As the car began to start to lift its self up as the sound of music began to fill the car as it began to bounce around as the car began to drive past as i began to see building that slowly to past by as the sun began to beam onto the glass windows as it began to make a bright white light as it began to blind me for a few seconds
As the sound of wind could be heard as I saw that it had started to rain as small rain drops began to fall onto the sidewalks and the road as small puddles began to form as I saw people beginning to run to near by shelter
As I saw the rain drops start to splash against the. Tinted car window as the metal grey body of the car as it had rain drops on it as the rain drops had began to
Fall off the car as the windshields wipers began to move from left to right as the rain drops that falling from the sky as it began to rush past the car
Huh i didn't expect it to rain mark said
Yeah the weather report did say it was gonna be sunny Hannah said
well let me see what my halo screen phone says I said
As I began to pull out my halo screen phone and then proceeded to look at the weather report
J-mobile📶 UWLTE10. 3:30pm
Sérrtzan d'llééi Town of province
40 degrees
Raining until 10am Sunday November 22nd 7033
No new messages
Unlock. Phone
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