Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 807 - THE DANCE

Chapter 807 - THE DANCE

t was my 60th birthday and despite being so broke that I had lost all hope of ever seeing the day when my bills were less than my income, I splurged for the first time in over 20 years.

I had dreamed my entire life of visiting the baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown, NY. Actually, my dream began as being inducted into the hall of fame after the most sparkling pitching career in the history of baseball but that is another story.

Anyhow, I took my two weeks of vacation. I went online and booked a flight from Mobile, AL to Cooperstown, NY. I made reservations at the Lake 'N Pines motel. I closed my checking account and got my boss to pay me in advance for the vacation since my last day of work was a pay day. I went over my credit card bills while at work and picked the two that still had over a $1000 credit remaining.

I closed the store at midnight and drove straight to Mobile since my flight was scheduled to take off at 2AM and it was almost a two hour drive to the airport in Mobile from my store.

I was completely exhausted but by 4PM on my first day of vacation I had rented a car, found the site of the hall of fame, purchased a two week visitors pass, and checked in to the motel.

I asked the clerk to give me a 6AM wake up call since the hall of fame opened it's doors at 7AM and I wanted to be there before they opened. I had the clerk call for a pizza to be delivered to my room.

I barely had time to unpack and take a shower before the pizza arrived and after paying the delivery girl, I got their number so I could call for my own deliveries.

It smelled fantastic but I decided to lay down a few minutes to let my muscles relax a bit from my long flight without rest or sleep. It still tasted great after I woke up just before the phone rang with my wake up call.

I took a quick shower, grabbed a thermos of coffee from the lounge, and ate the pizza on my way to the hall of fame.

I never in my life dreamed the place would be as great as it was. From the time it opened at 7AM until it closed at 7PM, I was completely immersed in the history of the sport I love so much. I soon began to realize that it would take closer to two months than two weeks to see everything it had to offer but I was determined to see as much as I possibly could.

For 5 straight days, I had followed the exact same routine. I got up at 6AM, showered, went to the hall of fame, stayed until it closed, ordered a pizza, ate, and fell asleep exhausted.

Then the 6th day as I waited for the elevator to take me to my room, I heard music coming from a set of double doors across from the elevators.

Smiling, I asked the clerk what was going on. She grinned and told me that every Saturday night they had a dance for the different dance classes to meet and practice what they had learned during the week.

I told her it had been almost 40 years since the last time I had done any dancing but that I loved ballroom dancing and then I asked her if it was a private dance or was it possible for me to watch the dancers.

She smiled and told me that I could not only watch but I could also dance if I wanted to join the crowd. After giggling, she had added that she was hoping her relief came in a bit early so she could get in a couple of dances before the dance ended at 2AM.

My eyes had barely adjusted to the dim lights before my jaw dropped and I stared at the most amazing dancer I had ever seen in my life. There was a circle around her and her partner and they were the only two dancing.

I remember thinking as the song the band was playing neared it's end that even if she had two left feet she was so beautiful she would have still been the center of attention.

She was at the very least 6 feet tall, her hair was the darkest black I had ever seen, and it was almost touching the dance floor when she was on her toes.

Despite her continuous spins and dips and gyrations, I never saw what was beneath her skimpy outfit but it left very little to the imagination. The best I could tell her skirt was a large transparent scarf tied at the hips and she wore no panties. Her top was a matching scarf that hung from a large necklace barely covering her pert breasts and was loosely tied between her shoulder blades. It was also obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.

She remained the center of attention as the band played song after song. One man after another danced with her and even on occasion another lady took a turn dancing with her. Occasionally her partner was adept enough to warrant a second dance and one man even had a third dance but even his skills paled in comparison to her looks and movements.

I had lost all track of time and was still mesmerized by her looks and talent when I realized as her most recent partner rejoined the circle that she was beckoning me to take his place.

To be honest, I had no idea that it was her picking her own partners until that moment and as the band played a fast paced Mamba it was all I could do to stumble from the circle and join her.

As I stood only a few feet from her, i was so awe struck by her beauty that the song was damn near half over before I remembered I was suppose to be dancing. I slowly closed my eyes and picked up the beat as my mind remembered the steps then I smiled and did my very best to keep up with her.

I saw her eyes look confused then fill with joy as she increased her movements and I matched her step for step. Her smile broadened and with barely a pause she spun into my arms as the Mamba ended and a Waltz began.

Most novices think that a Waltz and a Rumba are one and the same dance but they are actually two completely different dances using basically the same steps. A Waltz is choreographed movement between two partners that feed off each other's spins and gyrations while a Rumba is the same with the addition of much more contact between partners.

The second biggest difference is in the music itself. A Waltz has much more brass with a steady drum beat while a Rumba has just the opposite sound with the brass being steady while the drum beats are highlighted.

I began learning to ballroom dance when I was barely 6 years old and for almost 15 years I had gone to balls at least twice a week and quite often even 3 or 4 times a week. I had only stopped because I had been drafted and ballroom dancing wasn't an option in Viet Nam.

When I returned to civilian life, I had to work and just never had time to devote to my love for dance. I had been a damn good dancer and I knew I had been her best partner but I also knew I was really rusty with some of my steps and I had to think as I danced which wasn't easy as I stared at the most beautiful young lady I had ever danced with or even seen for that matter.

I loved to Rumba above all other dances because it was like making love on a dance floor. I grinned at the shock that filled her eyes when I spun her away from my body as the dance began and didn't release her hand as I would have if we had been doing a Waltz. She stumbled slightly, the very first mis-step I had seen her make then she nodded and smiled before cutting her spin short and returning to me with her back pressed against my chest.

She twisted her head so that it lay against my right shoulder and her lips brushed my right ear as she whispered, "My uncle is the conductor and I will have him change to my favorite Rumba song in a minute. You are a rare joy for me sir. It is so seldom that I find a partner that is as good as you seem to be. My name is jessica."

She quickly spun away then came straight back this time facing me as she twisted her head so that her own right ear was against my lips.

Somehow I managed to stammer, "Thank you for the compliment Miss Jessica. My name is Woody. I wish I weren't so rusty. It has been almost 40 years since I danced plus if you will forgive my frankness, I have never danced with anyone of your talent much less anyone so beautiful and sexy."

I saw her eyes sparkling as she spun away from me then she pointed at her Uncle and held her hand in a `V� before she spun back into my arms and whispered, "That just might be the best compliment I�ve ever had Woody."

As she spoke, the music stopped abruptly then I gasped when the band began playing my favorite Rumba music. I have never known it's name but I loved it because of two things. First, it was the fastest of all the Rumba's I knew and it took two highly skilled dancers to maintain it's rhythm. Second, it was the longest Rumba ever written and took almost a full 30 minutes from start to finish.

