Joy was very happy when he saw his system interface.
NAME = Leonhart Joy
Level = 75
Exp = 777/9658743
STRENGTH = 300 +100
DEFENCE = 300 +100
VITALITY = 300 +100
AGILITY = 300 +100
LUCK = 300 +100
WILL = 1100 +400
CHARISMA = 300 +100
AP = 1000 - 1000 ( zero)
Observation haki = 100
a kind of force related to senses due to which all kind of human senses are heightend and one can obtain 6th sense .and can see objects even by closing eye. when observation haki is increased to greater level one can see slightly ahead in the future.
At level 100 observation haki can cover area upto 30 km and can see 10 sec into future. But this limit can be break by further training in it.
Armament haki = 100
A kind of force which is wrapped around the user body like it is some kind of armor.the blacker the haki the better it is. and at level 100 one can achieve legendary haki which is wrapped around body and can be seen by naked eye. since host has directly upgraded it to max level therefore host can further enhance it and can achieve the state which no one in the world has ever seen or achieved.
Conqourer's haki =100
A haki that is directly related to will. the stronger the will the stronger will be haoshoku no haki. and this haki is right now at king level . host can put pressure on the admiral with it but cannot make them uncontious. but if it is trained to the god level host can direcly make yonko or gorosei uncontious.
Swordmanship = 100
swordmanship has reached a higher level due to which host can create a domain of sword in which host is invincible . the length of domailn is around thirty meter square. length and strength of domail can be increased and reach thel level where even god level haoshoku haki cant destroy it and its name is. god Domain..
Marine rokushiki = 600
All six super powers have reached maximum level.
cooking , carpinter , markmanship , healing , navigation , shipwright , communication , swimmer , archeology. all has maximum level of 100.
Transportation skill = 100
user can transport directly to any part of the world that user imagine and if that place really exist on current world .Limit is seven time sper day and also there is no limit to how much user can transport with himself.
joy directly imagine sabaody archipelago and transport there and after five minutes again transport back to hotel in fuusha village...
[Ding congratulations joy you have unlocked the space skill .]
Space skill = 100
a skill which can be used in inventory and after accessing it you can even store living beings in space inventory. the limit is nearly three thousand people 3000. but you can increas space by using teleportation or use space cards to buy in system.
also original limit was 100 but the other 2900 is a special reward for getting space skill directly after increasing teleportation skill more than 90 level.
S P = 33
" Ahh i am almost out of SP" thought joy
Joy then readied himswlf to depart on his adventure
wakuwaku sorona ( i am excited ) thought joy.