Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3499 - 1

Chapter 3499 - 1

Alexis pressed her hips back up into her brother's body as he thrust forward into her depths. His cock was at full strength again and its length fulfilled an indefinable need. Alexis had always heard size mattered, but she was able to truly appreciate the wonders of a large penis beneath her brother. Its length was perfect for sliding fully into her and stretching her pussy, just beyond the limits of comfort. But as it evacuated its post an onrushing sweep of pleasure would storm through her body before it hammered home again. Time seemed to stand still for her as the wide head of his dick stroked in and out, allowing her to savor the multitude of sensory experiences that came with passionate sex. The sounds of his breathing mixing with her own, lacing over the undertone of the wet slap of her pussy against his balls blended into the scents of their sweats and sexual release.

She studied the straining face poised over her body as Ryan sought to control the timing of his release. His pace was urgent and frenetic, hoping to get her to cum before he succumbed to his own excitement. The short fast thrusts were perfect to hit her G-spot and her clitoris, and she quickly found her body twisting back beneath him, trapped on his intruding rod. Her orgasm was swift and powerful and her pussy flooded their joining with fluid.

At the sound of her loud cry of release, Ryan lost control of his ability to keep from cumming. His cock once again leapt to life inside of his sister's pussy and he rammed home once more, his semen shooting forth into the hollow of her womb. A seemingly endless flow jumped to her depths and filled Alexis with an indescribable warmth. Ryan's arms folded beneath him and his weight came pressing down onto her body. Alexis stared up at her brother as he panted to catch his breath. Her arms cradled him in a firm embrace, knowing that if she released him some semblance of guilt would return. But with his penis's heat still filling her, and her own orgasm just beginning to fade, all she could think about was how much she loved these moments with her brother, and how fully satisfied she felt afterwards.

This recent round of screwing had begun simply enough. Ryan had taken her to a small hostel off the main square to administer her injection. But being around her naked had its toll and he quickly found himself fighting to restrain the urge to take her again. He had failed to a certain extent- the soft stroking of his fingers over her naked backside and the gentle dip between her thighs of another had caused Alexis to respond positively. With the injection done she had rolled over, her young breasts filling her brother's field of vision, and had slid into his lap. The press of his erection through his shorts had been enough to encourage her on and to cause her to forget the societal taboo their love betrayed. Her hands had worked quickly to free him of his imprisonment, drawn on by the need of her pussy's crush against him. The sex had started urgently and gradually slowed to a steady caress until need had once again driven them on.

The brother and sister were quite happy with themselves for now. Both were still blissfully unaware that her regular injections included powerful aphrodisiacs and chemicals which suppressed inhibitions. Perhaps even if they had known they would not have cared.

Across the island, in an ancient ceremonial site, Allyson and Sandra strolled. They had missed the entirety of the fertility and harvest rites as they had plunged deeper into the undergrowth, only to emerge hours later in this sacred primal site. Both women had removed their tops in the safe anonymity of the green foliage, sweat completely drenching their shirts and causing the collars to chafe uncomfortably. Sandra had been a little surprised at first to find that Allyson wore no bra or bikini top beneath her shirt, but had quickly grown accustomed to the full breasts that peaked the other woman's torso. After a good forty five minutes of hiking that way, she had also removed her bra, finding the sensation of her bare breasts being caressed by the indiscriminate hand of an ocean breeze quite refreshing. Allyson had teased her a bit at first about overcoming her soccer mom mentality and her conservative background but had given up when Sandra did not respond.

The two women found their conversations to be quite lively, coming from such differing viewpoints. Allyson tip-toed a fine line of truth and falsehood as she sought to maintain her persona of a small business owner and captain of the yacht. But she still had some distinctively liberal ideas which were unique to the middle-class mother of two. Allyson always argued from a very intelligent and informed viewpoint and Sandra found herself appreciating the flawlessness of the woman's mind. When they arrived at the ceremonial site, she was surprised to find herself breathless.

The ancient society which had built up the site had obviously done so with brute human strength, moving large stones and statues many hundreds of feet up the steep jungle hillside. The carvings were immaculate, and despite their age, seemed to be fully legible. Much of the undergrowth had avoided intruding upon this site, it seemed to stand back, wary of encroaching on some god's territory. At the center of a large ring of heavy stones sat a small four foot wide pool that was roughly two and half feet deep. Allyson told her guest that the site held a spiritual significance important for ritual cleansing. The people would annually send a virgin up the hill side to be taken by the shaman in the pool. The union would take place after the first large rainfall filled the basin in springtime. The natural water would act as a cleansing for the people so that they would not suffer during the coming year from crimes or sins against the gods.

Sandra was a bit surprised that at the culmination of this little history lesson, Allyson removed the rest of her clothing as if nothing was wrong in the world. Again, the guide and captain had neglected to wear underclothing and her body stood gloriously naked before it slipped into the shallow pool. Once again, there was a gently teasing smirk from Allyson, as Sandra visibly struggled as to whether she would join her partner in the small pool. With a mental, what the hell, Sandra removed her hiking boots and socks and pulled her cargo shorts down her tanned sweaty legs. She stepped free of them and approached the pool, her bikini bottoms still firmly in place between her legs and over her waist. Allyson's smile did not flee at this sudden act of boldness, but she obligingly slipped to a side of the pool so that Sandra could lay out similarly.

Atop the mountain side, the sun beating down on the cool rain filled basin, the women discussed more of what life had taught them. The conversation had turned at some point to Sandra's husband and his absence from the family. The divorce had been messy and had related to differences in sexual opinion. Ryan and Alexis' father had desired to have a very liberal and experimental sex life with his wife. He had managed to get her to allow them film their sexual encounters. Then he had tried to pressure her into sleeping with some of his guy friends while he filmed. Sandra had firmly refused, but had become aware that some of his poker buddies had seen the tapes.

As the relationship had continued to suffer and it became apparent that her husband was going elsewhere for his sexual desires, Sandra had given into one of his demands. For his birthday, the last year they were together, she had a threesome with him and another woman he claimed to have contacted through the web. The experience was good, so they had made arrangements to meet again. Sandra told Allyson how she had later found out that the woman was actually his girlfriend of several years and that had been the killing blow in their relationship. Within months the divorce papers were finalized and he had disappeared into the red lights of his fantasies. Sandra was a bit uncomfortable with the line of conversation and some of the memories it aroused, but before she could shift the conversation topic, Allyson interrupted.

"Did he ever give in to any of your fantasies?"

"No. It was always about his. Some of the early attempts we had at spicing up our sex life were mutual desires, but as they got more extreme, they were really just his," Sandra replied.

"But you did like the threesome," Allyson quizzed.

Sandra nervously gave her an honest answer to the affirmative.

Allyson continued to press onward. "Did it hurt badly, because it had been so good, and then you found out that you were being played? Or was it because you felt like you were being tossed aside for this other woman?"

"I guess it was a little bit of both," Sandra surmised. "It had been totally scary for me at first, but when we actually did do it, it was a lot of fun! I mean, I hadn't experienced that intense of stimulation ever in my life. The other girl was beautiful, young, energetic, and very talented. My husband knew what I liked, so between the two, I found myself just all caught up. But when I found out that he had been cheating on me all along, I felt betrayed by him, by her, and by myself." She was a bit surprised to hear herself voicing the long buried emotions. She had never told anyone this. She had never had anyone to tell.

Allyson took a big risk and asked a question which she had not intended to, but had been thinking about ever since she had first encountered Ryan's family. "Have you ever thought about doing it again? With a woman, I mean?"

Sandra's head jerked up and she became infinitely conscious of her semi-nudity and close proximity to the attractive woman beside her. Two sets of wheels churned in opposite directions in her mind. One screamed to her that this was an opportunity to break free of the monotony of being a single mother. The other part of her screamed that she had responsibilities, that she would be devastated if anyone found out. She had already started to lose ground on the negative front when Allyson wiped any argument for her mind.

The water rustled as Allyson's body shifted closer to Sandra's side. One wet, gentle hand slipped up to the mother's cheek and turned her head towards her. Sandra's eyes watched wide open as Allyson leaned in closer and closer until their lips met in a soft caress. Immediately, Sandra felt her opposition melt. Her own hands moved to pull Allyson in closer, her mouth hungrily pressing into the older woman's. Allyson was much taller than Sandra and her long legs snaked through Ryan's mother's, entwining their bodies together. Sandra took the next step, her tongue slipping out of her mouth and into her bathing partner's. Allyson shifted her weight, her body sliding over Sandra's hips, taking the dominant position on top. Sandra's hands moved accordingly, drifting down Allyson's naked back. Before she could reach any uniquely sensitive areas, Allyson struck first.