As Jessica spun away in her first move, the lights went off and a spotlight hit her. Luckily, she had almost a full minute of movement before the spot went from her to me and I had time to recover from the shock and regain my own rhythm. By the time the spot returned to Jessica, the crowd was clapping and stomping their feet to the music and a second spot light circled the huge circle before it focused on me.

Just once in my life had I danced what I considered the perfect Rumba to this song from start to finish and that was without a spot light on me or my partner. I can't claim I did this time either because I definitely wasn't perfect when it first began and the surprise of the spot light on Jessica caused me to lose my step a few seconds but she was beyond a doubt perfect from start to finish and I felt like I had matched her grace after that brief blunder.

The dance ended just as it had begun with her back pressed against my chest. We were both covered with sweat and gasping for air as the spot lights went off the dance hall went completely black.

For less than a heartbeat, the overhead lights flickered on then the blackness returned. I heard muffled voices around us and from the stage between gasps for air.

I can only assume it was her Uncle that said over the microphone, "It seems that the main breaker for the lights has broken."

After a quick laugh he finished, "I guess this is the time for our first break. Hopefully the lights will be back on shortly."

Jessica's lips brushed my right ear as she whispered, "I just fell in love with you Woody."

Without thinking, I slid my hands from her hips up under her scarf. She moaned softly and licked my ear as my thumbs lightly traced her huge, swollen nipples. I didn't pinch them or grab her small breasts. Instead I slowly let my thumbs lift her giant nipples upward until they slipped off then just as slowly I pressed my thumbs down until her nipples sprang back on top of my thumbs. Over and over and over, I thumbed her nipples as she ground her firm ass back against my throbbing erection.

The lights flickered on then went right back off again. She gasped and leaned away. I thought she was ending our fondling but instead she patted my cock quickly then lifted her hair around her shoulders so that it completely covered my hands under her scarf.

When the lights again flickered on and off she thrust her ass against my cock and whispered, "Please Woody. Tell me you have a room here. My home is a 30 minute drive and I can't wait that long to have your cock inside me."

She ground her ass up and down my cock then said, "I know your cock wants to fuck me Woody and I pray you want that as much as I do, too."

I didn't answer, I just grabbed her right hand in my left and headed toward where I thought the exit was and prayed I was heading in the right direction and that we didn't run over another spectator as we made our way out of the ballroom.

Just as I felt my right shoulder brush against someone, Jessica moved as close as she could to my left side and the night clerk opened the double doors leading to the lounge.

The bright lights blinded me but I figured it also blinded everyone else and we were only a few steps from getting out unseen except for the clerk.

I tried to guide us past the clerk but to my surprise her left hand grabbed my right hand and she pulled us through the doors and closed them then laughed as she whispered, "DAMN LITTLE SIS! I was hoping to get a couple of dances with Woody then spend the night in his room. Looks like you already stole him from me."

As my eyes finally adjusted Jessica giggled as we got in the elevator and softly said, "From the size of his cock I'd say he had more than both of us could handle Kimberly but tonight he is all mine Sis. If he can fuck even half as good as he can dance though, you may never get a turn Kimbo. I could never share a man that wanted to spend the rest of my life making happy."

The elevator doors opened and I stood in complete shock unable to move as Jessica said, "I'm sorry Woody. I don't mean to scare you but I meant every damn word I just said."

I released both their hands and turned to Kimberly. I ripped her blouse open and hungrily began sucking her huge titties as I pulled her panties down then tore them off her legs.

I plunged my cock inside her pussy and waited for her instantaneous orgasm to subside a bit then said, "Sorry Jess. I've wanted to do this since the day I checked in to the motel and I just had to do it once before I marry you. You see my darling as your sister will tell you when she sees you tomorrow, I fuck at least a million times better than I dance. I've dreamed of a wife that is exactly like you in looks and ability but never dreamed I would be lucky enough to find you. Now go get ready to marry me while I give Kimberly the maid of honor's gift for you."

Jessica stuck out her tongue and giggled. I'm not sure if she was about to say something or not but I think she was. Just as she giggled however the elevator doors opened and with a quick glance downward at my cock in her sister's cunt, she licked her lips and blocked the elevator so no one could get out.

Quickly her eyes shot up and she grinned then turned her head and calmly said, "Sorry folks. My future husband is fucking my sister and I not sure they want an audience."

She laughed and stepped inside then was gone. As that happened, Kimberly's only reaction was to grasp my ass cheeks in both hands and try to get the rest of my cock in her tight young pussy.

Luckily, the door to my room was directly across from the elevator or we might have spent the rest of the night fucking in the hallway.

I spun her around and unlocked the door then gripped her ass in both hands and lifted her off her feet. Somehow, I managed to kick the door closed then carry her to my bed. As I eased her across it, my cock almost popped out but Kimberly quickly wrapped her long legs around my back and managed to keep my cockhead inside her body.

Gritting my teeth, I drove about half my cock into her tight cunt after I had gotten on my knees at the edge of the bed then I smiled as she knowingly wrapped her arms around my neck so I could walk on my hands and knees while carrying her until her head was between the pillows on the bed.

I saw a glint of surprise in her dark brown when instead of lowering her to the bed, I flipped us so she was on top of me. Kimberly kissed me softly then sat up with just my cockhead keeping us united.

As she removed her torn blouse she giggled then stuck out her tongue and whispered, "Guess I'll have to call Jess to bring me something to wear before I can leave in the morning."

I grinned and groaned as her cunt gripped my cock then whispered, "Sorry Kimberly but right now you are fulfilling a fantasy I've had for almost 50 years."

She moaned as she asked, "Would you tell me about it Woody? I have never been anyone's fantasy girl."

I gasped when she tightened her cunt even more then after a deep breath I somehow whispered, "I'd love to Kimberly but if you keep using your fantastic cunt muscles on me, I doubt I can remember it."

She laughed loudly and nodded then relaxed her cunt very slowly and waited so I continued, "I guess it is more like what almost happened but didn't instead of a true fantasy. A week before my 10th birthday, my family went to the beach for a two week vacation. The morning of my birthday, my parents took my brother and sister shopping for my gifts and left me alone once I promised not to go to the ocean even to hunt seashells. I was sitting in a lounge chair eating a bowl of cereal just after they drove off wishing I could go down to the beach but settling for watching from a distance. I saw this newlywed couple arrive. It wasn't even 7AM yet and as the husband made trip after trip from their car to their room which was right next to ours, they argued and hollered at each other non-stop. I can't remember exactly what it was but she wanted him to go to a store before they settled in their room and I think he just wanted to fuck her. Anyhow, once the last bag was in the room he came storming back out and as he headed to the car he screamed something about getting drunk and the hell with her. At least two hours had gone by and he still hadn't returned. Every few minutes she would either stick her head out the door or walk to the parking lot and go back to her room. I distinctly remember that twice she tried to unlock my room before realizing her mistake and going to her room. The second time I heard her say something about not being able to find her glasses and how blind she was without them."

