Chereads / The Journey Of The Knights / Chapter 67 - Fight Between Tiger And Bear

Chapter 67 - Fight Between Tiger And Bear

After he heard the sound of 2 people crushing the leaves on the ground as they walk. He quickly turned around and placed his hand on his sword.

He unsheathed it and used his fighting stance, ready to attack the 2 people coming to his direction. At the far distance, he could see a being, covered in the darkness of night.

The creature is coming closer and closer as he tried figuring out the creature. He squinted his eye and there he could see it, the familiar face of the barbarian's bear he killed years ago.

A giant bear!!!

He could see the giant bear coming to his direction with some wounds on the bear's body. Arden waited and waited, determined to fight the bear to save the tigers behind him.

He was surprised when he heard the tiger roar loudly behind him. He turned his attention back to the tiger while the bear is still far from him. Then he saw the tiger pushing its cub, the lineage of the tiger all depend on this tiger cub, whether it survives or not.

Arden looked at the tiger parent once again and tried to understand the emotions on the face. A mere second pass as he immediately understood what the tiger mom wanted him to do.

'She wanted me to run with her cub! I will place the tiger at the camp and come back, just wait,' Arden trying to be as soft as possible grabbed the tiger cub.

He then turned back and could see the bear slowly approaching his location. The only thing that came passes his mind is to run from the place and back to his camp.

The cat with the similar appearance with the tigers looked at him and started running to a certain direction. He quickly followed it, knowing the cat will guide him back to his camp.

He ran while he placed the tiger cub at his arm and hold it near his chest, making sure it didn't fall. After running for 10 seconds, the cat looked back and so does he.

He could see the tiger mom and the giant bear circling each other, both with wounds at their body. Not a single one of them showed a sign of fear, and both predator animals were getting ready to attack each other.

He stood there with the white cat and looked at both the predator animal growing warily to each other. Suddenly, the bear rises up and stood on 2 legs, the familiar posture he saw on the hunt that happens at the feast of Aswen.

There is some difference. The size of the bear was double the size he saw in the past. It made him thought that the bear was different from other bears.

'That bear is so big! It convinces me that the bear didn't originate from this world!' He stated at his mind while examining the bear.

Then, he turned his attention to the tiger. It didn't even flinch while facing the opponent in front of it. Instead, the tiger is readying its mental to charge and possibly…

Sacrifice itself in the fight, just for its lineage to keep moving in time.

Fortunately, the tiger gave her cub to the right person. In that very moment, Arden promised to himself, "I will keep this tiger cub as best as I could, as well as the white cat���

Which meant making the cat and tiger under his name as a pet of him. Living a good life at the castle and didn't need to find their way in nature.

Arden took the last glace at the tiger mom before turning his back to it while hesitating and making his way to the campsite. The tiger mom took a glance of him leaving with its baby.

The white tiger then turned his attention back to the giant bear it's going to face. Both of them predator circle each other and getting wary of each other as time passes.

They keep doing their thing and crushing every dry leaf on the ground as they trample it. Then… the bear attacked first, proving itself not fearing the tiger.

Unfortunately, while the bear has more power, the tiger has speed on its side. The bear stood on its 2 legs and made a swing from the east to the west with its hand making a big movement.

The tiger quickly dodged it, going under the bear's arm and barely not getting hit by the attack made by the bear. While dodging it, the tiger extended its arm to the right, attacking the soft part of the bear, stomach.

The soft stomach of the bear was attacked, instantly leaving a wound on it. The wound was the passage the blood could come out from the bear's body and much blood immediately pouring out.

The bear roared loudly even Arden could hear it from the distance. He immediately smiled once he heard the roar and fastened his face to walk to his campsite.

Back to the fight between the 2 predator animal. After the tiger successfully landed a hit on the bear, the bear roar and quickly making some distance from the tiger.

While the bear walked away from the tiger to make some distance from it, the tiger ran away from the fight, buying more time for herself. The bear, seeing this and knowing the tiger is wounded heavily in their previous fight, quickly chased the tiger.

More sound was made as the bear chased the tiger deep into the forest. The tiger itself is tired from all the running but knew she would die even if she stops for a few seconds.

This made the tiger forced to do something unexpected to the bear. As the bear was chasing the white tiger, the tiger tried to climb the tree.

The bear grinned deep inside its mind and thought he only needed to knock the tree down. Halfway through climbing the tree, the tiger quickly pushes himself against the tree, making the kind of spring reaction.

The tiger's claw was extended, and the tiger headed toward the bear at a fast speed. The bear was not expecting this and didn't bother to look above and quickly looking in front of himself.

But then… the bear noticed the sound of the tiger's claw used to climb the tree was gone and looked above. Then he saw it, the tiger body blocked the moonlight and the claw heading straight to his eyes, as well as the tiger's face about to end this fight.

The only thing that came into the bear's mind was to swing his hand to attack the tiger in the middle of the air and so the bear does it. The same attack he used before, a big swing from the right to the left.

The bear stood up and do the attack; he has his claw extended from his paw, but it was too late. His muscle making the speed lost against the gravity and the spring reaction of the tiger.

Both of the claw on both of the tiger's hand landed right on his body, blinding the bear immediately. Unfortunately for the tiger, the bear's hand is still heading to her direction.

The tiger was hit on the side of her body, which sent her flying to the site and stopped by the tree. In the end, the bear was blinded, and the tiger was hit on the side of her body.

The bear, blinded at the spot, quickly ran away from the location and tried to heal himself. The blood coming out from its stomach dripped on the forest, leaving a mark for Arden.

Meanwhile, Arden and the 5 others were heading toward the location Arden found the tiger. Once all of them arrive, they saw the blood trail of the bear and followed it.

They walked and walked for 10 minutes; the trail was almost gone, covered by leaves on the way, and it made them lost go on the wrong way on the way.

Fortunately, they managed to keep on the track and arrived on the location where the bear and the tiger finished their fight. Arden saw the tiger lying beneath a tree and rushed to help it with the cub still in his hand.

It was… simply too late…

They arrived there a few minutes late, and the tiger was already lifeless once they found it. The tiger cub quickly cried once he opened its small eyes, tears could be filled on Arden's hand.

The only thing Arden thought it his mind was "Revenge" he needs to avenge the death of the tiger which made the cub, as well as other sad.

Then, Adam suddenly approached Arden and told him, "Sir, I saw another blood track, heading to a different direction from the one we came from"

Arden crouched down and placed the tiger cub as the cub was crying beside its mother, "Let's chase after that bear, we need to avenge the tiger"

Adam went and told the others about their next move, and all of them agreed. They waited for Arden to finish grieving with the little baby cub he found while leaning against trees.