Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3162 - PROM DATE WITH MOM

Chapter 3162 - PROM DATE WITH MOM

The Senior Prom is supposed to be one of the most important moments in a young high school student's life, and apart from graduation night, the prom the other crowning achievement to cap off the whole high School experience.

It is a night where old friends party have fun and for the most part, it is a night of special romance which can ultimately lead to a night of passion where a guy and girl become better acquainted, if you catch the drift.

Phillip's Senior Prom was on track to be such a night. He would be 18 as was Heather who he known since his sophomore year. Phillip and Heather weren't an exclusive couple per se and had a casual on and off dating relationship and were far from being intimately(sexually) acquainted.

Phillip would not have minded being intimate with Heather. Who wouldn't. Heather was one of the best catches in all of school, 5'7" tall, 120 pounds 34B-24-34 short(collar length) dark brown hair and green eyes. As much as Phillip wanted her as her steady girlfriend, she kept not only Phillip but most boys at arm's length.

Anyhow, most teens usually chose to wait at least until prom when as it was a traditional rite of passage, and although it wasn't an explicit rule, it was understood that the Senior Prom is where a young couple ALL who were 18 years old, threw caution to the wind and had sex.

Phillip had this all planned out oddly enough with the help of his Mom Stella. Stella knew what it was like to be young and in love and helped Phillip plan it out including giving him advice and giving him the "Morning After Pill" to give to Heather so an unplanned pregnancy could be avoided.

You may be asking yourselves "Why does a mother help her son with something like that," well the truth is Stella had been through the same thing when she was a senior.

Stella had been 18 for only a couple of months when she went to her prom. She went with her boyfriend Frank at the time who was also 18 and a star football player. Stella and Frank had both gotten drunk and went for a walk in the woods. Frank found a secluded spot and they both sat down and began making out.

It started with kissing then progressed to light petting, followed by heavy petting, leading up to more intense groping and making out until they went all the way and ending up having sex. Consumed by their carnal lusts for each other and being in the heat throes of unbridled passions, as well as being sexually inexperienced teenagers, neither of them thought much about using protection.

They figured "What the hell, you only live once," and gave into their baser primal instincts and Frank ended up spunking his load inside of Stella who had wanted him to. As a result, Stella unknowingly at the time got knocked up and became preggars.

When Stella's parents found out about the pregnancy, she was tossed out on her ear and the only person she had to turn to was her uncle Leon. Leon was Stella's mother's younger brother.

Leon took pity on Stella and took her in and didn't judge her, but he still wanted Stella to finish college so at least she could realize her dream and have some hope of a future. Leon also suggested Stella had her tubes tied and Stella agreed. Raising one child at that age was hard enough and she didn't want to take the risk of getting accidentally knocked up again.

It was also Leon's hope that Stella could one day take over his business and keep it in the family. Leon owned and operated a fairly large well known and highly successful modeling/publishing business that produced fashion catalogs running the gambit from ordinary fashion to those that catered to the discriminating adult and everything in between.

These catalogs included men and women's fashion, lingerie both romantic as well as sensual and erotic, and also there were catalogs for adult novelties Leon also published both softcore and hardcore adult magazines and videos.

His vast empire wasn't limited only regionally but nationally and internationally, having customers in and models from the United Kingdom, and a number of European countries in including France, Germany, Switzerland and Chezch Republic and ALL models were of legal age, 18 years and older.

Leon was far from his sister(Stella's mother) and detested the snobbery that was the Houston Elite Society. He deliberately distanced himself from it and refused to be governed by it. Instead, Leon chose to be his own man and built the money making empire he had.

Leon did extremely well for himself and was a billionaire many times over and had a net revenue of 135 million annually after all business expenses and taxes were paid.

Leon's main creature comfort was the spacious home he had built in what was at the time the county just outside of Houston. His home was a two story medieval style castle home with 5,400 square feet of living space and made from stone.

It had several small turrets on the front and sides and a larger turret on the other side built like a tower. The home also had well-kept manicured gardens and lawn and in the back of the home was a small man made arboretum with fountains and a place just to sit and relax.

When Stella moved in, she was awestruck at the sheer beauty and intricacy of the home. Stella was given a wing on the second floor mainly reserved as the guest area. It consisted of a suite of six rooms. Two of the rooms were spacious bedrooms both with a spacious four posted king sized beds and each with its own bathroom with a sunken Jacuzzi type bath tub and a stand-alone shower with a glass door, both of which were made of tile.

The two bed suites were connected on by a nice living area with a balcony that overlooked an arboretum in back with a rose garden and artificial pond. Lastly, there were two smaller rooms that served as a libraries, one where Stella could do most of her studying for college and as Phillip grew up, he could have one to work on his school work in.

By the time Phillip was six years old, Stella had finished with a BS in computer science and finance then earned her MBA and Master's in Accounting Information Systems, and when Phillip was seven, Leon began grooming Stella so she could take over the business when he retired.

He did suggest however Stella continued with her schooling while she worked for him. Leon thought it would be beneficial if Stella attend Law School and concentrate on business and corporate law seeing that the business he was in warranted it. He agreed to pay for it and Stella took the LSAT, passed with flying colors, was admitted, did well and graduated at the top of her class and passed the bar on her first try.

Meanwhile, as Phillip continued to grow he and, Stella became closer and they developed a stronger intimate(NON-SEXUAL) bond which blossomed over the years.

Leon finally decided to retire at the age of 50 just after Phillip turned 16. He left Stella his business, Eden Enterprises Limited and moved to Florida with his secretary Maybelle who was 40. He wanted to enjoy retirement while he was young and since he arranged to get a twenty-five percent of sales revenue from the business he was still well off.

After Leon retired, he left the Stella the house as a gift and she and Phillip decided to move to the main part of the house. Stella took Leon's room which was on the main floor in the back but Phillip decided he liked the upstairs and took one of the bedrooms suites near the front part of the house.

With Leon now gone, Stella and Phillip's relationship became closer but it wasn't until after Phillip turned 18 that his and Stella's relationship would take on a whole new set of dynamics becoming even closer and more intimate and more and more sexual.

However, it wasn't until almost two months later that they would completely cross the line and have actual sexual intercourse because of an event which occurred right before the prom that drove Philip away from Heather, and straight into Stella's loving and waiting arms.

Sexually, Stella wanted Phillip and she sensed Phillip wanted her but she knew he wasn't ready and did not want to rush him into anything until he was ready. She also knew Phillip had feelings for Heather so she didn't want to mess that up either. She knew he would eventually come around and would patiently wait.

That notwithstanding, Stella wasn't going to let that stop her from living her life and exercise her sexual freedoms. She began allowing Phillip to see her naked and persuaded Phillip to be naked with her.

In short, Stella did everything she could to seduce Phillip. When Stella began this slow sensual seduction, she expected some resistance and hesitation on the part of Phillip but surprisingly there was none. On the contrary, Phillip was an eagerly willing participant

As part of this seduction Stella invited Phillip into the shower to shower with her, invited him into her bed to sleep naked with her and when she kissed him, she pulled Phillip close to her and their kisses were passionate intense with their naked bodies pressed against each other.

Philip showered with Stella almost nightly and enjoyed washing her sweet body. As far as sleeping with Stella, it was only on Friday and Saturday nights. The first couple of nights they slept together, all they did was sleep, but by the next weekend they began kissing.

Over the following weeks, they progressed to heavy petting consisting of cuddling, caressing, and holding each other tight with their hot bodies tightly pressed together as their warm flesh slowly and passionately rubbed together and they slowly and sensually explored one another and feeling each other's body.

Phillip loved these sessions and enjoyed slowly giving into his wanton desires for Stella and wanted very much to jump her bones.

And who wouldn't be attracted to Stella. Hell, any normal red-blooded male would have to have been either one of four things not to have wanted to fuck her; blind, gay, a eunuch, or the most devout Buddhist monk who had ever lived.

Even though Stella was almost 40 years old, both mother nature and father time had blessed her with her youthful looks and a killer body. Stella still had the body and most of the looks she had when she was in her 20's.