The two long delicate hands of the woman who had guided her to this point reached out to clasp her full breasts in her hands. Their touch was gentle and smooth, so soft that they seemed to barely glide over the surface of her large chest. Finely groomed nails tweaked the quickly hardening pair of nipples that stood proud atop the breasts. Allyson's kiss did not halter a moment and Sandra knew that she was experienced in this kind of foreplay. Sandra's own hands shifted downwards to Allyson's bare buttocks and the nails urgently carved small red impressions on her tan flesh. Allyson's lithe body once again slipped into motion, one knee rising and falling between Sandra's legs. It would gradually creep upwards until its firm flesh came into contact with her submerged crotch. The pressure was soft but constant and Sandra knew exactly what the knee and thigh were intended for.

From the shallow depths of the water, her waist rose, grinding her covered pussy lips over the provided appendage. Sandra repositioned her grip on Allyson's ass to better allow her to control her slow grind. She and Allyson's kiss broke apart as the taller and shorter women peered down to the erotic encounter of their bodies together. Sandra's body had long been devoid of another's touch and it immediately responded with intensity. Sandra quickly found her eyes and mind slowly focused on the quick pace her cunt was making over Allyson's thigh. Her breasts were still being gently fondled and her nipples stood proudly erect from the cool water. There was a gentle splashing noise that timed the rhythm of their foreplay as water spilled over the lip of the basin. Sandra felt herself nearing her first orgasm with another human being in quite a while. It started as a familiar tremble in the depths of her body and came rushing down her channel and to her pussy lips were her clit ground through the fabric. Her whole body tensed and her crotch ground impossibly high on Allyson's body as she cleared the water. A loud cry escaped her lips as she came. She could feel the powerful grip of her pussy clamp down on itself as she shuddered to climax.

An emotional panic struck her so forcefully that Sandra became afraid of what she had gotten herself into. Strange combinations of guilt and fear and loneliness collided within her and she began to pry herself forcefully from beneath Allyson's body. Allyson was unsure of what had brought on this sudden attack of conscience but she found that even her quick reflexes were a little too slow to catch the woman turned rabbit. Sandra gathered her belongings at lightning speed and raced down the thinly marked trail, her bare feet whipping through harsh branches and underbrush. Allyson raced after her, bewildered by the sudden change of attitude.

Sandra's legs would not give out until she had reached the jungle floor. A small vine lacing over the pathway provided just enough snag to cause her to stumble and go sprawling forward into the muddy ground, her bare upper torso slapping into the soil. Sandra was not injured by any means, but she felt so unsure of herself, of who she was, that she found herself unable to get up. As her breathing slowed and her heartbeat returned to normal she realized how foolish she had been. Something about the passion of the moment on top of the hillside had set her off. But the cool jungle floor helped restore a hint of sanity to her and allowed her a chance to analyze her reaction. It was bizarre even by her standards and she was unsure if she could face Allyson again. Seconds later, the soft thud of feet across the moist ground would tell her that she was about to have the opportunity.

Allyson came to a skidding halt beside the sprawled form of her briefly sexual partner. Sandra was sitting on the jungle floor, splayed out like a fallen leaf: her legs, arms, naked chest, and face all covered in dark black splotches of dirt. There were lighter streaks that hinted at recent tears, but that was not enough to stop Allyson's reaction. She doubled over laughing. A joyful peal of laughter tore from her entirely nude body and spilled off of tree trunks and brush. Sandra stared up at her, stunned by the seeming insensitivity, before she too realized the bizarreness of her appearance. Then her softer more delicate laughter tumbled into the mix. Allyson sunk down into the dirt beside Sandra, ignoring the dirt that seeped up her backside.

Sandra grew more playful as the uncontrollable laughter continued to escape her efforts to cease. She grabbed a slimy handful of mud and splatted it right on Allyson's chest. For a moment the wealthy woman stared up in surprise than she threw a clump right back. Within seconds, dirt was flying between the two women as they wrestled around on the jungle floor, quickly becoming as dark as the ground in which they rolled. Sandra gained the upper hand as she grabbed Allyson's wrists and rolled atop her. Peering down at the attractive, albeit dirty, woman pinned beneath her, Sandra suddenly lost interest in laughing any more. Her mud covered head ducked down quickly her lips tapping Allyson's before she beat a hasty retreat. An equally surprised Allyson stared up at her, before lurching her body back on top, where she had last been abandoned.

This time Sandra knew she had no intention of fleeing into the rainforest. There was something about being covered in mud beneath a gorgeous naked woman that just screamed once in a lifetime opportunity and she recognized it for what it was. With her arms still pinned beneath Allyson she darted forward, hoping for another kiss. Allyson's head quickly retreated to a safe distance before bobbing back within reach. This game played for a little while until Allyson grew tired.

She slipped her knees down over Sandra's elbows, firmly burying them three inches deep in the mud. A playfully trapped Sandra tried squirming for freedom once more but she found herself unable to escape. Allyson reared up and slid her dirty pussy into place just over Sandra's face. She hovered there, one hand buried in the brunette's hair, until Sandra offered no more resistance, playful or otherwise. Then with a handful of hair, she guided her toy's pink lips up to her pussy. Sandra was too horny by now to care if it was covered in dirty tropical soil or not. Her tongue quickly wiped it clean of any extra soil as it raced over its folds. The first few licks were accompanied by momentary head turns and spits, before it returned full time to its passionate meeting with Allyson's cunny. Allyson rolled her hips over Sandra's mouth, riding her face like it was a well trained animal.

Sandra's tongue did only what it remembered it enjoyed. It delicately dug into her twat, pressing the soft pink folds to the side as it explored deeper and deeper. Once it was burrowed satisfactorily in the sweet wet tunnel it began to flip and twitch over the various sensitive walls. Allyson's rocking increased in pace as Sandra skillfully worked her oral muscle over her pussy. Her right hand kept Sandra's face buried in her crotch as she leaned back and snaked a hand beneath the now black set of bikini bottoms. Dirty fingers found a clean and hungry twat to plunge into. Sandra added moans and vocal vibrations to the stimulation she was giving her rider as the long digits pressed deeper into her need. Her hips bucked up against the curve of the fingers' thrust as they delved within her. Sandra's mouth was working overtime as she sought to let out primal cries of pleasure and bring pleasure to Allyson.

Allyson's breasts bounced as she rocked back and forth atop Sandra's mouth. The little tongue within her was now fucking in and out. Its stroke was firm and precise and the heavy texture of Sandra's taste buds was exquisite. Allyson was unable to refrain from filling her desire to return the favor for any longer. Her legs quickly shifted from their current position atop Sandra's arms and twisted as she spun until the two women were locked in a sixty-nine position. Sandra knew exactly what was being asked of her and Allyson would have provided plenty of clues if she had waited a moment longer. Sandra dug her hands once more into the firm naked ass of her lover and pulled her head back into her crotch. Her tongue continued its eager fucking as Allyson fished her bottoms off out of sight. Sandra soon felt the naked caress of air on her clean shaven pussy lips as the bottoms disappeared into the jungle. She had the sensation of hair trailing down her ticklish inner thighs before it pooled in her crotch.

Then came the sudden and intense pleasure of penetration. Allyson's fingers once again furrowed deep into her pussy. They had a new maximum depth in the recently formed position and they took full advantage. The fingers stood straight out as they hammered in and out of Sandra's pussy, her light pink center a stark contrast from the surrounding soil that reached the peak of her thighs. Taking that as a cue, Sandra returned the favor, two of her own fingers pressing into the tight embrace of Allyson's twat. Her tongue continued its dance around the new intruders upon the game. The tongue lapped over the sensitive nub which guarded the entrance to the delightful blossom. Allyson picked up on this new game as well, and soon her tongue joined the double digits already buried in Sandra's twats. The two women played at this intense game with each other's bodies and lust for another five minutes.

As the game neared its close, with both women quickly losing their ability to hold back any longer, the jungle filled with the foreign noises of their lovemaking. Sandra decided to throw her partner a curve ball and slipped a finger on her remaining hand into Allyson's asshole. The small rosebud quickly accepted the moist digit and then clamped down. Allyson's head abandoned its position between Sandra's thighs and she cried out into the jungle as her orgasm steamrolled her. Her backside humped back onto the intruding fingers in her pussy and twat and squirmed over Sandra's mouth. Any dirt which was pressed inward with Sandra was quickly expelled as her pussy gushed with new juices. Her hands continued to thrust in and out of the younger woman's body but it was instinctive and unfocused.

When Allyson was capable or regaining control of her own body she went after Sandra's with an avaricious appetite. Her tongue formed long full strokes around the entirety of her labia as her fingers ravaged her twat. Allyson continued to grind her pussy into Sandra's face as she worked her hands and mouth to their maximum. A few extra flicks of her tongue over her clit set Sandra off. Her body brimmed with waves of pleasure as her pussy attached itself to Allyson's fingers and sought to trap them within it. Her orgasm was just as powerful as her partner's and when it was finished she felt as if she were paralyzed beneath the leafy canopy above. The women would lay in their particularly dirty embrace for five minutes until they managed to separate themselves from each other. Then they cuddled in the dirty trail until enough time had passed for them to regain their energy.

