Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3498 - SEA SICKNESS

Chapter 3498 - SEA SICKNESS

There were benefits to being rich. Allyson McDaniels was very rich. And she had, for the last several years, been living vicariously through others. Recently she had decided that she was going to extend this over arching manipulation a little further. She set up a small website, linked it very quietly to some major discussion boards and topics of things that she wanted. The few people who responded to the initial bait were cautious and couldn't believe what she was offering. She kept in regular contact with them over the course of several weeks until she finally decided on the person that would serve as her first test subject.

The young man who was selected was named Ryan Harper. He had responded to Allyson's posting on the General Board of an erotic fiction website and had been hooked ever since. Ryan and his family were typical white middle class people- conservative, educated, semi-religious. His mother had raised him and his sister for six years after receiving full custody of them. His father had not been around since the divorce and almost everyone agreed the family was better off for it. Ryan had a secret fantasy that he had been harboring since he first hit puberty. Now that he was eighteen, he was finding it difficult to contain and keep private.

According to his private messages to Allyson following their initial discussion in the boards, he had been regularly spying and photographing his sister and mother. Later, when afforded a chance, he would masturbate into their used underwear while reviewing his haul. His older sister and mother looked very much like each other and he looked like their father. They were dark-haired and dark eyed brunettes with long legs and distinctly feminine curves. Some of his favorite pictures came from them working out in the basement bonus room, their fit bodies drenched in sweat and the tight shorts and halter tops clinging to their skin. He had been caught masturbating by his sister and their relationship had suffered. Luckily for him, she had not seen the lacy thong he was stroking himself into when she entered the study.

Ryan was excited by the opportunity that Allyson promised him. She had asked him to detail his fantasies, send photographs, provide personal information, and dates when the family unit would be available for her plan. He had remained skeptical until the letter had arrived in the mail. His mother had left it on his bed- it was post marked from a company in Miami called Lap of Luxury Vacations. He opened it in his room and read over the brochure, airline tickets, and other items before deciding to begin the adventure.

Sandra was caught off guard by the sudden exclamation and pounding coming from upstairs in Ryan's room. Slightly concerned, she hastily walked up the stairs and stepped into the doorway. Her young, eighteen year old sun ran towards her, his strong arms lifting her in the air and spinning around while he laughed excitedly. Sandra couldn't help but be pulled into his infectious excitement. It took her a few minutes to get him to drop her and explain what was going on. According to him, he had entered a contest in the mall several weeks ago and they had just notified him of his win! She was skeptical of these promised wins, but as she read over the brochure, examined the airline tickets, and the only contact being required was that they confirm their intention to attend. Then she too decided to go jumping around the room. Her family was close knit, but they had lacked time together ever since the divorce. This vacation was a blessing! The opportunity to spend a month together aboard a fully equipped yacht with a chef and personal assistant blew her away. Immediately, she called Alexis, her daughter and Ryan's older sister on the cell.

Once Alexis heard the news, Sandra had to take a few more minutes to calm her down. Immediately her daughter promised that she would leave cheer practice and head home. Alexis was a freshman at a nearby university and had gone to school on a scholarship for her dance and cheerleading. Ryan and Sandra went online together, while waiting for her to arrive, looking up the company web page. She sat in his lap as page after page of beautiful pictures of a sleek yacht and its exotic destinations slipped by the screen. Unbeknownst to her, Ryan's mind was already racing months ahead to summer, when Allyson had promised him results. Seeing the excellent front she had put together, he began to believe she just might be able to produce them for him. Ryan was momentarily grateful that his mother was just lightly resting on one knee and not farther back. His erection was more than obvious in his warm ups.

That night the family celebrated their good fortune, and for the first time in months, Alexis was friendly and relating well with her younger brother. It was a fine start for Ryan and Allyson's plans.

The next weeks and months would fly by quickly for the small family. Sandra's excitement carried over to her work and she was promoted. For the first time in a while she was genuinely looking forward to each day, rather than dreading the start of another morning. Alexis worked out like a fiend, hoping that all the cute foreign boys she met would make this a trip to remember. Ryan was doing the same, but of the three he was the least excited. He was horny and fantasizing all the time, and both his sister and mother wanted to spend more and more family time as the trip grew nearer. He didn't mind constantly being around the two beautiful women, but he never got a break. His dick was running high octane fuel and he was having difficulty meeting its expectations. But finally the day would come, and the three Harpers packed, left their home, boarded their plane, and flew to sunny southern Florida, where the yacht would meet them.

At the airport, Ryan and his family had their first chance to meet the captain of their little cruise and the help. Ryan knew already that the boat would be operated by Allyson and a woman she had described as her friend. But even Ryan's fantasy filled mind was little prepared for the two gorgeous beauties who met them.

Allyson was tall, almost six feet one inch, with a thin model's frame. She wore a thin linen shirt that allowed Ryan to catch sight of a white bra beneath. Her breasts sat high on her chest, the deeply etched v of her substantial cleavage enhanced by the contrast of her tan skin to the color of the material. A long pair of khaki linen pants complemented the shirt and were perfectly tailored to the long legs that seemed to go on for eternity. Ryan had to shift his member in his trunks before he even managed to examine the woman who would be the family's personal assistant. She was a brunette woman, probably in her early twenties, with much smaller curves. But in her waiflike appearance there was a distinctive and elegant beauty. She wore a matching outfit to Allyson's, except she wore no bra. The small dark tips of her nipples clearly formed beneath the thin linen.

Sandra smiled softly to herself as she saw Ryan's stiff and awkward reaction to the two beautiful women who were apparently going to be hosting them for the next several weeks. Her son had dated briefly in his senior year of school, but just days before the trip was set to begin, the girl had broken it off with him saying that he was too distracted. Sandra had not heard that line before, but she was happy to see him responding like any young male to the unique beauties waiting for them. Sandra introduced herself first, and then her two children, hoping Ryan's lapse of focus would not be overly obvious. But guessing by the grin on Allyson's face, Sandra was sure that the woman understood what had happened perfectly. Once the introductions were completed the five-some headed for a waiting limo and drove to the marina they would be leaving from. The group made small talk, getting to be comfortable with one another along the way.

Allyson was thrilled with the family. They would be perfect for her game. Already she was eager to get alone with the Simone, the lithe creature who would be traveling with them. Her mind was running wild with possibilities and all the little risks she would be taking. And when her mind ran wild, so did all sorts of things and she was particularly looking forward to what Simone could do to calm her down. Once they arrived, Allyson gave the family a tour of the boat, opting to stroll behind the group, admiring Ryan's older sister's near perfect form and that of his mother. Here the first step in her grandiose plan kicked into gear. The boat they would be taking had a large master stateroom and a smaller cabin that she and her partner would be sharing. The trick was that the stateroom had one bed, a small chaise lounge, and the bathroom was open to the rest of the suite. Although the shower enclosure was made of heavily fogged glass, there was a lack of privacy which was intentional.

Sandra frowned slightly at the suite. If it had been the two women traveling the accommodations would have been considered luxurious but with Ryan along there was little privacy for the family to have. The toilet was at least hidden from view, but undressing for the shower and getting changed would be a difficult task for them to accomplish. Not wanting to allow the near perfection of the trip be ruined by this one lacking area, she said nothing. Alexis experienced similar thoughts, but also said nothing. Ryan, however, was thrilled. Allyson had filled him in well before hand and explained the purpose behind the arrangement. Ryan was pretty sure that he would not be able to relax until all of Allyson's promises and his fantasies were fulfilled. He was a little caught off guard when Allyson asked him to come up to the boat's state of the art control room. She politely explained that the Lap of Luxury was going to use the vacation for some promotions down the line and that they wanted to photograph Ryan and interview him before they left shore. Sandra and Alexis were busy unpacking and were happy to have an opportunity to change without their male relative around.

Ryan followed the swaggering ass of the beautiful woman who had promised him fulfillment of his most obscene and explicit fantasies. His dick bounced happily in his trunks with the enthusiasm of a puppy's wagging tail. Allyson ushered him to a swivel chair, set back off of the actual steering apparatus and primary controls.

"How are you doing, Ryan?"

"Perfect. I can't believe this is for real. I mean, when I got the letter and the tickets and everything I thought I did. But now that I am here, it just seems like it can't be real," the young man gushed.

Allyson momentarily leaned away from him to press and intercom button that sent a message to the rest of the ship; "Simone to the control deck, Simone to the control deck."