Physically speaking, Stella stood about 5'10" tall weighed about 140 pounds and measured 38DD-28-38. She also had long honey golden blonde hair that came down between her shoulder blades and was naturally curly(almost frizzy), crystal ice blue eyes that could captivate a man's soul and hold it hostage, and a body that rivaled that of the most beautiful women of the ages and could even make the Greek goddess Aphrodite green with envy.

Stella's legs were well-toned dancer's legs, long, slender yet voluptuous, her skin was flawless, her lips were ruby red and beckoned to be kissed, her breasts were ample but at the same time supple, and the flower of her sweet womanhood was always smoothly shaven, with the lips being oh so perfectly pink.

To give you a better idea of Stella's looks and beauty, picture a younger version of the well-known British Porn Goddess Adele Stephens. Now combine Adele Stephen's body with the looks of the musical artist Blondie(Deborah Harry) when she was at her height of stardom in 1979. Put those two together, and you have Stella.

Stella was also turned on by Phillip's looks. She not only saw Phillip as her son, but also as a handsome hot young buck, she wanted to bag as her own. Physically speaking, Phillip could be best described as less of the pretty boy preppy type and more as ruggedly handsome, along the lines of a young James Dean or James Garner.

Phillip stood 6'2," tall, weighed 195 pounds with lean well toned muscular body, six-pack abs, and short brown hair and hazel eyes. He had the body that rivaled a Greek God and was personally well endowed with a huge package, a massive thick, long, hard 9-inch cock that stayed almost constantly fully erect with no stimulation needed.

Anyhow, back to the story. As prom day drew closer, Stella helped Phillip with all the arrangements. Just two days before prom, Phillip brought home his tux and Stella wanted a picture of him in it.

Without giving it a thought, Phillip stripped to his down to his "skivvies" right there in front of Stella and put it on. Once Phillip had his tux on, Stella helped him adjust the tie and Stella said "You look dashing," and gave him a long sensual kiss.

After they broke the kiss, Phillip told Stella he had planned which was a nice limo to pick him and Heather up, dinner at a nice restaurant, then a night cruise on a boat.

"Sounds nice, Stella said with a smile. "So are you planning anything intimate," Stella said with a wicked grin "or have you two lovebirds done the deed already?"

Phillip blushed and replied, "No we haven't had sex yet, if that's what you asking, but well you know about prom night."

"Yeah, well trust me I know, I've been there," Stella said with a fond smile remembering her own night of passion. "But seriously, all I can say is be careful hon," Stella replied lovingly. "After all, that is how you got here, not that I have regretted it for a minute. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

"I have protection," Phillip replied.

"That's good," Stella said with a smile "but you know once hormones get a raging, well let's just say it's best to completely safe. And also, condoms have been known to break and fail in the heat of passion." Then with a sensual seductive lustful purr Stella added "And with such a massive package as yours it's very likely they will," as Stella instinctively and subconsciously ran her hand over Phillip's massive cock.

"True, but Heather said she got some Birth control pills." Phillip responded doing his best not to lose his composure with is mom's hand on his cock.

Stella, not sorry, realized what she had been doing and then slowly removed her hand from Phillip's crotch area and gave Phillip a seductive smile then said "That's good, but I have something else just in case."

Stella reached into her purse and pulled out what looked like a medicine sample box you would get from the doctor. "It's what you call the morning after pill so all she has to do is take it and if nature gets the better of you, all will be safe."

"Thanks," Phillip smiled as he leaned into to kiss Stella.

"All I have to say is that this Heather girl better treat you right or she may have to answer to me," Stella continued. "After all, you are the love of my life and you know what they say about a momma bear and her cubs. I would hate to have to put a smack down on her ass as they say."

"You are the love of my life too," Phillip replied giving Stella another loving kiss.

"Well you know I am always here for you Mon Cher," Stella softly replied wrapping her arms around his neck and looking up into his eyes "If you ever decide you want or need some extra attention or want to take our intimacy all the way, all you have to do is ask. After all, I could give you some pointers on how to please a woman and make sure you were experienced for the big night."

They looked into each other's eyes and a look passed between them, a look of mutual consent to proceed.

"Are you certain you are ready and want this," Stella softly asked one more time to be sure, and Phillip nodded silently.

Stella then pulled Phillip close to her and planted a long loving sensual deep tongue probing kiss on his lips. Phillip returned the kiss and deepened it.

Phillip slipped off his tux shoes and socks then his hands went under the white sundress Stella was wearing and with her help, it came off revealing Stella's soft, sweet, supple, inviting, naked body.

Stella tossed her sundress on the back of the couch then began undressing Phillip. She unfastened Phillip's tie, unbuttoned his shirt and removed it along with his undershirt. She placed them in the chair. She then unzipped Phillip's pants and pulled them and his underwear down and tossed them by his shirt and jacket.

Phillip and Stella were both naked, their bodies pressed into each other as they kissed and their hands ran over each other's bodies. Phillip's heart began racing and his adrenaline was pumping. Here he was on the verge of finally going all the way way with his mom two days before prom. He oh so wanted to but he also knew it wouldn't be fair to Heather.

He was in a quandary. He so wanted bad to jump Stella's bones, he could taste it. At the same time, he still wanted Heather.

Phillip's quandary however was very short lived because he rationalized in his mind that sex with Stella wouldn't hurt. After all, she was just helping him get ready for his big night with Heather and besides she was his mom, so it wasn't like he was cheating on her with with another girl, so there was no problem.

Stella led Phillip over to the couch and sat him down and knelt in front of him smiling and softly said "Just lie back honey and mommy's gonna make her baby boy into a man."

Stella lowered her head and put her lips on Phillip's massive throbbing and pulsating 9-inch cock to give him a blow job. Stella took Phillip's cock all the way in her mouth and was bobbing her head up and down while Phillip just moaned.

"Oh fuck yeah," Phillip grunted. "I don't know why I waited this long."

" Me either hon, and there's much more I want to show you," Stella said with a soft smile and continued sucking on his cock.

Stella sucked on Phillip's cock like a professional porn star, taking him all the way down and almost gagging but holding her own and enjoying every minutes of it. She also ran her tongue over and sucked on his balls and massaged them with her hands.

As Stella was getting into her rhythm, the door bell suddenly rang. Stella ignored it and kept sucking and when she came up for air, she panted "Don't worry honey, it's probably some silly door to door salesman or something. Maybe they'll think no one's home and go away.

Stella continued with her blow job alternating between sucking on his cock, spitting on his cock and stroking it with her hand, and running her tongue up and down the shaft and around the head as she massaged his balls with her hands.

While Stella continued sucking on Phillip's cock, the door bell rang once more, then another time and finally another time after that, followed by a rapping on the window and banging on the door with what sounded like a fist like cops do on the TV show "Law and Order".

"Dang persistent little boogers aren't they, Stella said with a smirk. " You'd think it was the cops here to arrest us or something. Well, I guess I better pull up the front door security camera on my phone and see who it is."

"Shit fire," Stella exclaimed, then with a giggle said "Well sweetie I know who it is and good news it ain't the cops."

"Who," Phillip replied, not really caring and wishing whoever it was would just go away.

"Well you may wanna let her in sweetie. It's Heather, and I think she's early."

"Oh fuck," Phillip said looking at the clock." She wasn't supposed to be here for another hour." Just then, Phillip's phone rang and it was Heather and he put it on speaker.

"Where the fuck are you," Heather said in loud annoyed tone. "I've been out here 10 minutes waiting on you. We were supposed to let your mom take our pictures. I brought my prom dress.

"I've been in the shower getting ready," Phillip replied doing his best to remain calm but still pretty much peeved. "You weren't supposed to be here for another hour so I thought I had time."Well I'm sorry about that, Heather replied in a snarky tone. Something came up and I had to put off my other plans, so I figured you wouldn't mind if I decided to come on over sooner. So are you going to let me, in or what?"

All the time Phillip had been talking to Heather, Stella had still been working her magic on his cock. Suddenly without warning, Phillip's cock filled with cum, twitched, and he moaned as he came in Stella's mouth.