Shortly before the trail left town, a small waterfall flowed just off the beaten path. The two women did not reconvene their embraces and caresses until they had slipped beneath its cleansing flow. Their hands worked to clean the other's body and their tongues danced in a passionate and seemingly natural way. Soon their skin was free from mud and soil beneath the waning moments of sunshine. Their clothes got a similar treatment until they were at least semi-presentable. Allyson and Sandra shared one last kiss before dressing and slipping the rest of the way down the hillside.

Simone had been waiting near the trail for the two women to reappear. She could tell by their mannerisms that Allyson had the opportunity to sample Sandra's wares and vice versa. She found herself lightly tinged with jealousy and called out for them when they were still a good distance away. The familiar shout had the desired effect and they walked farther away from each other than before. Simone thought that perhaps she now had an upper hand on Allyson that she may eventually be able to work to her advantage. That would be a route taken later. The three women worked their way through town towards the raft which would carry them back to the yacht.

Sandra was slightly disappointed that they would be returning to the closer quarters of the yacht. She desperately wanted to taste Allyson's pussy beneath the steady rain of the showerhead and then in an actual bed. She was also hungry for some toys. She had detected some sort of sexual tension between Simone and Allyson and was certain that there were some more interesting aspects to it then normal. But her throbbing pussy would have to wait. Simone stopped them outside of a hotel and yelled up at a top floor window for Ryan and Alexis. Sandra was a bit curious about the arrangement but quickly dismissed anything deeper than precursory thoughts.

Upstairs, Ryan and Alexis were in the shower, ignorant of those waiting outside the hotel for them. They were now quite familiar with one another's body and Alexis was working on mastering a new sexual art form. In the ancient bathing enclosure she kneeled as the semi cool water poured over she and her brother's form. Her hands were nervously tracing up and down Ryan's thighs as she watched his dick grow and unfurl before her. She was partially amused and partially intimidated as inch after inch of cock crept out from its recesses until it stood proudly in her face. Her innocent eyes flashed upwards to Ryan's eagerly anticipating face. Then one hand reached out and clasped the cock at the base and her mouth opened as she leaned in.

Ryan hissed loudly as his sister's mouth engulfed the broad head of his penis. He was certain from the tight enclosure of her lips just beyond the flare of his phallus that she was filled. Her tongue caught him off guard as it traced up the tip of his cock and then slipped to its underside. It would swirl around the penis rhythmically as its inexperienced owner sampled untested territory.

Ryan watched as the dark brown hair distanced itself from his cock and the cold water once again splashed onto its head. Then the warm embrace of Alexis' mouth returned and this time it pressed bravely deeper over his length. Ryan was surprised to see three inches of his cock disappear into her mouth. After a brief period of acclimation, Alexis began to bob her head up and down on the lightning rod of heat which filled her mouth. Her free hand was buried between her parted thighs and she found herself stimulated immensely by the sexual devotion this act proclaimed. Ryan's hips were gently rocking the cock deeper into her mouth and she was eagerly taking as much as possible into it. Her tongue was firmly trapped beneath the intrusion his shaft represented, but Ryan did not need it to be moving to enjoy it. Alexis found herself wanting to grin, but unable to, as she watched her brother's thighs shudder as he pressed himself farther and farther into the tight embrace of her mouth.

Minutes later his cock would explode, almost unpredicted but for a small rolling spasm at its base. Alexis was completely unprepared for the eruption of fluid into her mouth. She had experienced its potential volume as his cum had continued to seep from her pussy for almost the entire day following multiple sexual encounters. She swallowed gulp after gulp of the sticky hot juice, her mouth filling with a salty aftertaste as it flowed down her throat. Ryan continued to drive his cock in and out of her mouth, his thrusts spilling fluid down her chin and to her breasts where it would linger momentarily before the shower rinsed it down the drain. Alexis licked the remaining pearls of the fluid from her lips and the tip of his cock before rising to meet him in a tight embrace. Ryan was grinning like a kid after Christmas morning, having found a delightful new toy. She ruffled his hair momentarily before she stepped into the humid air of their room.

She was toweling her hair when she heard a knocking at the door and she carefully opened it, Ryan still in the shower, and saw Simone standing in the hallway.

"Hurry your butt up. Your mom and Allyson are outside and if you keep them waiting any longer she is bound to come up here," the thin beauty demanded.

That little piece of news was enough to put Alexis into action and she raced to pull her lover from the shower. Ryan also responded to the threat of impending damnation quickly. The siblings were dressed and dried within three minutes and hastily running downstairs. Ryan gave Alexis one last squeeze of the hand before they stepped into the street and into the line of sight of their mother.

"Hey Mom," he greeted her. "How was your day?"

Sandra did a little double take mentally as she pondered telling her son that she and Allyson had just finished eating each other out until they were melting in each other's arms. But she said responded with a "Great, how was yours?"

Ryan had a similar thought run through his head, but only with his sister's hot virgin pussy instead of Allyson. "Mine was great too. I hardly want to leave!"

"Me too. Let's get going before the sun completely goes down and we're stuck here."

The happy party was full of secrets as they retreated down the path they had advanced upon earlier in the day. But with just over two weeks to go, there were plenty of secrets to be revealed and new ones to be made.The following day, there was a tension that persisted throughout the atmosphere aboard the luxurious yacht. Sandra had been trying to slip away with Allyson the whole afternoon, and Ryan and Alexis had been trying to inconspicuously reassure one another about their previous day's activities. Simone and Allyson were the only ones who fully understood the reasons behind everyone's edginess. Allyson was not quite ready to try and bring Sandra round to the idea of her son as a sexual partner and wanted to have another go at the mother's pussy before turning her over. She called Simone to the bridge to arrange for some alone time.

When the young woman entered the doorway, Allyson quickly gave her the instructions.

"I need you to take Ryan and Alexis diving. They seem to want the opportunity to be alone and I want Alexis to be more open to the idea of having another woman around during their escapades. Take them scuba diving, but go without the wet suits. Show them the sights. That is all."

Simone was a little angered about being so quickly dismissed. Despite her subservient role in the relationship with the older woman, she still felt more than a bit of ownership towards her. And she had been less than thrilled when she had been told that Sandra had been the recipient of Allyson's tongue lashings. And now she was to baby sit the fucking siblings while Allyson took advantage of their mother. She paused momentarily, thinking of offering some word of challenge to the plan, but her resistance folded before it even began.

She returned to deck and relayed the information to the family. Ryan and Alexis both shared a knowing glance before responding in the affirmative. Sandra felt her stomach do a nervous back flip as she realized she would once again be alone with the woman who had pleasured her the day before. Some part of her wanted to resist the excitement which filled her stomach, but it was weak and could not battle the natural urge of her pussy.

Ryan and Alexis had slipped below decks to gather the scuba gear when Simone reminded them to administer the injection prior to diving. The young couple shared the same glance that they had above the deck and retreated to the cabin. Alexis entered first and held the door for her younger brother. Once he was inside, she pressed the door shut and coyly leaned against the door. Ryan's body crushed into hers and his hand hastily roamed over the many curves it had longed for throughout the night. The couple broke apart seconds later and Alexis flung herself face first on the bed.

She wiggled her hips suggestively as she unnecessarily pulled her bathing suit bottoms down. With her ass raised in the air, she waited for her brother's touch. Alexis would not have to wait long for Ryan. Standing by her side, Ryan slipped one hand between her thighs while the other prepped the needle. Alexis hissed as she felt the caress of his fingers against her naked pussy. They gently stroked over her sensitive outer lips in a slow circular motion. The sensation was so enticing she did not even feel the needle press into her skin and deposit its load into her tissue. She did notice however when the fingers abandoned their teasing approach and she was left with her ass in the air and a very warm sensation emanating from between her legs.

Frustrated she rolled over onto her side as she fished her bikini bottoms back up. "Jerk," she muttered for Ryan's benefit. He gave her his cute lopsided grin and licked his fingers clean. Then he pulled her from the bed, a noticeable tent in his shorts. Together they nonchalantly returned to deck. Their mother was no where to be seen and Simone was waiting for them off the rear of the yacht.

Alexis was a little peeved to see that Simone was wearing a very revealing white bikini that was really more string then fabric. She let her body language do the talking for her as the scuba tank was hoisted onto her back and Simone covered the basics of diving once more for their benefit. Then the siblings and their escort slipped beneath the waves into the silent alien world of the ocean.

Ryan's erection would fade as they swam deeper into the clear water. They were still not far from the island and were anchored over a shelf that extended from the island's base. They were down about fifteen feet when they first saw the beautiful dark blots of the coral reef beneath them. Alexis whirled to her brother, one hand frantically pointing at was already obvious. The world beneath the waves was entirely foreign to the one above it. Strange and beautiful fish swam amongst the abstract growths of reef and sea life. For a while the trio forgot the other desires they had hoped for and enjoyed the uniqueness of this new frontier.

