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Zombie love: Isara and Jessica

This is a roleplay between myself and a dear friend of mine. I hope you enjoy it, we are still working on it. Inspired by high school of the dead. Co author is Edward_roleplay

Chapter 1 - The beginning

Isara's hand's wraps around the metal of the fire escape as he recalled the fight he had gotten in with his father the night before, if that wasn't the worst part, the words his ex-girlfriend said to him, the day they broke up kept echoing through his mind. "Look I don't think things are going to work out in the long run and I do like you Isara, I just don't love you. Besides I was happier without you trying to make me have any kind of connection be it with someone yours friend's with or think I would be good with. Worst of all I now know I shouldn't of ever agreed to date you, so have a nice life Isara." As his hands release from the fire escape, he let's out a sigh and run's his hands through his silver hair, as he watches out by the front gate of the school, muttering to himself. "Fucking hell it's been two months and I still can't get her words out of my fucking head, I guess she really broke more inside me then she will ever know." Just as he finished his word's he'd catch sight of three teachers gathering outside as a man approaches the gate. As the guy runs into the gate repeatedly one of the teachers approach, and start to speak to the man, only to suddenly grab him by the collar and pull him into the gate. It was then suddenly that Isara noticed the men suddenly sink his teeth into the teachers arm causing him to release the man and pull his arm back.

As Isara watches this suddenly the teacher drops to the ground motionless, which causes one of the female teachers to approach, she seams to be saying something, but he can't seam to make out what she's saying. Suddenly the male teacher that fell over dead sits up and rips a chunk of flesh from the female's neck. It was at this moment that Isara took off running into the building heading for his class, so he could warn everyone and get Jessica to safety. As he reaches the classroom he rips the door open, and bursts inside announcing as he walks up to Jessica. "We need to go now, so fucked up shit went down outside. Teachers were killing each other outside, so let's fucking go, anyone else who want to come with me is welcome, so let's go Jess." Jessica looked up at him from her note book annoyed and pissed off that he came barging into the class, after skipping class, with a vain attempt in her eyes to try and get her back. Which only caused her to stand up in anger and yell. " What the actual fuck Isara?! If you think I'm going anywhere with you, then you are even more fucked up. So tell me what the hell are you on and do you even hear yourself?" At her word's all he could do was slap her across the face, before saying as he grabbed her wrist. "I know I fucking sound nut's but I saw fucking teachers killing each other outside, so don't fucking give me shit right now all i'm worried about is getting you safe, even if you broke my heart."

Just then before she could respond another student stood up and spoke. "You not joking are you Isara, well in that case let's fucking go then." It was then that he started dragging her by the wrist, just as the principle came over the intercom. "Student's listen to your teacher's were going to be going to be evacuating shortly, so please maintain order while we do so." Jessica sat there her free hand on her cheek tears welling from her eye's from the stinging of the slap. As she started to speak she was soon cut off by the intercom. As they head down the hallways, she soon said in anger. "Did you just fucking slap me?" Just as he was about to speak, she once again cut him off saying. "We don't need to wait to be evacuated, because I drove today. I can even drop you both off at home before going to my place." Now she knew her parents were out of town for the next three weeks, which she wasn't going to tell them. Now Isara knew better then to just go right to the parking lot, because after all that's where all the shit started, so as he lead them to the stairs he quickly spoke, while continuing to walk. "Listen Jess, I think we should hit the roof and get a vantage point of everything going down, before we go outside." Just then Isara was stopped by his other companion, who spoke. "I think we should arm ourselves before we continue, if thing's are really as bad as you say they are, don't you Jessica?" Jessica knew Isara had a good point, but still being cold towards him all the while inside wanting to feel his arms wrapped around her one more time. She spoke with a bratty tone, "What if we get stuck on the roof dummy?" The worst part of all of this was the fact that she ached for the taste of him lips on hers. However as their other companion spoke she snapped out of her little day dream, saying as she thought hard. "Arm ourselves how? You know that weapons allowed on the premises. However if we go down to the gym there are bats, bow's and arrows, clubs, and even spears we could use. However if we go up to the roof like Isara said we can get a vantage point and find something to use as weapons on the way." Now she thought she made sense to them, but in her mind it didn't make any sense at all, when they could of just made a run for her jeep.

Just then as they were thinking about which of the two choices would best work for them, another student came upon them, and suddenly grabbed there companion, and tore a chunk out of his throat, causing blood to squirt out of his neck coating the hallways in blood. As this happened Isara would grab up Jessica in his arms, holding her like a bride, and begin to run up the stairs. All the while Jessica was screaming into his chest while also being filled with his scent, as tears rolled down from her eye's. The moment he bursts out onto the roof, he sets her down and slams the door shut grabbing whatever he could to barricade the door. It was then that he turned to Jessica and spoke, as he walked over and hugged her. "Don't worry the door should keep them from getting to us up here, but i have no clue how long were going to be stuck up here, at least were not alone and got each other.

Jessica just sobbed for a moment how could any of this happen. That dude the one that was going to join Isara and her was dead gone now. She didn't even know the dudes name. She didn't even remember half of her classmates names. She had always been a loner ever since this move to the new town and new school ten months ago she had decided that she was done making connections, done being friends with others. That was till she met Isara a boy who crashed his way into her heart. As much as she hated to admit it she actually loved him. Jessica could hear the screams of so many familiar strangers in the air. She was honestly in shock from it all. She felt his arms around her once again but it was just a hug and words she barely heard over her own pounding heart. "Isara why" she whispered hoarsely " Why save me and not your friends?" she asked her voice cracking as she started to cry again. She felt so weak all of a sudden as if he had just found out her deepest darkest secret and had abandoned her because of it. Which was her biggest fear and the reason she broke up with him two months ago almost to the day.