Stella was stunned at the amount of and the force in which Phillip released his load of hot cum into her mouth and it almost made her gag and she coughed but she quickly recovered and handled it like a pro.

"You okay," Heather said hearing Stella's cough and the low grunt and guttural moan Phillip made as he released his cum into Stella's mouth

"Yeah, was just getting some water and it must have gone down the wrong way, I'll be fine. Just give me about 10 minutes and I'll be right down but my mom is in her room and I will ask her to come and let you in okay?"

"Yeah okay but don't be too long, I'm not gonna wait all day," Heather said in an annoyed tone and hung up.

"Someone's in a pissy little mood aren't they," Stella said with a giggle as she finished licking the cum off Phillip's cock. "And good save may I add when she asked what was wrong, Stella added.

"Yeah she gets that way sometimes," Phillip replied as let Stella finish not really wanting to have to get up and get dressed. However he knew he needed to, so he stood up and grabbed his clothes.

"Well I guess fate hasn't ordained it to be our time yet to completely consummate our union," Stella said with a smile, "But at least we did both manage to get some fun out of it," Stella added as she wiped the excess cum from her lips.

"Oh God that was so fucking hot," Phillip said with a lustful moan. "I can't wait to see what else you have in store for me. I'm just sorry though I almost made you choke."

"Oh don't be sorry hon," Stella said with a smile. "I quite enjoyed it! Besides, I just love surprises. I'll know what to expect next time. I'm just glad you enjoyed it and there's much more where that came from," Stella said with lustful purr, giving Phillip a long sensual kiss. "Now you better go on up to your room and put your clothes back on and I'll keep her company until you come down," Stella said with a smile.

With that Stella waited until she saw that Phillip had ascended to the top of the stairs and then slipped her white sundress back over her naked body and walked over to answer the door, but not before lighting a cigarette.

"Hey Heather," Stella said with a polite smile as she invited Heather into the house. "Sorry it took us so long to answer the door. We weren't expecting you for a while. Phillip was showering and putting on his tux and I was lying down in my room."

"Would you like to have a seat while you wait for Phillip," Stella added with a smile. "I can get you a soda, lemonade or something if you like."

"Yeah a lemonade would be great," Heather replied and then with a nervous tone Heather added, "Do you mind if I smoke too?

"Not at all hon. You want one of mine," Stella said with a smile.

"Nah, I have my own" and with that Heather took out a pack of Newport's 100's in the green box and lit it.

Stella came back from the kitchen with a glass of lemonade for Heather and tea for herself and sat back down on the sofa.

Heather nervously continued, explaining why she was there fishing for the right words to say. "Well I thought I would bring my prom dress over for Phillip to see and hopefully you could take some pictures of us on my phone to show my mom."

"I can do that," Stella said smiling sensing Heather's nervousness and awkwardness and filed it away in her brain.

A few minutes later, Phillip came out in his tux but had the tie in his hand. "I can't ever seem to tie these damned infernal things," Phillip said with a flustered tone.

Stella would have thought Heather would have popped up and offered to help but she was too busy texting on her phone.

"Here allow me sweetie," Stella said smiling and with that she got his tie straight.

Heather finally looked up from her phone and said "Looking handsome babe," and got up and gave him a loving peck on the lips. She then said "Is there a place I can get changed?"

"Yeah right this way," Stella replied leading her into a small guest room.

Heather came out in a pretty green prom dress. It was sleeveless and hugged her breasts and the hem was short, about mid thigh length, and flared out slightly at the bottom.

"Wow," Phillip replied "You look great."

"That you do," Stella replied. "You both do. You make a very cute couple."

Stella was smiling as she saw Phillip happy with Heather as Stella took a picture of them together in their Prom Night attire on Heather's phone and on her phone as well.

Call it mother's intuition, but Stella sensed something wasn't right with Heather. A woman knows when another woman is hiding something. Heather did not appear to be as affectionate towards Phillip this time as she had been in the times before and seemed to be just going through the motions of being excited about the prom.

Stella also sensed Heather was trying to hide something, but couldn't place her finger on it. This was further confirmed when Stella casually asked Heather if she was excited and although Heather tried to hide it, Stella knew she wasn't.

Stella, not wanting to bring Phillip down, promptly dismissed it as being an overprotective mother. After all, she had no proof. It was just a feeling. However, Stella would be proven to be right.

After Heather and Phillip changed out of their prom attire, Phillip said "Let's go get something to eat and we can talk more about the details," as he took her hand. Heather replied "Yeah that'll be good. We need to talk anyway."

That was all Stella had to hear to know things weren't right. Phillip hadn't picked up on it but as they left she said "You kids have fun and I will be here after you get back."

Oh by the way can you give me a lift home after this," Heather asked politely. "My bestie Becky dropped me off."

"Sure" Phillip replied. "No problem"

Stella hugged Heather who returned the hug half-heartedly and then kissed Phillip softly on the lips and as she did she lovingly whispered in Phillip's "Remember Mon Cher, I love you so very much and I will always be here for you."

About an hour-and-a-half or so later, Phillip came in quiet and in a sullen mood. Stella knew whatever it was, it wasn't good. Phillip walked in to where Stella was and plopped down on the couch silent and noticeably worried about something.

Phillip didn't say hello to Stella, kiss her, or anything. He just sat there on the couch rocking back and forth with his knees up into his chest, his arms folded around them, staring off into space. He didn't even notice that all Stella had on was an open waist length white see through lace robe.

"What's wrong sweetie," Stella said as she extinguished the cigarette she had just lit and got up out of the recliner she was in. She moved over to where Phillip was and sat down on the couch next to him and put her arm around him on the couch.

Phillip silently trembled for a moment before he began to visibly shake. He tried to say something but no words came out and his lips were visibly trembling like he was on the verge of crying. Then suddenly, without warning, he broke down and began sobbing loudly and uncontrollably, weeping like he had never wept before, even as a child.

"There, there honey," Stella lovingly said pulling Phillip to her embracing him and cradling his head in her bosom. "You tell mommy what's wrong and mommy will make it all better," Stella added talking like she would to a little child and lovingly stroking Phillip's hair.

Phillip's mouth was practically on Stella's nipple and his tears flowed covering her breast. Neither Phillip or Stella noticed. If it hadn't been such a traumatic time for Phillip, it could have turned into an intimate sexual encounter.

Call it a basal childhood instinct for maternal comfort or whatever, because without thinking, Phillip began sucking on Stella's breasts the way a nursing infant would.

Stella was aroused, but at the same time, she knew Phillip probably wasn't doing it as an overt sexual overture. Stella pulled Phillip close and allowed him to continue as she caressed his hair and softly said "Let mommy nurse her baby boy."

Stella softly moaned as her arousal continued to heighten. She felt her sweet pussy moisten as it's juices begin to flow. She wanted so bad to frig herself but she was afraid couldn't without disturbing Phillip.

Yet, she had to try, because her pussy was throbbing and on fire and she somehow managed to slip her hand down to her pussy and begin rubbing her clit. It wasn't long until she climaxed and as she came, she did her best to stifle her moans of pleasure.

Once Stella had achieved sweet release, she put her fingers into her mouth and savored her sweet honey dew nectar as she licked the sweet cream from her fingers.

After that, she once again turned her attention fully back to Phillip. Stella cradled Phillip against her bosom for about 10 more minutes until Phillip had cried all he could and Phillip then sat up and looked into Stella's eyes. He realized once what he had been doing but it didn't matter. He knew Stella didn't think it was a sexual ploy.

As Phillip looked into Stella's deep blue eyes he asked "Why mommy why," like a little child did when they didn't understand something, then broke down and sobbed again for another five minutes although not as uncontrollably.

Stella lifted Phillips head up so he was looking her in the eyes and said "Tell mommy what is wrong," in a sweet motherly tone as she wiped the tears from her son's eyes.

Phillip rose back up to where he was now sitting up and with all the strength he could muster in keeping his tears at bay, said "She doesn't love me anymore and what is so bad is that since Christmas, she has been secretly talking to and banging another guy. The only reason she agreed to still go to the prom with me was that he hadn't asked her until today and that she was doing it just to keep up appearances for her friends and save face for the senior class."

