Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 808 - KATY'S BOOBS

Chapter 808 - KATY'S BOOBS

was on the third night, with the image still fresh on the memory of her wearing that unbelievable black bikini, that I finally allowed my inhibitions to overtake my morals and achieve the ultimate goal of my life for at least the last five years: feel my cousin's boobs.

Okay, so you're saying to yourself one of two things: either this guy is a total pervert, or (even if you don't mind the act of mild incest) what's the big deal about copping a feel of a cousin's boob? Well, let me tell you a little something about Katy's boobs: they are the most magnificent objects on the face of the universe.

Wanna know more about my first cousin, Katy? Okay, set it up like this: she's just celebrated her 18th birthday, and one of her presents was a very provocative black bikini from...herself. Yes, she's a bit on the arrogant side, definitely on the selfish side, but when you have a body like hers, you can get away with murder, and it certainly killed me to look at her. Katy was small, but so wonderfully curvy. She was only a couple inches above five feet, and moving your lustful gaze up her little body, you had to admire the individual parts for what they were: tiny, even dainty little toes and feet, slender and supple calves, then firm, very athletic legs, all nicely baked to a golden tan from the summer sun these parts had been enjoying these last couple of months.

These parts? Oh, just one of the most picturesque quiet little mountain towns in the Western U.S., a wonderful escape from the cramped condo I shared with my parents in the big sweaty city half a state away. If you think I'm going to tell you the exact location so you can sneak a peek at my beautiful cousin, Katy, you're out of your mind!

Anyway, where were we...her legs? Those incredible legs I was describing were connected to a pair of hips that begged you to hold on and not let go until you were finished riding. With just the slightest cock of the hips, Katy could send her plentiful rounded ass into a position that would stop traffic if approaching from behind. In another state. But then things narrowed, narrowed dangerously to a waist that still enjoyed the benefits of a youth that could absorb calories without putting on an ounce of fat on a belly that remained flat and mesmerizing. Then up beyond a midsection where the ribs teasingly let themselves be known in only the slightest of impressions on the soft skin that allowed just the perfect amount of meat on her bones.

Then we come to the boobs.

Holy God, my dear reader, hang on for dear life. Katy's boobs were something that nature had allowed to develop beyond any sort of reason. Massive, enormous natural mountains sprang from the otherwise slender frame of my dear cousin. No doubt at this point, you expect me to give you specific measurements in inches and cup sizes, but given the fact that even with two hands you could certainly never hope to contain even a single bountiful breast, what bloody difference does it matter to say C, D, or whatever cup? Let's just say they were huge, colossal, and supremely ripe for the plucking. They bounced, they moved, and they giggled with liquid lusciousness at the slightest movement. They were the kind of cannons you know would become sad and pathetically sagging bowling balls when the poor lass turned 50. But now, at 18 plus a day or two, they simply defied gravity. They defied logic. They were perfection so profound, you simply wanted to cry like a baby and then suckle those monstrosities until your bladder exploded from all the milk they could potentially produce.

And all I could do was stare. Stare and lust. And masturbate, of course. I knew this summer I would home slightly bent over, my crotch sore and my wrist fractured after capitalizing from the fresh images of Katy in a sweater...Katy in a tank top...Katy in a fucking potato sack! It didn't matter! This girl had fucking huge goddamned tits!

But as a cousin, it was all I could do: stare. And try not to get caught staring, though I knew she knew I was hooked, could hardly ever look her in the eye. Yes, I stared and wondered, and fantasized. And whacked off. Whacked my eager youthful 18-year-old cock until I could hardly produce another drop of sperm. Only then I could tolerate being in the room for with her for another day.

Then she put on that black bikini.

We were all gathered around the living room after dinner: me, my aunt and uncle, my cousin Jack and of course my cousin Katy. My aunt and uncle were in their forties. Jack was their older offspring, just short of his 21st birthday. My name's Tom, by the way. I was actually about two months older than Katy, so I too was still enjoying the strange sensation of being an "adult" at the ripe old age of 18. Yes, all of us seemed to have our birthdays one right after another. But it was Katy's 18th that started a downward spiral in to the uncontrollable tale of lust that I share with you today.