"It is all real Ryan. This boat has been customized all throughout for your fantasy. It has every amenity possible and is built to bring your mother and sister to fulfill your desire. All I want is to watch. If you choose to allow me to participate, then perhaps I shall. We can discuss that later. But first, let's celebrate," Allyson said as she offered him a flute of champagne.

As they were raising the glasses to their lips, Simone entered the control room. She went to Allyson's side and stood expectantly beside her captain. Allyson sipped slyly for a moment before she told the smaller woman to seal she and Ryan's agreement. A small nod of the head came from Simone and she acted knowingly. Ryan was caught off guard as Simone turned towards him and unbuttoned her top. Once again his prick bounced to life in his shorts. Wide eyed and slack jawed he stared as she fished the tails of the shirt from her pants. That completed she stopped, frozen before him. Ryan looked to Allyson for answer but all he got was a nod. Hesitantly, Ryan reached out towards the opening that split the top of her shirt. His hands shook as they pressed into the hot flesh of her bared neck and collar bone. It jerkily fluttered across the exposed skin before shifting down to the next button in the row. Simone's piercing green eyes watched him as his hands clumsily popped one button after another free, until the top stayed in place merely because of Ryan's inexperience. He looked up at her, fearful that this game would end soon, but finding only a coy smile and the beautiful eyes staring back at him. He returned to his mission.

Ryan peeled the shirt back from her shoulders, swallowing as he watched it flutter to the floor. Before him the young beautiful woman stood topless. Ryan studied her small breasts, the light shading on their underside, the proud brown tips of her erect nipples, the soft rise and fall as she breathed. He glanced back to Allyson and was ecstatic to find her with one hand buried beneath her khaki pants. She had the same small grin on her lips as she watched the inexperienced young man toy with her pet. Ryan studied the slow shifts in shape in the crotch of the khakis, having only seen actions like that in the porn movies he downloaded at home. But Simone was a more immediate offering and he quickly returned to the study of her pert young breasts. He almost forgot that she would not stop him, whatever he did, so entranced by her torso was he. Then it came to him like a flash and he was on her even faster. Ryan lurched to his feet, causing Simone to drop back a step but his hands quickly closed the distance. They roamed over her breasts, squeezing, petting, pinching, rubbing, lifting, and toying. Simone's grin grew bigger as he backed her into the wall, his eyes never leaving her breasts. It took him a few moments to come back from this most recent of explorations, but when he did, he quickly tore into her pants.

They were held up by a woven band and nothing else. One quick tug of the wrist and the band came free and the pants slid down her hips to her ankles. Simone helpfully stepped out of them and kicked them away as Ryan studied the newly revealed territory. He looked happily over at Allyson. By now, her pants were pushed down away from her crotch and waist and sat just above her bent knees. Her hand was now vigorously stroking in and out of her shaved cunt. Ryan studied this with a childish curiosity before Simone brought him back to her. She had pulled loose the laces on his swimming trunk and pulled the elastic band and netting down over his dick until they sat just over his balls. She grinned cheerfully up at him as his hungry eyes roamed over the small hand clutching the base of his dick. With a low groan he pressed forward, his mouth covering hers and pressing her head into the wall. He pressed his cock into her stomach, the smooth sensation of its taut smooth surface against his head made him groan even more. Simone's hand began to lightly stroke from the position it was trapped between them. Simone nipped and licked and tongued in response to Ryan's rough and unpracticed kisses.

It did not take him long to begin to explore other aspects of her feminine anatomy. His right hand dipped between her thighs and squirmed to find purchase beneath her panties. Once inside it eagerly pressed a single finger into her moist hole, while his other hand clasped the soft flesh of her ass in its palm. Simone squirmed up the wall against him, until she was suspended by the pressure of his weight against her body. Her hand, still clutching his dick, pulled downward, guiding it to the area his finger currently occupied. Their foreheads met as they both stared down their bodies as the tip of his dick experienced its first meeting with pussy. The vision did not last long as the lust of a virgin teenage boy took over. Ryan rammed the length of his cock into the tight passageway of the light woman he cradled in his arms. He hammered its thickness into the indescribable joy of a wet cunt. His movements were impulsive and unplanned. All he wanted was to be buried inside the tightness of her depths and no more. Simone squirmed on his dick as it pounded into her. She knew that the boy would not last long and she hoped to have the opportunity to orgasm before he blew his load. She managed to get her hips rotating in such a way that her G-spot was continually hit by the tip of his penis.

When she did orgasm her head slammed painfully back into the wall and all of her bodies muscles went into lockdown. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and her thighs crushed Ryan's crotch into her own. For a few moments her whole body trembled. Ryan's head filled with starbursts of confusion, darkness, and excitement. He felt like he was passing out and getting an adrenaline rush all at the same time. The firm clutches of Simone's cunt stroking on his cock drove him into his first orgasm inside a woman. Spurt after spurt of his hot semen flooded her twat, the heat of it building up deep inside her. Simone began to kiss him repeatedly all over his face as the juice settled over the tip of his dick. Exhausted, Ryan dropped his cradle on Simone, and his dick popped with a slurp from her body. Strings of his fluid and hers flipped onto the floor and dripped down her legs. Ryan stood there, almost paralyzed from the after effects of his orgasm. His paralysis lasted only briefly as the small woman dropped to her knees in front of him and licked his cock clean of the sticky white fluid covering it. Her eyes stared up at him as he stared back down at her while her small tongue lapped up and down his length. Small droplets of fluid were coaxed from the tip of his cock, but she hungrily gulped them down.

Ryan's hands lazily ran through her hair and for a moment he wondered if he were in love. That was broken by the cold applause from Allyson's semi-nude form. Her pants were still around her knees and glistening puddle had formed on the leather cushion beneath her. She had the same sly grin on her face as before, but she looked much more relaxed. At the sound of her applause, Simone slipped from in front of Ryan and slid to the floor beside her. Ryan turned, his shorts still at his ankles and his cock limply dangling before him.

He muttered a small, "Thank you," before he gathered his shorts and left the two women to return to his shared cabin. The experience instilled within him a new sense of confidence that his mother and sister were his for the taking. By the time he made it back to the cabin there was no sign of his sister or mother and he returned to the top deck in search of them. Simone, Allyson, Alexis, and Sandra all sat around a small table secured to the rear deck of the yacht, chatting casually. His mother and sister were both wearing small bikinis that stretched as they sought to restrain the curves of their breasts. Ryan paused momentarily in the shadow of the doorway, his heart skipping happily within him, before he stepped into the sunshine. Out in the open, he fought to keep his eyes focused on faces and not the full chests he had dreamed of seeing like this. Allyson still wore that same self gratified smirk as before. She knew what this was doing to the boy and she knew that his mother and sister were innocent enough to be ignorant of the damage it did to him. Ryan pulled up the only available chair, between Alexis and Simone and plunged into the conversation.

He had only been there for a few minutes before he felt Simone's hands slip into his shorts. Once again his cock began to throb to life, stiffening and lengthening as the tips of her fingers danced over its surface. His dick lurched unevenly beneath the restraint of the netting as her fingers slid around his length and began a slow short stroke. Ryan was fully erect when Allyson announced it was time to go, and the hand quickly vacated its hold. His heart rate came crashing back down as Simone and Allyson disappeared into the shadow of the cabin, headed for the control room. The month long get away had truly begun!

The first day passed uneventfully for everyone but Ryan. He had no more contact with Simone although he tried cornering her alone at every opportunity. But the little wraith would slide by him, disappearing into some new task. His sister and mother helped none. They never left their bathing suits. Poor Ryan was under a constant barrage of breasts and creeping bikini bottoms. All the skin everywhere was leaving him in quite a distraught state. That first night his mother had made him sleep on the lounge and wait outside while she and his sister had changed. No new shifts in attitude. In the stories he read, the women were always all over the guy after the first night. Why wasn't this the case now?

Allyson meanwhile was already having the time of her life. Simone was almost constantly at her side, except when she was running errands for the Harpers. Simone was like a porcelain doll for Allyson. She was a fragile precious toy to play with whenever she was needed. Simone was a talented gymnast prior to meeting her sexual mentor and master. Now she put her considerable talents and lithe little body wholeheartedly into Allyson's service. The first night on the boat the two women had watched the film produced by dozen's of tiny cameras located throughout the boat. Simone had spent most of the time kneeling between Allyson's thighs, practicing and refining her oral talents. Ryan had not been allowed to know about the film. It would come into Allyson's schemes down the line.