Their path took them back towards the boat and soon the party found the anchor and its chain as it shot from the sandy floor towards the glistening azure of the world above. Alexis grabbed onto the chain and with a hearty kick of her fins, pushed her body in a looping circle around it. When she came round, she ran into Ryan's chiseled form, lazily kicking beside her.

The brother and sister's bodies pressed to one another as a single hand extended from each of them to the anchor chain. The other hand had more interesting things to hold onto. Ryan's hand slipped behind his sister and inside of her bathing suit. Alexis found her crotch pressed to his, as his hand caressed her buttocks for the second time that day. Her own hands waved in the water, slowly, as she kept herself at the same height as her brother.

Ryan pulled his sister as close as possible and pressed his hand farther down into her bathing suit, his fingers feeling for the familiar hole which longed for them. Alexis moved just higher than him with a small flutter of her fins and his fingers slipped into the warmth of her opening. Alexis's arms wrapped around the back of his head and pulled his mask to her chest as his fingers churned within her. Her legs now hung limply in the salt water as the small extremities of his hand twisted inside her.

Ryan was not in a patient mood and wanted his sister's warmth on his penis and not on his hand. Once he was certain that she was wet and wanting he worked to pull his shorts down beneath his balls. Alexis caught the motion and walked herself back down the chain with her hands until his penis was trapped between her thighs. Ryan's hands pulled the bikini bottoms to the side and gave his phallus the opportunity it needed to hit home. For a moment the dark red of his tip and the light pink of her pussy stood out against the light blue of the water and sand beneath them. Then the tip disappeared into her body and the brother and sister were united in body once again.

Everything was slowed underwater. Ryan's strong urgent thrusts were slow and patient. Alexis' twisting hips proved to only be softly gyrating. The world shut out all sensory experiences but for the echoing water's embrace and the exploration of Ryan's cock within Alexis' pussy. The young couple braced themselves against the chain as they tried to fight the water's subtle strength and truly enjoy the freedom of passionate sex. Alexis' pussy was much warmer than the surrounding water and that became the focus of Ryan's mind- the return to the heat of her clutching walls. The same was true for his sister, her mind could only focus on the heated burrowing of his length within her.

Below them near the ocean floor, a jealous and highly aroused Simone circled. The two young people above her had been completely ignorant of her presence from the moment their skin made contact. Now she was the unwanted voyeur. The part about being unwanted bothered her; Allyson had dismissed her and Ryan had ignored her. The voyeurism and the strange ethereal effect of the water was profoundly arousing. Now she swam around the chain like a predator, her gaze never faltering from the union of the siblings' intercourse. From ten feet below she could make out the slow wave like rock of Ryan's balls against his sister's thighs and the disappearing of his white shaft into her pink depths.

It did not take a great deal of time for Simone's body to demand treatment of its own needs. She returned to the chain to which the brother and sister clung, wrapping her own thighs around the heavy metal links and pressing her body into its stiffness. Her pussy ground into the cold steel surface, the flat portion of a single link tracing her pussy lips through her bathing suit before another would slip into place. Her labia embraced the rough chain between it and soon her hips were jerking quickly over it. From her new vantage point even more details of the siblings were available and she devoured each of them.

The young brother and sister soon discovered that pleasure was most readily achievable if their movements were less pronounced and more focused in the region where penis and vagina met. Alexis' hips cycloned in the water as Ryan rocked his penis in and out of his sister's twat. The swirling motion of her pussy on his cock was intensely arousing as pressure would become pronounced in one area and then in another. Some form of suction had come into being within Alexis' channel as a small bit of air fought the invading force of Ryan's phallus and the salt water it brought with each thrust.

Ryan came first this time, his semen spewing volcanically into his sister's womb. Load after load of his body's liquor squirted forth. The addition of this new liquid heat would bring Alexis to join him beneath the waves, their embrace tighter than ever before as their bodies celebrated their sexual union. The water around them warmed at the sudden introduction of Alexis' fluid to the environment and they relaxed in the bath of their own creation.

Simone had reached her own orgasm at that moment. It had not come until she had seen the spreading halo of Alexis' juices in the water above her. The new mixture of fluid to the salt water filtered light differently then the rest, and some form of sanctimonious ring appeared around the meeting of their sexes. The cold unfeeling touch of her chain link lover would bring her to the point she had longed for, and soon she was wandering in a black and familiar world of sexual delight.

Ryan and Alexis realized that they had been observed and enjoyed by their guide from their position above the sea floor. Alexis had arched one eyebrow and her cheeks had pulled back in an attempt at a smile within the diving gear. Simone was on the outside now and she possessed Ryan solely. That added another warm and fuzzy sensation to her already fluttering stomach. Sweet victory.

Above them another sexual meeting was in process. As soon as the divers had flipped overboard, Sandra stripped naked and boldly strode up the cool hallway to the bridge. The short walk gave her the brief opportunity to evaluate what she was doing and who she was becoming. But the ability she had to arouse Allyson was an intoxicating strength, and one she wanted to revel in once more.

Her large breasts bounced with every step as she padded eagerly towards her destination. The air condition circulated cold, pure oxygen all around her body and it helped to bring down the heat which had been flaring up within her. Her nipples stood proudly from her chest as she mounted the last steps and pushed open the door. Her goal sat facing away from her, staring out into the horizon. Sandra waited for a moment for Allyson to turn upon her entrance, but no reaction was apparent. She walked closer and closer, waiting for her partner to turn upon her and ravish her. But nothing happened. Finally she stood directly behind Allyson, her pussy soaking and body aching for her lover's touch. When Allyson still did not respond, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

She leaned into the back of Allyson's chair and slid her palms down to the woman's breasts. She caressed them for a moment before she came to a startling realization. Allyson wasn't breathing!

Sandra panicked and spun the chair back towards her. Allyson's head slumped backwards but a ruby red hole in her forehead dripped a crimson liquid down her pale and lifeless skin. Sandra's hand went to her mouth and she let out a scream of terror, whirling on what she had thought was an empty room.

Two men leaned against the bulkhead behind her, a snarl on their face. They had obviously enjoyed Sandra's little show, their erections apparent in their pants. Sandra stumbled backwards into the controls as they moved towards her. One was tall and the other was shorter and stockier. The tall man was with long unkempt black hair and a deep tan that was natural to his genetics. A bright red scar pulled his mouth back into a perpetual sneer. It traced from the corner of his lips to the bottom of his ear. The short of the two was heavily built, thick cords of muscles layered upon more muscle. He was shorter than Sandra and his completely shaven head and face glowed beneath the bright cabin lights. They were both covered in grime and grease and wore pistols on their hips with a nonchalant swagger.

Sandra found herself stuck. There was no where for her to go as the two murderers approached. They conversed amongst themselves in a strange foreign language that she could not understand. It sounded similar to Spanish, but not quite the same to her untrained ear. The taller man's long limb reached out and grabbed for one of her wrists. She pulled away and slapped at his hand. In return he pelted her across the side of her head. Sandra whimpered as the long fingers curled once more around her wrist with a steely grip and pulled her to her feet.

The tall man appreciatively eyed the capture they had made. He had not wanted to kill the captain, but she had pushed too many of his little friends buttons. His partner had a tendency to violent outbursts and she had suffered from one of them. He was glad to discover that the captain was not the only beautiful woman on the ship. Now they had an attractive tourista with a great figure to play with before they stripped the yacht and sunk it.

Sandra watched their eyes as they traced over her cleavage and her crossed legs, pondering the possibilities of what she hid there. They were not patient men and soon she would give it to them. The shorter one turned her around and pushed her face down onto the communications panel. Sandra clung to the strange knobs and cold instruments as a gun barrel pressed into the base of her neck. The two men began their journey over he body there.

Two different hands found their way to her ass cheeks. They petted and scratched, pinched and squeezed every available inch of her well toned buttocks. Then the taller man's long fingers found their way into her pussy. His first contact brought a string of foreign exclamations which she did not understand. The other man's stubby fingers replaced the tall man's on her lips.

The two robbers and murderers were excited to discover that the American woman was wet. Very wet. Obviously she had been hoping for a moment with her lesbian captain and had not been prepared for them. Both men were quite eager to take advantage of that. Sandra felt the long man's pointer finger began to stroke and rub over her aroused pussy. She shuddered as she felt her body respond to the touch of the hand guilty of killing Allyson. The finger pressed into her opening and dug a little deeper, up to a single knuckle. Finding her center wetter and hotter than the exterior lips, he continued deeper.

