The last Sunday was not the fateful day for Esmeralda and Garnet because they were not able to meet each other yet. This Sunday, Cupid may have sharpened his arrow and aimed it really well.
Esmeralda finished her tasks late in the afternoon so instead of coming to the church at one o' clock in the afternoon for practice, she arrived at 2:30 that afternoon. She immediately started vocalizing and singing the church songs.
Half an hour later, Esmeralda heard someone strumming the guitar and the chords perfectly match the song she's singing. It was mellow and not overpowering. She turned and saw the handsome guitarist. She sheepishly smiled.
Garnet noticed that the woman got conscious and stopped singing, but he did not know how to approach her. He just said, "Your voice is good," without making much eye contact.
Esmeralda took the compliment gracefully and said, "Thank you. I am Esmeralda. What's your name?"
"Garnet," he replied. An awkward silence enveloped them since Garnet has never been one to really socialize. After a while, Garnet just blurted out, "You look weird, though."
Esmeralda was wearing a pink floral blouse, a green animal-printed skirt, a violet hat, and black leather boots. She just laughed and said, "Yes, maybe I do look weird and I'm singing alone."
That was the first meeting between Esmeralda and Garnet.