Lounging on the couch or floor, we were watching Katy open her presents with confident relish, for she was sensationally pleased this day could only be about her. She opened gifts of mainly jewelry and lots of cloths. But it was the final gift, the gift from Katy to Katy, that scratched the proverbial record off the player: the black bikini.

Purposely saving the best for last, Katy said, "Oh, who is this from," then proceeded to unwrap a gift that none of the rest of us had recognized. When the skimpy little bottoms came out, I felt my jaw drop as I saw my dear aunt put a hand to her mouth and my uncle make that tsk-tsk-tsk sound. Katy could only smirk and giggle, pushing a stray lock of long auburn hair from her face and holding up the matching top...what little there was of it.

"This is lovely!" she exclaimed in a teasing tone. "I can't wait to try it on!"

I glanced at her brother, Jack, who was looking down awkwardly at his hands. Strange, although he was looking away from her he had the slightest mischievous grin at the corner of his lips. My aunt and uncle were exchanging a glance that only they could decipher, but if I were to guess it was one of supreme disappointment. I looked back at Katy, surprised to find that she was looking right at me. She winked. I gulped. And that's when she ran out of the room, clutching her new little suit. After an awkward silence, the rest of us chatted about other topics for a while since the present-opening was over. The whole time, we knew what was about to happen, this family and I, and sure enough, out she came.

My aunt, a prude and deeply religious woman, made a gasping sound. My uncle put an arm around her and tried to look away from the sexually arousing form that was his own daughter. Jack and I both stared openly now: my cousin Katy was clad only in the most delicious bikini anyone had ever known. The finishing touches, the detail that I knew would lead to my masturbatory activity tonight, were the little beaded ties at the side along the hips. To know that I had but to tug gently at one of those strings to let go the fabric and expose a healthy young woman's vagina was all it took to solidify my cock instantly.

After dancing around for a little bit, showing off, Katy finally succumbed to her mother's pleading to go change back into something "normal." She did, and the rest of the evening went relatively uneventfully. Actually, the next two days did as well, save for my frequent trips to the bathroom to try and talk sense into my cock which had decided it would stay hard for hours on end. It was on that third night, when the thunder clap of a summer storm had startled me from an only half-dozing waking-dream state, that I decided I could take no more. I had to, simply had to, find a way to at least see, perhaps even feel, my little cousin's tits.

I was on a futon in my cousin Jack's room. I looked over toward where he slept on his double bed. In the dim, silver light of the moon that poked through a break in the clouds and through a window I saw his form dead asleep in a lump, his chest moving slightly up and down. I was at the far end of the room, opposite the door. Jack slept on the bed in the middle. As I slowly squirmed my way out from under my covers, I stared at him. The last thing I needed was for him to wake up or even stir. If he did, my reason for being awake and padding across the room could only be to use the bathroom, not to sneak in to his sister's room.

Jack remained asleep, and I padded along the floor, clad only in my boxer shorts. It was only a short distance across the hall to Katy's room. As I reached for her door knob, I froze. What the FUCK was I doing? But as I asked the question, I realized I'd played out similar scenarios in my head a thousand times, and suddenly the act became automatic. I was determined now, determined to see my cousin's breasts live and in person, truly and utterly naked for the first time.

With infinite care I turned the knob and opened the door. Slowly, slowly I pushed, desperate to keep anything from squeaking. After what seemed like twenty minutes but was perhaps only twenty seconds, I was stepping into the room, leaving the door just slightly ajar. To close it would mean the click of the latch. I turned to toward the bed and there she lay, asleep, peaceful, innocent...and oh so fucking sexy.

In a cute childlike way, Katy still preferred to sleep with a dim night light, and with my eyes well-adjusted to the darkness, I could make out her form with relative ease. She was sleeping on her back, her massive chest moving slowly up and down, causing a peak in the sheets to rise up, rise down...rise up, rise down.... I was mesmerized, transfixed. I felt a strange coolness in my crotch, and, glancing down, I realized my erection had poked free through the slit in my boxers, now exposed to the night air. My erection, my was pointing in the direction I needed to go, and slowly, carefully, I moved forward toward her, toward the treasure that awaited.

