Chereads / The magical adventures of Galaxio / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7:Burning evolution

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7:Burning evolution

Galaxia:Guys,you ok in here?Oh,would you look at that.Flame is sound asleep.And Thunder....

Thunder:What?I'm just eating a slice of pizza.Oh right about Flame....when the gates closed,he started to blink multiple times and fainted.When I stood up,picked him up and put him on the couch,I realized he just fell asleep.

Galaxio:Why though?

Leavio:He didn't seem fine at all last night.

Wind:Well,apparently,last night....he was awake all night.Before I slept,I realized....he wasn't asleep.He was just facing sideways to look like he was sleeping.And he was making pretend sounds.

Stone:Wind looked worried,so I checked on Flame.The moment I saw his face,he immediately closed his eyes.

Light:And the fact that he had no eyebugs at all this morning creeped me out a bit.

Darkness:Oh,right....I took away his eyebugs.I did him a favor and made him look not sleepy at all.

Liquid:Really darkness?REALLY?Not the best thing you could do for us,y'know.

Darkness:I know,and I'm sorry.

Galaxia:Anyways,we should just give Flame a break.

Galaxio:You're absolutely right sis but.....why wasn't he able to sleep last night?

Liquid:Jackpot.That's the main question.

Iceo:Maybe it was because of the discipline thing?

Galaxio:I think.

Thunder:He was murmuring weird words last night,by the way.

Iceo:Why though?

Leavio:No idea.

Wind:Well I think the cause was the place he explored back in Paris.

Stone:I agree.

Light:But....who could have done this?No place on earth can cast such a horrifying spell just yet.

Darkness:That means....were not alone in this planet.

Liquid:That other space mortal can't be from Azgarian though.Were kinda the only space mortals in Azgarian who can cast spells.

Galaxio:What if....its one of us?

Galaxia:Little bro,no accusing just yet,ok?We all know that everyone here has no grudge against each other.

Wind:Its true.

Liquid:Although,we might not be sure about that.

Thunder:I agree.We can't really be sure just yet if we don't have any evidence just yet.

Stone:Guys!What if the enemy is just making us fight and split up?

Galaxia:You're absolutely right Stone.We can't break apart or else we'll be even easier to defeat.

Darkness:That kinda makes sense.

Light:I'm pretty sure Darkness can make it out alone though.His chest kinda eats anything....

Galaxia:Thats true.Anyways,will Flame wake up?

Thunder:I think he will.

Galaxio:Lets just observe him for a few days and stop exploring for now.


A whole week has passed and Flame still hasn't woken up yet.

Galaxia:Guys,its been a week since he slept.He still hasn't woken up.I'm starting to get really worried.

Thunder:He's still breathing,but no signs of snoring.

Galaxio:I think he's having an Azgarian lucid nightmare....

Wind:I don't think such a disease would get to earth just yet.

Stone:Wind,thats not a disease.Its a very strong spell that affects the victim 5-6 hours before the spell was casted.

Leavio:Its very hard to cast.

Iceo:Plus,you can only use one per month!Or sometimes,per year!

Light:Why would anyone do this....

Darkness:I feel so bad for Flame even though sometimes I really just don't care what happens.

Thunder:I'm feeling the same thing darkness is feeling for Flame....

Galaxio:What do we do?Its like losing a brother for all of us.

Liquid:We gotta find the one who did this.

Galaxia:Its extremely hard.You expect 10 space mortals to find one enemy space mortal in all 7.8 billion humans?

Thunder:That indeed is a noble job for 10 space mortals who sometimes doesn't even know the basic things humans use in their daily life.

Galaxio:That makes sense.

Iceo:We can't just let whoever did this get away with what he/she did though.

Flame suddenly wakes up.



Flame:I'm fine,but my head hurts real bad.

Flame's burning head becomes blue.

Galaxio:He wasn't cast a spell on,his powers were evolving!


Stone:I guess we didn't have anything to worry about after all!

Iceo:I feel like I might melt completely pretty soon.

Liquid:Let me see what happens if I turn my head back to normal.

Liquid turns his head back to normal and puts it near Flame's head.It starts boiling.


Light:I was starting to get worried.

Darkness:I guess he's good now.

Flame:Ok,I feel better now.

Galaxia:Great!I think we should just take another day off then let's get back to exploring.

Galaxio:Deal.I think he should be find the day after tomorrow.

Stone:Ok,so our next destination is....the pacific ocean?


(Go read the next chapter for more!)
