesh.
Sariel moaned. He wrapped his arms around Loki's waist, and picked him up. The god's legs wrapped around Sariel's hips. Their lips never parted as Sariel carried Loki into the steamy bathroom. A trail of Loki's robes trailed behind them. "I-" Loki began. "Stop thinking," Sariel cut him off. "Easier said then done," Loki inserted. Sariel scoffed, and bit down on Loki's shoulder hard.
"Fuck," Loki screeched. As fast as the pain spread, warmth and pleasure replaced it. Loki melted into Sariel. "Fuck," he moaned, his eyes rolling back.
"Get in the shower," Sariel commanded. Loki quickly submitted, and walked into the shower. Sariel lingered to gaze at the god. He'd always admired the god's small feminine physic. Loki's lithe frame, his wide hips, long hair, his flawless skin were captivating. Like a wolf after a sheep, Sariel followed Loki into the shower. Sariel was intoxicated by Loki. Hot water ran down his small body. Sariel pushed Loki against the shower wall with his body, and kissed him. The water ran between their faces, and between their lips when they parted to breath. Loki's hands wondered over Sariel's chest. Sariel nodded in encouragement. He placed his hand over Loki's, and guided it down his body, feeling the v-shape down his hips to his cock. "You sure," Sariel asked Loki before contact was made.
Loki's hand without hesitation wrapped around Sariel's thick, hard cock. "Yeah," Loki responded. Sariel's eyes rolled back. "Fuck, yes," he growled, thrusting into Loki's hand. The god stroked Sariel's cock, purring in delight at the look in the man's eyes. Sariel's hand pinned Loki against the wall, but his head hung just inches from Loki's lips, their eyes locked together. Loki stuck his tongue out, asking for permission to put Sariel's cock in his throat. The fallen nodded. Loki got on knees. Sariel's cock pulsed above Loki's head. The god was just a little two short, but Loki looked up from under Sariel's cock, and smiled. He grabbed Sariel's cock, and licked the head.
Sariel couldn't hold back his moans. Loki wrapped his lips around Sariel's cock. The fallen's knees almost buckled. The pleasure was driving Sariel crazy. Loki's head bobbed up and down. Sariel placed his hand on the back of Loki's head, guiding the speed. With a moan, the fallen thrust into Loki's mouth relentlessness. Loki moaned. He looked up, watery eyed at Sariel. Sariel grabbed Loki by the hair to his feet, and turned him around. Loki bent over, his ass away from Sariel. "How long has it been?" Sariel asked in concern before shoving his cock into the man's ass. "I need to be stretched first, please," Loki pleaded. Sariel obliged. He sucked on his fingers, and then slowly traced the tight ring of muscles of Loki's asshole before gently pushing a single digit inside. Loki stifled a groan. Patiently, Sariel began to thrust with his one finger, and then another, and then another. The intensity grew with each addition.
"Please," Loki began to bed. Sariel finger fucked him harder.
"What is it my liege," Sariel playfully mocked.
"Please fuck me," Loki begged. "Please Sariel. Please, I need your cock inside me." Sariel's cock twitched at Loki's words. He grabbed Loki's hips, picking him off the ground to meet his cock. "I don't have any lube, your spit is going to have to do," Sariel said. Loki rolled his eyes. "Fuck me, dammit," he said. "As you wish," Sariel answered, and pushed his cock inside Loki's ass. Slowly, he pushed the head of his cock in, and waited. "Relax, my liege," Sariel whispered. Loki was practically trying to tear his cock in half with how tight his ass was. "You're well endowed, asshole," the god hissed back. "Just keep going," Loki insisted. Sariel obeyed, and pushed himself further inside of Loki until his entire cock was sheathed. Sariel let out a moan. Loki's ass was so hot and tight. He could almost orgasm just by being balls deep inside of the god. Sariel laughed to himself. He was fucking a god. Loki slowly adjusted to the size, and began to push his hips against Sariel. Loki moaned in bliss at the feeling of being split by Sariel's cock. He thoughtlessly reached for his own cock, stroking it to the rhythm of Sariel's thrusts. "Yes," he moaned. "Fuck yes," Loki gasped.
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Thunder rolled so loud outside it shook the building. Loki pushed away from Sariel. "Fuck," he exclaimed. His sex daze was broken. Panic was in his eyes. "I knew I felt him. It'd just been so long. I didn't know for sure." Sariel looked confused. Loki scrambled from the shower, leaving puddles of water behind him.
"What's wrong?" Sariel asked, concerned.
A knock came at the door.
"Fuck off!" Loki screamed. With a flick of the god's wrist, he mustered enough magic to materialize his robes back onto his body.
Loki caught eyes with Sariel. The god was visibly angry. He looked like a cat with its heckles up. Loki's hear was floating around his head. His skin was dark blue, like the ocean in a storm. His eyes were entirely red. Symbols covered the god's body. Loki looked terrifying, like something from a nightmare. Sariel had never witnessed Loki with so much rage, power, and magic. He had believed Loki only held on to enough power to do card tricks, but he was wrong.
With a massive crash the door to the hotel room crashed down. Standing in the door way was a seven foot towering blonde. Lighting trickled over his body. His eyes were bright blue, glowing with more power than Sariel had ever seen in his life. In the man's hand was a massive hammer. It was covered in symbols, but what concerned Sariel the most was the rage in the man's eyes.
"Who is this?" Sariel yelled at Loki. The fallen held a towel over his genitals. He was dripping wet, and for the first time in a long time, afraid.
"Hello brother," the stranger said.
"Hello Thor," Loki answered.