There were several theories that had roamed through Allyson's mind prior to embarking on the trip. The first process had tried to determine who it was that would be most responsive to Ryan's advances. Her line of thought said that the second would go easier if the first was already a willing participant. She and Simone had been unable to decide which woman to focus their efforts on, so they had flipped a coin. Alexis had one out and the women had decided she would undergo the first of the scheduled trials.

Several days into the trip the party made their first stop on an island that was deserted except for the occasional native fisherman. The yacht was anchored well off shore and the party of five headed inland. It was a beautiful tropical paradise and everyone was enjoying the trip, especially Ryan. He had finally gotten a moment the night before to masturbate and was feeling less tense then the first few days. That release would only go so far, and already following the swaggering bikini covered backsides up the hill was quickly rebuilding his erection. He was intently studying the camel toe his mother had developed as her bottoms rode higher and higher up. He could make out the fact that there was no hair peaking from the side of the thin material and that her pussy lips well formed. He was startled out of his reverie when Simone's hand shot forward and pulled him back from the trail they had been winding up the hillside on.

A loud, "Stop," echoed through the jungle from the small woman's frame. Alexis kept meandering upwards, looking back over her shoulder questioningly. Simone yelled again and Alexis finally stopped. Ryan and his mother were left standing at the edge of a low bushy meadow that the path all but disappeared into. Alexis was already several feet deep in the bushes when Simone told her to walk back out, carefully avoiding contact with the plants. The command was a joke, considering that they were everywhere and she was wearing open toed flip flops. By the time she was clear of the plants, her legs were already beginning to develop a rash. Alexis looked puzzled down at her bare calves as they turned a bright red and small bumps quickly covered the exposed area.

Ryan quickly jumped to obey, a concerned look on his face, as Simone instructed him to help his sister down the hillside. Alexis' eyes were watering as the burning itch spread over all the reddened skin. Sandra quickly caught up with the five members of the party already heading back down the hillside. "What's the matter? What's wrong with her? What were those plants?" The questions rolled off of Ryan's mother's tongue in a truly concerned manner. Allyson explained that the plants were a tropical cousin of the poison ivy, but that the rash would spread into the bloodstream and could result in permanent scarring or paralysis if not treated. For everyone's benefit, she was sure to mention that the yacht carried the proper ointment and the necessary injections to treat it. It was unfortunate, but because the danger was recognized they would be able to cure her with a regular regimen medicine and injections.

Even Ryan was unaware that this was really only another step in Allyson's little machination. The plants were a tropical cousin to poison ivy. But they would only itch and leave a red rash for a day or two. The injections and ointment Allyson was planning on administering were the real reason for the lie and would have the greatest affect on Alexis. None of that was obvious now and the family hurried towards the boat, hoping to spare Alexis unnecessary pain and injury.

Simone took Alexis back to the family's quarters and administered the first injection and application of the ointment there. Alexis felt a little uncomfortable at first as Simone had carefully smeared the cold gel-like substance over her legs. She did not argue as the woman's hands rode higher and higher on her legs until they were cresting her knees and smearing the white stuff over her inner thighs. If not for the utmost professionalism exhibited by Simone, Alexis would have been sure that she was being felt up. By the time the ointment rub was done, Alexis was feeling fairly comfortable around the young woman crouched at her waist. There would be a momentary panic when Simone asked her stand and bend over the bed, with a long needle full of a clear liquid in hand. The throbbing rash managed to reassure her that this was a strictly medical procedure and she did as instructed.

Simone, however, was operating under a completely different course of thought. She knew most of the details of her mistress' plan for the family and was excited to share in them. She had long been a submissive and bisexual. But her family and life had suppressed that. Allyson had offered her a way out and she had happily taken it. Now she was enjoying it more than ever. Simone had been careful to allow her arousal not to show as she ran her hands over the smooth long legs of Ryan's sister. She enjoyed the sensation of being the one manipulating, instead of being manipulated. She was careful to touch every available inch of exposed skin without unnerving the young woman who was seated before her. The injections were to be her favorite part of the near future and she was glad when Alexis obligingly obeyed. Once she was bent over the bed, her perfectly toned ass stretching the bikini bottoms across her crotch, Simone slipped one hand beneath the upper rear of the bikini and pulled them down to just between her thighs.

She almost lost sight of her purpose as she studied the delightfully innocent morsel unveiled before her. Alexis had waxed her vaginal region, obviously, before the trip and the naked pussy was making Simone quite hungry. But she knew that too long of a delay risked everything so she carefully pressed the needle into the soft tissue of Alexis' buttock. She used one hand to steady the tip, and cop a feel, while the other depressed the plunger, sending the mystery medicine into her bloodstream. Her task completed, Simone pulled the bikini back up and over the young woman's backside and quietly left the room. She rejoined the people who were anxiously waiting on the deck and explained that everything was done, but the process would need to be repeated daily for the next two weeks.

Sandra and Ryan quickly moved to join the other member of the party as she laid face down on the bed in their cabin. Sandra was first and she quickly knelt beside her crying daughter's head, focused on comforting and reassuring her oldest child. Ryan on the other hand, allowed a brief moment to appreciate his sister's athletic body and the rounded crest of her ass. He wished that Allyson's promise was already fulfilled- that he would be behind her right now, burying his dick into her tight virgin pussy, his mother cheering him on. He managed to break away from the fantasy in time to avoid a reproachful and questioning gaze from his mother. He too, moved to Alexis' side and with one hand midway down her back, he offered what consolation he could. He would remain seated for the next twenty minutes, until he was sure that his easily tripped erection was comfortably wilted within his shorts.

Meanwhile, Simone had hurriedly gone to the bridge of the yacht, her pussy tingling with the hope that she could beg some release from her mistress. Allyson was waiting for her, her eyes focused on the quaint scene coming from the Jones' cabin. "You really must be careful, Simone. I won't have you wrecking my carefully laid plans. This little venture is far too exciting and expensive to have my toy waste. Come here." Simone nervously approached her mistress, sensing that there was a genuine frustration and anger emanating from the normally calm woman. She quickly and quietly approached, forgetting the warmth growing in her stomach. Allyson harshly reached inside her shorts, her pointer finger clawing its way to her twat, and pressed it into her depths. Simone squirmed, her shorts pulled tightly against her lower back as they made room for the intrusive hand. Allyson pulled the finger back out and presented it directly before Simone's face.

Simone examined the finger, her arousal obvious, from the sheen of the moisture covering the tip and nail of her mistress' pointer. "Bitch. This is my game, not yours. You are not to enjoy yourself unless I first tell you too. This goes for now and for ever. As long as you are mine, all of your desires will be first ran by me. Now you must be punished. Remove your shorts and bend over the steersman's chair." Simone was a little surprised by the outburst. In her short time with Allyson, she had never seen anything close to anger and their only system of instruction had been through reward. Punishment did not sound appetizing, but she did as she was told.

With her bottom bared to the cold circulating air of the bridge, Simone leaned over the leather arms of the chair, her breasts hanging into the space occupied by no one. Her hands braced on the farm arm, ready for anything that Allyson could bring to bear. Her first contact with Allyson, would however be a pleasant one. While she waited, she listened to the sounds of her mistress disrobing and removing something from a set of filing cabinets built into the bulkhead. Moments later she would feel the cold plastic head of a large strap on dildo shove into her cunt. She squealed in pleased surprise and was rewarded with an open handed slap that stung her thigh. Allyson harshly shoved the large textured length of the rubber toy farther into her pet. The other end of the dick curved up and into her own twat, and each harsh shove resulted in a thrust into her pussy. It took Allyson a moment to grow accustomed to the artificial appendage, but once she did, she went to work without any regard to the small subdued figure of Simone.

Her strong well formed ass cheeks and thighs clenched and relaxed as Allyson hammered the full length of the ten inch toy. Simone's whole body rocked across the chair with each forceful thrust. Her pussy was not accustomed to the length or width of the rod ramming into her, and the first dozen thrusts merely served to stretch her cunt wide. Allyson gripped onto the closest arm and used her upper body to drive forward the cock into the bent form. Allyson was extremely wet herself, having become aroused while watching her young protégé enjoy the encounter with Alexis. But she had wanted the opportunity to punish her for something and this was it. The deep grooves over the surface of the cock pulled at the sensitive inner layers of skin of Simone's pussy and she let out a long deep groan as Allyson pulled back. By now, her juices had well lubricated the surface of the cock and despite its size, Simone was truly enjoying herself. Allyson let loose another strong strike onto Simone's ass cheeks, leaving a deep red welt. Simone squealed in surprise again and lurched forward, but the chair and the cock had her pinned. Allyson grabbed onto the smaller woman's shoulders and began to fuck her with all the desire and need of a man.

