As I began to wait in the waiting room as the robots began to walk past the narrow hallway as I slowly started to hear someone call my name
I began to see that mark has arrived at the hospital as he began to have a concerned look on his face he then proceeded to look at me as he waited for me to tell him what is going on
So Emily where is Evelyn mark said
She's in hallway Orsanr room 0778 go to the robot nurse Settrena alright that's all I know good luck man I said
Yeah I'm gonna need it he said
As mark began to walk down the narrow hallway as I began to start to relax and got myself situated and comfortable as I began to look at my halo screen phone as I slowly noticed I had a call from someone in the Elf colonies territories
J-wireless. LTE. 7:56pm
Incoming call from
Sertna colonies of planetary colonies of elf province
+6900 07768-906511-51632-0000-7555-515
General mei elfre Ann #0776
Private Caller ID phone number
(Answer) (Deny)
Wait why is mei calling me from I have not heard of this colony of the elf's before I said
As I began to slowly answer the call as I began to slowly walk toward earth Evelyn and mark as I was talking to mei
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