Chereads / The Journey Of The Knights / Chapter 66 - The Beginning Of Hunt For Pet

Chapter 66 - The Beginning Of Hunt For Pet

He thought about making Louis's son his children guard while looking at the table. Once he made the decision, he lifts his head up and looked at them straight in the eyes.

Louis and his spouse, Emma, were getting curious and nervous as Arden continued looking at them with his serious expression.

Sweat started coming out from their face, but Arden keeps staring at them for a few more seconds. He burst out laughing watching the old couple expression waiting for his answer and quickly answered.

"Yea! I accept them! They will be my children guard!" The old couple looked confused about why he suddenly laughs.

Once they heard the news, they looked at each other excitedly and hugged in front of Arden. Arden awkwardly stayed silent while waiting for them to finish their business.

Several seconds pass as Arden was left alone awkwardly. Suddenly, the old couple finished doing their things and looked back at Arden.

They were smiling at him as Arden stared confusedly, then they bowed to him and said, "Thank you, my lord! Our sons will do their job as best as they could!"

Arden confusion slowly thins out and then he smiled to both of them, not knowing what to say. The awkwardness at that place were raised to a higher level as both sides didn't know what to say to each another.

Fortunately, Louis's children finished equipping their armour on and went to the eating room. They noticed the awkwardness and were confused about what happened before they came.

They sat down and looked at each other not knowing what to do. The oldest son slowly opened his mouth, "Let's introduce our self to Sir Arden here"

Once again, the sons were looking at each other before the oldest started introducing his name, "My name is Alan, I'm the oldest among them"

Alan, the oldest son, stated as he points to his brothers, another one of them suddenly said, "I'm the second oldest, my name is Edward"

The 2 remaining sons of Louis looked at them and then looked at one another, "My name Daniel, I'm the third son" and "I'm the youngest, Adam"

Both of them said it almost at the same time, and Arden barely caught their name. Fortunately, he caught their names and said, "Hello Adam, Daniel, Edward and Alan, nice to meet you all"

All of them, once again, looked at each other and then turned their attention back to Arden and smile started coming at their face, almost at the same time, they all said, "Nice to meet you too!"

All of them were smiling at each other and Louis suddenly said, "Let's start the hunt!"

Immediately breaking their smile as Louis himself stood up from his chair and grabbed a small backpack, all of them followed him shortly. They made their way to the door and exited the house.

The cold night air, strike them unexpected and most of them wanted to rush inside the door and stay warm inside it, including Arden. Louis snapped after seeing this "Don't be a coward, we finish it fast and we will go home fast!"

He went further and further, while Arden and his son looked at each other for a short moment before rushing behind him. The group of 6 men walked on a small path near the field.

Some of them tripped a couple times but no one really got hurt and so, they continued their walk. After some time of walking, 4 or 5 minutes, they entered the forest and became cautious of the surrounding.

They advance further inside the forest and the town couldn't be seen anymore behind them. For several hours, they walked cautiously in the forest, making some small rest on the way.

Adam was the last at the line and the first to give up, he tells his father about this, "Father, its already too late at night, if we met a predator, it would be dangerous for us"

Louis stopped walking and turned back. He could see all of his sons discussing about this and quickly snapped, "Too late to go back, we will camp here"

He points to the ground and the party could see some clear space for them to use. Louis's sons at first hesitate, but knowing their father thrown out some truth, they quickly gather the materials to make tents.

Arden helped them build the tents as none of them actually knew how to do it beside Louis himself. 4 Tents were made at the forest, with leaves as the roof and stick as a stick. All of them facing the campfire in the middle of the tents.

All 6 of them switched on guarding the campsite even though Louis and his sons told Arden not to bother himself but he insisted on guarding.

The night covered the forest, and as the coldness entered it, Arden placed himself near the campfire, hoping it would warm him. He was too focused on getting himself warm and didn't care about the surrounding.

That's when he figured he was too close to the fire, his arm was directly touching the fire. Instantly, it was burnt. Seeing there's no water near the sites, Arden decided to went to Louis's tent.

He approached the tent and was surprised by the sight of Louis still not asleep, just laying at the ground. Arden asked, "Did you bring any medicine? I need some, my hand were burnt"

Louis was lying at the ground and just having some thought about something. He didn't notice Arden was beside him and was shocked at seeing him.

Strangely, Louis remembered what came out from Arden's mouth and he quickly took out a small box from his backpack and then returned to his position and having thought once Arden accepted it.

Arden took the box and went back to sit near the campfire. He was opening the box to take some medicine for his wound. Suddenly, a white cat approached him from behind and sat beside him.

He didn't notice until he turns his attention on the blue lights beside him. It was the same cat he met on the route to Louis's house from his castle earlier.

He quickly closed the medicine box immediately and wanted to catch the cat, but the cat suddenly run. Arden quickly followed it while holding tight to the medicine box on his left hand.

He ran after the cat for a couple of minutes. He was getting tired and almost collapsed to the ground. The thought of his wife's smile he saw at his bedroom keep him running.

The jungle was getting thicker at this point and he couldn't see the campsite anymore. He was about to turn his way back and decided to stop running after the cat.

Each time he almost does that, the cat stopped and let him close enough to give him the "hope". But continue running after Arden was close enough.

Arden keeps running and running. Suddenly… the cat took a sharp turn to the right. It was behind the tree and covered in bushes on almost all sides, except from the direction the cat enters.

Knowing about this, Arden knew the cat couldn't escape anymore and made his speed faster. He turned right and he could see 2 pair of blue eyes. The other one seems bigger than the other.

He couldn't see anything other than 2 pairs of blue eyes, so… he rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. Now… he could see clearly, the bigger pair of blue eyes, a white tiger located in front of his eye.

He was shocked, Arden almost turned back and ran away, but he caught the glance of the wound on the tiger's body. It was a claw wounds. He quickly approached the tiger while it's roaring at him.

He was taken aback by the roar but came back on his way to approach the tiger. Once he was close enough, he crouches down and eases the tiger a little bit before examining the tiger's wound.

He looked at it as best as he could and quickly knew what caused a wound; it was a bear claw. 'It seems the tiger has been in a fight with a bear in this forest'

'There is no way the medicine is enough to treat the tiger fully, but it's better than none!' He quickly opens the box on his left hand and started treating the wound.

First, he applied some ointment and other things to the wound which made the white tiger roar loudly. He could even hear the sound of birds quickly evacuating from that place.

Then, he quickly put some clothes on the wound and put some pressure on it and once again, the tiger made the loud roar. 'I'm going to be deaf if this continues'

He was about to continue on treating the tiger but he could hear the footstep of 2 people. Crushing all the leaves on the ground as they walk.

He Turned around and quickly unsheathed his sword from the scabbard to fend off any attacker.