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Epic of the Immortal Rain

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Legends are often stories far exaggerated from a distant past handed down by word of mouth. But eventually someone comes along who outdoes those very feats. That's when new legends are born. That is when Epics are wrote. Rain Aryïss Alister, legends are spun to encompass this man. And this document is the tale of his grand journey. This is The Epic Of The Immortal Rain. After losing everything he vows to become so strong that no man nor god can take anything he loves from him again. But it will be a long journey.

Chapter 1 - The Birth of an Inheritance

Thunder roared, breaking the silence of the night as lightning tore across the pitch black screen of darkness and rain continued to pour beating down against the old wooden boards of the small shack that was placed out on the edge of the city, miles from any gate as if it were in exile. In that moment a small child was born to the two residents of the shack. "I'm so sorry Love, that our child must be born on such a stormy night." The father said. He was a tall muscular man and his skin had a bronze sheen that was most likely attained through his countless days of field work. He wore simple clothes, a pair of old muddied boots as well as some torn and tattered jeans, with a shirt that looked a size too small, it had a few holes in it and was covered in dirt stains. His facial structure was handsome and he looked to be in the prime of his life. His raven black hair was short and spiked. His eyes were bright blue and shined with pride. The woman was exhausted and had beads of sweat lining her brow, she smiled up at him as he placed the child in her arms wrapped in a small blanket. "Kai-en, please don't be. The rain doesn't always have to be saddening, in fact I'm very happy right now." She said to him in a rough and faint voice as tears of joy started pouring down her face from her emerald eyes. She had blonde hair that fell just below her shoulder line catching in the small dip of her collarbone. She was well figured and looked to be in her mid twenties. Her voice changed from the timid and rugged sounds it had earlier and became upbeat and quick as if she thought she would forget what she wanted to say if it wasn't said quickly. "Let's name him Rain." She had that tone every woman has that means to imply 'I've already decided so don't try and argue.' Her smile betrayed her happiness and had deep feelings of endearment in it. She looked up from the child to behold the face of her loving husband. She waited patiently for his response. Kai-en smiled looking down at the picturesque scene before him of his child held carefully in the arms of his new mother. Tears welled up in his eyes as he saw the boy mimic the smile his mother had just made. "Rain Aryïss Alister... it has such a nice ring to it." At this moment he felt that being placed in exile wasn't truly as bad as the endless years of hard work made it seem. As the years past Rain grew steadily. He loved to run around and climb over everything just as most kids do. His father would spend time playing with him and telling him stories. His favorite was the story of the Rising. "Dá, will you tell me the story again?" Rain pleaded with his father as they sat in bed. "okay okay, I'll tell it one more time." he conceded "once a thousand years ago or maybe even longer there was a great War that raged on all fronts across the whole world and the five kingdoms were torn apart brother fought against brother and many died trying to take the opportunity the war presented to gain control over new territory. The war was such a massive scale it was thought to be the war to end all wars. There were all sorts of fighting involved in the west they developed gunpowder and made firearms and bombs. In the east they fought with magic and the help of familiars in the north they turned to technology constantly inventing new things to bring death to their many enemies and in the south they built fleets to conquer the oceans.  The central city remained neutral throughout the great War serving as a refuge for the wounded and those who lost their loved ones. This war devastated the landscape and threatened to end the world until one man arose. A legendary figure walked forward toward the capital of the central kingdom and the weapons and magic that was used against him seemed to glance off of his shimmering skin it was as if he were a great Nemean Lion and when he roared the whole world shook and the battles stood on heel to listen. An army ten thousand strong stood against him and a single large hulking figure staggered forth from the crowd and bellowed in his drunken stupor challenging the lone man. In a single swift movement the man's fist connected with the hulking figures stomach slamming him with enough force to fling him into the crowd sending others flying as he looked out for any other who would challenge him. "The fighting ends today. The wars between the kingdoms is over. I will be the one who becomes king." he said in a voice that rang out like thunder. And for a moment the world fell silent and those at the scene shook unaware of what to do before the first man fell to his knee in front of the man who claimed the throne. The ones behind him quickly followed kneeling before their king. He marched into the central city and took up residency as the king. The man who single handedly conquered the world. He began piece by piece rebuilding the world from the tattered and torn state he found it in. He became the