As I slowly started to feel the cold air coming from the window near by as it had been covered by a lot of snow as the snow kept on piling up as I slowly started to feel shivers down my entire body and even down my spine I slowly started to get up as my vision was a bit blurry I slowly started to grab my blanket near by me and the. Covered myself around it as i began to feel warm as my vision became more clear I slowly saw people wearing heavy winter clothing and I saw that near by buildings and halo screen signs that had snow on them as car began to drive past the snow on the road and side walks as well as I began to get ready as I started to put on my dark blue winter jacket and then put on a red beanie and then red scarf as I slowly saw that misa had came to room with a big smile on her face
Mommy: can we go outside to play In the snow please she said as I began to pat her head
Yes we can I said back as I finished getting ready for the day as I slowly put my silver golden hair in twin tails the. Began to braid them
I slow got up and then grabbed my sled and began to go to misa as we began to walk to the big hill park near by as I could start to see my breath could be seen as it made a small mist as it began to disappear slowly
As I began to keep on walking as we slowly made it to the park as I began to grab my sled and then put it down on the snowy ground and then pushed myself as i began to feel it moving fast as i began to scream in excitement as I kept on going down the hill as snow began to push itself past me as I began to Maneuver left to right as I could feel the sled begin to spin around uncontrollably as I started to get dizzy really fast that the sled began to make a sudden stop as I went flying off it for a quick second then I felt cold as I saw that small amount of snow managed to get into my hair and in my gloves as well as I began to take them off then shake out
The snow
As I began to get up the long hill as I started to run up when my breath began to get more heavy than before as I could see misa had just gotten down the hill as I was getting back up after many hours of having fun we decided to head back as I began to call an taxi
J-Wireless WiFi LTE 📶 10G📶 9:59am
+6881 5-556-6166-6716-6
As the taxi began to drive to the parking lot as we began to put our sleds in the back when the taxi driver began to speak in my native language which shocked me for a sec as misa began to wonder what I'm saying to the taxi driver and I explained my daughter doesn't know Ysendal dialect yet I'm still teacher her
As he began to laugh as the car kept on driving for hours on end as we began to reach my apartment as the taxi driver began to stop softly as the car began to lower its self to the ground as the car doors began to open upward and I began to pay the taxi driver and then thanked him as I picked up misa and then walked to our apartment as I began to look through my bag for the apartment keys as the sound of other objects began to make sounds as I found what I was looking for and then opens the door to see exerillia began to hug me as she was happy to see me as I began to take off my boots that were covered in snow and put them outside to dry as I began to feel sleepy I began to change into warm clothing then put my self back in bed and began to sleep
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