When I got to the edge of Katy's bed, I kneeled down so my shoulders were just about even with the top of her mattress. And this is where it got scary. With trembling hands, I reached up and very, very carefully began to pull back the sheet and thin blanket that covered my cousin's chest. She never even stirred as I moved the bed cloths back, stopping at her waist. At this point, I encountered just one more barrier, Katy's shirt. She wore a thin t-shirt, no bra, and this was going to be the tricky part, getting that thing up and over her enormous boobs. If the material of her shirt had twisted around her body in the night, I would have to tug at it to get it up above her stomach and over her tits. That could wake her. Or would it? It depended on how heavy a sleeper she was. Well, there was only one way to find out. I took a breath, reached for the hem around her soft belly and pulled gently upward. I managed a few inches, exposing just the very top of her panties and her little belly button. I could see the smooth texture of her tanned skin, licking my lips at the thought of seeing more, and—

A sudden noise from the hallway froze me. The noise itself was soft, muffled, but the abruptness of it felt like a dagger in my ear. I let go of Katy's shirt and listened desperately. Another sound...a floor board creaking? The house settling? Yes, certainly nothing more than the wind pushing along the side of the house—

No, there it was again, almost the same sound. Someone was moving in another part of the house. Holy shit. Right there in the hallway, it had to be. The hallway was very small, just a short passage that led from the living room to the bedrooms of Katy and Jack, their parents, and a little guest bathroom. I had about four seconds to decide whether to remain frozen or find somewhere to hide. For some reason I went for the hiding route and ducked under Katy's bed. But why would I do this? If anyone else was moving through the house, surely it was to go to the bathroom. Who would come into Katy's room at this hour? (Other than her perverted cousin, of course.)

I realized I was just as safe under Katy's bed as well as next to it, as long as I remained utterly silent, so I started to quietly shuffle back into the open when I saw Katy's door open! What? Who? The fuck?

From my hidden vantage point, I could see the bare feet of the new intruder. They were definitely male feet and I knew by simple deduction it had to be Katy's brother, Jack. But what the fuck was he doing here? Holy Christ, had he seen me walk out of his room? Was he looking for me to pound my fucking face in for actually thinking of invading the purity of his sleeping sister? Well, if so, he was going about it in a strange way, because he was moving very slowly and carefully, just as I had been, clearly hoping not to wake anyone in the house.

He moved slowly across the room, and presently I found myself staring directly at Jack's bare feet, not six inches from my face, and it was apparent from the direction his feet were pointed, he was now facing Katy at the edge of her bed, exactly where I had been only moments ago. I was absolutely paralyzed with fear and shock and bewilderment. And suddenly the silence of the night was broken once again from the sound of Jack's whispering voice.


He shifted his feet a little, he was balancing as he leaned forward, over her. The bed shifted slightly, as if he had leaned a hand on the bed...or Katy! He whispered again, ", it's me."


Since when did a brother call his sister "baby?" Before I could even contemplate that, the next thing that happened shocked me even more: he lifted a foot and began crawling on the bed with her. Crawling on the bed with his sister! The asshole was crawling into bed with HIS SISTER, the cousin who's boobs I had been about to look at and hopefully feel up! This could not possibly be happening. But it was. And not only was it happening, the next thing I heard confirmed to me that this had been going on for some time: Katy's voice!

"Mmmm," she cooed softly. "How's my sweet big brother doing?" He didn't reply, but the bed sagged a little under their combined weight. I heard her voice again, "Oh, I'd say he's doing just fine. You're so hard and big."

Jack only grunted softly in reply, gasped too. Perhaps now he was feeling the chill in the room with his own exposed penis. I couldn't fucking believe this. Here I was, having tried to build up the courage to merely look at my sleeping cousin's tits, and her brother was about to fuck her!

Fuck her...he was going to fuck her...with me, their cousin, lying under their bed in his boxer shorts and hard-on. I was going to hear the whole thing. Indeed, there were now the distinctive sounds of kisses and caresses, of clothing and sheets being pushed off and aside to expose nakedness and genitalia, all the while Katy making that soft cooing sound that sent chills up my spine...and blood flowing into my loins. Instinctively I felt for my cock. I was now witnessing, even if just by sound, the most erotic thing I could have ever possibly imagined. How could I not get off on this? I had to get off on this! So I listened...

"I missed you the last couple of nights," Katy was saying. "It's been so lonely with you in the next room."

"I know," Jack whispered back. "With Tom staying with us, it's been hard to get away. I'm sorry I missed making you cum on your birthday."