I paused to catch my breath then finished, "To make a really long story as short as possible, I decided to take a nap and went back to my room. I lay down and got to thinking about the young bride and of course I got an erection. I pulled off my trunks and had just started to stroke my cock when the door opened and she laughed and began taking off her blouse. I froze torn between fear and lust. When she was down to her bra and panties she giggled and walked over to the bed. She bent over my waist and slowly let her hair tickle my cock back and forth as she turned her head. As her lips passed over my cock she paused and softly blew out her hot breath until I thought I was going to cum for the very first time in my life without so much as being touched. Then, she straightened up and removed her panties before damn near jumping on the bed and straddling my hips. We still hadn't made any body contact at all but I could feel the heat of her cunt on my cock and when she fell forward onto her extended arms I felt her hot cunt juices dripping on my cockhead. I groaned and she giggled then arched her back and buried her bra covered right breast in my open mouth. I began sucking and chewing without thinking as she moved back and forth so that I sucked both of her breasts until my saliva was dripping from her bra cups then she sat up and removed her bra and fed me her bare breasts."

I laughed and reached out and pinched Kimberly's rigid nipples then said, "That was pretty much the end of my story. After I had sucked her bare titties for about 5 minutes, she reached down and gripped my cock then screamed and jumped off the bed. I later learned that she was legally blind without her glasses and also a virgin but she had masturbated her husband for years and knew exactly what his cock felt like or most likely there would have been much more story to tell. She told me all that a few days later when she apologized for what happened. I think she would have fucked me looking back on it but I was too young and dumb to be sure of how to find out. My fantasy is basically that but usually involves a motel clerk or maid and they come into my room and see me sleeping. I have an erection and mesmerized they look then can't resist kissing then finally sucking my cock before they mount me and we fuck each other into a frenzied delirium never to meet again."

I could tell even as I was telling her that Kimberly really was fascinated by my fantasy from the way her cunt worked on my cockhead and the increased flow of her hot juices but I was still extremely surprised when she threw herself off my cock and jumped to her feet before saying, "Sorry about that Darling but if I had taken time to think I could never have made myself stop."Even as she said that she had grabbed the shirt I had been wearing and pulled it over her head then she grabbed her skirt and was putting it on as she quickly finished, "Close your eyes lover and think out every detail of `MY NEW FANTASY�! I�ll be back before you have time to remember every little detail."

Before going out the door, Kimberly turned on the TV and muted it then turned it so the screen faced away from the bed then she turned off the overhead light and left.

She was back even faster than I expected. I had been thinking of her and not my fantasy but she was definitely a dream for any man and I was looking forward to finishing what we had begun under any condition she desired.

It barely took her 10 seconds to strip down to her bra and panties. Even in the dim reflected light from the TV, I could easily see that she was wearing the most see-thru bra I had ever seen and the panties were almost impossible to detect they were so transparent.

After one rotation of her head dragging her thick curly hair across my throbbing shaft Kimberly straightened up and whispered, "Woody. I could do this. I will do this but personally I think that stupid bitch had no idea how this should have been done. If I had been her back then I would have used my hair just like she did but I would have also used a little lip and tongue."

I pretended to snore and she giggled then again rotated her head across my hips and drug her hair across my cock. I thought she had decided to stick to the fantasy exactly as I had described it and after about ten more rotations I was about to tell her that a shared fantasy should be what both parties desired not just a one-sided activity then as she froze and began to blow her hot breath on my cock, I felt her hot tongue probe at my peehole.

I completely lost track of time. Kimberly continued to tease my cock with her hair and tongue for over an hour at the very least then after removing her panties and springing on the bed across my hips she fed me her bra covered titties for more than an hour and her bare breasts for at least two hours before she suddenly grabbed my cock. Kimberly froze then screamed and jumped off the bed.

She ran towards the door then as I saw her reaching for the doorknob she again froze and stared at me for several minutes before saying, "I have no idea who you are but my husband has never turned me on as much as you just did and I will be damned if I'm going to give up that kind of loving even if it is with another man and I'm on my honeymoon."

I swear as she spoke, I felt like I was 10 again. I groaned as I felt my balls tighten then Kimberly was kneeling between my legs and my huge cockhead was lodged deep in her throat when my first volley erupted. She moaned and began to hum as she happily deep throated my cock and drank volley after volley of what felt like the largest eruption of my life.

My balls tightened even more and I felt the largest single volley I had ever known well up then explode from them. At that exact moment, Kimberly lifted her head and took my huge volley in her mouth instead of down her throat. She sucked so hard that I groaned painfully then she smoothely slid upward and smiled in my eyes as she ground her cunt against my shaft and balls.

For several minutes she savored her mouthful of sperm as she had one small orgasm after another then she swallowed and hoarsely whispered, "That was absolutely delicious Woody. I never knew a man could cum so much or taste so sweet. There is a secret about me that I must tell you but first I want you to fuck me crazy."

I could taste my own sperm on her lips and in her mouth as I kissed her but I didn't care. After breaking the kiss, I cupped her head in my hands and stared deep into her eyes for several minutes then I began to cry softly.

I lightly licked her lips then guided her into the exact position I wanted her. I gasped when her hair fell around us and even the dim light of the TV disappeared. We were in complete blackness.

I whispered, "Jesus Kimberly. I swear if your hair wasn't so curly it would be even longer than Jessica's."

She giggled and softly purred, "Shut up and fuck me Darling."

I giggled and said, "Not quite yet Sweetpea. There is something you should know about me first. When I really like someone, I can almost read their mind. I'm not exactly clairvoyant but I get glimpses of this and that which allows me to piece together a semblance of their thoughts though it isn't an exact word for word process."

I paused and lightly caressed her back as I continued, "To start with, I picked up earlier this week that you are a transplanted gal from the south and not a native New Yorker."

Kimberly gasped then said, "Okay Mister. Explain that please. Not even my boss remembers I came here from the south. I lost my accent years ago."

I laughed softly and squeezed her ass as I answered, "I never expected us to be as close as we are now but even if this wasn't happening and didn't happen before I left, I would have remembered you as the friendliest person I met while on vacation. You've listened to me ramble on about my adventures exploring the hall of fame every night without the slightest flinch and you've understood my southern drawl without asking me to repeat myself or explain what some phrase indiginous to the south meant. That told me you were either very, very close to someone from the south or came from there yourself. I believe it is the latter because even if you had married a southern gent and spent half your life with him, you would still ask an occasional question about my verbiage."