Soon Sandra found herself the victim of a vigorous finger fucking. She knew the lecherous men would find her body's depths very hot and inviting and she could feel the pleasure beginning to struggle to overcome the terror which was currently foremost in her mind. The stubby man's little fingers swatted aside his partner's and two of the fat digits pressed into her opening. The stretching sensation of being filled made Sandra's hips squirm and the criminals correctly took it as encouragement. The fat man forcefully shoved the fingers into their full length, admiring his dirty dark skin's contrast to her pink clean pussy. He drilled his fingers back and forth, twisting against her pussy's sensitive walls. The jerky circular motions of his fingers brought out another shudder from Sandra.

She was tired of this, tired of being molested, tired of enjoying it and she tried to push up off the control board. The pistol butt descended on one of her shoulders causing her to cry out in pain. She slumped back down, beaten and scared.

The two men had grown tired of toying with their fingers. They really didn't care whether or not Sandra enjoyed it. The sex was all for them. Sandra heard them unzip through a hazy numbness which had overtaken her conscious mind. Within seconds, she felt the first broad head of one of the men's cocks press against her lips. The man leaned into her, pushing past any initial resistance and paused to savor the tight grip of the unwilling pussy. His desire to linger would not last long and soon Sandra was being pummeled into the console of the bridge's communication equipment. Through a haze of tears she could see the dirty blue t-shirt of the taller man.

Like him, his penis was long and slender and slightly misshapen. In her already sensitive and aroused state, Sandra could do little to fight the sensations of pleasure which filled her crotch. Her wetness was evidenced in the slurping noise her cunt made around the man's cock as he neared the back of his strokes. She closed her eyes and tried to block the feelings out but the stimulation and the left over wanton lust proved impossible to restrain. The man was almost hitting her spot, but was just missing it each time.

Sandra wanted him to fuck her, but she did not want him to know it. In an instinctive move she tried to squirm away and found in doing so, that his long rod would hammer home on the most sensitive of her interior walls. Little explosions of pleasure would respond to each brush of his head against her G-spot. So she squirmed again and again. The man could tell that she was faking trying to get away. If she had really been putting up a fight she could have hurt him, but her upper body remained still and only her ass and hips shifted around.

He also could sense the growing spasms within her pussy and could feel the moisture beginning to accumulate over the surface of his cock and on his balls when they slapped into her labia. The other man was cheering him on, while stroking a short but very wide cock. He would soon be ready to join in the fray, but was still getting used to the idea of having a chance to take such a beautiful foreigner for a ride. The taller man with the long cock gripped her hips more firmly as he felt himself nearing his orgasm. He let out a shuddering groan as he came in her pussy, his dirty seed filling her. It had been a long time since his last go round with anything other than his hand and the repeated bursts of his fluid evidenced that quite aptly.

Sandra was disappointed that he had reached his limit so quickly, despite the trepidation she felt of being trapped with the men. If she was going to die, she wanted to at least die pleasurably. The short man had finished waiting and his ape-like arms grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head into his lap. He had taken a seat in the chair beside Allyson's dead body, his cock protruding five inches over a heavily haired crotch.

Sandra gagged at the smell and taste of his cock as her mouth was forced down over its wide circumference. The dick was not too long, but was much wider than normal, and her jaw was painfully stretched. The man fucked her mouth, his hips driving forward and his hand pressing down on her head. His short legs braced against the metal foot rests of the chair as he pummeled the head of his penis into her orifice. Sandra felt the effects of her fucking and arousal wearing off as the semen cooled within her, and the second rapist grew more violent and urgent in his treatment of her. He yelled at her, his words indecipherable to her, and slapped her on the back of her head. The hit jammed her mouth down to the base of his cock and put a thatch of hair inside her lips. By the time she withdrew slightly, she had the dirty taste of unwashed cock mingling with loose pubic hair.

The short man would not last much longer than his partner; strange swear words and exclamations echoing into the room as he spurted his heavy bursts of fluid into her throat. Sandra gagged as it poured into the depths and her face was once more pressed down to his cock's base. She couldn't breath, except to inhale more of the man's semen and its heavy salt flavor made her want to vomit. That was when she heard Ryan's alarmed cry.

The younger group had returned to the surface of the water about ten minutes after Ryan and Alexis had concluded their intercourse. Oxygen had been running low and everyone was eager to get back into the sunshine. Ryan had been slightly worried when he saw the small rundown motor boat tied to the side of the yacht. Simone's reaction had worried him even more.

"Ryan, Alexis, quietly swim here now," she had hissed.

The siblings had obeyed and had listened fearfully as she had detailed what she thought was going on.

"I think we're being hijacked. At least the yacht is. Its not uncommon in these parts for robbers and thieves to steal and strip private boats like ours. I'm worried because they don't tend to be friendly towards passengers. And your mom and Allyson are on board."

"What do we do," Ryan had asked.

"Alexis, you stay in the water. Hide near the rear, just beneath the diving shelf. Stay away from the engines in case they start up. Don't come up, unless Ryan or I come and get you."

Alexis tried objecting, not wanting to leave her lover's side.

"No sis. You can't come. We don't know what these people want or what will happen. Stay here and we'll come get you as soon as mom and Allyson are safe. Okay?"

The forlorn young woman splashed at the water, before her head gave a small nod of acceptance. Ryan pulled his sister close, their lips locking together briefly. He muttered a small, "I love you", before pulling himself up onto the rear deck of the yacht.

Allyson and Ryan removed the gear as quietly as possible and stored it just to the side of the exit of the main cabin of the yacht. It was out of sight and would not be obvious to someone unfamiliar with the ship. The two very worried and anxious individuals slipped into the interior of the yacht. Their progress was swift. They first arrived at the passenger's room and Ryan was slightly put off to discover his mother's bathing suit and clothing discarded carelessly on the floor. More worried then ever they moved towards the bridge. Ryan led the way, being the brave young man, as they crept towards the slightly ajar door.

But when he saw his mother, her head forcefully buried in a dirty fuck's crotch, he could not resist the urge to cry out. He did not see the third person in the room until it was too late. A tall darkly skinned native spun into the doorway, his pants around his ankles. Ryan was caught first by the dirty penis covered in fluids from a recent sexual encounter, and secondly by the large hand gun pointed at his face. Hating his stupidity he raised his hands into the air and was yanked into the room. Simone followed shortly afterwards.

Ryan had the momentary thought that this was part of Allyson's plan, until he saw her pale skin and the single dark hole in her forehead. There was no way that was staged. More petrified then ever, he slid up against the far wall with Simone beside him.

Ryan's naked mother was soon thrown to the floor at her son's feet. She had been well used by the men, but the introduction of the two new individuals had inspired them once more. The tall man already had another erection as he eyed Simone's small nubile frame. She looked almost like a child, with her small firm breasts and her slender hips. The man was stroking his penis lazily as he held the gun over the party. Soon the shorter man stood beside him and they hastily spoke together in their native language. Some agreement was quickly reached.

One of the men questioned Simone, having noticed her apparent understanding of their tongue. Simone nodded to the men and interpreted for Ryan and Sandra's benefit.

"They are from another island. It is much poorer so they rob often. I don't think their intentions are good. They told me to tell you that your mother is very good at sucking cock." Sandra cringed as she heard the information relayed to her only son. She was trying as best as she could to cover herself in her presence, but there really was no place she could hide from the eyes of everyone.

One of the men shouted, waving his gun threateningly. "He wants you to put your hands at your side," Simone explained.

"Please, no, he's my son. Please not now. I'll do anything, just not in front of my son," Sandra pleaded.

Simone interpreted for their captors. Sandra's begging only brought cruel laughter and more discussion between the two men. One of them questioned Simone about something. Her answer sent the short one scurrying to a file cabinet on the far side of the bridge. He dug in the drawer momentarily till he came up with zip ties and some rope. Simone looked at the floor, knowing what was coming next.

One of the captors kept a gun trained on them, its black barrel wavering from one to the other. The short man approached Ryan and yanked his arms behind his back. Three of the zip ties were tightly slipped into position around his wrists, securing them together. The man then needlessly hammered the pistol but into his head, dropping the eighteen year old to the floor. Sandra flew to his side, but the stocky man grabbed her by her hair and drug him away from her son's crumpled form.

Ryan looked up through bleary eyes as her mother was dragged back to the chair she had first been bent over when he had entered the room. The other man yelled to Simone and she dutifully paced towards him, her head down. Ryan tried pushing himself to his feet but the gun quickly aimed back towards him. He slumped back to the ground, his bound hands pressing against the side of his head.

The men kept the guns tightly wound in their hands, but their eyes were focused on the women before them. Another shouted command and Simone unlaced her bikini top and let it fall to the ground. A well practiced submissive, she did not even falter when she undid her bottoms. Inside of her there was a deep rage at the simplicity with she acted. She wished she would be as resistant as Sandra was.

