Yes it was probably not important anyway so come on Evelyn and giriya let's go home the helicopter is waiting for us so it can take off I said
Yes coming Evelyn said
I'm on my way wait up for me why don't you giriya said
As we began to go onto the helicopter as it began to slowly take off as a feeling began to make feel like we were being watched by someone or something as the feel began to fade away
- mean while in the ruins base-
The computer screen began to turn on as there was cracks on the surface of the clear glass screen
You can't make the past go away we will find you elf's and terminate you and the humans permanently you can bet that for sure ??? Said
Sergeant rzi do we initiate protocol 09776 we can kill that helicopter flying away the other unknown solider said
No we will make our appearance soon very very soon for now we fall back for the time being rzi said
As you wish my lord the unknown solider said as they began to fade into the darkness
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