She giggled and thrust her ass down enough to press her cunt against my shaft briefly before easing back as she said, "Okay Mister. I was born in the south. Now then, what state and what town."

The words were barely out of her mouth before I replied, "The state is a no brainer. We are both from Alabama. By asking town instead of city, that tells me you were a country girl from a small town probably under 10 thousand in population."

I paused for air as she again gasped then I said, "You didn't ask me how to spell Clarke when I gave you my home address so that tells me you either lived in Clarke County or in a surrounding county. My guess is the latter. That would put you in one of 4 other counties. Since I started this conversation, I've been wondering why you never told me you were from Alabama. Unless there was some really dark thing you desperately wanted to remain hidden, the very minute I checked into the motel you would have told me you were from Alabama and when you discovered I was from Clarke County you would have told me the town where you were born."

I let my hands move to her breasts and began thumbing her swollen nipples as I added, "If I am right, then I was a city policeman in your home town for about a year. I left the Linden police and got a job in Pine Hill, Alabama because the cops in Marengo County were so corrupt. You might not be from Linden but I would wager you were or maybe Gallion."

She began to sob almost violently and I pulled her head to my chest and held her as my eyes adjusted to the dim light from the TV then I whispered, "I'll stop now if you want me to Kimberly."

Her voice trembled as she whispered, "Please Woody. I can't explain why but I really need you to continue."

I hugged her a little tighter and quickly finished, "I was a cop for about 15 years. I guess I had been gone from the job 2 years when all the commotion hit Marengo County. The details were at the very best sketchy but I think it involved the chief deputy and his 12 year old daughter. I am thinking she is you. Your age and Jessica's seem to fit perfectly. That was 16 years ago which would make you 28 now and Jessica only 18 if that old. Your father sexually abused you until you got pregnant then he made you into a prostitute to cover up the fact he had gotten you pregnant. I think you ran away the day Jessica turned 5 years old and I would bet my life you finally got up the courage to leave when you found your father abusing your child."

It was almost three hours later when she finally quit crying then she whispered, "You don't hate me?"

I squeezed her tight and softly said, "I saw your father about 12 years ago. You had probably been gone less than a year. He was drunk and hitting on a friend of mine's daughter. He took a swing at me when I sent her own her way and I knocked him out. As he regained consciousness, he said something about getting even and I knew he would try so I decided to end it right then and there instead of having to watch my back for the rest of my life. I told him I was sorry he felt that way but he should do his very best to remember that I would eventually get out of jail if he prosecuted me. He looked at me as if wondering what I meant and I guess he must have figured it out when he got out of the hospital about 6 months later. I spent a couple of nights in jail because I sorta hurt the first three cops that tried to break up the fight or I guess the beating I was giving your father would be the more accurate description. Your father refused to sign a warrant and left the area about two weeks after that and I haven't heard anything about him since then."

She cried a few more minutes then whispered, "Jessica doesn't remember any of this and she truly believes I am her sister Woody."

I cleared my throat and said, "I know exactly how crazy it sounds Kimberly but I truly am beyond any hope madly in love with her and we haven't said more than a couple of dozen words to each other. It isn't just how beautiful or sexy she is how what a great dancer she is. I was married once before for 6 months. Hopefully I've grown tremendously since then the thing is I fell in love with my ex-wife after having known her for only a few seconds and while I've had longer relationships since her, I was never `in-love� again until I saw Jessica tonight. Now, I am totally confused. Do you think if we moved to Utah and became Mormons I could marry her and you?"

Kimberly sat bolt upright and smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen on a woman before saying, "If that is your way of telling me you love me and want to marry me too then your answer is yes. I can't see us living in Utah but I don't need a wedding to be your wife."

I nodded and stared deep into her eyes and she frowned and said, "My Jess is going to shock you Woody. She is a virgin. Before you, no man has even kissed her much less touched her. Having said that however, I am positive she could and would share you with me."

I stared even deeper into her very soul and she trembled as she whispered, "Will you hold her in your arms when I tell her?"

I nodded and she giggled then moaned softly as she whispered, "It is damn near morning Mister and I am still waiting to be fucked. I also truly think that my Jess should be a full fledged woman when she hears the truth. We will tell her when we are home in Alabama after your vacation is over."

A heartbeat later, she was again above me and in the exact position I had gotten her into before we started talking. I was again in total blackness but strangely, I could see her as if we were laying on the 50 yard line of the largest stadium in the world with every light lit up and every spot focused on us.

I bent my head and licked her nipples then laid back and whispered, "We would be here another 24 hours if I went into the details but the simple fact is I lost my virginity on my 11th birthday to my mother's best friend. She was about a month past her 44th birthday and taught me everything I know about women. I favor this position because it gives me the easiest access to your G-spot and I can fuck you for as long as I want to without cumming. I figure we have about 2 hours before my wake up call so we'll just have to make that do this time."

Kimberly leaned even closer and her lips brushed my ear as she began to tremble while whispering, "You got everything about me right except I was only 9 years old when Daddy got me pregnant and I had Jess just after my 10th birthday. There is one other thing you should really know before we start."

As she paused for air I softly said, "You have no idea what a G-spot is and you haven't been with a man since you fled from Alabama."

She sat up and though blinded by the sudden light from the dim TV I saw her huge smile as she nodded and said, "I've been really scared ever since you ripped my panties off in the hallway but I want this so much I've fought back my fears but now they are completely gone. It's just that your cock is so huge Woody. I'm not sure I can handle it."

Reaching between us I slowly drug my cockhead up and down her slit as I laughed loudly before saying, "I have no idea what size the average cock would be Kimberly. I think mine is probably average at best and most likely a little below average in its length. I do have a few of things I see as an advantage over the average or even most larger cocks. I think my width makes me seem longer, I know the size of my cockhead does, the big curve in the middle I am told is a tremendous thing once a lady has me in her depths, and the way I am small after my cockhead but become increasingly bigger until at my base I'm as big maybe slightly bigger than my width at my cockhead."

Kimberly laughed then sorta purred, "Fuck me Woody. I'll tell you afterward if you are above average."

She again assumed my favorite position perfectly and enveloped me in the darkness of the shroud her hair formed. Without hesitating, I pressed my heels hard against the footboard of the huge bed.

Pressing my cockhead against her tiny cunt hole I whispered, "Ease your ass back until all of my cockhead is inside you Kimberly. Once it is take about another inch then fuck me until you feel comfortable with my cock then stop with just my cockhead remaining in you. I'll give you a minute to catch your breath then take it from there."

Kimberly gritted her teeth so hard before she moved I swear I heard them echo. As soon as her hole began to stretch, the echo was definitely a loud moan of intense pleasure. I could feel the inner walls of her cunt spraying the tip of my cock with her hot secretions.