For the second time in the afternoon, Sandra found herself bent over the console. This time, the short stocky man wanted to have his way inside of her. His wide penis slid easily into her hole. The width tried her vagina's flexibility a bit, but it quickly adjusted. Sandra was no longer as aroused and horny as she had been earlier, so she just lay across the hard plastic controls as the man eagerly fucked into her body. In and out, in and out, she seesawed. Sandra could feel the cold touch of steel against her thigh as the short fat prick buried himself within her. Sandra was grateful when she felt the sudden wash of molten liquid within her. The man had ejaculated quickly inside of her.

Her task was not quite finished however. Once again, she was forced to her knees before his penis and once again she was forced to lick the dirty little appendage clean. The softening prick was easier to handle then before, but it still tasted just as terrible. A mixture of the two men's come and her own vaginal secretions filled her mouth and nostrils. Sandra remembered her taste from Allyson, and she found herself on the verge of tears.

Simone was faring no better than Ryan's mother. The taller man had turned the stool around, facing towards the young man and had bent her over it. Simone heard the sound of him spitting in his hand and felt the momentary brush of his penis head over her butt cheeks. She knew what would come next. Allyson had teased her anally on repeated occasion, but she had never had anything the size of the man's cock put there. Trying to control her emotions, Simone focused on relaxing the delicate muscle in her backside as the long dick begin to penetrate.

Her anus let the head in with a small pop, but the tall pirate had to twist his hips a little to drive the rest of his length into her hole. Once he had satisfied himself with reaching her depths, he begin to pummel the penis in and out of her. Simone's relaxation evaporated as the rod rudely drove in and out of her asshole with little lubrication. She let out small grunts and gasps of pain as the man would reach maximum penetration. The cock seemed to reach into her stomach and she felt some pain there.

She tried to keep her eyes close as the long slender dick drove into her body over and over again, taking her in a way she would never have considered or offered. The pain only magnified when the man's free hand begin to rhythmically slap her ass cheeks. She could see the long fingers and red palm as it raised in the hair and came whooshing back down again. Simone's muscles began to shake from the stress she was under and her head dropped to the seat as her fingers dug into the chair back. How she wished it would end.

The pirate was loving the tightness and pull of the young woman's asshole. It was a rare opportunity to fuck such a pretty girl, but even more rare to be able to screw her in the ass. His long slender cock was built for ass fucking. It filled the tighter hole completely and its length reached uncharted depths. The sensation of having control and of being in power over their captives was too arousing. As he watched the young lady slump into the chair, her ass cheeks burning red, he knew he had beaten her. His cock rejoiced with him as it unloaded the second of its burdens that day. His balls skipped a beat as his jizz exploded into her bowels.

Simone groaned as the liquid entered her stomach the wrong way. She was in significant discomfort and her backside ached terribly from the slaps. But it was over and she was grateful for that at least. Once the man was done coming he spun her around and shoved her to the floor, away from him. His partner was still being serviced orally by Ryan's mom, but it was more for cleaning than arousal. Sandra was crying once again as she wondered about her fate. The one glimmer of hope was that Alexis had not been captured. She feared what they would force her to submit to if they had access to her young lithe body.

Above her bent head, the stocky man began to chatter again. His hands were waving at something near Ryan, but Sandra dared not look. The tall man laughed heartily at whatever was said and yelled at Simone. Simone translated as ordered.

"Sandra. Sandra, they want you to look at Ryan."

Sandra did as told, but saw nothing more than her son curled against the wall, his knees to his chest. That was, at least, until the men yelled at him and waved the guns in his direction.

"Ryan they want you to lower your legs. They want you to show your mom what you have there." Ryan blushed furiously as his legs slid to the floor and his erection tented up in his shorts. Sandra felt a terrible sense of embarrassment as she realized her son was aroused by the blatant sexuality of their situation. Her matronly instinct explained it away as being a problem of his sex and of his age, but the societal instinct wanted to condemn him for his arousal by watching two women get raped- one of them his own mother.

She would turn to look back up at her captives when they burst into another excited chatter. Simone looked worriedly over at Ryan's mother, wondering how she would respond to their next request. "Sandra. They want you to. You know. With Ryan."

Sandra looked back at her, her mind not wanting to comprehend the suggestion.

"They want you to fuck your son, Sandra. They want you to let Ryan fuck you. They say they will kill us all if you don't."

Sandra stared from Simone back to her son's erection and then to his face. It looked like he was about to cry. How could she bring herself to service her own son? She couldn't. There was no way. She wouldn't.

Sandra turned back to the two men with an angry sneer on her face. "Never," she yelled. Immediately the guns left their resting place and aimed at her face. Sandra closed her eyes and accepted her fate. "Never," she said more quietly. She heard the guns click as a bullet entered the chamber. She wondered if this was how her life would end. Was this all there was?The answer came soon enough. A pair of loud gunshots echoed through the room and Sandra went deaf.

When she reopened them, she was surprised to find that she was still alive and that their captors were not. Simone was also just realizing that Ryan's mother had not been executed and that the men who had murdered her partner were.

A timid and shivering young woman stepped through the opening in the bulkhead and dropped a large semi-automatic pistol to the floor. The sound of a heavy metal object striking the metal of the floor was empty compared to the ringing still pulsing inside the heads of the living members of the yacht's passengers.

Alexis ran to her naked mother's side and embraced her. Ryan remained where he was, stunned and motionless, feeling more helpless then ever before in his short life. Moments ago he had thought that everything was going to end terribly. Now there was hope again, and his family was still complete.

It would take about half an hour of recovery before Simone managed to pull herself from Allyson's lifeless form. She shed nary a tear, but her heart was broken. Despite the intense sexuality of their relationship, there was an undeniable love for one another that often had taken second chair. Now those feelings could never be voiced. Allyson was dead.

The young American family dressed as they waited for the local police to arrive. When they did they quickly identified the two men as pirates and well known criminals. They were unable to help much with Allyson, only to recommend a local cabinet maker who occasionally built caskets. Late at night the remaining members of Allyson's party rowed to shore and carried the stiffening form of their captain to the local doctor who would do the necessary embalming and preservation for the long trip home. Ryan pried Simone, his first lover of the journey, from her partner's side and escorted her back to the hotel room they had rented for the evening.

No one slept, though everyone pretended too. The experience had been traumatizing and would be difficult to forget.

By mid-afternoon, the body had been safely prepared and hurried down to the yacht by a team of native workers. It and its coffin, a pinewood box, were stowed away beneath deck with the rest of the infrequently used cargo. An hour or so later, the passengers re-boarded and the long journey home began.

Ryan felt personally responsible for the tragedy. This vacation had been arranged so that his fantasies could be fulfilled. They had been halfway finished when it all came crashing down. Allyson would not have been out here if it were not for him. Now she was dead. Ryan stared off into the wake of the yacht as its engines pushed it out to see and towards home and the status quo.

Perhaps that is what bothered him most. Alexis had not even been by to see him since that night. She had avoided him and spent all her time with their mother and with Simone. It seemed as if the women had turned to each other for emotional support and had forgotten him. With another sigh, Ryan collapsed backwards into his deck chair and counted the minutes as they ticked by.

Ryan had not been forgotten by his sister. In fact, she was having a hard time keeping from thinking about him. She wanted to be with him right then, alone, screwing passionately without a care in the world. But things had changed and there were other issues which needed to be taken care of. The first of those was her mother. She had not eaten or slept in two days and was constantly crying. Half the time her body didn't even have the strength to sob or tear up. Instead she just rocked on the bed, her bloodshot eyes focused on the floor.

Alexis was determined to be there for her mother. Life had been tough and now the violence of the end of the vacation no doubt brought some sense of personal responsibility to Sandra's mind. Alexis would go to her side and stare there, constantly trying to reassure her mother that everything was okay, that they were safe now.

There was no way that Alexis could have known that her mother was not mourning from the abruptness and violence of Allyson's death. She was not traumatized by the action as much as she was by whom it was perpetrated against. Sandra had felt a new freedom since she had been with Allyson and had been on the verge of truly freeing herself from self-imposed restraints when she had discovered the murderers and her lover's body.

For hours she just stared at the floor, vaguely hearing her daughter's coos of sympathy and encouragement. She had to tell someone about she and Allyson's connection. But she was too afraid of Simone's own personal attachment to the woman to confide in her. With some suddenness, Sandra realized that her only confidante had to be her daughter.

She spoke in a broken pattern, her voice cut off by sobs and tears.

"Alexis- I miss Allyson. I really miss her. She was special."

"I know Mom. I really do, she was a wonderful lady and this trip was so perfect," Alexis answered.

"No, Alexis. Not like that. I miss her because. Well, because she helped set me free."

Once again Alexis answered, "I'm sorry Mom. She did that for a lot of us. She was so strong."

Sandra cut her daughter off. "She was strong and she was wonderful. But more than that I loved her. She and I, we made love the day you and your brother were in the city. We did it on a mountaintop and in the dirt and in a waterfall. I haven't been so happy since, well, forever."