In Stella's mind, she deduced that was probably the reason Heather had said she was on the pill.

"Who is this other fellow," Stella asked lovingly.

"She said he is some hotshot football player from The University of Texas, or some stupid place like that" Phillip replied flatly.

"Well you know what, I have a good mind to go over there and smack the shit out of that bitch," Stella said in a steeled but angry tone. "Yet on the second thought, I wouldn't waste my time with that little skank ho," Stella continued "She's just not worth the effort."

"Yeah I agree Phillip replied smiling. "You know I could always do what all the country songs say and drink away the pain, but as the Country song by Cole Swindell says ' Baby, You Ain't worth the Whiskey.'"

"No she ain't," Stella replied smiling. "I am so glad to see you feeling a little better hon," Stella added with a sweet smile.

"Well if it weren't for you I don't know what I would have done," Phillip replied with a soft smile.

"Remember what I told you hon, I am always here for you if you need me," Stella said smiling and with that she gave Phillip a long sensual kiss.

"Oh god mom I want you so bad right now," Phillip softly exclaimed "but seeing all that has gone on in the last few hours, I am just not in the mood right now."

"I understand sugar," Stella replied with a soft smile. "I will be here when you are ready."

"I know and I appreciate it, but I do wanna cuddled together under the blanket Phillip said and with that stripped down naked and cuddled next to Stella as their naked bodies melted together underneath the blanket,

Phillip then got a sheepish look on his face added "and oh yes about earlier when you were cradling me in your bosom and well I sorta started sucking your breasts, If I made you mad, please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive sweetheart," Stella said in a sweet voice. "I know you were upset and weren't trying to take advantage of me, but can I let you in on a little secret?"

"What's that," Phillip replied.

"Mommy actually loved it and I kinda brought myself off," Stella said with a wicked grin. "But anyhow, enough said about that. Let's talk about more pleasant things."

"Well I have just one question," Phillip added. "What am I going to do about the prom. I have made all these arrangements and you spent all that money and now it seems like it will all be wasted on account of some stupid bitch."

"You just let mommy take care of that," softly smiled "I have an idea I am working on and let's just say I don't think you will be disappointed."

Stella got up to pop some pop corn and then returned with it and two glasses of soda and a two liter bottle of on a push cart tray then sat back down on the couch turned on the television and found some cheesy B-movie sci-fi flick from the 1950's.

They watched the movie and laughed at the silly antics by the actors and actresses and cheesy plot lines of the film which was something they both loved doing as they drank their soda and shared the popcorn.

As the movie progressed, Phillip found himself becoming calm almost like nothing had ever happened. Stella and Phillip were holding hands with their fingers interlocked. Stella looked at Phillip and smiled and then they lovingly kissed deeply and passionately. Soon Phillip forgot all about Heather until she was just a faint memory.

Not only was Heather a faint memory, but so was the idea that Stella and Phillip had the TV on. They were lying on the sofa with Stella on top, locked together, embracing, kissing, and caressing each other as their warm naked bodies rubbed together, their flesh melting together like butter of fine warm pastry.

Just then the Grandfather's clock in the entrance hall chimed 11 O 'Clock and Stella exclaimed "Oh shit fire, it's getting late. I think you better be getting some sleep you gotta big day at school tomorrow."

"To be honest with you, I think I wanna take tomorrow off," Phillip sighed. "I don't think I could stand seeing Heather again. I am afraid I am going to do one of two things. One is I may just haul off and knock the shit out of that little bitch which would get me suspended or expelled and I wouldn't want that."

"Yeah that would be bad especially at your senior year," Stella replied "and Lord knows I definitely would want that. So what's the other thing?"

"Well I am afraid that if I saw her, I might break down and cry and well you know it ain't good to let your buddies see you do that. You know how it is mom."

"Yeah, yeah, guys and their macho attitudes," Stella said trying to stifle a giggle. "Well we wouldn't want you to ruin your reputation as a tough guy on campus now would we." Stella added trying her best not to laugh."

"Well I happen to know better and just because you are a man doesn't mean you can't cry," Stella said smiling then added "and besides whether they admit it or not women do like men who are not afraid to be sensitive."

"Also, with it being prom weekend, it is traditionally unofficial senior skip day to get ready for the prom," Phillip added. "The teachers and administration know most seniors will be gone anyway, so they won't be strict with attendance and my buddies will think I am just observing tradition."

"Well sweetie I think we are both getting tired and need to get some sleep" Stella said as she stood up and gave her hand to Phillip so he could stand. "I will see you in the morning."

Stella gave Phillip a soft gentle but long kiss and they both embraced. Phillip then had the look on his face that he wanted to say something so Stella so she asked him what was on his mind.

Phillip fished for the words then replied "Well I guess it is one of those times when I don't need to be afraid of being sensitive. I know it's not the normal night we sleep together, but the truth is I really don't want to be alone tonight. Can I sleep with you?"

"I know I am not a little boy who is afraid of a monster in his closet and needs to have mommy to protect him," Phillip continued. "I am a grown ass man now, but still I just need to be with you and to have you hold me close in your arms."

"Of course sweetie, anytime you want," Stella said with a soft smile. She then took Phillip and led him to her bedroom.

Stella then asked with a smile "Are we here to sleep or did you have something more in mind," as she gave Phillip a naughty wink."

"Well," Phillip started to respond but then fell silent at a loss of words of how to respond.

Stella then lovingly replied, "I tell you what, let's just let what happens happen okay?"

"Sounds good" Phillip replied feeling a weight of pressure being lifted off him.

Stella and Phillip showered together first, just enough to quickly get clean then slipped in to bed. Stella then said with a soft sweet sexy tone "Come here sweetheart" and with that Phillip moved close to her and they both embraced as they faced each other their warm naked bodies pressed together.

"I love you so much mom," Phillip said with a soft sigh as he gazed into Stella's eyes.

"Oh God baby I love you too sweetheart," Stella softly replied. "I love you so very, very much, much more than you could ever possibly know."

"I know we have done everything under the sun together as far as intimacy goes but we haven't actually done the deed," Phillip said with a sly grin. "Who knows, if Heather hadn't shown up we probably would have."

"In a way, I wish she hadn't so we could have finished. Phillip said with a soft sigh. "Yet at the same time, in a strange way, it's actually a blessing that she did, because I finally found out the truth about her," Phillip added. "Now at least I am free to fully pursue and explore my relationship with you."

"Oh baby there is so much, much more I want to show you and have you experience with me," Stella passionately crooned softly yet intensely. "A whole uncharted and unexplored universe of carnal ecstasies and lascivious wanton delights beyond your wildest imaginations awaits you and it can only be experienced and not put into words."

"Oh I want so very, very much for you to show me and to experience them with you," Phillip moaned intensely."

"Paradise awaits you my love," Stella lustfully purred gazing deep into Phillip's eyes with a look that clearly said the invitation was open.

Phillip softly put his lips next to Stella's giving her a long warm deep kiss. They embraced as their bodies pressed together warm flesh melting into each other as their kisses deepened and their bodies rubbed together.

Phillip turned Stella over so that she was on her back and he was on top. He then laid his body on hers putting his arms under her shoulder and coupling her close. Stella's long luscious legs wrapped themselves around Phillips body and she locked her ankles against the small of his back.

Their kisses continued and became deeper and more passionate and their bodies writhed together and in a symphony of carnal desires. Phillip's massive hard tool pressed against Stella's inviting pussy rubbing against her wet inviting lips.

"Slip inside me baby and let us complete the process," Stella said with a lustful purr. Stella then grabbed Phillip's cock and with her hand, guided it into her eagerly waiting pussy.

Phillip gasped as his hard tool slipped inside his mom's warm love canal. He had secretly fantasized about this moment for weeks ever since he had turned 18 and began his slow carnal sensual journey with his own mom. It felt better than he had ever imagined."Why have I waited so long to experience this pleasure," he thought to himself. "But I am here now and there is no turning back, he softly mumbled, not realizing he said it out loud."

