I had began to find the exit me and the others were slowly welcomed by the prime minister of the United earth federation and what looked to me black Limousine that looked to be bulletproof as I waited for the others we started to go into the car the prime minister began to slowly sigh then took a deep breath
Welcome to new founded Australia 5 rank general mei elfrei and commanding general Emily elfrei I had received your letter by the way Emily we have a project in the works that is a fusion of human and elf technology combined we also have sent under cover ghost spies to the enemies base located in new founded Queensland the prime minister said
Yes I have only briefed in little information so far that I am here before I have to go to old earth I said
Yes indeed we have made arrangements for you and your team to be taking a voyage to old earth and land in the the Untied Europe federation in the Country of United Kingdom you will be going to a the landing pad of intergalactic space craft located in London we should be at the military base in a couple of minutes the prime minister said
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