As millimeter after millimeter of my cockhead began entering her, her moans became louder and her spray became not only hotter but harder as well. By the time I felt my corona pop inside her, her moans were almost deafening. Her secretions intensified in both heat and strength and I felt her cunt walls grabbing me as if to pull more of my cock into their eager clutches.

Her pressure abruptly stopped and after several gasps for air she whispered, "Oh My God! Woody! I never knew sex could feel this good. I never once had an orgasm when Daddy was fucking me but after he found out I was pregnant he had over 200 different men fuck me. It was a different one every night until I was showing so much they were scared to fuck me. I can't remember when it happened but at some point I started to have orgasms and I began to look forward to the next night just to see if the new man could give me one too."

She giggled softly and took a deep breath then said, "I don't think I going to need to adjust anymore Woody. I want your cock so much I just couldn't possibly wait. I don't care how much it could hurt. I'm begging you Baby. Fuck me right now! GOD! I! NEED! YOUR! COCK! WOODY! NOW! AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!"

I had deliberately lifted my ass so that my cockhead would miss her G-spot. I mentally crossed my fingers and prayed that her lust was so great she didn't need the help of me hammering her most sensitive spot to reach the best orgasm of her life.

After her fourth scream, I knew she was definitely there and I giggled as I dropped my ass. I firmly gripped her hips with my cockhead barely half way inside her and ducked my head to devour her dangling breasts.

As Kimberly again screamed, I waited a couple of seconds then slipped my hands to her ribs and pressed her down until she was in the perfect position. I lifted my head and licked her lips then I began hammering her G-spot as fast as I possibly could.

Heel to toe to heel to toe to heel to toe to heel to toe to heel to toe to heel to toe to heel to toe to heel to toe. Over and over I rocked against the footboard from to heel to toe. With every stroke my massive cockhead slammed upward and smacked against her G-spot. It almost flattened then it began to slide across her G-spot on it's way to the depths of her steaming hot pussy.

I smiled as sweat poured off Kimberly and she screamed, "MOTHER OF GOD! OH SWEET JESUS FUCK ME! PLEASE WODY! FUCK ME LOVER!"

"Yes! Yes!" she chanted, wiggling more and more, wrinkling the comforter beneath her naked back.

Kimberly groaned loudly, feeling tingles and sensations she'd never experienced before. Her body was on fire.

"Yes! Yes! God, yes!" she groaned, squinting her eyes and arching her back, just a bit, "Woody, I want you so bad. Please, please fuck me!"

"God, you feel good, Kimberly," I whispered, gently pushing my cock all the way inside her.

Finally, I bottomed out and let out a huge groan, one so loud, and so booming, it echoed throughout the bedroom. I began to thrust deeper, making the bed shake with every movement.

Kimberly reached down and gripped the headboard, slowly slamming her hips down to meet my thrusts.

Her heavy tits bounced, often causing her nipples to kiss one another, as I picked up the pace and began fucking her almost into the headboard.

"Oh! Oh! Oh My God!" she screamed, arching her back completely and gripping the headboard tightly, "Oh, God, Woody! Make me cum! Make me cum!"

I began fucking her harder, slamming the headboard into the wall. My groans were deep and throaty, and the sight of her tits slapping into each other was almost more than I could take. I watched her face, the sexy way her lips pursed each time she moaned. Her cheeks were flushed and her forehead was dotted with droplets of sweat. She was a vision of total abandonment.

"Woooooooodddyyyyyyyyyy!" she screamed, driving her hips faster and gripping my cock like her cunt was a vice, "OH, GOD, I'M CUMMINNNNNNNNNNG!"

Kimberly could no longer speak at this point, only moan and whimper, in total lust. Words and thoughts escaped her, only the feeling of her lover's cock stuffed inside her drooling pussy came to mind.

"Oh, fuck!" I yelled, jabbing her cunt with deep and quick strokes, banging into her with force, "Oh, fuck, Kimberlyyyyyyyy! Shit, I'm gonna cum!"

This was it my, control was no longer an issue. I reached up and grabbed the headboard, using it for firm leverage. I slammed my thick cock deep into Kimberly's cunt, again bottoming it out, balls deep and released the thickest load I'd ever had. I looked up at her, watching her as my seed sprayed deep inside her sloppy wet pussy.

"KIMBERLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" I screamed, as ropes of thick, gooey cum poured from my balls.

Kimberly collapsed as I thrust my hips in one final thrust. Even exhausted and drained, we both hugged each other close and despite gasping for air our lips locked in one of the most tender yet passionate kisses I'd ever known.

Kimberly lifted her head and moved her hair so she could look in my eyes as she whispered happily, "I guess until this very moment in time that I didn't really know what an orgasm was. I thought I had them with many of the men my father forced me to fuck but now I know I didn't."

I was about to reply when the sudden sound of the phone caused us both to jump. Kimberly laughed as she stretched to reach the receiver.

As she said, "Good Morning", her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. After a few seconds she giggled and asked, "What time is it Jess?"

She gasped even louder and her voice rose several octaves as she said, "You've got to be kidding."

After listening for almost a minute she said, "Give me just another hour Jess before you come and please sweetie bring me something to wear. My clothes are in tatters."

She laughed softly and winked at me as she said, "Yes Jess. Woody still loves you. I will tell him what you said when he gets out of the bathroom."

She giggled then hung up the phone and said, "I thought that was the wake up call. When I went and put on the bra and panties I bought on the way to work yesterday as part of Jessica's birthday gift, it was almost 3AM. It is after 3PM now. I could have sworn we were fucking for only a couple of hours and it has been more than 12 hours."

I lifted my head and licked her nipples then whispered, "If I didn't know it would leave you hurting too much to have sex again for several weeks, it would be another 12 or longer Kimberly.

She stared at me in surprise then screamed, "MY GOD WOODY! YOU'RE STILL HARD!"

I twitched my nose as I said, "Try looking in a mirror Kimberly. You'd give a dead man an erection. It is true I am madly in love with your daughter but sweetie you are her equal in the beauty and the sexy departments."

She laid her head on my chest and began to cry softly. I eased my cock from her cunt and rolled her onto her back and just held her while lightly caressing her cheek until she slowly regained her composure.

After a short but tender kiss I swung my feet to the floor and got up then licking my lips as Kimberly stretched with her legs slightly parted I whispered, "God woman. You make it almost impossible for a man to leave your bed. I sure would love to carry you to the bathroom and fuck you senseless as we shared a bath but that isn't possible today. I guess I'll just have to settle for a quick shower alone before leaving for the afternoon."

I winked as her eyes filled with first puzzlement then complete understanding before she softly said, "I promise my daughter will be here alone and ready for you to return Woody. I think it will be much harder for me to tell her the truth than it will be for her to hear it."