"Yes you are my love," Stella softly purred with delight then added "and from here we can only move forward."

Stella took the lead and guided Phillip into an uncharted world of lascivious carnal desires and Phillip would be a good student and quick study. That night Phillip kissed his way down Stella's body, sucked Stella's pussy and bring her off to countless orgasms and Stella would give Phillip another blow job that he would never forget.

After pleasing each other orally, they fucked until the wee hours of the morning. Stella rode Phillip cowgirl style, Phillip took Stella from behind doggie style, then they ended up missionary style. Each time, Phillip pumped Stella sweet pussy with a massive load of cum, seeding her womb with his hot manhood.

After coming down from their orgasmic high, our lovers fell asleep in each other's arms and slept till just before noon.

Phillip's next memory was of Stella's sweet naked form on top of him, rubbing his bangs, and kissing him on the lips and with a smile saying "Wakey Wakey, sleepy head. It's time to get up. We gotta go shopping for mommy a new Prom dress!!!"

Phillip rubbed his eyes and then realized he hadn't just dreamed or imagined it. It wasn't wishful thinking, it was real. He and his mom had actually done it. They had actually fucked and crossed the line from ordinary mother and son, to lovers.

Stella and Phillip showered and got dressed. Stella put on a navel length, white, three-quarter's sleeve, pull over, Henley style sweater made of light ribbed cotton material and a pair of light denim blue shorts.

Stella left the top two buttons opened so that it showed off the ample cleavage of her sumptuous breasts and the denim shorts were short-short just longer than the "hot pants" of the 1960's and early 70's. Lastly, she was wearing white ankle socks and white canvas tennis shoes.

Phillip put on an olive-green knit polo style shirt made of that dry wick material designed to be cooler than regular knit and a pair of tan Khakis. He also put on a pair of light grey crew length socks, and black tennis shoes.

They both loaded up in Stella's fully restored vintage 1965 candy-apple-red Ford Mustang Convertible. The license plate on the back read "2 HOT 4 U."

Stella put the top down and lowered the windows as she roared down the highway on her way to take her and Phillip out for lunch.

"Wanna a ciggy honey," Stella said as she punched in the car cigarette lighter then lit her a Virginia Slims Menthol's 120's.

"Sure," Phillip replied as he took the pack and lit him one.

"I need to make one stop before we go on our grand adventure today," Stella said with a smile as she pulled into a local branch of one of the banks she used. "Wait here for me and I'll be right out," Stella added as she gave Phillip a sensual kiss then went into the bank.

She told the teller she wanted to withdraw 10,000 dollars in cash. 1,000 dollars she she wanted in 20's and 50's, She would take 500 dollars in 20's and the other 500 in 50's.

For the other 9,000 dollars, she asked if she could get 3,000 of it in 500 dollar bills and the teller said he would have to consult the bank manager but since Stella was a preferred customer with several accounts in good standing, it should be no trouble. The rest of the money she received in 100 dollar bills.

The teller put it all inside a 6"x9" clasp envelope and handed her the receipt. He then asked her if that would be all to which she said yes and Stella returned to the car and drove out of the parking lot.

About 20 minutes later Stella pulled into the parking lot of Luciano's Restaurant'e one of the finest local Italian restaurants in town. They were seated in an L-shaped booth. The server came to take their order.

He suggested a nice Cabernet and Stella said that would be great. He then returned and poured one for Stella and then asked Phillip if he wanted some and he replied yes. The waiter then left the bottle and allowed them time to look over the menu.

Stella and Phillip placed their order. Stella ordered the Chicken Tetrazini and Phillip ordered the house Italian special which was Chicken Parmesan, Lasagna, and spaghetti noodles topped with marinara sauce. The dinner also came with a salad and bread.

Stella and Phillip spent the next hour eating and talking. Stella said she was looking forward to going to prom with Phillip and not to worry about Heather, they would make their own special prom night memories.

Before the server brought them their check, he asked if they wanted dessert and decided on a Black Tie Mousse cake to share.

After the server bought them their check, Stella looked it over and then reached into her purse. She pulled out a 50 dollar bill and two 20 dollar bills and placed it in the check folder for the server, leaving the server just over a 30 dollar tip.

"Let's go pick out my new dress sweetie," Stella said gleefully as she took Phillip by the hand and walked out of the restaurant.

Stella drove another 20 minutes to one of the fanciest and most sophisticated boutiques in all of Houston Society. It is where the crème`da`le crème,` the who's who of Houston elite society went to shop and to be seen.

Most people who weren't part of Houston Elite society would have felt self-conscious about setting foot inside and probably would haven't even darkened the door to the place, but not Stella. She refused to be intimidated or shamed into staying in her place, and besides even though she wasn't "Old Money," her money was still just as green as theirs.

Stella had no trouble in being waited on She used her natural charm and was able set someone to wait on her. The hostess asked Stella what she was the market for and she told the young lady that she was attending a White Tie formal affair and needed a dress for the occasion.

The hostess graciously showed Stella several appropriate selections suitable for a White Tie affair and after looking though several selections, she saw a dress that intrigued her and caught her eye.

It was a sleeveless black full length formal gown that covered the breasts but left enough open to show a healthy amount of cleavage. The hem had a slit in it that could be adjusted by clips on the inside and depending on how much "leg" you wanted to show. The slit ranged from the ankle all the way up to the hip but knowing Stella, she was going to have the slit all the way open up to the hip.

Lastly, there was a sheer see through shell that covered the entire dress and slipped over the head and fit around the collar. It had an optional waist length long sleeve sequin lace jacket that could be worn with it to "dress it down" if so desired.

Stella tried it on in the dressing room and then came out and modeled for Phillip and he was awe struck and Stella knew then she had the right dress. The sales lady came over and made sure it fit, and with a few adjustments it did.

Stella also picked out some matching lingerie to go with it along with some thigh high stockings and matching garters plus some black high heels.

Stella walked out of the boutique forking over almost $800, plus a 200 dollar tip for the hostess, but to Stella, it was worth it. She then drove to Master Lee Qwan's Tailor Shop and Tuxedo Emporium which she had done business with many times in the past and it was the one where Phillip had rented his tux.

Master Lee's Qwan's was a well established tailoring shop that had been in business since the mid 1970's. It had been written up numerous times over the years as an American success story of a Korean Immigrant who came to this country with practically nothing, earned his citizenship and started a small tailoring shop, turning it into a successful and thriving business.

The shop also enjoyed numerous outstanding reviews and business awards such as Chamber of Commerce awards as one of the leading tailoring shops in Houston. Master Lee was also a member of and the past-president Houston's Civitan Club.

When Phillip saw where they were he said "What are we doing here, I already got a tux."

"That tux may have been okay for that little plume blossom Heather, but you are going with me now," Stella replied with a smile then added "and a classy sexy woman needs a sophisticated, handsome, well dressed man. You know just like that ZZ Top song, 'Every Girl's Crazy about a Sharp Dressed Man.'"

When Stella walked in, she asked to speak to Master Lee, the owner, an older sophisticated Korean gentleman nearly 60 years old, but who still looked and acted like he could work for another 40 years.

"Ah Mistress Stella, good to see you again, he said with a jovial smile. "I have your items right here." He then looked at Phillip and with a smile "and you must be Phillip. I am most sorry I wasn't able to help you when you came in to rent your tux. Your mother has told me so many good things about you."

"I hear you are opting for white tie instead of black for the prom this year," Master Lee continued. "A bold, sophisticated move, yet not unheard of. I have just what you will need and since I had your measurements from before, I was able to call my supplier and get one sent over here this morning by express delivery. I trust you will like and take my word, it will make you the envy of all the prom goers."

Master Lee hung the garment bags up on the hook and unzipped the one in front. inside was a brand new black tux. The tux was specifically designed for white tie events and was tailored as such and came with a second shirt and tie.

"Follow me Master Phillip," Master Lee said leading Phillip to the dressing area. "Try this on and I will make the needed adjustments and by your mother's request, I have made the collar adjustable up to a size (1 inch) larger to allow breathing room. I know tuxes can be stuffy."