The opposite end of the artificial penis was stroking in and out of her own pussy as she sought to withdraw portions of the length from Simone's pink folds. Allyson loved the perversion of watching the little jiggle of Simone's ass as she rammed home the cock. Her own pussy was leaking heavily and she could feel the fluids already spilling down her thighs. The two women found a rhythm together, and all memories of intended punishment were forgotten. Allyson's strokes became less forceful, albeit quicker, and allowed Simone to grind her backside onto the cock. The sensation of the cock filling her twat had Simone yearning for more. She could feel her skin pulling and then giving way as the cock tried to withdraw from the tight enclosure. Then just as the pussy's passageway was about to surrender the delectable length from its grip, it would come sliding back in. Simone had never felt such pleasure from a toy and she eagerly backed onto the dick, aiming its tip's slide over her hidden pleasure point. Soon the stroke there was regularly hitting the mark and Simone was working to control her breathing and the coming orgasm which threatened to level her.

The thought of self control would abandon her when she heard Allyson let loose a deep low groan as she came for the first time. Just as the first waves of her orgasm would rock over her, she began a fast sharp pounding that increased her already maximized stimulation. It was this rhythm that would send Simone into her "punishing" orgasm. For several minutes the regular progress of the fucking motion would continue as they sought to prolong the sexual release they were experiencing. But once they had enough, they would slide backwards to the floor, Simone straddling the large dick, and Allyson reclining on the wood floor. Simone would toy with her breasts through her top as she gently rode the dick buried within her, until she was sure that they both had their fill. Then she would lift her off its still hard form and would collapse to the floor beside her master. With her head resting on Allyson's chest, listening to the beating pace of her heart, she would thank her for the punishment and promise to never misbehave again.

Allyson laid there, one hand lazily stroking the lifeless dick as if it were her own. When she was bored of the activity she would rise, commanding Simone to redress and would seek out the family. It was time to ensure that Ryan and Alexis had some time alone. Simone knew the next step and went down to the engine room to give Allyson the necessary time to get the mother off the boat.

Allyson found the family in the room where the cameras had told her they would be. She knocked gently at their door and waited until Sandra came to the door.

"I was going to see if anyone wanted to go back to shore. There is a truly beautiful waterfall that I had intended to show you before the accident and this will be our last opportunity to visit it." She watched as Sandra's face brightened then collapsed as she remembered her daughter's dangerous infection.

"I'm sorry Allyson, but we really can't leave Alexis alone right now. It's just not fair to her," the obviously disappointed mother replied.

Ryan and Alexis both caught the tone of voice in their mother's voice and replied as one; "No, Mom! Don't worry. Ryan (I) can stay. It will be fine, really!"

Sandra tried to put on a good show of not wanting to leave the boat, but with both of her children's support she decided that she and Allyson should make the journey together. Dusk was beginning to settle and according to the captain of their little excursion, sunset would be falling jut as they made it to the waterfall. The two women hurriedly gathered the necessary supplies and made their way to shore, leaving Ryan and Alexis alone in the cabin together.

The two siblings made small talk for the next twenty minutes as they lay side by side on the bed. They talked about college, about the future, about how awesome the trip was. They had just started talking about how Alexis' legs were feeling when Simone slipped into the room for her scheduled interruption. She had smeared some grease on her hands and forearms and added a decorative smudge to her cheek for effect while she had waited.

"I am doing some maintenance down in the engine room, and forgot about your injection and ointment, Alexis. You'll want to shower and then have another shot in the next half hour or so. Is your Mom around, I was going to ask her to do it?" Simone knew full well that the senior of the Jones women was already gone to shore and that, conveniently, Ryan would be the only individual on hand to help his sister.

Alexis looked down trodden and pleaded with Simone to do it, but apparently the maintenance was only half finished and was a priority, as was the ointment and treatment. Simone gave Ryan a quick explanation then disappeared without a further word. Reluctantly, Alexis admitted to herself that Ryan was her only option. He was her brother after all, and he didn't really have to pull her bottoms down farther than Simone had.

Still frustrated, she pushed herself off the bed to take the prerequisite shower. She screamed daintily as her legs folded beneath her and she collapsed to the floor. There was a deep numbing tickle from her muscle tissue and she found herself barely able to support her own weight. Tears came to her eyes as she feared that paralysis was setting in. Her brother quickly jumped to her rescue and scooped her up, his strong forearms crooked beneath her arm pits. Ryan promised her that he would help her shower quickly and then would apply the ointment and injection. He reminded her quite frequently that she would be okay.

Ryan was a bit startled when the object of half of his familial fantasy collapsed to the floor of the cabin. Seeing the pained look on her face he quickly jumped to the rescue, a natural masculine instinct taking over. He was reminded of his desires as he held her body closely to his own and he talked about bathing and then rubbing her down with some ointment. He knew he had better get to her to the shower quickly if he planned on hiding the rapid rising of the free spirited appendage in his swimming trunks. Together they moved to the small shower enclosure and Ryan cradled her with one arm as he pulled the door open and stepped in. It took him a moment to get the shower nozzle adjusted to the proper warmth and direction of spray.

Once the water was properly set, Ryan lowered Alexis to the floor and knelt close to her side. He could feel his blood pressure rise as the hot steamy water covered her body in a glistening coat and caused strands of her hair to stray into her face. She was truly a fantastic beauty and she was his own forbidden love. He softly brushed the hair out of her face before remembering his responsibilities. His strong hands went to work, rubbing heavily over her lower and upper legs, replacing a sponge or loofa with their long strokes. Alexis felt safe with her brother and was feeling a genuine affection for him as she watched him eagerly cleanse her legs of the remnants of the earlier ointment and the poison ivy. There were still some tears in her eyes but they were no longer representative of a fear of a ruined vacation, but of appreciation for her brother. She had not felt so fondly for him since they had been much younger. Ryan staid crouching, knowing that standing would reveal a full fledge tent in his shorts and he could feel his sister's good feelings for him and he did not want to risk any forward progress.But with his head down, his eyes continued to wander through the steam over the worthy object of his affection. The crease between her breasts channeled the water into a small stream and it slid easily down beneath the strap of her bikini top and over her toned abs. Her bottoms were soaked and the clinging nature of the material once again gave him all the indications of her perfect pussy. Ryan was starting to overdo the eager rubbing of her legs when he caught himself. He knew that he had to be patient and he wondered if this was all part of Allyson's master plan. It had to be, his mind screamed. So he caught the water off earlier than he would have otherwise and lifted his sister into a fireman's carry, his elbow crooked where his dick wanted so badly to be. The soaked siblings stood outside the shower as Alexis half-heartedly attempted to towel them as Ryan cradled her. Once they were as complete as they would be the towel was dropped and Ryan lowered her onto the bed.

Alexis was still feeling her gratitude and luck for having such a brother as he squirted a good dollop of the ointment onto his hands and began softly rubbing it into her skin. He did as Simone had instructed him, rubbing it well up her legs and thighs. His breathing was more shallow than it had been and he dared to go higher than perhaps he should have, but Alexis never stirred. She laid face down on the bed, relaxing at the artificial massage she was receiving. Ryan would continue what was in reality heavy petting of his sister's calves and thighs until he decided that she would be getting suspicious. He gently tapped her on the shoulder and told her it was time for the shot. Alexis gave him a barely perceptible nod of the head and then buried her face in the pillow. She was embarrassed for this, but the momentary paralysis of her legs earlier frightened her and she was more than willing to allow her brother to see her backside if it meant a faster recovery.

Ryan hooked his fingers beneath the waistband of her bikini and gently tugged it down. It did not get very far, before Alexis had to lift her abdomen off the bed to allow him to inch it further down. Ryan was having trouble breathing as he watched the pale crest of her ass come into view. It was gorgeous, it was so close, and so soft to the touch of the back of his fingers. All too soon he found the small red dot just after the peaking of her cheek and he realized for now the journey was at end. Ryan's hand shook as he raised the needle and gently pressed it into the small target. He watched as the soft flesh of her backside dimpled under the pressure, and then it slid easily in, one inch disappearing into her body. Ryan slowly depressed the plunger, trying to burn the image of her ass into his memory. Once it was fully discharged he pulled the needle free and sat it on the bed next to her. Again his hands slipped beneath the waistband pulled it back to its proper position. With his small role finished, Alexis rolled onto her side. Her eyes were still glassy from the hidden tears she had shed while she was buried in the pillow.