What do you know? I was unknowingly throwing a damper on their incestuous fuck fests. It was only pure bad luck on my part that Jack had picked this night to resume his nightly routine with his sister. Either he was so horny that he didn't bother checking to see whether I was actually sleeping on the futon, or he'd glanced over at the pile of blankets I'd left and had mistaken it for the shape of my sleeping body.

Katy giggled quietly, "That's okay. You'll just have to give me extra orgasms tonight. Think you'll last long enough this time?"

"Oh God, I hope so. But you're always so fucking tight, sis. And it's been a few days...."

She said, "You haven't jerked off once since we last fucked? Oh, my poor brother, he's going to pop too soon, I just know it."

"Yeah, I'm all built up."

Him and me both, I mused with open lust. Just the conversation they were having was enough to send me over the edge. I slowed the strokes I was giving my cock. I also reduced my grip from full fist to just my thumb and forefinger at the head. Just enough to keep me primed. I continued to listen with pleasure....

"There's a small problem," I heard Jack saying softly.

"Enough talk," she replied. "Just get down there and get me ready. You can talk again when you're inside me."

For the next several moments, I heard my cousin Katy coo and swoon and writhe on the bed. I heard muffled slurping sounds. Twice, the bed began to shutter, and Katy began to make little gasping noises. But each time, just as it seemed like she was building up to go over the edge of Orgasm Falls, her gasping subsided and the shuttering diminished. If Jack was eating his sister's pussy, which he certainly seemed to be doing, he was either not quite good enough to send her into climax, or the bastard was teasing the shit out of her. Whatever the case, I now realized that I was no longer satisfied with just hearing this most taboo of sexual escapades, I somehow had to see it! It was torture being mere inches from the sight of Katy's knees spread with a guy sucking her clit. Or trying to....

"It's okay, baby," she was saying softly. "Come back up here." Her tone had changed a little. My first thought was that she was tired from the gyrations of cunt sucking. No, not tired...disappointed? Yes, that was it. She had been ready to cum twice, but she'd been denied. She said, "Come back up here. I want you in me now."

A little rustling on the bed and I heard him whisper, "The problem, baby, I need to tell you about..."

"What is it, baby?" she was saying breathlessly. "Please, I need your fucking cock now!"

"Baby, the problem is I ran out of condoms. I promise I'll be careful—"

"Dammit, Jack, no!" There was a sudden shift of weight on the bed, as if she had pushed him away from her. He must've been ready to plunge in. She said in a hiss, "I can't believe you waited until this moment to tell me! I let you go down on me, and I'm so close to cumming that I'm desperate for your cock, and now you tell me this!"

She was willing to fuck her own brother, but she still adhered to the rules of safe sex: no glove, no love. As desperately horny and jealous as I was, I couldn't help but grin in the dark at the frustration Jack would be having tonight.

He said, "Please, baby, I'll be careful, I promise. I'll pull out in time."

Grinned in the dark at the little fucker's frustration.

Katy said, "You know how it is, Jack. I'm not on the pill and there is no way I can let you fuck me without a condom...not again. Come up here so I can suck that beautiful cock of yours, but we can't have sex now. Oh, God, I'm so horny, Jack!"

My grinned stopped. Getting a blowjob was definitely a nice consolation.

More shifting on the bed, and I could tell that Jack was getting up on his knees, straddling Katy, and the lucky asshole was actually going to get to place his cock between her massive tits while she sucked or rubbed or whatever with his tool. Oh, that bastard.

But then Katy said, "No, wait...Jack...are you sure, are you sure you'll pull out in time?"

"Oh, yes, baby. I promise."

"Seriously, Jack. You must do it right. You gotta pull out when you feel like cumming, not when you start cumming."

"I know, I know. I promise."

This was too much for me. I just had to see if I could wiggle out enough from under the bed to at least make out a shadow, a leg, a butt, anything!

"The last time we did it without a condom you squirted in me once before pulling out. I felt it, and it scared the shit out of me for three weeks till I got my period. Not even one little squirt can go in me, do you understand?"