Phillip put on the tux and since he wasn't used to White Tie attire, the fit felt a little strange and was not what he was used to, but it was correct. He came out of the room walked over to the three way mirror and stood on the pedestal and slipped into the tux shoes.

"Now that is what I am talking about," Stella exclaimed with an impressed tone and throwing out her arms in a "tada" motion. "You look so dashing, worthy of a woman of class such as myself."

Master Lee smiled at that comment but said nothing then checked the measurements and made the necessary alterations with pins and then told Phillip to try on the other tux that was for Black Tie. When all the measurements were made and alterations noted, he told them if they wanted to wait, he could have them completed in about 40 minutes.

With that, Stella and Phillip stepped outside to smoke a cigarette. As they were smoking their cigarette, Phillip said "There's one thing is puzzling me. How were you able to pull off getting me a tux so quickly seeing that you only found out about Heather dumping me after the shops had closed yesterday?"

"I have my connections," Stella replied with a devious smirk then said "Well you know that call I said I had to make when we were at the restaurant, it was to confirm the call I secretly made this morning when the shop opened."

"You see, I quietly slipped outta bed around 7:30 when you were still sound asleep and called Master Lee and told him everything that was going on," Stella added.

Everything," Phillip replied slowly uncertain of just how much Stella had divulged, "even the part about Heather and her dirty little trick"

"Everything," Stella replied with a sweet smile. "He knows all about what happened with Heather and that I am your prom date, but he agreed he would not mention it."

"I also told him that I wanted to surprise you with you with your own tux and one of them to be a White Tie. He said he thought he may have something and for me and to call him around lunch time and confirm. I was taking a big risk but it was worth it."

"Then I was able to sneak back into bed with out you knowing and if I had gotten caught I would have said I just had to pee. Pretty sneaky if I do say so myself," Stella concluded with a smile that clearly indicated she was quite proud of herself.

After they finished their first cigarette, Stella took out another cigarette right behind it and Phillip took one too. They savored the second one and then Stella looked at her watch and figured Master Lee should be finished soon.

They finished the second cigarette then Stella opened the trunk of her car and retrieved the bag with the rental tux and they walked back into the store and had a seat in the waiting area. About 15 minutes later, Master Lee came out with the tuxes and other items.

She paid for it all with cash which since she had purchased them to keep, came to just under 1,100 dollars. Stella asked Master Lee if he would accept a 500 dollar bill and he said he didn't get too many of those but for her it would be fine

Stella pulled out two of the 500 dollar bills and a 100 dollar bill and handed it to him. She then gave him an extra 200 dollars for the extra work he had to do to obtain the tuxes on such short notice and for the alterations he did while they waited. She also returned the rental tux and told Master Lee to keep any refund.

"Your date is one lucky lady," Master Lee said with a smile knowing that Stella was the date.

"Yes she is, Phillip replied looking at Stella, "and I am one lucky young man who has a mom who is willing to go through so much effort to make my prom a night to remember, he added.

"That he is," Stella replied with a smile.

"I definitely want to see the Prom pictures," Master Lee added with a smile to which Stella replied "Most definitely."

Stella and Phillip left the tux shop and by now it was almost a quarter till six. "You up for Mexican," Stella said smiling as she lit up a cigarette and handing the pack to Phillip who got him one."

"Mexican is cool," Phillip replied as he lit his ciggy. They then drove to El Palacio restaurant, not an overly fancy restaurant, but one that was well known and frequently busy. It was a 10 minute wait until they got a table. The waiter took their drink orders and brought them a basket of chips and salsa.

Phillip ordered a coke and Stella ordered tea then she ordered a medium(24-ounce) frozen margarita for both of them to share. Phillip then ordered a soft Taco Plate with rice and beans and Stella ordered an Enchilada plate.

Stella and Phillip enjoyed their meal and for dessert, split an order of fried ice cream. After eating, they left and went home and spent the rest of night in a night of sensual, erotic intimacy "enjoying each other's company."

The day of prom was reserved for making sure they were well groomed. Stella went and got her hair done then drove Phillip to one of the best Men's grooming center's in town for a makeover worthy of the evening..

Stella and Phillip then got a manicure and by 2:00, it was time to go home and get ready for the big night.

As they showered, they were very careful not to get their hair wet so as not to mess up their hairstyle. They both dressed in their outfits. Stella put on her dress leaving the slit completely opened so it showed all her sumptuous legs. She then put on her thigh high stockings, matching garters, crotch less black lace panties. Finally, she slipped her feet into her heels and put on the jewelry she had selected.

To cap off the entire ensemble, Stella sprayed on a fair amount of new perfume she had actually gotten from the company she owned. It was from the catalog that carried items for the "playful discriminating adult." The scent was called "Erotic Taboos" and once Phillip smelled it that is exactly what he wanted to commit with his own mother right then and there.

"Patience my sweet," Stella said with a seductive purr, "or we might just miss one of the best nights of our lives. Besides we have all night."

Paul shook his head to clear the cobwebs from his brain and regained his composure. Stella was right. There would be plenty of time for engaging in Erotic Taboos later.

The limo was scheduled to pick them up around a quarter to four and it was about 10 minutes after three. Stella wanted to get some pictures of them both before they left, but did not want to trust it to mere a selfie pic on her cell phone, that would not do it justice. Instead, she led Phillip upstairs to Leon's old private photo studio he used to use in his work.

Stella took a one of the professional photographer's cameras Leon had and set it up on a tripod, making sure the memory card was clear then pulled down a blue screen and set the lights. Once she had everything set, she and Phillip took their positions and Stella took a hand held device photographers used to control the camera remotely and began taking pictures.

As she took the pictures, they were also displayed on a 32 inch wall-monitor so Stella could tell if the picture was of good quality. The first few pictures were of the traditional ones of the Phillip standing behind Stella with his arms around her waist. A couple of those had Stella turning her head back to kiss Phillip on the lips.

Stella then turned towards Phillip acting like she was pinning a boutonniere on his shirt and Phillip placed the corsage on her wrist. Stella then got a picture of them facing each other with Phillips's arms around Stella's waist, a few of Stella with her arms around Phillips's neck looking up into his eyes, and then both of them embraced in a deep passionate kiss.

Stella previewed the pictures with Phillip and they both liked them and by then it, was time for the limo to pick them up.

Before they entered the Limo, Stella had a large zip up bag with a shoulder strap, almost the size of a classic standard issued GI dufflebag, and a back pack. She placed both of those in the trunk of the Limo and then placed her purse along with a smaller gym bag with a shoulder strap in the back seat with them.

The driver held the door open and they both got in and they drove out to where one of the more affluent country clubs in the county. It is where the school had made arrangements to take pre-prom pictures starting at 4:00 P.M.

Stella wasted no time in putting up the privacy partition up between them and the driver. Phillip was awestruck at the sheer elegance of the limo and he knew this wasn't the one he had reserved. The limo had two back seats, one facing each other. On the side was an ice bucket with a bottle of the finest Champagne and two fluted glasses.

On the seat were two boxes of Cigars, one from The Dominican Republic named Montecristo and one from Nicaragua named Perdomo. Each box had its country's flag on the top and just under the flag was the name of the cigars.

Stella then took out 4 cigars, two cigars from each box and placed them in her garter two on each side. She then slipped the boxes in her gym bag.

"This is definitely NOT the limo package I ordered for Heather and myself," Phillip said in an impressed tone, obviously knowing he was out of his league.

Stella confessed she canceled his car service and in its place contacted one that her company used frequently and the driver was one Stella knew personally.

Stella also told Phillip that she had canceled and had remade all the plans, including dinner and the river cruise so there would be no hint of Heather.

"I hope you don't mind me making all these changes from your original plan, Stella said with a loving smile. "I just wanted tonight to be about us with no hint of Heather."

"I am glad you did mom," Phillip replied with a smile. "This is our night now and I am looking forward to all the memories we will make."

"Mmmmmmmm, I will make sure your night more than memorable Mon Cher," Stella said with a lustful purr and with that she and Phillip embraced and passionately kissed.