He'd tilt her head up so she was looking into his eye's before saying softly to her. "Yes you destroyed my heart the day you broke up with me, but I couldn't see anything happen to you, because I still love you with all my heart." As he finishes his word's he softly presses his lips to hers. Jessica didn't even have time to responded to his words before his lips were on hers. Lips she had been longing for were now pressed against hers filling her senses with his taste and touch once again. She shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around him in an embrace as she kissed him back her lips working against his hard and lustfully, full of need. She broke the kiss in a pant trying to glare at him " Dont do that we need to focus on getting out of here first then we can " she stopped herself " We need to get our selves out of trouble before We see if we cant save some of your friends and get you to safety before I leave" she said trying to be hard once again. Something she noticed quickly was that there wasnt any banging coming from the door which was odd to say the least. He could tell she was trying so hard to make herself sound cold, and worst of all make it seam like she didn't have feelings for him, so with anger in his voice he spoke, as he pushes her against the wall softly. "Jessica there is no hiding how you feel from me, that kiss told me all to well how you feel about me. As for finding others and leaving me, i agree that we need to find others, but your not leaving me, after all the world is going to hell and i'm not going to lose you again, do you understand me?" Jessica would look at him with anger in her eyes she was practically shaking with how pissed off she was in that moment " No I dont fucking understand you isara " she spat at him feeling the rough bricks of the wall scrapping against her back back and her bare thighs she was in a skirt after all. " You cant make me stay with you.... now lets fucking work on getting out of this situation, were alive right now for a reason. " she stated He'd release her and walk away, before stopping and turning around where he spoke to her angerly. "Well I think our best bet might be to wait her till morning, after all by then anyone that's still alive would of made it out and most of those who are infected would of moved on, and we won't have to deal with being over run. So why don't you calm the fuck down and actually relax for right now, in several hours I will go see if I can get us some food, and hell if I don't come back it won't mater because you don't have feelings for me." Jessica sighed pulling herself from the wall " Isara you know that isn't true I just... you wouldn't understand, Im better off alone" she stated " Dont go off alone trying to get us food I have a few snacks in my bag like always " she stated Looking around the roof for things they could use. Thats when she noticed the supply shed at the far end that faced the parking lot where student cars were. "How about we see if there is anything in that shed we can use?" she asked him. " After all that might be a good enough spot to spend the night in? your idea of waiting it out the night actually is logical... my only plan was to make a run for my jeep but now I think if we have the right amount of things we could possibly get to my jeep from up here" she said shrugging off her designer backpack and tossing it to him " Snacks are in the little pouch like always" she said taking a few steps towards the shed that looked a bit to daunting, after everything that had happened in the past hour.

He'd sigh at her words before saying as he grabbed her bag and fallowed behind. "Yeah running to your jeep would of ended badly, and if we can't find anything to sleep on or cover up with. You can have my jacket and rest your head on my lap, like you would do when ever we went out on dates..." He'd pause for a moment before sighing and asking. "Jessica do you ever think about us, and maybe ever think about getting back together?" She half ass ignored his reply to her words as she walked slowly to the shed honestly expecting something to jump out at her as she opened its doors revealing some rakes, shovels, a wheel barrel, and a very very long ladder, as well as a few other things. She visibly relaxed at the sight of what was inside. " Okay I think we can make this work" she said pulling out her phone from her pocket and turning on the flash light for a moment to see everything in the shed before realizing her phone had absolutely no bars. She tried to make a call to 911 knowing it wouldn't go threw. All she received was a message saying " Im sorry your call can not be completed as dialed please hang up and try your call again" She sighed and hung up looking back at Isara " Towers must be down" she said then tried to send a text sending one to him with a simple word " sorry" there was an instant red exclamation point next to the message reading "undelivered" She looked up at him his words just now clicking with her mind. she sighed looking sad all of the sudden " Isara, there is so much you dont know about me... if things were different yeah we could of gotten back together but I just... there is so much I dont tell others because Im scared of how you would take it or that you would reject me so maybe now that the world is shit Maybe we can but not right now" she said " Is your phone working? mine isnt" she said changing the subject.

He'd walk over to her and sigh softly as he softly stroked her cheek, before saying as he lifted her chin. "You never gave me the chance to even find out Jess, did you ever think that I would of accepted you, and that's because I loved you, and still love you. Now as for my phone no i'm not getting any service, but with how things look i have access to the net, which is kind of good because I need something to get my mind off of this entire chaos, so if I walk away form you don't come looking for me i'm more than likely jerking off." She would laugh a little at his words " Because if I gave you the chance then if you did reject me I would need to move far far away " she said "Oh your really going to go jerk off during the end of the fucking world?" she asked " perking up at the thought of the net still working she could possibly get them some serious help if she could just make it to her penthouse and alone away from him for a few hours to do a show. " What do you watch anyway? some porn?" she asked getting a feel for what he liked. He'd sigh at her question before saying in an angry tone, as he dropped her bag. "What I watch doesn't fucking matter, after all your not dating me, so it's not like you need to know the type of things i'm into. As for jerking off during the end of the fucking world yeah I am going to jerk off because I need to clear my head so we don't end up dead." She rolled her eyes at him what he said actually did hurt " Then go fucking jerk off then " she said picking up her bag and going into the shed only to slam the door shut plunging her self into darkness for a bit. She waited till she heard his footsteps retreating from her location before she opened the door a crack so that it wasn't completely dark. God why was she such a bitch to him recently they had, had a loving relationship before she broke everything off.