greatest king in all of history. He selected four people to be his advisors and he rebuilt communication between the kingdoms and established trade routes he built roads and diminished poverty. But his advisors grew jealous of his reign they believed history would never remember them standing in his shadow. So they planned a coup and they had his family abducted. They told him that if he willingly stood down they would bring them no harm. He and his family were exiled to a small piece of land on the outskirts of the city where they would be allowed to live in peace forbidden from returning. History has long forgotten the name of this man. In fact it all happened so long ago it may have never even happened." Rain was staring up at him bewildered and amazed his eyes gleaming violent shades of royal green. "Was he an Alister too?" Rain asked remembering one time his father had said that. "Perhaps he was." the man smiled at the boy. "We Alister's have an innate ability to conquer." He smiled and tossed the child's hair. Rain smiled brightly as he looked up at the rugged father he had come to love from the moment he was put in this world. Loving amber eyes were lighting up like Christmas lights as the woman sat and watched the two she had a bright red shirt matched with a tan dress. She wore a bright smile on her face as she stood slowly moving over to the two. Her hands rested on Kai-en's shoulders. "Rain, it's time for bed now." Her voice was soft and melodious it rang out softly and hit the ears even softer. Rain pouted for a bit and whined out. "No, wait! One more time Dá! Tell it one more time!" He pleaded with his father as Kai-en looked up to the beautiful blonde haired girl who stood over him. "No, son. You're mother is right, it's time for bed. If you're good I'll tell you another story tomorrow." He said smiling and peering down at the boy who pouted for another moment. "Yes Dá.." He got up and began to walk to his room. From the corner of his eyes he saw his father stand and meet his mother's lips with a kiss. "Ewwwwww Dá's got cooties." He mocked then went on into his room and climbed in bed. Kai-en pressed tightly against the woman and watched as her eyes lit up a light blue. The colors of her eyes seemed to change with every backlight. In reality they were an emerald green that would take the breath straight from any man's lungs. "Kathryn… Let's go to bed.." His voice didn't seem as rough as it had earlier instead it had a soft undertone and a rouge bite to it. Her smile turned into a smirk at one end as she pressed her cherry blossom pink lips to his own suntanned lips leaving a soft bite on his lower lip. He reached down and lifted her up,cradling his wife in his arms as if she were a fragile piece of art that just by looking to hard would break. She curled into his chest as he carried her into the other room. Her arm stretched out from her position against his chest grasping the doorknob and closing it as they entered and he laid her softly on the bed. He began to leave a trail of kisses and bite marks down her neck and collarbone. She let out a light moan and pulled him in and kissed him. The next morning was a special day. Rain woke in his bed and his bright green eyes flung wide open. "Mam! Dá! Wake up!" he yelled as he ran out of his room still wearing his sleeping clothes. His mother was in the kitchen readying everything for breakfast. His mother smiled at him as she placed the food on the table. "Happy Birthday Rain." She said looking across the small kitchen. His father walked in the room though he was no longer clothed in tatters and rags instead he wore a suit made of a deep purple fabric with a black shirt hidden under a tie that looked of gold. "Happy birthday son. I hope you're ready for a big day. We're going to Magnolia." He spoke with a different tone than Rain had ever heard. It was as if he were royalty by the way he dressed and talked. Even his slight movements were different. "We're goin to tha city?" Rain asked a bit confused and excited. He had never been further than the forest that surrounded them. "Yes Rain, now hurry and eat so you can get dressed it's a long way there." His father's voice soft yet sturdy. As they ate, his mother and father talked of politics most of what they said Rain couldn't understand. Once they ate Rain went to his room and saw that his father had lain out a suit fitted to him. It was a light green suit with a white undershirt and a matching tie. "Dá, do I really have to wear this?" He complained picking up the suit. His father passed through the door. "Yes. I understand it may not be as comfortable as what we normally wear but we're going to an important meeting with a good friend of mine." He spoke carefully and quickly as he lifted the shirt and helped his son get dressed. As they left the room Rain saw that his mother was dressed in her usual skirt. "Is Mam not coming too?" He asked hastily. It was a big day and he really wanted to be with both of them. "No, You're mother is going to stay here for now. We'll be back before dinner though." His father replied. They walked out into the yard and began to walk to the end of the road. There was a black carriage with two horses waiting. "Woah Dá there's a carriage." Rain said his eyes filled with bewilderment. "Come now." His father said as he opened the door. Rain got in and they took off. The ride took a little over two hours. Rain was staring out the window every moment asking questions and taking in all the scenery. His lustrous eyes ravaged the land and trees.His mind went haywire thinking about all the adventures