Chereads / Dead/Lost: The Knights of Frozen Sea / Chapter 38 - Story IV / Part XXXVI: The Red Dawn of Crimson Sky (III) / Forging

Chapter 38 - Story IV / Part XXXVI: The Red Dawn of Crimson Sky (III) / Forging

I continued my work there with the Paladins and Dwarves who don't have a slight of interest to join the night hunt. We worked on new shield and armor that Igrei developed, but creating it's really hard because the shields and armors created by the Dwarves have different toughness. Moreover, the technique that is used for creating these shields is far different from Human or Elf Race's forging technique.

"Normally, we can't make a shield in one daesh or three heverra. But thanks to magic and magical tools that Elf, Dwarf and Leprechaun Fairy developed together on end of A.E.V I, we can make shield faster with high quality right now. Truly, this is a blessing for Dwarven Blacksmith like me. Even though, my grumpy ancestors still disagree with this discovery. They said the shields created by magical tools have lesser quality than hand-made."

I remember I once read about that in a book with title [Blacksmith Development: Discovery and Technique] in my mansion library. It said, on 3.088 A.E.V I four famous blacksmiths from Leprechaun, Ignish Elf, Terra Elf and Dwarf Race named Avthir, Reivren, Torrel and Daegher interested to make magical tools for blacksmithing purpose after they witnessed a birth of "Machineman" in society. Daegher created the tools with Avthir, Reivren and Torrel created the blueprints for magical circuit and magic scrolls.

After Daegher and Avthir finished their tools, Reivren and Torrel carve magical circuit and put some runic words on it and they finished. But an awful moment happened when Reivren chant the magic words to activate it. The tools exploded, along with their few parts of their workshop. They blamed each other and this project postponed for three Eelvariash or until when Holy Germaint Empire invaded their homelands. On that time, the blacksmiths can't fulfill the demands from their Kingdoms' army. Because of that, many of their brethren died, including their family and loved one.

In desperate state, the fate made them met on a refugee camp and they shared same story to each other. Suddenly, Torrel got an idea to bring up that magical project again, but none of them gave a positive respond to him. Torrel the Terra Elf needed half movanth to convince his desperate friends. After Torrel successfully convinced them, he asked Daegher to ask King Diego's assistance and Daegher returned to Medfor Kingdom with all of them. But they must wait for a movanth to able to get a chance to meet with King Diego. But of course, before that, they must go through many hardships by working in public and military service.

They met King Diego, The Dwarven King and asked him to help them. Of course, at first King Diego doubted them, but fortunately, Avthir had prepared everything to convince him. They argued for three heverra straight and showed him everything from their project and work, even the detailed blueprints they made long time ago. They promised King Diego that they could turn the tide of war with these tools. King Diego who is convinced by them finally gave them one chance to prove themselves but if they fail, they will be executed or imprisoned.

King Diego gave them a permit to mine around Dwarven Kingdoms and sent them to Eastalfall, one of the Holy Elf Kingdoms that located in eastern side of Aseanae Continent. The Queen of Eastalfall Kingdom, Cynthia Sevia Lorentz welcomed them warmly. Beforehand, King Diego had sent an introduction letter to her and asked her to prepare anything necessary for their project.

They quickly began working the day after Queen Cynthia showed them their workshop. At first, they encountered the same problem as they had before but now, they didn't give up. They kept experimenting and creating the tools and magic formulas. They even didn't care about guillotine and gallows' shadow that always crawling behind them, waiting for their death.

Thanks to their hard work and determination, finally on Marikh, 3.077 A.E.V I, they were able to finish their work. The tools they created have many functions and utilities. For example, they can create a normal longsword in instant just from an iron ore and a wood without lowering its quality and durability. Moreover, these tools can even create a weapon or armor based on the materials the user used. Due to this great discovery, the Elven Alliance can turn the table against Holy Germaint Empire on late of 3.074 A.E.V I.

However, the Holy Germaint Empire who heard this discovery began to threaten Elven Alliance five Eelvariash later to obtain these tools but they lost against The Alliance and failed to obtain these tools. Strangely twenty Eelvariash later, these tools were circulated in the black market. According from the rumors, the corrupt Dwarven merchants smuggled them out from Valghast Dwarven Kingdom.

After these tools circulated around the world, people began to mining and logging without control, resulted in depletion of mineral ore and the mineral ores completely gone from Gaia on 2.724 A.E.V I. The Humans were the race who exploited the nature most until they triggered Dryads and Mermaids' wrath. Normally, both of them would stay neutral if it related with Human or Dwarf.

Human's race exploitation on mineral and wood caused the demands, and price for them skyrocketed. Moreover, the damages they did on nature caused environment destruction. It became worse on 2.721 A.E.V I when a long drought occurred for six Eelvariash.