At this point, as I slowly slid from under the bed and peeked carefully up the side, I had the feeling that both Jack and I were both on the verge of cumming right now just by the erotic chiding words coming out of Katy's mouth. This was simply insane! Jack must've nodded his response, because Katy was speaking again, this time in the lower, sultrier sex-voice she'd used when he'd first woken her up. "That's it, baby, guide it in—no, let me guide that dick into me."

I now had a bit of a view, but not much. I propped myself up on an elbow, my legs still under the bed. I had my shorts down to my knees and I was stroking my cock openly as I caught sight of Katy's naked knee. Just as I'd visualized, she was on her back, legs spread, with her brother Jack entering her in the classic missionary style. Both of their heads were out of view, so I knew they couldn't see me. I was tempted to come up a little further, just a few more inches, to try and catch a glimpse of Katy's tits, but to do so would be to expose my head into Jack's line of sight as he looked down at Katy. He would only have to glance to his left to see his cousin, Tom, staring back up at him as he fucked his sister. Definitely not a good idea.

So, I watched Katy's knee as she shifted and moaned. "Oooo, oh yes, Jack, that's it. Slowly now, baby. Make it last. Make your baby sister cum at least once before—"

She got silent suddenly, her knee stopping its shifting motions, and I heard Jack start to grunt. Then Katy again: "Jack, baby, wait...please, you just got it in me. Give me time to—no, no, pull out, Jack." She hissed. "Pull it out of me!"

The next sound I heard reminded me of a wet piece of meat being dropped on the counter. It was the sound of Jack's wet cock sliding out of Katy's cunt and slapping against her belly. With what sounded like pained muted grunts, I heard Jack cumming, and cumming hard. I was about to cum myself when something wet and warm hit my face and scared the shit out of me.

I dropped to the floor, realizing I'd made a slight thumping sound, but Jack was still heaving and grunting so I know no one heard anything. I let go of my cock and reached up to my face. With a simultaneous feeling of manly disgust and erotic wonder, I realized that a massive glob of Jack's spunk had managed to clear Katy's belly, clear the edge of the bed and smack me right in the cheek. The rest of it must've blasted all up and down Katy's chest and belly. I wiped the sticky stuff off my face before it ran down into my mouth. I wiped my hand on the floor under Katy's bed after quickly shuffling back under there.

Finally, Jack's weakened voice spoke silently, "I'm sorry, baby. I just couldn't last."

There was silence, then the sound of a hand lightly slapping skin—Katy probably patting Jack's naked ass. She said, "It's okay, baby. At least you pulled out in time. Look at all this cum! You would have flooded me!"

"I told you, I was built up."

She chuckled. "Look at me, I'm covered. You got my arm...oh shit, you got it on my sheets...Jesus, Jack, did you clear the bed?"

His turn to chuckle. "Yeah, I think I got a shot off on your floor. I'll clean it up."

"You'd better, messy boy!"

They settled down for a bit. Several moments clicked by. Afterglow. Well, for Jack that is. I was catching a cold case of Blue Balls. Presently, Katy started to shift under him. She said, "You'd better get back, Jack. I gotta clean this mess up and get some sleep. I don't know how I'm going to get back to sleep though, with you getting me all worked up."

"I'm sorry," he replied in a groggy voice. I could tell his tone; a guy cums that hard, it's hard to stay awake. I knew all he could think about at that point was crashing. Well, the sooner the better. I was getting sick of being cramped under Katy's bed now that nothing further was going to happen.

Katy said, "Tomorrow you'd better stop at the store and stock up on Trojans. I want my fill next time!"

The bed creaked as Jack pushed himself up. "Yes, ma'am," he said. And then one of his feet was on the floor, then the other. I held my breath, ensuring total silence. I heard them both shuffling around up there, Katy probably wiping cum off her body while Jack fumbled around for his boxers...or did the little fucker prance on in here totally naked? In that moment, I had another shock as Jack suddenly dropped to his hands and knees. Before I backed further away under the bed, I got a visual of Jack's skinny form curled over, feeling around for the cum spot. I could see his semi-flaccid penis dangling from a patch of pubes. He'd forgotten about his boxers, if he ever had them, and he was searching for the cum. There would be no reason for him to look under the bed, of course, but if he did, or if he bent just a foot lower and turned even slightly in my direction, there'd be no way he'd miss me. In the next second, I could be toast.

Katy was saying, "Jack...Jack...forget it."

"I can't find it," he replied.