"Thank you, Ryan. Thank you," was all she said. Ryan slid up the bed and cradled her in his arms, savoring every minutiae of her touch. Soon, he knew, his mother and Allyson would return and his first chance would have been lost.

Simone had been masturbating herself into a frenzy while she watched the small cameras relay the intense sexual frustration Ryan had to endure. She was surprised that she had not believed Allyson's promise of the fulfillment of the fantasy. But now, with her hand buried in the crotch of her shorts, she could see that Allyson may be on to something.

Out on the island, Allyson and Sandra had neared the top of the large central hill. Sandra was amazed by the luscious foliage and intense greenery everywhere that her eye could see. There was no shortage of color and she knew she would never forget the hike. She was ecstatic and grateful that Allyson had taken her back. A few more meters and the sounds of rushing water greeted her ears. Just ahead of them a small brook drained over the lip of a steep cliff and plunged to the floor of the jungle below. The journey here was more difficult then the hike, with the slope steeply angling up, and little firm footing to hold onto. Sandra admired the youthful grace of her guide as she scrambled over the rocks. She appreciatively took Allyson's hand when offered, slightly embarrassed that she was not as swift or brave as the other woman. Once atop the crest, they stood there quietly staring into the perfect void of the ocean. In the distance, the yacht was a white blob on the water.

"Thank you, Allyson, thank you so very much," Sandra whispered. She could feel herself tearing up, and she knew that she would cry. "This means so much to my family. It is so different for us to have something good happen. Thank you. That's all I can really say," she muttered as the first of several tears escaped her eyes. Allyson pulled the beautiful mother into her arms and cradled her there, one hand lightly stroking her hair.

"You know, your son asked me not to tell you this, but I am going to. The vacation wasn't won from some mall entry form. Ryan had to write an essay on someone he admired and explain why he felt they deserved this trip. The person he wrote on was you. He told us all about the struggles following your divorce and how you were really what held the family together," Allyson lied. Sandra, however, did not know that and was overwhelmed by the news. Her sobbing became more abrupt and intense as she listened to Allyson detail all that Ryan had said about her. "He said that you were a beautiful woman and that you deserved the very best in life. He just wishes that he was man enough to give you everything you need." Allyson was adapting some of the conversations she had with Ryan to fit the story and ideal she was trying to build up in Sandra's head. "Ryan said that he would be willing to sacrifice everything and give his life entirely to you if it meant that you would be happy. There was nothing more he wanted than for you." Sandra was a mess. She had known that Ryan had been concerned about her and how she was doing, but she had no idea that he had felt that strongly about it. What a wonderful son she had.

For the next ten minutes, Allyson would comfort Ryan's mother. Eventually, her crying would stop and the women would cuddle together, watching as the sun slowly sank beneath the horizon. Sandra was feeling a strange sense of emotional attachment to Allyson and she could not define why it seemed different. She would shrug it off and file the thought away in her head as they made their way back to the boat. The journey was much faster downhill and they were soon back on board. Simone greeted them as they climbed from the raft they had used to make their way to shore. Allyson and Simone would wave goodnight to Sandra and head up to the bridge for some extracurricular activity.

Sandra, meanwhile, would slip below decks to the passenger's cabin and she quietly swung open the door. The small lamp beside the bed was still on, but both of her children were huddled together on the bed, still in their swimming clothes. They were sound asleep. With a little motherly smile Sandra entered the room and pulled her nightgown from the closet. She quickly stripped off the outfit she had worn hiking and hopped into the shower. She was sure to be quick about it, not wanting to wake anyone, and soon was redressed.

Unbeknownst to her, Ryan had been awake, too distracted by the warmth of his sister's sleeping body in his arms to sleep. When his mother had entered and had undressed in the faint light of the lamp, his distraction had increased tenfold. His erection was pressed firmly into his sister's ass and he knew that any movement would risk prodding her awake. So he remained frozen, one eye peeking over Alexis' head, watching his mother shower, then get dressed. He was even more surprised when she climbed on the bed behind him, and snuggled up to him, one arm slipping around his waist and the heat of her body joining with his back. Ryan would not sleep a wink that night. His erection was too hard and his blood pressure too high. Allyson's plaAlexis woke bleary eyed the next morning, feeling a lot more relaxed than she had the previous day. She lay in bed for a few minutes savoring the single sheet which had been draped over her body during the night. She remembered little after her brother giving her the injection. Ryan had been uncharacteristically concerned with her well being and she thought perhaps a sweeter side of his personality was showing through. She rolled over in the bed, surprised to see her mother there. Some part of her had hoped Ryan would be next to her. She had felt safer with him than with Simone. There was something too impersonal and measured in the way that Simone had treated her. Ryan had been focused solely on her well being. For a few more minutes she would lay there, allowing herself to wake fully. Once she was wide awake, she carefully tested her legs ability to support her before making her way out of the bedroom in search of her younger brother.

Ryan had left the cabin early in the morning when Simone had signaled him from the doorway. Obediently, he had abandoned the trap that his mother and sister had formed in the bed. His erection still swayed in the front of his shorts and his eyes were quite blood shot. Simone was clothed in a skimpy black bathing suit and she said naught a word as Ryan followed the shifting of her ass up to the deck of the boat. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon and sky was a hazy dark blue. Simone walked to the rear of the boat and turned once more to her little entranced prey. Ryan was hoping for some sort of repeat of the earlier encounter they had in Allyson's presence. His hopes were answered by a simple action of Simone.

Her left hand slipped behind her back and tugged gently on a hidden string. The strapless top dropped without a sound to the floor. Ryan felt his heart beat begin to pick up as her hands returned once more to her sides. They did not stop there, and soon the two ties at her waist were undone, and the bikini bottoms joined their partner on the floor. Simone stood there momentarily, hands on her hips, allowing Ryan to examine the perfection of her nude frame. Ryan's mouth was watering as he studied the erect nipples capping the small pert tits. Her pussy was perfectly shaven, not a hint of hair in sight. Her pussy lips were a softer pink then the tanned tone of her skin and the rising sun in the background detailed their small folds. Ryan stutter stepped towards her, his dick crying out for some satisfaction. But Simone simply vaulted into the air, her body turning in a perfectly performed aerobatic jump and she disappeared with a splash over the side of the yacht. Ryan ran to the edge, his hands already pulling down his shorts. He stumbled a bit as his last step attempted to push him over the boat and kick off the shorts. It halfway worked, but his water landing was a glorified belly flop.

For a moment Ryan would forget why he had jumped. A belly flop on the hard ocean water with a naked erection was not the most comfortable feeling and it took forefront standing in his mind. When he did manage to recollect himself, Simone was nowhere to be seen. The sudden press of her body into his back and the grip of her hands on his cock answered his questions. Ryan tried turning toward her, but only succeeded in managing to face the boat. Simone staid hidden behind him, her lips pressed into his back, kissing over his shoulder blades and spine. Her hands began to vigorously stroke his aching length and Ryan fought to keep his head above water. Eventually his swimming would prove inadequate and he was forced to grab onto a small shelf off the backside of the yacht. He clung to it, like a drowning sailor, while the young woman behind him jerked him off into the salty sea. The water was cool, but the alternating touch of her hot hands and the water only increased the intensity of his arousal. Ryan's breathing was getting much deeper and he was thrusting his cock into her hands as he floated in the water. It did not take long for his seed to erupt into the water and a loud groan escaped from his mouth. In the post orgasmic state of being, Ryan admired the artistic beauty as his semen lingered in amoebic shapes in the water before it began to sink.

Finally Simone would shift around, her naked body slipping between the rear of the boat and Ryan. Her legs wrapped firmly around Ryan's waist and she crushed her pussy into the softening piece of flesh extending from his body into the water. Simone pulled Ryan's head down to her face and their lips met there in a passionate attack. Their tongues would roam over and under and in and out. Ryan was lost to an inexperienced passion and he had no strategy for his kiss. It was simple desire. Simone enjoyed the purity of the passion with which Ryan kissed and eagerly returned his touch. Her hips were grinding on Ryan's cock, her own hot center reigniting the fire that had only moments before been quenched in him. Soon enough Ryan was erect again and he eagerly followed the natural path into her twat. Ryan couldn't see deep enough to draw the distinction between their two bodies meeting.