It said during drought period, the Human Kingdoms invaded Elven Alliance due to long famine they had. But because The Elven Alliance showed a great resistance and stalled them for almost one hundred Eelvariash. The Human Kingdoms who were in verge of destruction turned their back and went to Yggdrasil Tree, but on the way, they are eradicated by Evailla's Army, who brought their demonic machinemen and far advanced technology from Cyborg Race.

Unfortunately, The Maker stopped this war by moving the continents and it caused the "Nukclea Bomnb" that Evailla Army had planted in specific area exploded in wrong time and place. It wiped out the Evailla Army instead. On the end of A.E.V I Era or around 2.600 A.E.V I, The Maker erased all Old Gods' Pantheons from the world. After their existence erased, The Maker made [The Great Apocalypse] to "restart" the world, at least that's what those priests said to their followers. After the end of [The Great Apocalypse I], various types of Demi-Human started to appear from every corner from the world and the nature resources that had depleted due to massive exploitation, returned back to world magically.

After that disaster, all Kingdoms that joined Elven Alliance began to limit and prohibit the use of these magical tools. Even the Human Kingdoms that weren't joined the Human Alliance to invade Elven Alliance had prohibited overusing these blacksmithing tools. However, because these tools have been circulating in market, the government can't help but observe the use of these blacksmithing tools.

Long time after that, a new discovery founded on 2.580 A.E.V II, in Medfor Kingdom. The Dwarves said if a blacksmith creates a weapon or armor wholehearted with good materials, they would produce a high-quality weapon or armor. This great discovery is really a miracle in this era when all Kingdoms in the world are focused to eradicate "them".

I told the Paladins this story while we are creating our equipment and from their expression, I believe they enjoyed my storytelling. Even Julio and Hel are amazed with this story, they kept asking question about the details of location and people who got involved in this story, probably because they never heard about this in the first place.

Then, Igrei explained to the Paladins if they create a sword with these magical blacksmithing tools, the result would surpass the original one. He also demonstrated how to create a sword with these blacksmithing tools to them and he finished it after only ten minerval. Of course, the Paladins are amazed on how quick the process is and the result of the forging itself is superb.

"Look, if ye create weapon with these tools, the result will surpass the original one."

"What do you mean, Igrei-dono?"

"Oh, don't you understand Paladin Boy? I meant if we create a weapon or armor with these magical tools, but with slow-normal method, the weapon or armor we created will surpass those that created from normal blacksmithing tools. Oh right, quick method like the one I used before will also be surpass the regular weapon if you have good materials."

"Hmm…will weapons or armors that we created from these tools have a stronger effect than usual?"

"Yep, if a normal longsword created from normal tools, it will have Rank 4 until 5 Rarity Level, but if that longsword created with these tools, they will have Rank 7 until 8 Rarity Level."

"Oh, I had no idea! But, aren't Rank 7 and 8 Weapon or Armor considered as "Mithril Creation"?"

"Yep, ye are right. They can't compete with normal Mithril Weapon or Armor though."

"How many ranks exist within weapon and armor system, Igrei-dono?"

"It's around 40 Ranks. Wait…wait…why ye don't know this basic knowledge? Did you spend all your life in cave like those green rapists?"

"I spent my training period in academy to learn combat tactics, servant skills, [Knight] Class's skills, Military Economy, adventuring skills, survival skills and many others. But my blacksmithing teachers haven't taught me about gear ranks and categories."

"Seriously, this God's lapdog needs to study again and also, not to mention that your teachers are fool to boot."

"I'm sorry to make you disappointed, Igrei-dono. Hope you can teach this foolish Paladin."

"Ay, ay…don't talk with those polite tones and words to me, God's lapdog. I ain't yer King or Master. But no worry, I'll teach ye right now, try listen to this ol' dwarf's words."

Igrei began to explain weapon and armor's ranks, categories and criteria to Julio. We, only listen to it while focusing on creating our weapons and armors. On other hand, Julio was listening seriously that he isn't concentrating and hit his hand with a hammer unconsciously. Hel who helped him laughed at his misery hysterically. Igrei scolded him a little to keep focus on work, while listening his lesson.

"What the hell ye are doin', God's lapdog and ye, Shield-worshipper?! Focus when working! Moreover, what kind of sword is that?!

Igrei pointed his finger to a strange shaped "sword" with a strange construction. The grip is half circle shaped just like the blade of a sickle while the blade itself is made to be like waves commonly seen on zweihander's blade. Then, Julio explained to him what he was trying to make while groaning.

"That's not the way to make a "curved dagger", ye know. The grip must be straight, not curved."

Igrei took the dagger from Julio's anvil and he took off the grip from the blade. He put the grip on a big earth pot to melt it back. Then, he took new melted iron from the pot and put it in a tube-shaped earth mold. While waiting for the melted iron to cool down, he sharpens the curved blade with a grindstone.