Of course you can't, I thought. You blasted on my face, you fucking asshole.

Katy: "Just forget about it, baby. I'll clean it up in the morning. You gotta get back to your room."

He stood back up and I sensed he was leaning over her again. I heard the light smacking sounds of quick kisses. He said, "You want me to come back later? I'm sure I can last longer this time."

Katy said, "I think you've had your fun for the night, big brother. You're gonna collapse and fall asleep and forget all about me in thirty seconds." She'd adopted a kind of mocking tone, teasing him, testing him.

His final words were, "We'll see." And after a few more kisses, he snuck right back out the door.

Now I was stuck. Katy was awake. Jack was awake. At close to three in the morning, they'd both fall asleep soon, but until then, I was stuck. I would have to remain here for an extra amount of time to be absolutely sure they were asleep. So, I waited...waited...until I dozed off....

Woke with a start. Holy shit, how long was I out? I'd taken my watch off, so I could only guess, but I figured it had to have been at least twenty, maybe thirty minutes. Still a little risky to sneak back into my room. So, I listened, listened hard. In the silence, I focused in on Katy's breathing. It sounded heavy, steady. Amazingly, she was out like a light. I wasn't sure how quickly Jack could shut down like that, but at least it would be safe to at least move out from under Katy's bed now, and out of her room. With painstaking care, I moved out into the open at the side of her bed once more. My boxers were still wrapped around my knees. I found it easier to actually pull out one leg and let them fall to the floor rather than try to pull them up while half-lying on the floor. Which meant I was now naked within a couple of feet of the cousin who represented to sole focus of my lust.

As I stood, my boxers sliding harmlessly down one leg, I looked upon Katy, and finally I had the sight I'd sought for so long: well, half of it at least. But I certainly wasn't complaining, because although I still could not see Katy's tits under the wrinkled, cum-stained t-shirt she still wore, her panties had long been removed, and since she hadn't pulled up her blanket, I now found myself staring directly down at the neatly trimmed bush covering Katy's recently fucked cunt.

In the dim light, the dark bush of Katy's vagina stood out starkly against her skin, tan as it was. In seconds, my cock flooded once again with blood and became almost painfully erect. For several moments, I could only stare and salivate. Here I had been obsessed with capturing even the slightest glance at this woman's nipples, yet now I had an unobstructed view of the most Holy of Holies. It was numbing to my mind.

Entranced, I wanted to have a closer look. I wanted to get right up against that bush. I wanted to smell it. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to...God, what didn't I want to do with it? In this lustful state, I had silently moved forward a pace, then two, until the front of my legs was pressing against the side of my cousin's bed. I looked down. Directly in line with my erect cock was Katy's hand, curved up as if to ask if it could cradle my balls. Oh, wouldn't that be nice? But I knew this would never pan out, so I decided to get one last close look at Katy's cunt before getting the hell out of here and back to my futon where I could quietly masturbate a bucket of sperm into a sock.

I leaned down, down toward the center of the universe, for that was now how I saw Katy's vaginal region. This is where time started and stopped. I would never be able to look at this woman in the face again, but for now all I cared about was her crotch. As I leaned down, I leaned forward, and the head of my stiff prick inadvertently brushed against the palm of Katy's hand. I nearly chocked, but before I could recoil away in terror, something most extraordinary happened.

Katy's hand closed around me.

It is difficult to describe how powerfully my heart pounded within my chest as my psyche became overwhelmed with terror, but there I was, my face an inch from Katy's thatch of pubes while her hand gently jerked along my shaft.

"Oh, look who's already dear brother Jack," Katy whispered groggily.

In an instant, I figured out the situation: Katy was stirring from her sleep and sensed a man back at her bed. Logic dictated that it could only be the brother whom she'd just let fuck her. She had, after all, hinted that he'd be welcome back to finish the job he'd started. But it was also very likely that Katy would soon be opening her eyes to gaze upon the brother who shared in her incestuous pleasure. So, I did the only thing I could think to do.

I went down on her.

Jumping fully up onto the bed, I immediately shoved my face right down into Katy's crotch and nervously began feeling for her slit with my tongue. I don't think I could ever claim to be the best at eating a bitch out, but from what I'd heard earlier I certainly couldn't be any worse! The question was, would Katy continue to assume, in her half-sleeping state, that her brother was back, or would the stillness of the night suddenly be pierced with a shrieking scream of horror and shock?