He and Simone rested their forehead against each other as he began to thrust into her pussy. The amazing contrast of the heat of her channel and the cold grip of the water on his balls was intense. Simone was so tight and the exquisite clenching of her vagina over his length drove him to faster strokes. His motions were full bodied thrusts as he combined a pull up motion in his arms with the drive of his hips. The resulting fucking motion was intense. Simone found herself carried on his cock like a leaf on a wave. Her fingers dug into the back of his neck as with each backward pull, seawater washed over her pussy's exposed lips. In and out their rhythm flowed. Ryan's breathing quickened as he sought to control his urge to release inside her. His dick was throbbing and his balls would sway into her thighs and crotch as he drove his full length into her. Simone's thighs allowed her to plunge back down upon him and she could sense the growing heat emanating from his cock. The wide head of his youthful dick stretched her refreshingly and her eyes were soon closed shut as she sought to control her own orgasm. The longer she delayed it the more intense it would be.

Ryan would come first, his juices flooding from his dick into the grip of her pussy. Ryan would thrash almost uncontrollably as he sought to keep his rhythm in his thrust. He wanted his small partner to come too. Simone signaled that she had reached her peak when the shots of liquid heat poured into her. Her moan was long and high and her head slammed back into the shelf behind her. Her hips squirmed on the pulsing rod buried in her pink cunt and she reveled in the receding shocks of her orgasm. Together they would rest entwined against the backside of the boat for a few more moments before they broke apart. They would swim for a while longer, playfully frolicking amidst the waves and growing sunlight.

Ryan was unsure of the connection that he and Simone had. With her there was always the question of whether or not she was just doing something Allyson had commanded or if she was actually into him. If Ryan was confused, Alexis was even more so.

She had found her brother by the sound of a loud splash coming from the rear deck of the boat. She had been about to call out for him, as she stepped into the cool breeze brushing across the ocean, when she spotted his bathing suit. And a tiny pair of black bikini bottoms. He was skinny dipping in the ocean with someone! Alexis stifled a giggle and crept closer to the edge of the boat, wanting to know who it was. Her mind told her that it was Simone, but there was a small chance that it could be Allyson. She had almost made it to the edge of the yacht when she heard the slap of skin on fiberglass and a long low groan. Her eyes confirmed what her mind concluded, when she crept to the edge of a ladder which allowed passengers to access the raft. Down and to her right, almost hidden by a shelf was Ryan, his hands clinging to the edge of the shelf. At first, Alexis was confused by what she saw, as there didn't appear to be anyone with him.

Then a small darker patch of tan skin appeared above the shelf, wrapped around his stomach and down below the waterline. Based on Ryan's moans and the gentle rhythmic sloshing of the water, Alexis was able to deduce that the mystery woman was giving him a hand job. Alexis was curious about who it was and was still kind of bemused by her brother's reactions. He was panting heavily and his face was red, despite the cool water he was halfway covered in. It did not take long for him to orgasm and Alexis once again fought a giggle as his body visibly shuddered as he came. A few seconds later, the dark wet hair of Simone slipped in front of him and her arms wrapped Ryan up.

The sudden answering of the identity of the mystery woman drew an interesting reaction from Alexis. Inside of her stomach the sickening twist of jealousy burned. Alexis was surprised by it and its intensity, but resisted the urge to quickly leave. Simone and Ryan were obviously working on consummating the earlier manual encounter. Simone's naked shoulders and back bobbed up and down in the tight space between the shelf and Ryan's body. Ryan's biceps and shoulders would tense as he thrust upwards and then relax as he slipped back.

Alexis, with her body pressed heavily into the sanded wood of the deck, encountered a second interesting emotional response at this new sight that quickly formed a strange conglomerate with the growing jealousy inside of her. The new emotion was arousal. It had come as a sudden spasm in the depths of her pussy's passageway and grown to a dull throbbing heat in the pit of her stomach. But watching her younger brother thrusting deep into the canal of the "first mate" drove Alexis up the wall. Alexis had been masturbating since she was younger but had never felt even the faintest desire to watch another couple, especially Ryan. But here, lying in her bathing suit, beneath a morning sky, Alexis was incredibly turned on. She tried fighting the urge to answer nature's demand, but the constant thrusting of Ryan's muscular torso and the small growls and grunts the couple emitted proved overwhelming.

Alexis kept her body low to the deck and raised her hips slightly to allow her hand to slip into her bathing suit. There was no time for foreplay now and her pussy required none. Two deliciously eager fingers slipped through the trimmed thatch of hair that marked the entrance to her virgin twat and then plunged in. Alexis squirmed, her crotch hovering over the deck, as her fingers rhythmically matched the fucking going on in the water. Alexis' practiced self exploration emphasized an in and out stroke the brushed over her clit before slamming back into her tight channel. Alexis always enjoyed the gooey sensation that smeared out over her pussy lips and into her hair as her fingers pumped in and out. There were so many sensory experiences for her young body to have and Alexis savored each of them.

At first Alexis masturbated just to the erotic imagery before her. Her mind and body were solely focused on the scene unfolding before her. But within minutes of her pussy accepting her fingers, her mind had radically shifted gears. It replaced Simone with herself and soon Alexis was delving into the taboo realm of incest as she imagined the length of Ryan's cock stroking in and out of her twat just as it was doing to Simone. She imagined the feeling of his hips between her thighs as she raised and lowered her body on his member, its head almost slipping free each time. Alexis felt the familiar sensation of release wash over her as she past the turn back point.

Panic would ensue just as her thighs clamped down on her fingers and she sought to control her muscle movement. Ryan and Simone had obviously each reached their peaks and their bodies broke apart in the water beneath her. Alexis rolled away from the opening of the ladder and tried to control her body's urgent spasms. Sudden rushes of fear and concern and guilt would break into the powerful orgasm's control over her body. Her hand nearly ejected from her swimming suit and quickly wiped the liquid evidence of her enjoyment of her brother's sex onto the deck. It took every single thought in her body to keep from running into the cabin at a full sprint. She took a few seconds to crawl into the shadow of the walkway and then gave into the need to run.

In seconds, Alexis was back in the bedroom, panting heavily against the door. Her mother was still asleep and facing the opposite wall. Alexis stripped quickly and climbed into the shower, thoroughly scrubbing herself with soap and chastising herself for both peeping on her brother and for enjoying it in the way she had. As the shower steam filled the room, Alexis forgot her indiscretions and managed to explain away her behavior. By the time she had exited the shower, she had nearly forgotten about the arousal her brother's fucking had brought her.

Sandra would wake sometime during Alexis' shower and slip from the room after changing back into her bathing suit. As she stepped into the hallway she nearly ran into Ryan, who had obviously just gone for a dip, his hair soaking wet and his body speckled with droplets of salt water. If she had been fully awake, Ryan's mother may have noticed the fact that his shorts were entirely dry. But fortunately for him, she was not.

"Wait a few minutes to go in. Your sister is showering. I think she has been at it for a while so I don't think she will have much longer." Ryan simply nodded his agreement. Sandra was still remembering Allyson's relaying of Ryan's opinion of her and it nearly brought a tear to her eye. Unexpectedly she pulled him in close and wrapped him in as big a bear hug as possible. Ryan almost laughed at his mother's sudden embrace- she was obviously trying to wrap him up, but now he was much bigger than he used to be and her head only came to his shoulder. So that is where it landed. Ryan returned the hug, holding his sentimental mother around the shoulders. His hands lazily drifted up and down her spine as his mind wandered. Sandra was comforted by the warmth and gentility of his hug, but was a bit surprised when it suddenly broke away.

Puzzled, she stared at him, before giving him a small thanks and then turning down the hallway. It was then that she noticed the tenting in his shorts. Sandra had to scurry away, a knowing grin on her face. She had forgotten that Ryan had grown into a man and obviously he did not want her to be reminded in that particular way.

Ryan waited in the hall for a few more minutes before stepping into the room. Alexis was out of the shower and wrapped in a towel. He gave her a small smile of greeting and collapsed face down onto the bed.

"Tired," Alexis asked, knowing full well why he would be.

"Yeah, didn't sleep well last night. You and mom are bed hogs."

Alexis chuckled a little bit, having stubbed a few toes while kicking or moving in her sleep. She decided that she should take her first injection and ointment treatment of the day and asked Ryan to do so. He obligingly abandoned his post on the bed and accepted the needle and tube of ointment from her. Alexis replaced him on the comforter and buried her face in the pillow, wondering if he found her as pretty as he did Simone. She pondered the significance of the thought process for a second but the first touch of his hands to her feet dispelled any moral evaluation. Ryan's hands smoothly slid up her feet and over her ankles before running down again, ensuring that her feet and ankles were fully covered in the medicating ointment. Once the lower half of her legs were finished, he moved farther up. Alexis was sure from the nervous and jerky movement of his hands on her thighs that he was not entirely comfortable with the action. It was a stark contrast from the smoothness of his motions below the knees. He even had been better when she had been wearing her swimming suit, but apparently the danger of the open ended towel got to him.