I let my eyes roam her fantastic curves as I said, "I think you are going to be surprised Kimberly. Jessica might remember much more than you imagine and she might even already suspect the truth of your relationship."

We talked another 15 or 20 minutes then Kimberly laughed and sent me to the bathroom before she got so turned on she couldn't have let me leave. I drove to my favorite pizza parlor and after eating headed to the hall of fame. Thinking back it is quite astonishing how much I remember of that afternoon visit because not once did my mind waver from the mother and daughter I had come to love so much in such a short time.

The room was empty when I returned shortly after 8PM. I ate most of one of the 4 pizza's I had picked up on the way back to my room, then took a long hot soak and finally stretched out on the bed about 10PM.

I was still adjusting the pillow beneath my head when I heard the key turning in the door. My cock throbbed to life, instantly fully erect. I closed my eyes and interlaced my fingers beneath my head. I wasn't sure if I were about to be with Mother or Daughter and I really didn't care which one it was. I loved them both and knew deep in my heart they both loved me just as much.

Within seconds, I knew I was either with Kimberly again or she had told Jessica the details of my fantasy because soft hair was tickling my cock and balls along with hot breath every few seconds. In less than a minute however, I knew it was Jessica because she changed from short back and forth movements to one long movement and her hair was so much longer and straighter than Kimberly's.

I enjoyed her slow elongated movement for several minutes then suddenly I felt a twinge of guilt I didn't at first understand and when it dawned on me where it came from I gasped and said, "Stop for a spell Jessica. I need to think a bit and talk with you before we continue."

As my eyes adjusted to the bright overhead light Jessica smiled at me and asked, "How did you know it was me Woody?"

I answered, "Your hair is vastly different from your. From Kimberly's."

She giggled and said, "You can call her my Mom Woody. I hadn't figured it out yet but for years I've known we were not sister's."

She laughed and added, "There was nothing concrete to go on but I just know that a Sister does not give up as much as Kimberly has given up raising me."

I patted the bed at my hip and as she sat down I closed my eyes to collect my thoughts then took a deep breath and stared deep into her black eyes as I said, "I am madly `IN-LOVE� with you Jessica and I plan on marrying you and spending the rest of my life doing everything I can to make you happy but I just had the strangest feeling running deep in my very soul. I guess my love for your Mother is almost as great as my love for you and with the huge gap between our ages, I felt like I was about to have sex with my virgin daughter instead of the woman I love. It felt like i was about to repeat what your Grandfather did to your Mother."

Jessica closed her eyes and calmly said, "I want to be your wife and lover, not your daughter Woody but hearing you say that I think I would love our first time as lovers to be as a father and daughter fantasy. I felt so bad for Kimberly when she was telling me about our past but I had no way of easing the pain I saw she felt other than telling her how much I love her and how proud I am that she is my mother. I know there is a huge difference between us pretending we are father and daughter and what Kimberly experienced but maybe I can better understand her pain if I have sex with you in this type of fantasy."

Jessica slid onto the bed and snuggled beside me in a position unlike anything I'd ever experienced and in such an erotic fashion it was all I could do to keep from fucking her then and there.

Her breasts are extremely small but hard as rocks and they are capped by gigantic nipples which are always erect but while hard enough to poke out against any fabric they yield delightfully to any bodily contact.

She pressed her right breast against my left side, laid her head on my shoulder where she could still look into my eyes, rolled slightly laying her left breast almost perfectly between my own male breasts and just slightly above my diaphragm, lifted her left leg over my right leg so it was between my legs with her knee gently pressing against my balls, and finally with an almost wicked grin she laid her left hand on my belly so it covered my swollen cockhead as she slipped her right arm under my neck and cradled my head in the crook of her elbow. It felt like she was in complete control of my body while at the same time she was yielding control of her own body to me. When she then slowly ground her hot cunt against my left hip, I thought I was in heaven about to fuck an angel.

We talked back and forth for more than an hour. At first, it was about Kimberly and the pain she had suffered as a child then Jessica confessed that most of her life she had dreamed of finding out about her parents and either visiting their graves or re-uniting with them or perhaps some other long lost family member. Shortly after that as she stared deep into my eyes she began to discuss her own fantasy but I soon realized she was creating it as she talked. It eventually led to the following which was our very first union as lovers and while not entirely accurate for either of us the union was definitely as blissful as any I have ever known.

My wife died ten years ago leaving me to raise our daughter. Jessica was only ten when her mother was killed, so I was on my own raising her.

The only thing that ever worried me was, Jessica did not have any friends at all. Her last friend was a girl she knew in high school. It was always just her and I. We did everything together, our favorite thing was working out at the gym.

Let me tell you about Jessica, she is about five feet and eight inches tall. Soft brown eyes that are so sexy, I get hard as hell when she looks at me. She has those kind of lips that look like she is pouting. And the warmest smile. Her hair is also dark brown and almost hangs to the floor.

Now the best part, she has a body that could make a dead mans cock hard. Her breasts are tiny, with big areola circles that are dark brown. The nipples are always puffed up and she loves showing them off to me by wearing small tight blouses.

The rest of her is just as fine, her hips and ass are a size 36. Jessica's ass and legs are very strong from all the years we have been working out together. She only wears spandex or small cut off shorts. They really make her look so good.

Things had always been father and daughter between us. I never thought of making love to her even as beautiful as she is until now. The last few weeks she had been wearing very skimpy things around the house. It was nothing for her to wear a see through night shirt or just a sexy set of bra and panties.

The night before her 21st birthday, she came out of her room wearing a yellow see through bra and panties. My eyes explored her young body like never before and she saw me and just smiled.

"Does everything look okay?" She asked with a sexy smile.

"Oh yes, too damn good." I said.

As she sat down on my lap and I could feel the heat coming from her body. She was on fire.

"You okay baby? You sure do feel hot." I asked.

"Yes, it's a girl thing." And she looked deep into me eyes like never before.

We sat for a while watching some movie that had some real good love making in it. As the love making went on in the movie, I could feel her breathing become deeper and faster.

In one part of the movie, a very sexy woman had just undressed and was standing in front of a man. He pulled her to him and they began to kiss, feel, tongue and caress each other like animals.

Jessica burst into tears, "Daddy, this movie is killing me."

Holding her tight I asked, "What's wrong baby?"

She stood up and sat back down on my lap facing me. Her body was pressed into mine so nice.

"Don't get mad at me but," still sobbing, " I have been crazy about you sense I started having my period. I know it's wrong but, you are so handsome and last week I saw you in your room."

Oh boy, last week in my room. The poor thing got a good show, I was jerking off my nine inch cock like a wild man. And the bad part is, I was thinking about her wearing a string bikini that day.

I hugged her, "I'm sorry baby, I should have locked the door. You know what you need"

She cut in, "YES, and I need YOU bad!"