Well, the seconds ticked by, then turned to minutes, and eventually I realized just what the hell I was doing: I was lapping hungrily at my first cousin's vagina! As an animal instinct to please this woman took over, a bit of human DNA remained active to process how I was getting away with this. I actually thought, of all things, about Jack. The thing is, I was about the same size and build as Jack, with a very similar short-cropped haircut. So, in the dark, as her body began to writhe in pleasure, Katy assumed it was Jack's hair through which she now ran her fingers. And now that I was here, in the most wonderful place on earth, tasting the most wonderful nectar in existence, I was in it for the distance. If I got caught now, I'd be in just as much trouble as five minutes from now, so I might as well see if I could do better than Jack.

I did. Within minutes, I heard the now-familiar pattern of gasps popping softly from Katy's throat. Her body began to shudder again, and as I teased and tickled her clitoris with my tongue and teeth, I simply kept on doing it, having heard or read somewhere that when the girl is heading toward the point of climax, the last thing you want to do is slow down, change direction or move to a different spot. Sure enough, the gasping suddenly jerked into a sharp grunt, and Katy's body suddenly tensed up like a board as she practically ripped my hair from my scalp. My mouth was rewarded with a fresh, warm blast of nectar. Christ, this woman could cum!

"Holy fuck," she whispered. "Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck!"

I gripped her hips, her warm naked hips, as I finally backed my mouth off her labia. My jaw was sore, and I worked it up and down as I planted a few loving kisses on Katy's inner thighs.

She said, "Oh, baby doll, I can't believe it! You finally got me off that way! I'm so proud of you, my beautiful brother."

I could only respond with some more pecks to her thighs. To speak would be to be discovered. I knew now that the moment of truth was at hand, that lives would soon be shattered, but if I could make this moment last just a little longer for this beautiful woman, then I would do my best.

"Come up here," she was saying. "Come up here and kiss me with that mouth. I want to feel my own cum on my own brother." I hesitated, still lapping at her thighs, but she pulled and tugged at my ears and hair. "Please, my baby, please...."

I moved up, taking my time, slowly kissing up along her labia again, then her soft pubic bush, then her flat stomach, presenting her only with the top of my head. With selfish relish, I licked and kissed and tasted her skin. It was salty and savory from her previous love-making, but in my uncontrollable state of arousal it was the greatest taste I could ever imagine. And then, and then my good friend, I reached the base of her breasts.

Katy's boobs. The objects of my desire all this time. And now I was upon them, squeezing them, smothering myself between them. I heard my cousin giggle and squeal with delight as I found a nipple at last and succumbed to my passion. This whole time, Katy had been tugging gently at my hair and the side of my head, but once I'd squeezed a hardened nipple between my teeth, she let me stay. And for the next several minutes, what I wished could've been hours, I nibbled and kissed and sucked, back and forth from one to the other, making goddamned motherfucking sure I got my fill before the truth was revealed, and the nightmare began.

In the act of devouring Katy's exquisite breasts, I let my lower body relax and press against her, and with a kind of automatic movement, my hips slid strategically between hers, until the head of my penis was actually pressing against her lubricated vagina.

"Oh...Jack," she cooed. "You're ready again for me. And oh so naughty without a condom. Please promise me you'll last longer this time. I need my big brother to be strong."

I moved my head in a nodding motion, not daring to look up at her. I felt her hands move from the sides of my head and slide down my body. There was a new rush of panic in me because I was slightly more muscular than Jack, and I worried that Katy would begin to sense the difference. But in her own lustful state, my pretty cousin either ignored or didn't realize the difference, and her hands finally rested on the cheeks of my ass.

Applying pressure there, Katy whispered, "Now, brother...enter me now."

A nudge, a push, then a thrust, and suddenly I was within her. I was inside my cousin, filling her, fucking her. I was fucking my cousin Katy, and it felt as if the earth itself had stopped spinning. To confirm and fully appreciate this fusion in the space-time continuum, I froze as I held myself within her.

She took this as a good sign, "That's it, baby. Hold it there. Don't cum. Get used to it. Feel yourself inside me and enjoy it."

