Chereads / Zombie love: Isara and Jessica / Chapter 7 - ITTYBITTYTIDDY


Jessica squirmed a little on the bed feeling his cum dripping from her pussy as well as dripping down her body. " Isara" she said " Un cuff me so I can wipe up this mess and then you need to deal with the hoes at the door.. Im going to call ITTYBITTY back" she said Isara would raise an eyebrow before saying to her as he climbed back on top of her. "No that's not going to happen my dear, and yes well will call ITTYBITTYTIDDY back, just so I can watch her cream over watching me fuck you more." At that he'd load up his skype channel and wait for a message from, ITTYBITTYTIDDY. Jessica rolled her eyes as he tried to call ITTYBITTYTIDDY on skype " Isara uncuff me or your going to be really fucking sorry" she warned. He'd smirk at her before saying as he looked into her eye's. "Really so what will you do if I don't uncuff you my sweet." She smirked " Oh your just not going to like the outcome love" she said with a grin. He'd smirk at her before scratching his head, as he spoke softly. "You know I could always just leave you tied up?" She laughed ' You know I can always fuck you up when i get loose" she warned He'd smirk at her words, before saying as he looked into her eye's while his hand went up to her throat. "You mean if you ever get loose my beloved, after all I don't have to release you. Plus I do enjoy seeing you tied down, plus your word's aren't that frightening." She laughed a little ' They are going to be real frightening when your the one tied up and I ask our viewers just what I should do to you for not untieing me when I asked to be untied" she said sticking her tongue out. As she heard a bleep on the skype call letting the know ITTYBITTYTIDDY had picked up the call. Isara would look over at the call, and see a purple haired girl with glasses, and say as he moved from being on top of Jessica. "Hey ITTYBITTYTIDDY, Dragoness here is telling me to untie her, and threatening if I don't, I want to know what you think I should do untie her, or do whatever you ask me to do to her." Jessica squirmed as Isara turned his back to her to address ITTYBITTYTIDDY. Alexia (ITTYBITTYTIDDY) smiled at him " Oh I do enjoy seeing Dragoness tied up and all but Im curious how you would react if the roles where reversed" she said with a little demonic giggle. Jessica had been squirming behind him for effect in all reality the fuzzy cuffs he had put on her where red fuzzy ones with a clasp that would allow for the person trapped to let themselves out.

Alexia the purple haired girl with glasses just laughed as Dragoness reached on the other side of the bed pulling out actual hand cuffs and pinned Isara down cuffing his hands together before using a few restraints that had been hidden under the pillows to tie him down. Jessica smirked at him all tied up to the bed frame now " You were saying love?" He'd smirk at her, before saying softly to her as he looked at ITTYBITTYTIDDY. "Your enjoying this aren't you, well guess what, when you arrive i'm going to have a little private time with you, and your going to beg me to let this minx here into the bedroom. Further more you Jessica remember this and remember it well. What goes around comes around." Jessica laughed a little at him " Oh love" she said looming over him her hips angled over his cock as her face slipped down to his giving him a quick nuzzle on the cheek. " Love you should of thought about that before you refused to let me up... now before I was simply going to just cuddle up to you and fallow your every order now.... well lets just say Im going to leave your fate up to ITTYBITTYTIDDY or the cam show " she grinned lowering her hips on his cock slowly so that he could feel the warmth of her cunt but not enter her before she pulled her hips up and instead sat on his legs looking over to the skype camera. " Oh your actually super sexy" she said to Ittybiddytiddy. " Whats your name sexy?" she asked Isara just smirked at her, before saying as he looked her in the eye's. "Oh your so in deep shit when I get free, trust me my love." It was then that ITTYBITTYTIDDY, spoke laughing a little bit before saying. "My real name is Alexia Haden, and thank you, but your so much sexier then I am. Hell just seeing you naked makes me wet, as for the whole bit you just said to him. I say you do this between just the three of us so he can also watch me finger myself to his woman, knowing he can't have me because all I want is you sexy." Jessica smiled " Oh you dont like being teased my love?" she asked him turning to Alexia " Its nice to meet you alexia " she said softly " My names Jessica and this is Isara my boyfriend the end kinda brought us back together " she explained and giggled at her words of only wanting her. " Oh you will most definietly want Isara once you meet him in person " she said " So what do you think I should do to him?" she asked Alexia. Alexia laughed and said " Why dont you leave him hickies all over his body and then show me you playing with a pussy" she said