Alexis' analysis of Ryan was accurate, although she may not have totally touched on why. Ryan had a very clear view of his sister's pussy and he was having a hard time looking at anything else. His hands just moved haltingly while his eyes drank up the sight of her pussy lips. He could see that there was some hair leading right to her lips and she was wondering how far the little trail wandered. He wanted to fish his hands beneath her towel and touch it, but he was sure his sister's wrath would be swift. One more application of the ointment on her thighs and Ryan had enough.

"Sis, it's time for the injection," he choked out.

Alexis was now wanting to conquer the spell that Simone had on her younger brother and put to test her own beauty. As nonchalantly as she could, she reached around behind her and pulled the towel free, revealing her naked back and backside to her brother's eyes. The sharp intake of breath that noisily escaped Ryan told her everything she needed to know. Alexis felt proud and commanding as Ryan did not move for several seconds. She was happy to be able to compete with the young thin beauty he had fucked only an hour earlier. She felt Ryan's open palm press into her backside, framing the tip of the needle as it pressed into her soft tissue. Alexis was pretty certain that he wasn't just keeping her from moving with that hand, and just as the needle broke the skin, she was certain she felt a small flex of his fingers as he groped her ass. In seconds the injection was all over, and Ryan's hand slowly withdrew from its resting place on the perfection of her ass cheek. Alexis grabbed the edge of the towel and pulled it back into place, a huge smile hidden in the pillow.

Ryan was nearing a heart attack. First his sister's pussy, then she had flashed him with her ass and allowed him to touch it naked. He. Touched. His. Sister's. Naked. Ass! Ryan was ecstatic and wanted to jump on the bed repeatedly like a little boy. But as Alexis stirred, he panicked and ran and jumped in the shower, swimming trunks pulled tightly across his butt by the massive erection he had.

Alexis burst into a signature fit of giggles as the water started. She had seen her brother run to the shower and she was sure from the lack of steam that it was not hot water running. She had Simone and Ryan beat. While Ryan showered, Alexis pulled her swimming suit on beneath the towel and then slipped from the room. The low throbbing hum of the yacht's powerful diesel engines filled the hallway and she went in search of her mother.

She found the rest of their party on the deck, seated at the small round table that occupied a corner of the boat. Simone was wearing the same skimpy bathing suit she had abandoned on deck that morning and Allyson was wearing a small set of shorts, which stopped just below her crotch, with a small bikini top that covered her nipples and little else. Her mother was also in a bikini, although it was more conservative than the others. Alexis took a chair beside them.

Everyone greeted her with a good morning and Allyson filled her in on the day's planned activity. The yacht would be docking in a small island that was populated by the Spanish during the colonial period. Not much development had taken place then, so it was still fairly primitive and relied on basic farming and tourism to exist. There was some sort of festival relating to the planting season that would be celebrated while they were there. Alexis was happy to have the chance to get off the boat again and hoped that nothing would go wrong this time around. The plan was for a whole day in the town. Simone would serve as a guide for Ryan and Alexis while Allyson and Sandra would go see the more grown up interests. Alexis was not entirely pleased that she would spend the day with Simone and Ryan alone. Ryan, on the other hand, was quite excited.Within two hours they had pulled into a small sheltered harbor and had lowered the boat's anchor and secured it. The family was given the opportunity as the raft powered them into the harbor town to appreciate the native beauty and the unfinished appearance of the town. It was as if the little place had been pulled straight from a pirate's fairy tale. Little fishing boats rowed by them, few with power, and the friendly operators waved eagerly and solicited the little tokens that they sold. The entirety of the town was built of a rusty colored mud that was readily available in the hills behind it. The stark contrast of the warm glow of the finished stone against the lush greenery was enchanting. Everyone was silent, except for Simone, who offered small details and points of interest at a semi-regular interval.

Ryan and Alexis eagerly pointed out the various things that caught their eye as the raft was tied to the dock and they disembarked. There was so much to see and there was no sign of the civilization that they had carried with them onto the yacht. No TV, no electricity, no automobiles were anywhere to be seen. Mules seemed to be the primary mode of load bearing and walking was the chosen method of transportation. Small tufts of dust would puff with any sudden movements, and the tourists quickly found their legs covered in a thin red layer of soil. The townspeople were extremely welcoming and excited to see the Americans. Alexis could not count the number of various chicken samples that were handed to her as they made their way inland.

For lunch, the group ate together, having a huge variety of ethnic dishes. The tastes were indescribable and everyone found themselves falling into the enchantment of the little island. By the time the meal was over, the party was barely able to move. Everyone had drank a little too much with the food and were a little more raucous as they headed deeper into the town's ancient paths.

It was late in the afternoon when the festivities first kicked off. Sandra and Allyson had separated from the younger crowd to visit historical and cultural sites in the vicinity. Simone was going to be showing the younger visitors some cultural sites of her own.

Alexis' ears had begun to recognize the deep booming beats of a drum echoing down the streets from somewhere ahead, and her heart responded to the alluring rhythm. She whirled on her brother and grabbed him by the hand.

"C'mon Ryan. C'mon!"

Ryan allowed himself to be towed onward by the wave of his sister's excitement and ran after her down the narrow roadways. Ryan had begun to develop some sort of hypnotic fascination with his sister's body and his slowly loping legs allowed him to keep pace with his sister without paying attention to his stride. But as they burst into a huge open square the noise level jumped to its peak and the vibrant life of the island tune overwhelmed them. In the square, hundreds of villagers writhed and danced to the ancient beat, around a large fountain. The music was primitive and raw, the kind that is irresistible to avoid moving too. Even as the young people slowed and walked further into the masses they found themselves setting feet to ground to the bass rhythm.

It was not long till the two found themselves occupying a small space together while people danced around them. Alexis and Ryan started dancing, at first facing each other a few inches apart. The movements were fast and intense and seemingly random. Some of the natives looked like they were bordering on having seizures. The first set of beats would last for another twenty minutes, until the whole crowd had been worked into a flurry of shakes and shudders. Then with a final powerful slam of the drum all went silent. Ryan and Alexis were the last ones to stop dancing at the final beat. Everyone else had seemed to be aware of the exact timing of the coming strike. All the people turned to face the central fountain.

It was difficult to see what was going on, until a young woman and man climbed to the primary spout of the fountain, several feet above the crowd. The siblings both did a double take as they realized that the glistening wet forms, raised above all others, were completely naked. The two turned to face each other, and a new beat started. A new dance began, with people breaking off into pairs and pressing their bodies close to one another. Ryan was a little caught of guard when Alexis followed suit.

Alexis had been inexplicably horny over the last day and was only growing more so with each passing moment. Having only been able to masturbate while watching her brother's encounter with Simone, Ryan had become the object of her sexual fantasies. Now being pressed close to her brother in the midst of the midday heat she felt her heart rate rising to the rhythm of the powerful native beats. Alexis slipped her smaller body between Ryan's spread feet and turned, her backside to him. At first she tried to maintain some semblance of just having a good time but as the crowd around her and the two exalted bodies in the fountain turned to more erotic dance moves, she found herself getting carried away.

It would start with a harder press of her backside into Ryan's crotch as she swayed and would continue until she was grinding on the growing erection in his pants. Through the thin material of the linen dress that she was wearing, she could feel the hard cylindrical form press deeper between her ass cheeks. There was a moment of concern about how Ryan would react, before she realized she already knew. Her dance movements became dry humping in a hurry. Soon she was rubbing the length of his dick between her ass cheeks, her eyelids pressed shut, and her lips pursed as she focused on the music and steady stroking of her ass.

The crowd around the siblings was too involved in their own gradual progressions to notice the tourists' activities. Simone had failed to mention that part of the harvest festival was also fertility rites. The ceremony in which they found themselves engaged was designed to incense and celebrate the beauty of sex. Much of the audience's clothing was already shed, and only Ryan and Alexis' western culture kept them clothed in public.

Ryan was dazed, confused, and intensely aroused. He had his sister willfully pressing her firm youthful backside onto his cock and hundreds of people around him were engaging in intense dances boarding on copulation. Ryan found himself unable to resist his desire to put his hands on his sister.

