Chereads / BlackMoon / Chapter 172 - Kids?! (IV)

Chapter 172 - Kids?! (IV)

"Here you go." I gave them the finished product. It was a 3-inch marble that was clear as glass. Even a simple drop wouldn't shatter it, which I was proud of. My skills in creating these marble crystals have become second nature, that it didn't take so long to make them. What did take a bit of time was recording the whole process of showing that I had Bone Crusher with me. Even Khor and Gorum entered the video with excitement.

Luckily, the whole process didn't take more than three hours, eventually letting me go to do whatever I want for the day. While Phil was lazing around, eating a few of my honey breads. I ate the majority of them, which left me feeling a bit okay. But suddenly, he disappeared on me, leaving me alone.

With that being said, I roamed around the elven city mindlessly. Enjoying the scenic view of the up and down of the hidden buildings against the trees. Everything was meticulously planned as if it was meant to be there. The homes melded in well with the surrounding giving it all a natural feel.

I walked around the bridge, where on both sides, the waterfall came crashing down, bringing with it a gentle lull. I couldn't help but enjoy the sound as I walked by. There wasn't as much time to listen to nature back at home, mostly because the city life's hustling and bustling was a lot noisier than the elven city itself.

All I could usually hear were the elven voice's soft, humming songs, singing with joy and bliss. It was a reassuring feel as my mind melted while I walked onwards with my hands behind my back.

My mind was in turmoil, thinking over the past years that went. The moment I came to this world, I was clueless and lost. I didn't even know who I was exactly I was. I knew I was once human that probably died, somehow. Which was still a hazy thought. I knew that chapter of my life was over, embracing the life that I was given now. Regretting about my past life wasn't something I was going to harbor over. Vera Lee was dead. That was the closure of my life I have come to a conclusion upon.

Finding out that I was a dragon was a natural thing. Even being able to eat gold was fantastic. The only downside was that the gold itself wasn't endless, so eating it often was out of the question. Still, I wanted to continue to eat more to this day, but holding out on it was still a discipline.

Then I met Phil. Just the word describes everything about him without explaining anymore. He was and is a swirl of an emotional rollercoaster ride that brought trouble and even gave me a new type of feeling that I never really understood.

Who knew that the Goddess of Light would even send me across dimension to Earth and brought Heroes from Earth, which made it a reality that my memories weren't fake at all. The only problem I have was, what happened to the real Dragon Maiden that I was inhibiting, or was it all just made up? I learned more in favor of taking over the body itself.

Eventually, moving Phil's people over to the vicinity of my castle was an unexpected thing. Finally, having a war against the Dragon Kingdom wasn't a pleasant thing to go through. I could still feel the bone snapping experience of humans dying under my claw as I breathe fire and ice down on their heads, killing them. This was when I understood the joy and the difference between who I was. There was no turning back. It was the moment I accepted what I had become and truly become a dragon myself.

After that, going on an adventure to meet up with the Heroes was a mind-blowing experience. Each species was exciting, but meeting up with the Legendary Monsters was deadly from the Black Gryphon, the Titan, Phoenix, and Hydra. None of them were dead, and that was a serious problem and a headache that I didn't know how to solve. All I did was to give the power of the Legendary weapon to their respective Hero to deal with the monsters that were bent on destroying our lives.

Knowing that was all I could do made me feel a bit relieved but, at the same time, disappointed. I couldn't destroy the Legendary monsters, which frustrated me. It was like fate was throwing me a curveball to be the helpless damsel in distress. Well, I take that back. I was no damsel in distress, and I honestly was probably on equal terms of strength with these Legendary monsters. But fighting more than one was too much.

Having these heroes was a benefit that I was grateful for.

With a sigh, I kicked a pebble, a bit frustrated. One problem after another, this was life.

Something I wished I could hole up in my castle and stay in slumber for a thousand years. Then again, I slept for five years, and my city had changed so much that I could hardly tell what happened. Maybe oversleeping wasn't too good of an idea.

Ugh. I was a walking contradiction. There was one thing I wanted to do, then I wanted to do something else. At the rate I was going, I believed I would never make a decision, which I didn't want.

"Berry?" A strong voice called out from behind me. I looked over. Phil gracefully walked over as if he was floating. Sometimes I wonder if all elves glided over, but I realized it was just Phil when I saw the other elves.

"Yes?" I tilted my head and stopped. Wondering what he was going to say, I waited with cross arms. Wondering where he went, I noticed his buttons were slightly undone, showing off a bit of his chest. Blushing, I glanced away.

What was wrong with me? It was like every inch of his skin I see, I keep turning red. Better yet, I need to stop overthinking about this. At the rate I was going, I probably would turn into a perverted dragon. How embarrassing would that be? Very.

Smacking myself on the cheek, I turned back to my usual self.

Phil halted for a moment and stared at me, strangely at my odd behavior.

"You...alright?" He asked, wondering if I had hit myself too hard.

"Yes." I curtly replied, there was no way I would show him that I was ogling at him.

"You sure?"

"Most definitely." Without letting him ask anymore, I walked forward towards him. "What's up?" I asked, wondering why he came to find me.

"I just wanted to see you," Phil replied with a gentle voice that struck my heart.

I swooned.

"W-w---why?" I hiccuped, hoping that he didn't 'catch my embarrassment.

"Do I need a reason?" Phil was sad at my reply, almost pouting. The large puppy look in his eyes made me waver.

"N-n-no." I quickly stated. It was hard not to look away. He was just that good. How is it that the longer that we stay together, the more childish and intense he becomes? I didn't know, but it was striking arrows into my heart.

"Good," He snuck his hand with mine. I froze. "Let's go. I wanted to hang out with you." With a light tug, he drew me forward beside him. A soft, gentle smile erupted on his lips, taking me somewhere I didn't know.

We walked a good distance away from the bridge, silently enjoying the brisk walk with a peaceful disposition. The thought of talking during our moment sounded like a bad idea. I enjoyed the tranquility that was between us as we enjoyed each other's presence.

Passing by the bakery shop that I had bought my honey bread once again tickled my nose, but my stomach didn't growl as we passed by. The soft jingle of elven children's laughter could be heard; jubilantly, they sang and ran around the town square, bringing smiles to the elders.

"Berry." His gaze was cast forward towards the kids, watching them with a soft expression.

"Yes?" I asked. I was stuck to his arm naturally as if I was supposed to be there.

"Have you ever thought about kids?"