Laughing at her, "I meant, you need a boy friend."

"Dad, why is it so wrong for a dad and daughter to make love? Like with us, I love you so much I hurt 24 hours a day." Jessica took a deep breath, "And thinking about us doing it together wow, I get so wet."

She went on, "Did mom get like this? Sometimes I feel like my body is going to just catch on fire."

Completely entranced by her beauty and lust I was lost in it I caressed her face, "Baby your mom was the same way. She had to take extra panties with her to work just in case she got horny."

Her face got red and she ask, "Was sex with her fun?"

I exhaled hard, "Your mom and I would make love for hours at a time."

"You can say fuck dad, I'm a big girl now." With a sexy smile she went on, "Did your size ever hurt her, you're so big?"

She was getting me horny, "It may have the first few times, but I'm really not as big as I look at first glance and we need to change the subject here."

She hugged me tighter and started crying again, "Daddy, I would love to have you inside me."

I knew it was wrong but, I had the same feelings about being in her. We hugged and I caressed her beautiful ass. She kissed and sucked on my neck until she felt my cock growing under her pussy.

With a look of pain on her face, "Oh, I'm sorry Daddy, now I got you all hot like me. Will you just carry me to bed like when I was little?"

I had to take her to bed, if not I was going to make her my woman right there on the sofa.

I stood up and her strong legs wrapped around my hips, her pussy pushed into my cock very hard. She gasped in a deep breath of air as my cock rubbed her with each step I took.

Once in her room I laid her on her bed and she looked up at me with those sexy sad eyes of hers and asked the question from hell, "Daddy, lay with me for a while, please."

My horny cock took over the thinking, before I knew what was going on, I was laying on her bed facing her. Our bodies pressed together with my hands caressing her breasts and her sweet ass.

"Oh Daddy, love me please." She begged.

Our mouths locked in a French kiss that lasted for what seemed to be an hour. My hands roamed every part of her, stopping to enjoy her nipples and continuing on to her hips. Enjoying their fullness knowing soon they would be mine.

"Oh Daddy," she was crying, " I need your. Your big thick. Cock inside me."

I screamed, "SOON, BABY, SOON." as I started sucking her big nipples.

Jessica's mother had nice tits but, nothing like these firm things. I sucked her like I was a baby breast feeding. I had not been with a woman I loved since my wife died. And I knew I loved this beautiful little girl.

Slowly I worked my way down her lovely body towards her pussy, kissing and licking all the way. Her panties were very, very wet, this lady was on fire and she needed me, her Dad, to put out her fire.

I began kissing her thighs, working my way to her virgin pussy. Licking it through her panties. My tongue exploring every crevice she had. I pulled Jessica's soaking wet panties down and I started to devour my baby girl's pussy.

My tongue entered her virgin body for the first time, enjoying her sweet taste and knowing nobody had ever been in her but me. Within thirty seconds, she exploded into an orgasm that lasted ten full minutes.

When she finished, I climbed on her body. It was time for her to be my woman. I pulled her legs up to her sides and spread her out. My cockhead was at her virgin tunnel.

I looked down at her and asked, "Are you ready to be my woman?" and I gave her a firm but, gentle love slap on her nice round ass.

She loved when I did that. Moaning loudly and opening her body even more for my entrance.

"Yes, Daddy."

"Are you ready to love me as a woman?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Are ready to make love any time day or night?"

"Oh Yes Daddy."

"Are ready to suck my cock any time I ask you?"

"YES, always."

"You ready to let me cum in your mouth anytime?"


"You ready to let me FUCK your hot juicy CUNT?"


And I pushed my nine inch cock into my daughter, having no mercy that she was a virgin, I pushed it in as far as my cock would go. Her pussy split wide open, I could feel her vaginal walls squeezing my cock.

"Oh DADDY, YES." Jessica screamed.

I held her sexy hips and pounded my hard thick cock in and out of her like she was a whore. I was horny and my cock needed to cum. She had been teasing me so bad the last few weeks, I needed to empty my cum in her belly.

The harder I fucked her the more she liked it, "YES, COME ON, FUCK ME DADDY, FUCK ME HARD." She kept on screaming.

I was fucking my beautiful daughter like she was a cheap whore and we both were loving it. My cock was slamming in and out of her pussy like a jack hammer.

Then my baby started cumming, " Oh Daddy here I cum."

Her tight little pussy locked on my cock just like a vise was on it. I had to jerk it hard to get it free, then I went right back to fucking her fast and hard.


"Is that good baby? You like dad's big cock?" I asked while pumping harder.

Arching her back she moaned, "Oh yes. I love your big cock. Fuck me, fuck your baby GIRL."

I felt my balls erupting like Old Faithful and I filled her womb with a geyser full of sperm. I smiled as her eyes widened, both of us completely out of her fantasy.

I whispered softly, "I love you with all my heart Jessica. I swear I will do my utmost best to make you the happiest woman that ever lived."

Her eyes rolled as the last of my sperm blasted into her depths then through gritted teeth she said, "I already am `My Husband� and if God is kind enough to grant me one more wish."

She paused and reached between us to rub her belly just above our union as she finished, "I will be even happier in 9 months as you suck milk from my breasts and our precious child is sleeping happily in her crib beside our bed."

Her loving words had me ready to go once again but as she fell asleep beneath me, I eased my cock from her tight cunt and rolled onto my back beside her. Even asleep she assumed the position I'd loved so much earlier and it took every last ounce of my willpower not to take her again as she slept. I smiled and closed my eyes knowing I had to rest because when Jessica awakened she was going to be more than ready for our second union.

As it turned out, I didn't have to wait very long. As I lay listening to her soft snores and her breathing, I began to realize she was playing possum. I slowly counted to 20 then began to slow my own breaths gradually as I counted to 50. I maintained my breathing at an even rate as I counted to 20 again then I began to snore softly myself.

I hadn't gotten to 50 again before I saw her eyes pop open even as her soft snores continued then she smiled and her right hand tickled my cockhead as she stared at me for a reaction. When I didn't alter my snores, she grinned and began to very slowly and carefully extricate her left arm from beneath my head.

I almost giggled and alerted her that I was awake when I realized she was counting just as I had done. Then, she very carefully rolled away and almost out of my field of vision. I could barely see her left cheek and the left side of her left breast but I could tell she was again counting from the way she took almost perfectly controlled breaths.

Next she eased herself to a sitting position at my side then after a 25 count she moved onto her knees at my right hip. Another 25 count later, she carefully moved her hair and held it as she leaned over my groin and very lightly kissed my cockhead.

Finally, I counted to 200 as she slowly straddled my body at my knees so careful not to touch me or move fast enough to cause the bed to move beneath me. Once she was straddling my legs she stared at me for at least another 100 count before she looked back and very carefully moved her hair so that it didn't touch my legs.

