After I said something I proceeded to look out the window to see lots of clouds and rain hitting onto the long narrow road as the road it's self began to have a glow of the cars that were pasting by the sound of music playing through the car it's self
Hey ray ?, I said
Yeah what's up Emily ?, ray said.
Uh just thinking out loud what are we gonna do after this war is over and we find some treaty of peace between the elf's humans and the enemy alien race I said
Don't know really i may go back to my homeland in Poland and start my life Over again what about you Emily ray said
as he was focus on keeping his eyes on the road as there was a small amount of silence that filled for a few moments then I proceeded to say something
Go back to my home country and see my mom and my father before I have to go on a long adventure to the elf federation space planet colony called Osiris Kepler B1-01 I Said
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