Iceo:I think I can go there.I mean,I don't mind seeing how cold the ice is in this planet.
Liquid:Good idea.But the problem is,you will have to go there all by yourself.
Galaxia:That's true.No one else can go except for you.So you will have to go there by yourself.Better grab what you need now.
Galaxio:We'll be outside waiting.
Thunder:Good luck.
The rest of the group exits the ship and Iceo starts grabbing all the food he can take.
Galaxia:Do you think he'll be fine?
Galaxio:He'll be fine.I mean,his element is ice after all.
Flame:Don't be so sure.Just because his element is ice doesn't mean he's made of ice.
Galaxia:Don't worry,he'll be just fine.I think.
Thunder:Are you sure?
Wind:I'm done computing.He either gonna die or live.Its 50/50.
Stone:He's Iceo!How can he die from his own element?
Light:The ice at our planet doesn't melt even when you land it on the sun and he's always near our ice so I'm sure he'll make it.
Darkness:Its true.All elements with temperatures either have seriously have high or low temperatures in our planet.
Galaxia:Guess he'll be fine then.He just needs to stock up enough food and water and he might just come back alive.
Galaxio:You guys sure?
Flame:Very sure.
Thunder:Alright,time for bed.
Everyone goes to bed and Iceo leaves the ship at exactly 3:00 a.m. in the morning.The rest of the group wakes up and cleans the whole ship.After cleaning,they decide to talk about what might happen to Iceo.
Galaxia:So,what do you guys think will happen?
Galaxio:I think he'll be just fine.
Flame:Pretty sure before he even gets to the very ocean he's already been killed by an avalanche on his way there.
Thunder:Not a very good first impression,Flame.
Liquid:Anyways,he controls ice.What could possibly go wrong?
Wind:Wait,where is the arctic ocean even located?
Galaxia:Let's see.Stone,can we see the map?
Stone pulls out the map and looks at the location.Wind gets near Stone and looks at the map.
Wind:Thats pretty far....Are you sure this is the 2nd location,Galaxia?
Galaxio:I'm also starting to wonder.Like,there are 10 other locations on the map.And there's not even a number near the location to organize the trip to all these places!
Galaxia:Well,I'm pretty sure that the Arctic ocean was the right place to head to.
Flame:You can't always be sure.I mean,look at that.There are other locations scattered all over the map,and there aren't even numbers beside each location just like Galaxio said and you're already sure that that's the right place?
Thunder:Makes sense.
Galaxia:Well,all that we can do for now is wait for the results.
Light:That's true.No one else can really catch up to Iceo.
Darkness:Well,while were waiting,we should go ahead and see where were going to head to next.
Meanwhile,Iceo is just on his way to the arctic ocean.
Iceo:This place isn't even close to a bit cold.Its like a thousand times colder back home.Anyways,I'd better stop eating my food.I'm running out of it and my water has run out....
Iceo arrives at the ocean.
Iceo:So what do I do now?Oh wait....something is glowing beneath these waters.If only Liquid was here....Oh well.Time to swim then.
Iceo takes off his top and dives into the freezing waters of the arctic ocean.He arrives at the bottom and sees a glowing crystal there.He grabs it and returns to the surface.He dries himself for a while and wears his top again.He then travels back to the island.Iceo arrived at 9:00 p.m. in the night.He comes in the ship and carefully goes past his sleeping relatives to the bathroom to do his neccesities.After that,he goes straight to bed.He leaves the crystal next to Galaxia.
The following day....
Galaxia wakes up early,takes the crystal and prepares breakfast.Everyone else wakes up and eats their breakfast.After that,they head to the Great wall of China.
Galaxia:So....this is the place right?
Galaxio:Yep.Pretty sure it is.
Flame:Anyways,this huge wall reminds me of the high as hell diamond walls we had back in Azgarian.
Thunder:Really tall wall,I can say.
Wind:I bet the wind up there is refreshing.
Stone:This wall is made purely of stone.Fascinating....
Liquid:This looks weird,and it doesn't even have water!
Light:Liquid,not everything has to have water.
Darkness:Light is right,Liquid.
Galaxia:Alright,keep it down.Time to start the find.I'm pretty sure the clue here has to be related to what Iceo found in the arctic.
(Go read the next chapter for more!)