Alexis found herself pulled for a second back to reality when Ryan's hands slid beneath her arms and rested just under her breasts. His thumbs tested her resolve, brushing the sensitive bottom of the round globes through her light shirt. Her stomach did back flips as her lust began to culminate a previously forbidden desire. Her own hands found purchase on Ryan's flexed thrusting thighs. Her nails dug into the smooth weave of his board shorts and her head flung back against his shoulder. She knew Ryan had understood her surrender when his hand moved to fully cradle her breasts, their excitement betrayed in the strength of his grip. Alexis fought to keep this to an erotic dance, her backside working up and down his length, but she found that her need for more was too much. Ryan did not disappoint.

With abated breath, Ryan's right hand moved from its position beneath her breast and dropped to her thigh. There it began to bunch and gather the sweat moistened linen of her dress, one inch at a time. His left hand continued its rubbing and groping of her young breast while more and more of her thigh was exposed. His head hung over her shoulder, her ear lobe beside his and her smooth cheek pressed into his own. With the intensity of one long deprived, Ryan's gaze focused on each new revelation and promise that the bunched skirt presented. More and more of her tanned thigh was available and his penis twitched with delight. The last few inches crept beneath his hand and her panty-covered crotch appeared in view. For but a moment, Ryan's hand would linger at the meeting of her thigh to the white edge of her panties. But the moment would end quickly.

Alexis had been watching the same scene unfold on her own body as Ryan's hand had unveiled more and more of her lower half. She knew where Ryan's attention was as his left hand stilled over her breast and his right hand paused. For a second more they would stay pressed together unmoving. Alexis fought no more and her legs inched slightly farther apart. She knew it was a symbolic gesture, as did Ryan. Once again her eyes closed heavily on his shoulder as his fingers hurriedly snaked beneath her panties and found the moist craving of her center. She swallowed loudly as they slid over her lips repeatedly, driving her thighs into a shuddering frenzy. Ryan's hand was clenched firmly on her breast again as his hand manually pleasured her. It did not take long for them to dig deeper into her tunnel.

Over and over again, Ryan plunged his finger into his sister's pussy. He was amazed at the awareness his body had of the sensory experience delighting him. He was certain that he could take her temperature with his fingers, so deep was he. Alexis was soaking and he could think of nothing more than pleasing her. Soon he realized that he was practically carrying his older sister's weight as her legs weakened with each pass of his fingers into her pussy. For a moment he scanned their surroundings. They were the last couple standing, the rest of the people having collapsed to the red soil, busily engaging in hurried and passionate sex.

Alexis was being overwhelmed by the intensity of the stimulation her brother was delivering to a much needed location. But it was beginning to be too much and she knew that soon she would come at his touch. She feared the building threat of an intense orgasm and knew she had to take back some control of the pace with which they were proceeding. She whirled on him, his hand whipping free of her panties and her skirt falling to her knees. Ryan stared, still lost in his fantasy world, t the sudden movement. Alexis knew what had been going on around them- the sounds had been enough to tell her that they were engaged in a massive orgy. Her hands went to work at the string holding his shorts shut and his dick in. Her movements were nervous and full of need and she required Ryan's assistance to untie the simple knot. Once it was loose, his shorts fell to the ground, leaving him in a t-shirt alone. Ryan quickly shed it, but Alexis was too enraptured by the sight of his length.

Ryan stood naked before his sister in the square, wondering what would come next. He hoped she would act first, but she just stared at his cock. Ryan couldn't take it any longer, his cock already long tested for endurance. His hands went to work at the ties binding her shirt shut and once they were free he pulled it over her head. Alexis obligingly lifted her hands, allowing her full pert tits to pop free easily. Ryan crouched to tug the elastic waist band of her skirt down, along with her panties. His mouth covered one of her pink nipples and smothered it with kisses, licks, and small nibbles. Alexis' hands buried themselves in his hair, but he was too busy uncovering the much sought after twat. Once she was naked, Ryan took complete control, pressing her backwards into the dirt.

Alexis mindlessly followed her brother's forceful guidance. She was too horny to think of anything, including being helpful. Her body lay back into the hot soil, her knees parted slightly and pulled up against her buttocks. She looked down between her breasts and over the trimmed trail of hair that led to her pussy at her brother and his penis. She looked up at him questioningly for a moment, wondering why he stalled. But she would not have to wait long. Ryan's young hands grabbed her ankles and lifted them into the air as he slid forward, his dick wavering closer and closer to her pussy. He released her ankles only when his shoulders were beneath them. And for another moment, Alexis would ponder the promise of her brother's cock.

Ryan grinned haphazardly, finally receiving what he had so long lusted for. And then he pressed his wide phallus into her lips, his weight pressing steadily into her. Alexis squirmed beneath him, as inch after inch crept deeper within her. Ryan used every remaining nerve to control his desire to hammer into her, but he dared not hurt her. Within only an inch or two of his entrance, it became apparent that his sister was a virgin. The tightness of her inexperienced twat and a flexible barrier restraining him gave him that fact. Alexis reached up to his forearms and with a pleading look in her eye drew him farther in.

"Please Ryan. It has to be you. It has to be now," she begged.

Ryan simply nodded and pressed onward. She would wince as her hymen broke beneath the steady penetration of her brother's dick, but the pain would fade as Ryan reached his full depth. Each was given a brief opportunity to appreciate their situation, a brother and sister about to engage in full and intense passionate incest, amidst the furious fucking of a crowd of foreign natives. Then any moment for thought was gone.

Ryan began the first of the many movements, a slow withdrawal followed by a faster inward thrust. Alexis hissed beneath him, her chest heaving, as he began to steadily plunge his cock into her body. Ryan's thick long cock stretched her to her limit and the only thing keeping it from being intensely painful was the vast amount of her juices brought on by the intensity of her arousal. Over and over, Ryan hammered his cock into his sister's clutching pussy. Alexis's ankles locked behind his neck, and allowed him to bury himself fully into her. His hands gripped onto her breasts and he used her own body to leverage himself deeper into her.

Alexis groaned loudly as inch after inch of her brother's dick slammed into her. His heavy balls slapped against her backside, with each body rocking thrust. Her breasts bounced beneath his hands as he drove into her. Her pussy was pouring juices and she savored the graphic scenery of her spread pink twat clutching at his girth. The thick veins of his dick added an unique texture to the sensations spreading from her vagina. Her hips churned against him, adding a new element of pleasure as her clit buried against the top of his dick and the front of his body. She felt her breath catch in her chest as she reached the limits of her own ability to restrain her orgasm. And then she was gone into a different world solely built on her pleasure.

Ryan could not fight the intensity of his sister's orgasm. Her body writhed beneath him, her hips shifting against the sides of his cock, pressing juicy walls of pussy into him. Her interior muscles spasmed over his length and the heat of her vagina drove him wild. Soon her orgasm sent him into his own, and thick pulsating ropes of his semen filled his sister's pussy. His body collapsed forward between her thighs, his body draping hers. His hips were only capable of small thrusts as the powerful orgasm spread over him. As his cum emptied into her, he nearly blacked out. Alexis's fingernails dug into his back as his dick shuddered to stillness in within her. Soon the two siblings returned to the reality of the world around them.

Ryan rocked backwards, his sister's pussy still clinging to his cock, until he was sitting with her atop him. He cradled her naked body against him as he scanned the square. Some couples were still fucking, but not many. The intensity of the orgy had promised that most mating would be short lived. A fully dressed Simone strolled up to the young couple. Alexis was shocked at having been caught, but was a little relieved when Simone crouched beside them and dropped a pile of their clothes, along with the needle for her daily injections. She gave Alexis a brief shoulder squeeze then strolled lazily away.

Alexis turned back to her brother and stared into his eyes. Her lust temporarily satisfied, she tried to rationalize their situation. Unable too, she clutched the heat of his sweaty body to her own and gave into the emotional bond she now found for her brother. Ryan's arms encircled her and he held her close as she calmed down and fought the revile that society demanded of her. Once they had equally calmed, the two siblings quietly separated and dressed.

Alexis pulled Ryan from the scene of the orgy and cornered him in a back alley off the main drag.

"Ryan, we shouldn't have just done...."

"Who says! Who cares? Just you and I and Simone know and she won't tell anyone. I wanted you so bad for so long. Please don't tell me that it is wrong."

"Ryan, its incest! We can't, we shouldn't have done that."

"No. We needed that. Don't pretend like that was wrong. I wanted you and you wanted me. That is all."

Alexis found herself unable to deal with the strength of Ryan's conviction that what they had done was not wrong. Her eyes filled with tears and she collapsed once more to his shoulder. There, it seemed, she was safe from any of the judgments that she feared so greatly. In the still bright light of the tropical day, the brother and sister grew closer then they had ever before.