After that, her eyes locked on my cock and she no longer showed even the slightest hesitation. She lowered her head and while being extremely careful not to apply more than minimal pressure she covered my cock and balls with very light kisses and even softer licks.

She stared at me for almost a minute then repeatedly licked and kissed my cock and balls for about 5 more minutes before she froze once more and stared at me.

A minute later her right index finger eased itself under my shaft just beneath my throbbing cockhead and so slowly I damn near came from the expectation of what was about to happen, she lifted until my cock was almost at a 45 degree angle.

For several long minutes, she alternated looking at me and looking at my cock. Every time her eyes returned to me her smile was bigger then I saw a wicked gleam fill her eyes and as she looked back down at my cock, I opened my eyes knowing she wouldn't be looking back from my cock again.

She never even saw me move as I lifted my arms. I waited until her mouth was opened as wide as possible then I dug my fingers into her hair and thrust upward with my hips.

Her eyes shot up to mine even as my massive cockhead plunged down her throat. They were filled with the purest joy I've ever witnessed.

With her eyes still locked on mine she bobbed her head at least three dozen times then she let me slip from her mouth and smacked her lips before asking, "When did you wake up darling?"

I smiled and replied, "I am certain that one day I am going to be awakened by the most fantastic blow job of my life. I know from the way our night began that Kimberly told you about my fantasy and how to get into my favorite position."

She grinned and quickly moved above me as I finished, "I realized that you were faking being asleep so I played possum myself."

She stuck out her tongue then damn near bit it off as I plunged my cockhead inside her tight opening. Once I was securely inside her, she looked down between our bodies then she slowly began to ride my shaft until she was ready then she looked up into my eyes and nodded.

I slid us both down the bed until my heels were pressing against the footboard. When I stopped, Jessica adjusted her knees slightly and lowered her body into the perfect position. She grinned and arched her back giving me easy access to her fantastic breasts.

I began licking her swollen nipples as she again adjusted herself to the size of my cock. By the time I had begun to bite and suck her tremendous nipples she was as ready as she would ever be but I continued nursing mainly because I was enjoying myself to much to concentrate any of my attention elsewhere.

Finally, I spit out her right nipple after one last suck and lightly kissed her. Knowing that I was about to begin my assault on her young pussy, Jessica took a deep breath and reached back to quickly move her long hair so she could stare down her body at my cock as it entered her.

I saw the clock above the TV just as it reached the stroke of midnight then I slowly shifted my weight from my heels to my toes against the footboard.

I moved slower than I had ever before entered a woman. I watched the second hand of the clock to insure I wasn't moving too fast. I focused my entire attention on Jessica's reaction and knew exactly when and what depth I had entered as my massive cockhead first touched her G-spot.

From her reaction, I would have known even if I hadn't taken such deliberate precautions. The very instant I made contact, Jessica's cunt clamped tightly on my shaft and she inhaled so deeply I began to think her lungs would burst.

As my cockhead slid along the upper wall of her pussy, she began to exhale slowly and gasp for the air she had just released until my throbbing cockhead finally left her G-spot and began to angle down from her upper wall into the waiting depths of her cunt.

Once I was again holding my weight against my heels I paused and just enjoyed the feel of her exploding young cunt then when her orgasm finally subsided she lifted her head and through gritted teeth she whispered, "My God Woody! I never dreamed it was going to be that good. Just one stroke was better than the entire first time we were fucking."

I smiled and lifted my head to lick her lips before saying, "It is going to get better Little One. Over the next hour or two, I'm going to continue this type of stroke as I teach myself exactly where your G-spot is so that I can find it without thinking. That shouldn't take more than a dozen strokes but I will make at least a 100 or more to give you time to figure out the exact location as well. Once I'm certain you know where my cock is when I first touch your G-spot and when I am leaving it, I will pause again for you to finish your orgasm then I will add a little something that will at the very least double your pleasure and I will increase my speed a bit."

She grinned from ear to ear and stuck out her tongue before replying, "In other words you are going to kill me before I can give birth to our baby girl."

I laughed and whispered, "In your eulogy I will say you at least died smiling."

Her laughter ceased almost as fast as it began when I began my second entry into her depths. Her orgasm was even more powerful and even as began my third entry this time without a pause, I was already completely locked in on her G-spot.

Despite that, I continued my agonizingly slow movements. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe I moved.

I paused just long enough to catch my breath after the 12th stroke then I slowly began adding some speed. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe, a little faster.

In all honest when I finally paused, I had lost count of my strokes but was fairly certain it had been at least a 100 and more than likely even more than a hundred.

As her orgasm continued, I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost 3AM. It was damn near 4AM before Jessica finally opened her eyes and smiled, her tremendous orgasm at last subsided enough for her to reflect upon it's intensity.

I gave her a full minute to think then I smiled and lowered my head to her still heaving breasts. As I almost savagely bit her right nipple, I went from heel to toe as fast as I could but at the exact moment my massive cockhead was approximately centered on her G-spot I clinched my ass cheeks as hard as I possibly could. This caused my cockhead to flatten almost painfully and at the same time it damn near lifted her groin from it's contact with mine.

Jessica's scream filled the room and echoed off the walls. Her orgasm was so intense she almost flooded my cock out of her cunt. It felt like my cockhead was swimming through the currents of the Colorado River as they formed the Grand Canyon as I plunged into her depths and felt my pubic bone smash against her swollen clit adding even more pleasure to her orgasm.

Heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, heel, ass clinch, toe, I must have made a 100 strokes a minute.

I paused just long enough to exhale and take a deep breath then spit out her right nipple and beging sucking and chewing her left nipple as I again assaulted her G-spot. Over and over, I went from nipple to nipple about every minute or every 100 strokes. Hour after hour I continued fucking her relentlessly.

As every minute passed, her cunt seemed to get a little tighter until finally her grip on my cock was so intense that it began to slow me down. I surged forward fighting for all I was worth to continue our union but knowing I was losing the battle.

It was straight up and down noon when I realized the war was nearing it's end but I gritted my teeth after spitting out one of her nipples for the last time and I focused all of my will power towards stopping my own release for as long as possible.

Instead of a 100 strokes a minute, I was down to one stroke then one stroke every two minutes then every three or four or five. With one last glance at the clock, I closed my eyes and froze at exactly 115PM.

I was ready to die but I somehow found the strength to wait until Jessica at long last began to return to the living herself.

I opened my eyes and smiled at almost the exact same instant her own eyes popped open then I allowed my aching balls to finally erupt. I barely remember my first volley before I lost consciousness and Jessica swears she counted at least 200 volleys before she fainted and collapsed on top of me.