Jessica grinned and moved from the bed kneeling under it to pull out her box of 'boy' toys She looked at Isara smirking " Oh love I also have a box full of boy toys so I think thats what your going to get pleasure from " she teased Looking to the camera seeing Alexia start to undress. She groaned " God I never thought I would be turned on by another girl before" she said while opening up the chest of toys. She pulled out a few things she thought Isara would enjoy. A pocket pussy and a vibrating mouth toy that Jessica could put lube inside of to lube up his cock. She looked to Isara " Look baby, your going to love what Im going to do to you..." she said softly Jessica started to tease Isara a little by giving him kisses all over his body stopping at times to watch Alexia. He'd smirk at her before saying as he bit his lip. "I bet my dear, but I bet your going to enjoy it more, just remember no removing that plug that's in your ass my dear." She laughed a little looking up at him from her position near his cock where she was putting another hicky " Oh not even to let your cock inside?' she asked before lowering her lips to his thigh again and kissing the spot before sucking hard on it giving a rough bite here and there to leave her mark her hand working grabbing the pocket mouth as she filled it up with some lube that would heat up and cool. She smirked looking to Isara as she slowly lowered it down onto his cock making sure the mouth went all the way from his tip to base a few times to fully coat him in the lube. She repeated the process a few more times before he got his answer out. He'd smirk at her as he saw her leave another one of her love bites on his body before he spoke. "No not even so you can take my cock inside your ass my love, because I want to be the one in control when that day comes." She rolled her eyes " Fine " she said " Your no fun " she teased him turning her attention to Alexis as she grabbed the pocket pussy and started to finger it for Alexis to see. She groaned watching alexis play with herself while Seeing Jessica play with the little toy. She smirked looking over to her love who was now squirming on the bed. She discarded the pocket pussy and leaned up kissing him on the lips " You ready for your treat love?" she asked running the toy up and down his cock a few more times while waiting for him to respond. He'd raise an eyebrow before saying as his cock throbbed and ached for the warmth of her cunt. "Only if your ready for a second load to be dumped deep inside your womb my love." He'd then turn his attention to Alexia before saying into the camera. "Oh and the same goes for you, sense you helped put her up to this, because i'm going to fill that pussy full of my cum even if Jessica get's angry with me." Jessica moaned at his words " Oh love its gong to be more then the second load in fact I plan on going till your fully satisfied tonight my love " she said and grinned " Oh I give you permission to impregnate Alexia if she allows it after all shes sexy as hell" she said to him kissing him hard on the lips. He'd smirk at her word's before saying as he turned and looked her in the eye's. "So then your fine with me making Alexia my side girl, as long as your my main girl, and the three of us every now and then have sex together?" He'd then smirk at the camera before saying to Alexia. "I hope your fine with that sexy, after all I plan to make it so you crave my cock, just as much as you wish you could have my girls cunt." Jessica would laugh a little " Well I mean we would both more then likely be your main girl and why just every now and again?" she asked teasing his cock with her entrance " After all Im sure it woud be hot as hell for you to watch us dominate eachother for you and maybe dominate you" she teased " Cause you seemed to like this alot more then your letting on my love" she said sinking down on his length with a loud moan. He'd let out a low moan, before saying softly as he looked into her eye's. "How about you untie me and see what comes from it. As for letting you two dominate me, I'd rather be in control lets just say this right here is a one time thing understand?" " Hmm I understand but I dont think, Im going to untie you unless you promise to never tie me up again then not untie me when im ready" she said lifting her hips almost all the way off his cock before punging them back down again and repeating the motion till he spoke. He'd smirk at her before saying as he looked her in the eye's, while he lifted his hips up so she was now just slightly hovering above the bed. "I promise I will never tie you up and not let you loose when your ready, however I do promise that if I do decide to keep you tied up it's for a good reason, and you will enjoy every last second of it." She moaned as he lifted his hips so that she was elevated off the bed with him deep inside of her. " Ah fine, but what do you say Alexis should I let him up?' she asked her. Alexis smirked " Yeah I guess " she said Jessica smirked at her love as she started to bounce up and down on his cock hard for a while as she kissed him. She didnt let up on her movements on his cock till he came deep inside of her again this time she kept her hips planted to his till every last drop of his cum was deep inside of her. She had came a few times as she rode him. She was panting a bit as she moved so that she could untie him pulling her hips away from his as she got up to undo his legs his cum dripping from her pusy. She didnt give him time to get up instead she slipped back ontop of him giving a little whimper as his cock entered her already dripping pussy She kissed him hard on the lips before she started to bounce again fully ready for him to flip them around and him to just finish ravishing her till he was full sated. after all this was her new life, surviving and this, pleasing him.