he wished to have. When they finally arrived they went through a massive gated wall made of stone that looked to be hundreds of years old. Once the guards let them through the gate they moved further into the city twisting down roads and winding through houses and shops of all kinds. Finally they stopped at a small bar. Compared to the other buildings it was fairly run down. There was a wooden sign hanging from a pole. "The Kings Tavern?" Rain asked as he read the sign aloud. "It's a very important place." His father replied as they stepped out of the carriage. The wooden door creaked open as if it were screaming in pain. Rain's father ushered him over to the bar and sat down at an empty stool. "Barkeep I'll take a scotch off the rocks and a root beer for the lytling." As he spoke the bartender turned around and threw an eye at Kai-en. "Well, you're a bit early aren't you." He spoke with a thick northern accent. The bartender looked to be about eighty his white hair combed back. He wore a dark black suit with a deep blue undershirt. His tie was also black. "Don't throw times at me. We had to leave at a decent time since the trip is so long." He scowled as the bartender laughed heartily. "Kai-en you haven't changed a bit since the day we met. Hell you even look the same." He smirked then looked down at his own hands for a minute as if recalling some stories far too old to be fully remembered. He finished pouring the drinks and slid them across the bar. Rain tugged on his father's jacket. "Dá is this who we came to meet?" Rain asked curiously. They had journeyed a few hours to meet this man? "He is. I needed to discuss something with him." His father replied when Rain looked over to see a very young girl about a few years older than him sweep in through the door. "So I take it this is your son? It's been so long I didn't know you even had one." The old bartender laughed a bit more then leaned in close to Kai-en. He began to whisper. Things Rain assumed he wasn't allowed to hear. So he got up and started to walk around the bar. He walked outside to look at the streets but as he did he was suddenly jerked into the alley beside the building and a knife was placed against his throat. Rain stared in awe. It was the same girl from earlier. She was hard to miss in a dark red dress. He had no idea where she could hide a knife in. But it was like she read his thoughts as she brandished another one. "Yall mustn't be too smart ta walk around this part of town dressed like that. Look like some good takings to me. But I know you ain't got no money. Maybe if I threaten to cut you up some you Pá in'er will cough up his wallet. Rain watched her eyes for a minute but didn't say anything. She pressed the blade harder against his neck not quite cutting him but close to it. Rain smiled. "You're really pretty." He said softly. She blinked for a moment and drew back. "What is wrong with your head kid? You ain't know what a shiv is?" She barked at him. "We're only dressed like this because Dá said he has an important meeting… I don't think we have much coin if that's all you want." Rain said. He didn't know much about finances but he was smart enough to know they were just simple farm folks. She sneered but withdrew her blades and they seemingly disappeared. "Just get outta here brat. And don't cross us 'gin next time ya ain't gon be so lucky. We're The Dragons and we burn everything in sight!" She said as she disappeared into the darkness of the alley. "Really pretty. Who does he think he is…" She huffed once she was alone. Rain walked back inside to find his father was looking around for him. "Dá!" He said. "Son where did you go?" Rain thought for a moment but he figured if he told him what happened the pretty girl would get in trouble. And he might not get to come back to the city. "I just went outside." He said softly. "Well it's about time we head home." he said as they left the bar and got back in the carriage. As they got into the carriage Kai-en leaned in to the driver and said something in a low voice. Then they were off. The carriage began to twist and turn going through different streets than Rain remembered from the ride there. "Dá, where are we going?" He was intensely curious as he believed they were headed home. "I need to make one final stop. A few days ago we received a letter calling me to the draft." His voice was steady and soft but Rain didn't really understand what he meant. "Oh." He said not wanting to push the questions. The building they stopped at was in a much better condition than the small tavern that reminded Rain of their little shack. This was a stone building with large windows and nice decorations. "Royal Army?" Rain read the sign plastered on the top of the building. Kai-en shook his head and smiled. "Wait here. I will be back shortly." He said softly getting out of the carriage. Rain waited for a moment but his curiosity and impatience got the best of him. He climbed down and went inside looking for his father. The building seemed even bigger on the inside it was decorated by suits of armor. As he looked for his father he heard a conversation in a room nearby. "Yes, Alister. We have you here as detailed for infantry." The voice said through a screen of indifference. "Yes, Sir I'd like to apply for an officer's position." His father said. Rain snuck over and peeked his head out to see his father sitting at a desk across from a bulky man. The man had reddish hair and a slight stubble. He wore a uniform decorated with medals. "An officer? It says here you own a meager sum of land and you work primarily as a farm