The kisses were deep tongue probing tonsil swabbing French kisses They were just in the throes of their passions and their hands had just reached "vital areas" when the driver buzzed on the phone they were at the country club

Phillip and Stella straighten themselves up and exited the limo. Phillip saw lots of his classmates a few of his friends and some of Heather's friends there, but did not see Heather.

They were shocked to see Phillip, seeing that how most of the class knew by now that Heather had dumped him, but were impressed by the way he looked in his formal attire and awe struck to see him with Stella.

It was about 4:30 when they had finished getting their pictures and they reentered the limo and Stella directed the driver to go to one of the finest and most expensive as well as renown restaurant in all of Houston.

It was a well known 5-star establishment that had a reservation list wait of at least three to six months, but Stella used her and her uncle Leon's connections to get them a reservation at one of the best tables.

Phillip and Stella arrived at the restaurant around 5:00 P.M. just as they were beginning to get busy. The Maitre'D greeted them at the door and escorted them to their table. Before he left, he asked Stella which wine steward she wanted and Stella replied the red wine steward would be fine. Stella then gave the Maitre'D a 100 dollar bill for his service and thanked him.

The wine steward came over and greeted them and suggested one of the best house Merlots to which Stella would be great. He then returned, presented the bottle, opened the bottle, presented the cork as per policy, poured a little bit in the glass and allowed them to sample.

Stella and Phillip both took and sip and found it very favorable and satisfying. Stella told the steward it was perfect and he then filled their glass about two-third's full then left the bottle and left.

A few minutes later, their server came and took their order. He suggested the Steak and Lobster and baked potato along with creamed spinach. He then suggested the home made cheddar biscuits and Caesar Salad.

Lastly, with the lobster, the server suggested a fine Sauvignon Blanc to which the white wine Steward came over and presented and served the wine as like the Red Wine Steward had, leaving the bottle with them.

The server brought out the food in courses and was very attentive and courteous. The crowd was mostly adults dressed very well of course, most in black tie, but a few in white tie like them.

"Wow mom this is nice," Phillip said with a smile. "I never imagined anything this extravagant in my life for prom. This must be setting you back a small fortune, this new tux, the limo and Champagne, the dinner in this fancy restaurant, all the bottles of wine and who knows what else."

"Well sweetie you are more worth it," Stella replied with a smile as she put her hand on his. "This is our special night, and I intend on making it a night you will never forget."

"Also what's the use of having money of you can't enjoy it," Stella added with a laugh. "I know I have it, and I intend to use it to have fun and show you a good time, and besides you would have never gotten this with Heather."

Phillip just snorted and replied "I just hope she is having a good time with what's his face."

"Well I wouldn't about her, Stella replied. "Mommy gonna make you forget all about her. And besides, I may not be as young as Heather, but I can do things that she would never dream about in a million years as I am sure you know from personal experience."

"Oh yes mom you opened a whole new world of carnal delights beyond my imagination," Phillip said with a smile fondly remembering their "first time."

"Well that is only the tip of the iceberg," Stella said with a purr squeezing Phillip's knee under the table and giving him a sensual kiss on the lips. "I have so much more I can to show you."

Stella then added "Oh yes one more thing sweetie, you don't have to call me mom anymore. We're both adults and we have become closer than mother and son. We are now lovers and soulmates. I want you to call me Stella, just think of it as just another one of the many perks of adulthood.

"Okay ma," then Phillip caught himself and then said "Stella" and Stella leaned in and gave him another soft sensual kiss on the lips.

After the main course, the server returned to the table and asked how they were doing. He then suggested dessert, a nice Opera cake, a dessert made from layers of almond sponge cake filled with coffee butter cream and rich chocolate and covered in a chocolate ganache.

To complement this, the server suggested a fine Irish coffee drink called "The Dancing Dubliner." This drink was made with Irish cream coffee, one-and-a-half ounces of Irish cream liqueur, one-and-a-half ounces of Irish whiskey and topped with whipped heavy cream.

Stella said she would like that and ordered two, one for her and one for Phillip. The server also suggested a bottle of their finest dessert wines and Stella would say that would be great.

As before, the wine steward brought over the wine, opened it, presented the cork and poured a sample. Once the server was sure Stella approved, he poured them both a glass and left the bottle.

After they finished their first Irish coffee drink Stella asked Phillip if he wanted another to which he said "Yeah, since neither of us is driving, why not."

Stella ordered a different coffee drink called Gingerbread Breakfast for each of them. This was made with two ounces of spiced and buttered Captain Morgan's Rum, three-quarter's ounce of ginger syrup, one ounce of half-and-half and topped with black coffee. The top with garnished with whipped cream and a ginger snap.

Over the course of the meal, Phillip and Stella consumed the equivalent of six to seven drinks between all of the wines and the coffee drinks they had consumed, but they had consumed them all in the span of a little over two hours and they had food with it. They were fairly tipsy and had a moderate buzz going on, but were still able to keep their composure.

The server brought the check to Stella. Stella reached into her purse and pulled out eleven one hundred dollar bills, 720 dollars for the dinner and the rest as a tip for the server.

Stella then asked to see their both of their wine stewards. The red wine steward and white wine steward both came over. She gave him each 100 dollar bill for their service to which they thanked her and wished them a great evening.

After the servers were out of ear shot Phillip commented on how much Stella spent and said "Dang, I never even saw any prices on the menu or how much to tip."

Stella just winked and said "Well sweetie, J.P. Morgan said it best 'If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it,' and thanks to your Uncle Leon leaving me his business, mommy can now afford it."

By now it was almost 7:20 and they re-entered the Limo and drove to the one of the finer hotels/convention centers in all of Harris County where the prom was to be held, the George R Brown Convention Center.

The normal route from the restaurant would have taken approximately 25 minutes, but Stella instructed the driver to take a route that added another 20. Once Stella had given the driver his instructions, she asked not to be disturbed until they arrived, and when they did arrive to buzz them on the phone first.

Once the driver indicated he understood drove the route. Stella put up the privacy divider up between them and the driver.

Stella reached in to her garter and pulled out two cigar tubes and handed one to Phillip. Inside was an expensive Montecristo Cigar from the Dominican Republic. Stella showed Phillip how to light it as she lit hers and then took a long draw on it as she slowly released the smoke from her lips savoring and relishing each bit of flavor as it was slowly exhaled.

"Here you light yours," Stella said with a smile.

Phillip took a long puff and savored the rich robust flavor of the cigar. Stella took another couple of puffs and they took their time and enjoyed the cigar,

After they had both finished the cigar, Stella got a devilish grin said "I got something better, if you're feeling brave."

"Oh what's that," Phillip said with a smile.

"A little reefer," Stella said with a wicked grin. "You game?"

"Sure why not," Phillip replied and with that Stella reached into her purse and pulled out a couple of joints, one for each of them.

Stella lit it one for Phillip taking a long toke then blew out the smoke then took another toke then handed it to Phillip who did the same.

They both shared the joint which took them about 3 minutes to finish it, then shared another one and soon they had a good solid buzz going on. It was a good thing that the buzz from all the alcohol they consumed at dinner was starting to wear off.

Stella then got a naughty look in her eye as as wicked thought crossed her mind and the more she thought about it the better it sound. She then got a devilish grin on her face and smiled like the Chesser cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"How about a quickie in the Limo before prom," Stella said with a devious smile definitely under the influence of the pot.

"Ah what the hell," Phillip thought to himself and with a goofy grin, an effect of the joints he had just smoked said "Sure why not."

With that, Stella removed her panties and knelt in front of Phillip, unfastened his belt, unfastened his pants then unzipped his pants. She then lowered his pants all the way down, reached into her gym bag and pulled out a white towel and sit it over his legs so as not to mess his tux pants up. She then pulled out his raging 9 inch cock from under his briefs and lowered the briefs down as well.

Taking Phillip's cock in her hand, Stella placed her mouth on his cock and began sucking it deep throating it as she took him all the way down to the balls. It caused Stella to gag a little but she didn't care, she continued to eagerly suck Phillip like a porn starlet would.

Once Phillip's cock was good and slippery, she sat on his lap facing him and lowered her pussy onto Phillip's cock.