Alexis' jaw dropped at her mother's statement and it was her turn to sink back to the bed. Allyson and her mother? Was her mother a lesbian? Was she bisexual? How could that have happened? Why would her mother do something like that? The questions raced through her mind at a steady pace, seemingly with no answers. But then she looked back up to her mother and saw her crying again and she knew that none of those questions mattered. Alexis pulled her mother's tear streaked face down to her bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry Mom. I had no idea. I'm so sorry," the nineteen year old sputtered. How she wished she could reassure her, make her feel free again.

Out of the deepest of loves for her mother, Alexis began to kiss across her mother's forehead. Her lips gently brushed across skin and tears. Over and over she kissed her, never pausing for a moment. It was not until she felt her lips meet her mother's and an electric shock raced through her that she stopped. Stunned, she leaned away from her mother and stared.

Sandra had not felt the urge come over her, but as kiss after kiss landed on her face, her mind turned to other desires. She wanted her daughter to understand what she and Allyson had shared. She needed her to understand it, or the chasm would never close. In some wild sensibility, it was logical to Sandra to kiss her oldest child as a lover. When Alexis recoiled in shock, Sandra was stung. In her unstable emotional state she made her next decision. She leaned back to her daughter, one hand drifting to the back of Alexis' neck and pulling her lips back to her own.

Alexis surrendered hesitantly to her mother's encouragement. She was willing to do anything and go anywhere to ensure that her mother was okay. The idea of incest had long ceased to be relevant in her mind and actions; her bouts with her brother had seen to that. Instead she found herself nervous and unsteady about the idea of kissing a woman.

At first the kisses were soft teasing caresses. The lips of the two women barely breezed over the others before they parted then darted closer once more. Their breath would linger on each other's faces as they taunted one another. Sandra would have enough first and would press her lips firmly to her daughter and slip her tongue inside her mouth. At first their tongues evaded one another, than they battled as the younger and older woman fought for supremacy.

Alexis' hands wandered to her mother's neckline and the edges of her bathrobe. They tugged with an inexperienced urgency at the soft terry cloth and pulled it from her shoulders. Once her mother's breasts were freed, Alexis' hands would hesitantly reach for them.

Sandra was too aroused and too emotionally charged to wait for inexperience. Her own hands would meet Alexis' and guide them to the tips of her breasts. She savored her daughter's dainty hands as they slowly stroked over her globes. Alexis's nails would drag across the underside of her breasts, causing her to gasp between kisses. Then Sandra needed more and she pulled her daughter down to the bed.

Sandra slid to the foot of the bed, crouched like a predator on the hunt. Alexis lay, her long hair splayed across the pillow and her stomach rising and falling steadily. She wanted her mother's touch to return; she wanted to feel the warmth of her body smothering hers. She wanted her breasts, and her ass, and her pussy, and her thighs, and her mouth. She wanted to belong to her mother, and her mother to belong to her.

Alexis would not have long to wait. Sandra crawled between the triangle formed by her daughter's legs and slid her hands the whole way. They traced from the tops of her knees, over the smooth blemish free skin of her daughter's youthful thighs, until they made contact with the edges of her bikini bottoms. Then gently she removed them, her mouth watering at the sight of smooth shaved skin and then glorious pink folds.

Once the bottoms were safely tossed to the floor, Sandra's hands returned once more to her daughter's thighs. They lazily stroked and jumped across the tan skin, inching their way towards the lighter color skin that had been covered moments before. Soon her hands would frame the joining of Alexis' hips to her pelvic bone and her thumbs would tease the sensitive areas closest to her center. Alexis' hands were beneath her own top now, tugging at her hidden nipples and squeezing the young full breasts it contained.

Alexis remembered the need that had filled her when she was with Ryan in the town square. Her center burned with the same torturous heat and her mouth went dry as it longed for more. Her hands continued their urgent journey over her own chest, filling a void that her mother's foreplay created. Her eyes would remain locked on the older woman who had given her the body she now possessed. Her deep brown eyes would never leave their focus on the full red lips inching their way towards her body.

Again, Sandra would dance her mouth and breath over eager flesh. Her tongue traced the inner edges of her daughter's thighs, retreating only when it neared Alexis' pink folds. Sandra could scent her daughter's excitement- the strong flavorful odor of desire. Her hands continued their haphazard race over Alexis' leg as Sandra fought to keep from surrendering to her need. Only when one of her own hands abandoned Alexis' thighs was it that she gave in. As her own fingers slipped between her lips, Sandra lowered her hair slowly to Alexis' pussy.

Alexis arched in the air, her grip clenching down on her tits as she felt the long thin strands of hair pile near her pussy and then the final delight of a mouth embracing her folds. Alexis writhed instantaneously as her mother's tongue pressed its way into her. She could feel it squirm into her folds, pressing the pink layers of skin aside as it sought her center.

"Oh God, Mom, yes! Please! More!"

Alexis was surprised to hear the urgency in her own cry, but forgot it as the tongue within her retreated then charged forward again. Sandra's spare hand staid its grip on Alexis' thigh as her other riveted itself into her twat. She was surprised by how wet her twat was upon her fingers entrance but savored the relief they brought. Naked beneath the cycling fan she pleasured herself as her tongue carried the delicious taste of her daughter's pussy to her mouth. By now, her daughter's legs were wrapped over her shoulders, their smooth surface weighing into her bare back.

Sandra looked up her daughter's body, over the hands still tucked within her top, and studied the face which cried out repeatedly in pleasure. Her daughter was beautiful, her features a striking blend of her own and her ex's best. Something within her mind was triggered by the preponderance of her role in Alexis' creation. This woman had been carried within her, and now she was smothering herself in her pussy. The irony and taboo was slightly striking then, but Sandra was not surprised by her body's trembling, explosive reaction. She had known that she was aroused by the thought the moment she had lowered her mouth to her daughter's pussy.

Sandra's thighs closed on the hand that divided them, trapping twitching fingers within her depths. Alexis was too caught up in her own world to realize her mother had orgasmed. The tongue darting in and out of her pussy was pushing her to the heights of sexual bliss. Then she was there. The sweet open expanse of sexual orgasm. Her mind went blank and her body acted on its own as juices flooded her thighs. Had her mother's open mouth not caught the fluid, she would have squirted all over the bed. But conveniently Sandra was there, and she was more then happy to slurp down the fluid.

Another cry of "Mommy yes" escaped Alexis' open mouth as she shuddered on the bed. Sandra would remain between her thighs, lapping the liquid which had escaped her mouth's enclosure. She savored the quieting of their sexual union- the time where orgasms fade and emotional attachment builds. She had never felt like she could touch her daughter's soul, until now. Now she knew that she mattered, that even as a mother, she was relevant and important.

Alexis was feeling the same thing, only experiencing the emotions from the standpoint of a young adult about to strike out on their own in the world. That, along with a mighty powerful orgasm, was the reward of what had just occurred. Alexis reached down, her hands cupping her mother's face and pulling her away from her leech like fixation with her pussy. She drew her up her body, their lips once again meeting. This time they shared the taste of the daughter's fluids and the symbolism of what they had just done.

Fifteen minutes later, Ryan would enter the bedroom, his tan skin feeling slightly stiff from the large amount of sun he had received. His mind and cock were triggered by the familiar scent of his lover's sex and he immediately focused on her. She lay in the bed with her bathing suit on, curled in a small ball beside their sleeping mother. Not daring to disturb them with his own need, he retreated once more to the deck in search of Simone.

But Simone was nowhere to be found on deck, or in the control room. Ryan assumed that she avoided it at all costs, much like the other passengers. The memories of the night's brutality were far too fresh to ignore and he found his erection fade with his own depression. Once again he retreated to the deck and angrily threw himself down into a deck chair. For the rest of the afternoon he would remain there, skulking at how life had wronged him and what a great injustice had occurred. Hours later Simone's thin shadow would drift over him and one of her cool hands would caress his shoulder.

"Ryan- we have some dinner ready. We're going to eat in the cabin, if that's okay. Whenever you want, come and get some." Simone turned to walk away, but paused one more time, "I'm sorry. It shouldn't have gone this way."

Ryan tried staying aloof and angry but only lasted a few more minutes before his growling stomach spurred him to action. He would be too angry to ogle the three beauties who sat cross-legged on the bed before him. Ryan ate quietly and quickly, scarfing down chips and a sandwich before he fled back to his retreat on deck.

Simone, even more than Ryan, felt alone. She had not been abandoned as he had. She did not have a lover with her any longer to comfort and be comforted by. She knew of Sandra and Alexis' sex inside the cabin. She had seen it on the video feeds, but she had watched thinking only of Allyson and her. Tiring quickly of the memories she had retreated to the cabin that she and her mistress had shared. Simone, in some misguided desire for the familiar, slipped her clothing from her body and lay spread eagled on the bed.