hand. Do you even have any schooling? Why would we allow you to be an officer?" His voice had turned to mockery at the sound of his father's request and Rain's face scrunched up. His father began to make his argument but the soldier simply waved him off. "Infantry is better than a plebeian like you deserves." He grunted. At the sound of this Rain rushed into the room "Don't talk about my Dá like that!" He shouted. "He's the strongest and smartest person ever!" Rain's voice held a tone of desperation to right the words against his father. "Rain!" Kai-en's voice broke like thunder. "I told you to wait outside. This conversation should be held privately." He spoke loud and confidently. The soldier behind the counter was still at attention from the shock of Kai-en's commanding voice though he quickly shook it off. Rain stared at his father. "i.. I'm sorry Dá.." He said his voice filled with regret. "Enough of that." His father said again. "If you are going to be here take a seat and be quiet while we have our conversation." He continued as Rain nodded. He looked over and sat down beside his father looking at the soldier across from them. The soldier had a hollow smile. "Very well. Your speech is decent and you have a commanding tone. I will see about getting you an officer's contract." The soldier said getting up and walking out for a moment. "I'm sorry Dá…" Rain started to speak but his father cut him off and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Rain. I've not had the reason to tell you this before but, throughout your life people will tell you that you should say sorry. Do not. You should not regret any choice you've made even if it was a bad one. You should never regret or apologize. If you feel you've done something wrong then you should atone for it but do not apologize. You made the decision to do it because you wanted too. That is important. You will make mistakes but do not apologize. Fix your mistakes but do not regret them. Do you understand?" His father spoke with love and understanding. He knew his son was only four but he hoped his words would stick with his son throughout his life. He believed a life spent with regret is worse than dying without regret. He hoped to imprint that onto his son. Rain looked up and nodded slowly. "Yes Dá.. I understand…" Rain wasn't sure he understood but he knew it was the right answer. As they left and started the long journey back home Rain played with his suit. "When we get home we can take these off right Dá?" He asked still looking at the dark green suit. "Yes son when we get home you can take it off." His father's voice had turned back to how it was before the morning it no longer sounded like the tone of royalty but more like the voice of a father. As they got home the sun had begun to set and Kathryn, Rains mother was waiting outside to meet her two beloved. She smiled softly as she was tucking Rain into bed and he told her the story about his day. She smirked a bit and looked at him. "There's something you're not telling me isn't there?" She asked and Rain looked up. "How did you know?" He asked trying to figure out if his mom could read his mind. She laughed a bit and smiled warmly at him. "Call it a mother's intuition. Now tell me." He looked at her still not sure if he should but he figured if she could read his mind it wouldn't help to not tell her. "Well when we were at the old bar I went outside and there was this really pretty girl but she said she was a dragon." His mother smiled. "Well pretty girls can be like dragons when they get angry." She paused and pursed her lips. "Especially if she likes a cute boy." She laughed and Rain blushed bright red for the first time in his life. His mother kissed his head and went out of the room back to the arms of her loving husband. A few months passed by and time seemed ever precious as the couple had another child. It was a crystal night in the middle of fall when they young girl was born. She had hair the same as her mother's and her skin was so milky white it looked as though she were made of porcelain. But the feature that stood out the most on this dazzling newborn was her startling silvery grey eyes. It was after this feature that they named her Luna. Luna Rose Alister. After Luna's first birthday Kai-en had to leave for the service. His request to be an officer candidate was accepted and so he left for the three years of training that was required. The time past quickly as Luna and Rain grew. Rain continued his days running through the fields and forests battling imaginary enemies and Luna had begun to speak. Rain was out in the forest when he saw storm clouds gathering. He was about nine years old and he turned running back towards his little shack and the small family. As he got to the door the wind had gotten stronger and the dense storm clouds drew ever closer. When he opened the door thunder cracked in the distance and little Luna with her sterling silver eyes and bright blonde hair came running up. She clung to his side and screamed. "Make it Stop! Make it stop!" He placed his hand on her head and pushed it lightly trying to get her off of his leg. "Luna let go! I can't make it stop!" He said as their mother walked over to the two. "Now now." She said lifting Luna and holding the little childs head to her bust. She patted her hair slowly. "It's okay Luna, calm down alright?" She smiled and Rain walked into the small shack. "but.. its loud… and scawy…" She squeaked as thunder boomed much closer this time. "Come on Luna time for bed. Besides tomorrow is a big day, it's your third birthday and the day your