Stella crooned as Phillip slid inside her and she began riding Phillip hard and fast.

"Oh God yes Phillip baby, make mommy cum, "Stella crooned with delight.

She continued to ride Phillip until she came all over Phillip's hard cock. Phillip grunted and released his cum into Stella's pussy.

They held each other tight as Phillip continued to shoot his jism into Stella and as Phillip was cumming, the Limo driver buzzed on the phone. Stella answered it in a breathless pant and the driver informed them they had arrived

"Give us 15 minutes and we'll be right out," Stella replied doing her best to catch her breath.

"Very good ma'am," the driver replied more than likely knowing what had been going on. He was a limo driver after all and probably seen more than his fair share of what went on on the back of limos.

Stella and Phillip got dressed and then Stella reached into the gym bag she had brought with them. She took out two packs of scented bath wipes used to give people bed baths.

"Here use these to wash your face and neck," Stella said as she tossed Phillip a pack. "It'll help mask the scent of the cigars and pot we smoked."

Phillip rubbed off his face and neck as did Stella.

Stella then took out her bottle of Sensual Taboo from her purse and sprayed some on her neck and wrists then hiked her skirt and sprayed some "down there."

She handed Phillip his cologne and he applied a bit and afterwards they exited the limo. Stella handed the driver two one hundred dollar bills and asked him to wait. Then they both walked towards the entrance of the convention center.

Stella and Phillip were still under the effects of the pot but somewhat mildly, just enough to still feel the euphoria and buzz it gave, but not so much as to be obviously stoned. "Just relax and everything will be alright" Stella said reassuringly.

They entered the main entrance and saw the sign to one of the Grand Ballrooms upstairs. As Phillip and Stella ascended the stairs and entered the room, lots of his classmates noticed him and the way he was dressed and who he was with. The guys were impressed and the girls were gossiping.

Phillip saw Dave, one of his best buddies since Kindergarten with his date Abby.

"Dude, you look frickin awesome man," Dave exclaimed in an impressed tone then added "almost Superfly! I really dig that tux and dude, the White Tie is over the top. You nailed it. Heather is going to be so fucking jealous."

"I should hope so," Stella replied with a triumphant smile. "I hope the little bitch dies of envy."

Abby just snickered and Dave laughed out loud and then had just noticed Stella and what she was wearing. "Oh don't worry she will," Dave told Stella "and may I say you look very elegant tonight," he added trying to keep from saying what he really thought that Stella was a fucking hot MILF and he was beyond jealous.

"Hey wanna get some punch Phillip," Dave said. "We can bring back some for the ladies."

"Yeah sure I guess if its okay with you and Abby." Phillip replied.

"Knock yourselves out, Stella replied. "You guys have fun," Abby and I will just hang out here."

Stella knew Dave was dying to figure out what was going on after all Dave and Phillip had been friends since Kindergarten and were partners in crime and thick as thieves.

Phillip and Dave got some punch for themselves and their dates and then quietly said "Dude, am I right? Isn't that your mom."

"Yeah it is" Phillip replied. "She decided to go with me when Heather decided to cancel on me for that doofus she went with. Mom got me this new tux and took me out to dinner and said she was going to make this a night to remember."

"Dude, you know that's your mom your with," Dave said, "and you know what goes on after prom and from what I have seen by the way you two have been interacting, I, well, you know."

"Now you can't honestly say you haven't at least thought about it," Dave continued. "Maybe even spanked the ole monkey fantasizing about it? Who could blame you if you did. Hell, if I had a mom as hot as yours, I would definitely be dreaming about it and the monkey would definitely be in the principal's office every day being spanked. They would have to probably call the ASPCA on my ass."

Phillip chuckled then got a smirk on his face and replied "Well without confirming or denying anything you may be thinking about us, let me just say that I have left my childhood innocence behind and Stella and I now enjoy a mutually satisfying adult relationship with all the perks and benefits," and left it at that, but his huge "shit eating" grin let Dave knew his suspicions were correct.

Dave then lowered his voice a little more and said "Dude some friendly advice on another subject. You may wanna avoid security, Mr. Harris and the other administrators for a bit. I couldn't help but notice you and Stella reeked of a little of weed when you walked in. Just sayin."

"Yeah thanks and we will, and thanks for the heads up," Phillip replied as they walked back towards Stella and Abby and Phillip handed Stella her drink.

As was tradition, Stella and Phillip posed for their prom pictures and after that they went back to join the party. As they walked in, every head turned and trained it's eyes on Stella and Phillip as they walked in like a couple with their arms around each other's waist.

Phillip was fairly well known at school, but he had never been known as a Casanova. He could have been, but he wasn't the type to be a player. He was quiet and shy and most people were surprised when they heard he was attending the prom with Heather.

Seeing Phillip with Stella definitely made some tongues wag, but not all in a bad way. Not to many people knew Stella was Phillip's mom but those who did didn't say too much.

Speaking of Heather, Phillip did run into her at the Prom while hanging out with Dave, Abby and their friends. Phillip noticed that Heather and her prom date the "Star Quarterback" had been fighting and the date ended up leaving the prom. Heather was crying and tried to worm her way back into Phillip's good graces.

Dave and his friends felt awkward as they watch Heather try to con Phillip into taking her back, but Stella immediately shut that down. "She calmly with a voice of steel replied "You had your chance young lady, and you blew it. He's mine now and he is over you."

"I want to hear that from him," Heather replied defiantly.

"Very well" Phillip replied calmly. "You made your choice, now live with it. You and I are over," and with that Heather, turned on her heels and left the party with some friends in tears.

"Well, enough with Little Debbie Downer here," Stella said coldly almost callously and with a note of sarcasm in her voice. "Let's forget about her and have some fun," and with that, things got back to normal.

During the prom, Stella turned out to be the life of the party and center of attention. There were groups of couples dancing together and Dave was in one of them and had invited Stella and Phillip to join them. They were impressed and turned on by the way she could "bust a move."

Lots of guys who had been watching on the fringes, most of them jocks or pretty preppy types who thought they were God's gift to woman, decided to walk over and cut in on Phillip to make a move on Stella but she shut them down by saying "I only play with men and not children."

Most just walked away, but one fool who was drunk, decided he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He grabbed Stella's arm and tried to pull her. Dave, Phillip, and a large group of other guys were ready to beat the crap out of him, but before they could react, in one smooth motion, Stella quickly took action and rectified the situation.

Stella suddenly and without warning twisted the guy's arm back on itself causing him great pain and then swept her leg under his, forcing him down on his knees with his arm still twisted behind him.

Stella then leaned down and in a calm yet steeled tone softly said. "You would be ill advised to confuse my calmness and self control as a sign of weakness." She then added, "If I were you, I would leave this prom before I or someone else decide to get upset and take matters into their own hands," and then gestured to Phillip, Dave and most of the wrestling team who were lined up ready to assist if needed.

Campus security and School Resource Police officers who were working the event were just walking up and saw that Stella had everything under control. One of them asked if there was any trouble.

Stella just smiled and calmly replied "There is no trouble officer, me and this young gentleman here"(a note of sarcasm in her voice with the term "gentleman") "were just discussing how a lady should be treated. He had some rather antiquated ideas that that turned out to be erroneous and outdated and I was just setting him straight," and then Stella looked down at the boy and said "Isn't that right young man?"

"Yes ma'am" the guy replied sheepishly though gritted teeth still in pain.

"And he's learned his lesson, haven't you," Stella added as she asked him again.

"Yes ma'am," the guy replied again.

By this time, Mr. Harris the head disciplinarian, another one of the assistant principals, and the head principal arrived and saw what was going on and smiled. This guy was well known for being a trouble maker and it appeared that he had met his match in Stella.

Campus police resource officers led the young man away from the prom but did not arrest him since there was no obvious crime except for being a drunken asshole. They did however take him to the precinct and called his parents to come pick him up.

The Principal told him he would be facing at least a week possibly two of out of school suspension for this and they would discuss that in his office on Monday morning. The principal then added that the incident would have to be referred to the board and if he was lucky, he wouldn't be expelled for this.