some days passed and luffy came with another boy around 15 with frickles on his nose. this boy was ace. when heared luffy telling him about another brother , he was confused but then garp tell him everything including delicious food.
Ace was not eater like luffy but he still like food.
luffy said to joy " joy this is ace " " and this is joy " said to ace. luffy then started telling about how delicious food it was . joy understood luffy meaning and started preparing it.
When ace ate the meal he also was very astonished and said it was delicious.
they then started talking about themselves and joy learnt of Ace father. Gol d. roger . they were talking and became bored since they were not girls or childs they only knew how to fight.
Ace stared at joy and asked " do you know how to fight " joy nodded. then both of them took stances and prepare for fight.
luffy 3..2..1..start
suddenly joy and ace leaped upfront and crossed fist and then " Bam" both of them took step backward and prepared for next attack and then ace jumped towards joy and attacked him but joy dodged him
and attacked ace with his foot and connected his right side .
Ace fell down and get up and again and again they were attacking and dodging each other.
most of the ace was beaten. luffy was stunned because he knew that ace was strong but he did not knew that ace will lose to joy.
when the stopped their battle it was already noon. joy then went into the house and brought out a first aid kit . joy had maxed healing when he was trying to heal an injured sparow. so joy applied first aid on ace and then went inside house took a shower and prepare lunch. they sat down around the table and ate the meal.
luffy and ace had already told dadan that they may not come home so dont worry about them. they trained till night and eat the meal and went to sleep.
When they woke up joy prepared breakfast .they
ate it and luffy and ace started walking on their way to dadan house.
Although it was much but joy trained with them and also become axe's brother
this was joy first fight after he arrived in this dog eat dog world. the strong obeys the weak world.
joy was watching birds flying over the forest . he jumped and land on one of tree branch. there was a new skill that he learned while talking woth garp and his grandsons .And that skill was communication and he also got an abilty that was charisma. now he was able to talk with every living thing in this world and if his charisma is higher he can also make them his friend.
he said to the bird " hello how are you "
the bird answered " hi im good handsome man"
after some chattering with bird_kun joy jumped down from he branch of the tree and saw his status.
NAME = Leonhart joy
EXP =5000/10000
LUCK = 100
WILL = 150 (+700)
CHARISMA = 100 (+50)
(although he has got charisma later bit still due to his level he maintained it as same as other)
Ability Points(AP) =750 (-750)
( every level gives 50 AP)
armament haki = 20
observation haki = 20
marine rokushiki = 60
close combat=100
communication=100. (voice of all things)
Conquerors haki = 5. (newly obtain by incresing will tremondously)
S P =300