I listened to her. I needed to. After masturbating almost entirely throughout her first fuck session with Jack, and even before that, I had been ready and willing to blast a load of semen a hundred feet in the air. And that was before I even allowed myself to imagine the thought of fucking my cousin, let alone actually do it. I had no choice but to hold myself inside her. To pump now would be to cum, and I think we've already made clear how pissed this chick would be if I were to cum inside her.

So, we held that position, clutching tightly at each other, my face smashed against one of her breasts. It seemed like minutes had gone by...oh why couldn't it be hours! But this was all good, because finally, eventually I felt the initial urge to cum begin to subside. Just slightly, mind you, just slightly. But it was enough to allow me to begin to move gently, with a very subtle rocking motion. I could not yet stand the feeling of moving my cock fully in and out of her pussy without the impulse to ejaculate, but I could at least push myself more deeply inside her, right up to the hilt, until our pubic bones grinding together.

Katy responded to this, "My God, Jack...I'm so proud of you...and you're so deep now. Christ, I can feel you in my guts!"

I grinned against her breast.

Katy continued, "It's like you've grown an inch, maybe two! Oh my God...oh god oh god oh...oh oh...oooooooo...yesssssss....."

The shuddering, the gasping, the harp intake of breath: Katy was cumming. She was cumming by the stimulation of having me, Tom Lenovo, her first cousin, driving his penis deep into her vagina. I was a conqueror, a stallion, a god. I had achieved what that fucker Jack, Katy's own brother, could not. Like a caveman discovering fire, I now experienced the triumph of making this woman climax.

But it would be a short-lived victory, because all of his stimulation was becoming way, way too much for me. I knew I was not going to last long, but since I had managed to give my cousin at least two solid orgasms, I knew I could take care of myself without complaint. I began to pump, and pump...I began to fuck this gorgeous woman for all I was worth. It was going to be a short fuck, but a good fuck, and already I felt my loins beginning to convulse.

"Remember, baby," she gasped. "Not in me, please not inside me!"

Inside her pussy? No, I would honor that request, but there was another place I could deposit my load, I suddenly realized in my carnal fury. With only a stroke two to go before I knew my balls would blow, I whipped my raging cock from Katy's cunt with a slurping sound and quickly climbed up along her rib cage, straddling her as I knew Jack had done an hour before.

I grabbed for Katy's long silky hair and purposely flung it into her face, clutching at her scalp so she had no way of seeing who I was. And as I'd hoped, as I'd prayed, I felt Katy's hands reach up and grip my wet and dripping cock with her hands, wedging it between her massive breasts. I immediately began pumping again, and with each forward thrust, I felt the head of my cock enter Katy's hungry lips. Making sure her hair was still covering her eyes with one hand, I lifted the back of her head with the other so she could get to my cock with less strain.

In reality, I only made a few more strokes until, at last, I felt my scrotum clench, and a torrent of semen blasted out of my engorged member, directly into Katy's eager mouth. I heard her gag in surprise as the load proved to be much more massive than she would have expected from a guy who'd already had a huge orgasm only a short while ago. But she held on like a trooper, and although a good amount of cum squeezed out from her mouth and down the sides of her chin, she actually swallowed the vast majority of it.

I pumped, and she swallowed, and I pumped, and still she swallowed. Finally, with my head spinning and the world reeling, I felt my throbbing member jerk its last drop of cum from my balls. I almost collapsed down to one side, wanting instinctively to curl up next to her and fall asleep in her loving arms. But I managed to regain control at the last minute, and before she could clear her hair from her face, I was sliding off the bed and backing quickly out of the room.

"Thank you, my sweet dear brother," I heard Katy saying softly.

With legs that felt wobbly and weak, I stumbled clumsily back into Jack's room and to my futon. The steady sound of Jack snoring assured me that I was in no danger of being discovered. I collapsed on the futon and crawled sleepily between the covers. In moments, I began to doze with the wonderful sent of Katy's vagina still on my lips. It would be a different world when I woke up. A wonderful, fulfilled world. I had managed to accomplish something no man should ever experience with another blood relative. But I'd gotten away with it. I'd fucked my cousin and lived to tell the tale.

I woke up late the next morning, everyone else was already up. I could hear them chattering in the kitchen over breakfast. Only then did I realize that I'd left my boxers in Katy's room...