She bound her feet first and then her left wrist before she applied the final handcuff. Then Simone stared at the ceiling, softly crying, wishing someone was there to tell her what to do. It wasn't that she was helpless on her own- she had just felt safer and more complete when her mistress was there, guiding her every action.

The ship floated softly on the waves as night fell and the sun disappeared beneath the horizon. Despite the small size of quarters and private space, the passengers were all inexorably separated, except for the mother and daughter. Ryan would wait until the air began to chill before he slipped below decks and entered the cabin.

On the bed his mother lay, one arm draped over his sister's waist, both apparently deep in sleep. Ryan didn't want to sleep anywhere but in the bed, so he too joined the duo on the bed. He nestled in close to his sister's body, until their joints bent in the same way and their shapes mirrored each others.

He was about to drift to sleep when he felt a subtle brush against his hip bone. At first he thought his sister had stirred in her sleep, but when the hand fished for the edge of his shorts, he felt his heart begin to race. Thoughts of abandonment evaporated as the coy little digits crept their way through the darkness to his rapidly hardening cock. Then they took hold of the shaft and began to slowly stroke. Ryan fought off an onrushing groan as his prick danced to life. He feared waking his mother and revealing his sister and he's relationship.

Alexis tried to contain her smirk. She had sensed Ryan's frustrations about losing the rest of the vacation, about Allyson's death, and about not spending time with her. She had pretended to sleep until she was certain that her mother was truly out. Once she felt secure with it she had reached for her brother's length and begun to offer him her consolation prize.

The stroke was slow and steady, constant pressure surrounding a three inch area of his cock's surface. Alexis's hand would grip firmly at the base then gradually loosen as it slid upward, barely coming in contact with the ridge of his head. Ryan would rock his hips slightly in tune with her hands stroking, his eyes glazed over and staring into the blackness which covered them.

His sister's forearm was beginning to work into a tizzy of rapid strokes as her own desire and amusement grew in response to Ryan's enthusiastic response. Ryan could feel himself beginning to ride the steady upward wave towards climax when suddenly Alexis stopped. Ryan froze too, fearful that perhaps their mother had woken and spooked her. After a thirty second pause, the stroking picked up where it had left off.

Alexis had been delivered an unexpected surprise. At first she had thought her mother had woken or stirred in her sleep when her hand had slipped to the small of her back. That notion had changed when she felt the hand slip into her bikini bottoms and began to slid over her ass towards the cleft above her thighs. Its incessant downward journey would not end until two fingers reached her juicy center.

Alexis had to squirm to allow her mother's fingers entrance as her thighs rested, one over the other. Another couple of seconds and the two fingers were easily sliding over her lubricated folds. Once Alexis was certain that her mother was pleasuring her, unaware of her attention to Ryan's needs she resumed her stroking of his long hard shaft.

It took all she could to keep from giggling out loud. Her mother, behind her was fingering her twat, and her brother was busy thrusting into her hand. And as far as she could tell, they were completely unaware of the chain of mutual masturbation they had formed. Alexis decided to up the ante a bit and slid her remaining arm out from underneath her and back behind her body. It was uncomfortable, laying like that on her side, but the uniqueness of the opportunity made it worthwhile.

With her free hand Alexis found her mother's already spread legs and the sopping wet cunt that they framed. Alexis' hand had to displace one of her mother's as it worked to bring pleasure to both of her sleeping partners. Alexis timed the strokes on her brother's cock with the jerky thrusts of her fingers into her mother's pussy. It was a tough challenge, keeping any sort of timing, while her own pussy was being pleasured. Alexis could feel herself getting closer and decided to try and finish the game quickly.

Sandra hungrily thrust her fingers into her daughter's pussy. She had wanted to have another opportunity to finger the tight depths, but had been unable to because of the frequent interruptions from Ryan and Simone. Now with Ryan sleeping, she was coyly fucking her daughter's pussy. Sandra was certain that Alexis had been needing the same thing, as her lips and channel had been soaking wet upon her fingers' first contact with them. And now she could sense from the tightening spasms coming from within, that Alexis was close to coming.

Ryan was having a hard time controlling his breathing and the subtlety of his movements. The steady up and down thrust of his sister's soft palm over his cock was driving him wild and he wanted to hammer into its cupped frame until his cum flew from his dick. He knew he did not have longer now and he hugged his pillow tightly, hoping to maintain composure just a while longer.

Alexis would come first, her hips jerking violently once before she managed to still them. Her mother's hands had obviously had some experience with pussy before (although Alexis assumed most of it was self-induced). And now with the fingers rolling in past her labia and into the tighter hotter depths of her pussy walls, she was unable to control her own need any longer. She bit her bottom lip, but still failed to totally stop a soft whimper from escaping her throat.

Ryan heard it and knew what it meant. He had felt some sort of brushing over his buttocks that was not intentional and he was pretty certain his sister was masturbating herself while she gave him a hand job. That small little cry of escape was enough to make Ryan come. His cock jumped in the small hand which held its length and Ryan's muscles tensed as he felt his semen run down the length of his cock and spurt from its tip. Just in time, Alexis' hand slipped over his penis' head catching the pooling hot fluid.

Sandra had heard and felt her daughter's orgasm. Inside of the nineteen year old pussy, a riot of muscle spasms and a flood of pungent sexual juice had exploded. Sandra's stroking slowed to a slow pet and she focused on the stimulation her daughter was giving her. Within seconds of her brain turning a spot light onto the sensations roiling within her core, Sandra reached the third orgasm of the party. Hers was smaller and more contained then her daughter's and she rolled back into her pillow, her mind fading into a blissful realm of relaxation.

Alexis was delighted with the way things had turned out. She was still uncertain how each of her partners would react had they known the full story behind the evening and decided to play it a little safer later on. But in the meantime she had a handful of fluid to take care of. Once Ryan's penis had stopped twitching within his shorts she pulled her hand, still cradling his seed, from their elastic waist and raised it slowly to her lips. With her own mouth right beside Ryan's ear she slurped down the salty, sticky puddle and licked her hand clean. She made sure to make a little noise, so he knew exactly what was going on. Once the thick man fluid was downed, she rolled to the other side, facing her mother. Staring at the barely outlined silhouette of the female beside her, she began to lick her fingers clean. One by one she sucked her mother's juices off of them until they too were spotless. Then with a cat-like grin she rolled back into her portion of the bed and immediately fell asleep.

Both of her sexual partners, her mother and brother, would lie awake a while longer. Their minds were still caught up with the intense sexual desire exhibited in her last action. Eventually they too would sleep- that final knowledge of their sister/daughter tasting their bodies' sexual secretions.

The next morning, when everyone awoke, there was a noticeable difference in the tension that had dominated the days prior. The family was friendly with one another, even bordering on chatty as they vied for each others attentions.

Only Simone's mood had not improved. She had fallen asleep in the bondage that she had so often surrendered to Allyson. Rest had not come easily but it had finally come. Early the next morning her alarm would sound and she would force herself to rise to face another day. After deftly tripping the release on the handcuff she removed the remaining restraints and dressed. From there she would bury herself in the monotony of routine. First she restarted the engines from the night before and set a course towards home. Then it was off to busy work- checking fuel levels, making sure the pumps were operating properly, listening to radio chatter, and reviewing weather reports.

A large named storm was threatening to cut directly across their return route. Simone knew she would not be able to outrun it, and unless she turned around, they would be caught in the outskirts of the foul weather. After studying nautical maps of their locale, Simone made a decision to move the yacht closer to a small chain of islands and into a natural cove formed by the reefs in the area. There the yacht would have some shelter from the harsh winds and waves and Simone would be able to anchor the boat. The trip would only take several hours and the storm would not hit for another day.

Ryan, Alexis, and Sandra listened to Simone's monotone expression of the coming storm, the need to anchor the boat in the coat, and its estimated time of arrival the following day, as well as how it would effect the time frame for the return home. All three found themselves slightly depressed by the remaining crew member's demeanor. They understood why she would be so, but found themselves wishing that they did not have to be around it. Ryan proposed a solution.

"Could Alexis and I row over to the islands? They aren't big enough to get lost on, and there are no other people around. We could explore and then row back tonight."

Simone just quietly nodded her approval. Sandra desperately wanted to go with them and avoid the gloomy fourth member of their party, but she found herself unable to do so. It was too cruel and Sandra still felt the sharp sting of losing Allyson. Deciding that it would be unconscionable to abandon her, Sandra agreed to stay behind.

Immediately, Ryan moved to lower the large rowboat that was suspended off the rear of the boat. Alexis knew why he was so excited, and found herself mirroring his enthusiasm. The young siblings rowed energetically towards the slim swath of islands that cut through the surface of the water. Sandra stared off the rear of the boat as she watched her son and daughter slip off to have a day of fun. She just hoped that Simone would not be entirely depressing company.