"Igrei-dono…why you didn't sharpen the blade with another blade?"

"Fool, what ye are asking?! Honing a blade with another blade only makes both of the blades become dull quickly! I can understand if ye used that method on battlefield 'cause you don't have any other option, but don't ever try it under a silly reason such as "to save money", ye hear that…Boss?"

(Oh shit, he found out) I can't do anything to counter his statement except giving him a remorseful look.

"Ay, don't give me that look, Boss. I know ye are doing this in order to save money for yer postponed five Eelvariash wedding with your fiancée and also to become independent from yer father. But doing it like this will get you killed fer sure. Yer way of thinking makes me disappointed." Igrei glanced away and sighed as he continues to sharpen the curved blade.

"I'm sorry, Igrei-san, it's not like that I distrust or loathe your skill but…"

It's not like I'm a stingy person, but I found that method is handy and quick, I have been using this method secretly since in academy. But right now, I need to save money for my wedding ceremony that has been postponed for five Eelvariash because many circumstances that happened before.

I do understand what Igrei stated before, but I don't mean to distrust or loathe his blacksmithing technique or craftsmanship skill. Honestly, I feel guilty and uncomfortable with him after he said that right onto my face. Somehow, I think that I need to make up for this.

"Igrei-san, could you please repair my equipment after you done with that curved blade?"

Igrei chuckled, "Gladly, put them on my workbench."

The whole smithing process itself took almost four heverra because we need to create a lot of spare weapons and armors as well as throwing weapons and shields. Thanks to the anvil and other magical blacksmithing tools that the Dwarves brought, we can cut down four until five movanth period of work and finished it in four heverra. Even the quality of normal gears that are created from those tools surpassed the normal gears that are created from normal blacksmithing tools.

Igrei was right…these tools would become a threat to full-fledged blacksmiths if its circulated in normal market again. I can imagine that even a blockhead like Toval can becomes a famous blacksmith in just one night with these tools. Truly, that would be both a miracle and disaster at the same time.

"Bbbpppfftttt…I can't imagine Toval becomes like that. You are funny, Leader."

"Kaichou…? There you are…oh what the…"

Rean entered the Smithing Room and he found 14 messy people covered in thick black dust that their face and hair turned black. Looking at that, he burst out from laughter.

"What's so funny about it, fox boy?!"

"Hhhfftt…no, nothing I'm sorry. What happened?"

"This God's lapdog recklessly threw the steel polishing liquid that I made from extracting the slime's fluid into the furnace! Seriously, how foolish you can be, Sir [Lawful Good] Lapdog?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, Igrei-dono! I didn't aware the bottle is filled it since it was transparent!"

Ignoring Julio who is busy bowing down his head to Igrei many times while apologizing, I took a clean cloth from my inventory and wiped out the black dust from my face, neck, head and hands. I realized how dirty my face after looking at the white clean cloth that had turned into jet black. Some of the dust still remains even after I wiped my face roughly many times.

"So, Rean why you are here?"

"Ayumi-dono asked me to call all of you for breakfast."

"Gotcha, I need to bathe first. Let's go."

I walked out from the room and headed to the hot spring with Rean. On there, we only took quick dip and bath before we go to the kitchen. I can already smell a tasty smell when we are walking in the corridor next to the kitchen.

"Sniff, sniff���oh, I know what the girls cook, Kaichou." Rean's ears twitching as his tail wagging.

"Heh, you can tell?"

As we entered the kitchen, a large portion of breakfast has been served on the table. Yuna and Shinobu greeted us with traditional Yamato Island prayer and asked us to sit. Then, Ayumi came from the backroom and she served two kelp tea with plum in front of us.

The fragrance tickles our nose as if it invited us to drink the sweet heavenly drink in front of us. We grabbed the mug and slowly gulped down the divine tea, while enjoying it flowing inside dried rivers inside our body. This divine tea alone is enough to wake up the Wyrms inside the cave in our body.

"Today's breakfast is Miso Soup, Rolled Omelet, hot rice, and Fried Mackerel garnished with lots of grated radish. Please enjoy!"

Rean's eyes sparkle and his tail wags even harder, "Thanks, Shinobu-chan!"

Rean immediately picked the Miso Soup and sipped the broth slowly then he is smiling in satisfaction. I followed him by tasting the Miso Soup first and as I expected, it tastes great. The tea eased our mind from wicked crimson rain that occurred outside and the breakfast warmed our body in this freezing black winter. I wish I could savor this moment and warmth forever but sadly I can't.

The shades of crimson phantom keep calling us to walk into the deep crimson abyss with no way of return. It tastes sweet yet sad at the same time somehow. Nonetheless, I can only move forward to satisfy the hunger of sacrifice from the ice queen from north land and now, I understand why the soldiers yearn the freedom of bird that soars without shackle on the Wina.