Father comes home." She smiled looking at the frightened child as her silver eyes lit up like the moon. "Birtday!" She was young but she knew a birthday was important and her Mam made better food than normal. "Dá is gonna be home tomorrow?" Rains own eyes widened as he heard that. Luna was too young to remember her Father but Rain knew every detail of the man and he described him to little Luna on days when it was too cold or too wet for him to go outside. "Dá..?" Luna sounded a bit worried and her voice was small as she remembered how Rain told her about the bigger boy. Her face twitched through a series of expressions and finally landed on one of worry. She said softly into her ear. "S...story…?" The girl whimpered in response. "Yes dear I'll tell you a story." The loving mother turned to carry her out of the room and threw a glance over her shoulder. "Rain do you want to hear a story?" The woman smiled but Rain just shook his head as his raven hair twisted about on his face. "No, I'm gonna go to bed so I can wake up and see Dá." He said thinking for a moment then he strolled past them as the mother sat down in a chair holding the small girl in her lap. Rain walked into the small room he shared with Luna and shut the door. He looked around and a small smirk graced his mouth and his eyes held a precarious glimmer. "I know which way he's gonna come I can just run out and meet him!" He said to himself as he tossed about his room for the tanned leather jacket he had for when it got stormy. He donned the jacket and pulled up a small hood then pushed the window open and looked back. He smiled for a moment thinking about his mom sitting there in the chair telling Luna one story after another till she fell asleep. "I'll be back in the morning with Dá." He said turning his head back toward the stormy night as he slipped out the window and shut it behind him. The storm didn't let up an inch of the way as night fell on his scene. He moved along at a small shuffle not exactly running but not walking. As time passed he saw no sign of his father or anyone else. He looked back at the path he followed and wondered if his father had passed him somehow. The small shack was nothing more than memory at this point. He sighed and turned around and began to head back home. Hoping he was right and his father was already past him. As he closed in on the shack he heard a loud scream and his easy pace broke into a run.  He broke through the old wooden door with fear adorning his facial features. "Mam! Luna!!" He screamed as his eyes drew in the scene before him. There was a group of five bandits standing above a huddled figure. It was his mother Kathryn Alister and cradled in her arms was an unconscious or dead child. "Eh?" the largest bandit turned from the two figures on the floor to face the new meat. "Haha you talkin bout this bitch?" He said as his foot swiftly kicked knocking his mother over so that she was sprawled on top of Luna. "Shes already dead kid. Now beat it so we can have some fun in their last moments!" The man roared with laughter and another member jested and piped up. "Yeah, the fun ain't over till the bodies are cold kid!" kids they all laughed and prodded at the two. Rains eyes hadn't left his mother's body since he entered and he feared she was already dead. Her eyes opened slowly and she saw Rain. She didn't move she only mouthed the word 'run'. At that moment, he broke. His eyes saw nothing but red. And in a blind move he drew his dagger and charged forward for the closest one he could see. The bandit merely cocked his head and spilled out laughter as he knocked the child aside. "This ain't no fucking game kiddo. That little toy ain't 'nough to scare me." Rain slammed back into the wall and his knife skittered off across the room. The large man moved quickly across the small room and heave his giant blade in full swing for Rain's throat. A voice broke the silence it was a man who Rain hadn't noticed before. "Stop." The bandits blood froze at the sound of the voice and his blade held taught in midair just an inch from Rains throat. "But.. Boss. He's He's just a.." The bandit complained but he was cut off as the man who had spoke leaned down and picked up Rains dagger. "A punk? Yes I know. But it is enough I will finish him." He spoke and the bandit moved back but his lust for blood had been enraged and not satisfied. As he stood he pierced his sword straight through the heart of the two figures on the floor. An evil smirk crossed his face as the blood splattered. The man sighed but didn't say anything. His hair was pure white and his eyes were the same steel grey as Lunas only they were colder. Much much colder than the innocent child who had just been murdered. He walked over to Rain and pressed the dagger into his chest. Rain felt the excruciating pain of the blade like fire as it cut through his muscles. The man leaned in close and whispered in Rains ear as he pressed the blade completely through his chest. "Don't get up and you might live… This is all I can offer to you for your courage." His voice was soft at that moment not like the commanding voice he heard earlier. Rain tried to move but his vision blurred into darkness and the last sight he saw was the bandits ripping the clothes from his mother and his baby sisters corpses. When he regained consciousness he tried to open his eyes but they refused to move. He felt something hit his face though. 'Water?' He wondered what was going on. He listened and he heard a familiar voice. "If only I had been a little faster.." The voice had said. Then again everything went blank.